1 This software and database is being provided to you, the LICENSEE, by 2 Princeton University under the following license. By obtaining, using 3 and/or copying this software and database, you agree that you have 4 read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions.: 5 6 Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and 7 database and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or 8 royalty is hereby granted, provided that you agree to comply with 9 the following copyright notice and statements, including the disclaimer, 10 and that the same appear on ALL copies of the software, database and 11 documentation, including modifications that you make for internal 12 use or for distribution. 13 14 WordNet 1.5 Copyright 1995 by Princeton University. All rights reseved. 15 16 THIS SOFTWARE AND DATABASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND PRINCETON 17 UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR 18 IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PRINCETON 19 UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- 20 ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE 21 OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, DATABASE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT 22 INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR 23 OTHER RIGHTS. 24 25 The name of Princeton University or Princeton may not be used in 26 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software 28 and/or database. Title to copyright in this software, database and 29 any associated documentation shall at all times remain with 30 Princeton Univerisy and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. adj.all adj.pert adv.all noun.Tops noun.act noun.animal noun.artifact noun.attribute noun.body noun.cognition noun.communication noun.event noun.feeling noun.food noun.group noun.location noun.motive noun.object noun.person noun.phenomenon noun.plant noun.possession noun.process noun.quantity noun.relation noun.shape noun.state noun.substance noun.time verb.body verb.change verb.cognition verb.communication verb.competition verb.consumption verb.contact verb.creation verb.emotion verb.motion verb.perception verb.possession verb.social verb.stative verb.weather adj.ppl 00002403 02 r 05 scarcely 0 scarce 0 hardly 0 barely 0 hardly_at_all 0 000 | "We could barely hear the speaker" 00002517 02 r 05 basically 0 fundamentally 0 essentially 1 in_essence 0 au_fond 0 003 \ 00670612 a 0301 \ 01431436 a 0203 \ 00671019 a 0101 | "He is basically dishonest" 00002689 02 r 01 pointedly 0 001 \ 01594214 a 0104 | "He pointedly criticised the committee" 00002785 02 r 02 negatively 0 in_a_negative_way 0 001 \ 01389806 a 0101 | "He was negatively affected" 00002890 02 r 02 kindly 0 with_kindness 0 002 \ 01045234 a 0101 ! 00002994 r 0101 | "He acted kindly" 00002994 02 r 02 unkindly 0 without_kindness 0 002 ! 00002890 r 0101 \ 01046330 a 0101 | "The teacher treats the children unkindly" 00003128 02 r 04 merely 0 simply 0 just 0 only 2 001 \ 00831360 a 0101 | "I was merely asking" 00003225 02 r 02 simply 2 plainly 4 000 | "we are simply broke" 00003291 02 r 02 simply 1 plainly 1 002 \ 01414710 a 0202 \ 01414710 a 0103 | "dressed plainly" 00003389 02 r 01 arguably 0 001 \ 00447891 a 0101 | "She is arguably the best" 00003470 02 r 01 unabashedly 0 001 \ 00126919 a 0101 | "Unabashedly, he asked for more" 00003560 02 r 01 automatically 0 001 \ 01912869 a 0101 | "He answered automatically" 00003647 02 r 01 alarmingly 0 001 \ 00155067 a 0101 | "It grew alarmingly fast" 00003729 02 r 02 vastly 0 grossly 0 001 \ 01057231 a 0102 | "He had vastly overestimated his resources" 00003835 02 r 03 largely 0 mostly 0 for_the_most_part 1 001 \ 01186636 a 0201 | "These accounts are largely inactive" 00003955 02 r 0c greatly 1 largely 1 considerably 0 appreciably 0 substantially 0 very_much 0 far 2 to_a_considerable_degree 0 way 0 significantly 0 in_a_major_way 0 right_smart 0 003 \ 00464144 a 0502 \ 00463580 a 0401 \ 00463218 a 0301 | "he improved greatly"; "the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on" (regional: S and Midland) 00004305 02 r 02 smartly 0 modishly 0 002 \ 00725679 a 0204 \ 00727805 a 0102 | "He was smartly dressed" 00004412 02 r 07 approximately 0 about 0 some 0 roughly 0 more_or_less 0 around 3 or_so 0 000 | "I have roughly $3,000" 00004534 02 r 09 perfectly 0 plumb 1 completely 1 entirely 0 totally 0 utterly 0 dead 0 altogether 2 absolutely 0 005 \ 01155170 a 060d \ 00006779 a 0501 \ 00380053 a 0402 \ 00383433 a 0301 \ 01155170 a 0106 | "She is perfectly right"; "It was plumb important" 00004797 02 r 03 perfectly 1 beautifully 1 in_a_perfect_way 0 001 \ 01338923 a 0101 | "She did it perfectly" 00004908 02 r 03 wholly 1 clear 0 flat 4 001 \ 00379233 a 0101 | "He is flat broke" 00004994 02 r 03 fully 0 well 5 full 1 001 \ 00379750 a 0101 | completely; "He didn't fully understand" 00005100 02 r 04 solely 0 only 1 alone 0 exclusively 0 000 | "He works for Mr. Smith exclusively" 00005200 02 r 01 only 0 000 | with nevertheless the final result; "He arrived only to find his wife dead"; "We won only to lose again in the next round" 00005355 02 r 01 only 4 000 | in the final outcome: "These news will only make you more upset" 00005452 02 r 01 only 5 000 | as recently as; "I spoke to him only an hour ago" 00005534 02 r 03 good 0 well 0 in_a_good_manner 0 002 ! 00006122 r 0201 \ 00854032 a 0101 | " He writes well"; "I can walk real good" (informal) 00005681 02 r 07 satisfactorily 0 okay 0 O.K. 0 all_right 2 alright 2 well 2 in_a_satisfactory_manner 0 002 \ 01595212 a 0101 ! 00005853 r 0101 | "The meeting went well" 00005853 02 r 02 unsatisfactorily 0 in_an_unsatisfactory_manner 0 002 ! 00005681 r 0101 \ 01596512 a 0101 | "He performed unsatisfactorily as a manager" 00006008 02 r 03 comfortably 1 prosperously 0 well 9 002 \ 01550578 a 0203 \ 01550578 a 0101 | "They live well" 00006122 02 r 03 badly 0 poorly 0 ill 0 003 \ 01784618 a 0202 \ 00855807 a 0101 ! 00005534 r 0102 | "He was badly prepared" 00006248 02 r 01 worse 0 001 \ 00855807 a 0101 | "He did worse on the second exam" 00006333 02 r 02 even 0 e'en 0 000 | intensifier, as in "even Felix knew the answer"; "I don't even have a dollar!" "She laughed even as her husband lay dying" 00006496 02 r 06 nearly 0 virtually 2 almost 0 just_about 0 nigh 1 well-nigh 0 000 | "He nearly fainted"; "the already nigh obliterated records"; "Virtually all the parties signed the contract" 00006692 02 r 04 pretty 0 rather 0 quite 0 jolly 0 000 | intensifier, as in "pretty big" 00006783 02 r 02 rather 4 quite 2 000 | "I rather regret that I cannot attend" 00006864 02 r 05 always 0 ever 0 e'er 0 at_all_times 0 of_all_time 0 001 ! 00007402 r 0101 | "I will always be there to help you"; "He was the greatest con-man of all time" 00007039 02 r 03 kind_of 0 kinda 0 sort_of 0 000 | "He is kind of shy" 00007112 02 r 02 ways 0 n-ways 0 000 | n is between 2 and infinity; "They split the loot four ways" 00007214 02 r 0a occasionally 0 on_occasion 0 once_in_a_while 0 sometimes 0 sometime 1 now_and_then 0 a_few_times 0 now_and_again 0 at_times 0 from_time_to_time 0 001 \ 00802889 a 0101 00007402 02 r 03 never 0 ne'er 0 at_no_time 0 001 ! 00006864 r 0101 | "I will never marry you!" 00007500 02 r 04 equally 1 as 0 just_as 0 every_bit_as 0 001 \ 00662793 a 0101 | "They were equally beautiful" 00007613 02 r 01 long_ago 0 000 | "We met once long ago" 00007672 02 r 01 pretty_much 0 000 | "We were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger" 00007768 02 r 01 much 1 000 | degree adverb used before a noun phrase: "Much the same thing happened every time" 00007883 02 r 01 that_much 0 000 | to a certain degree: "We will be that much ahead of them" 00007978 02 r 01 paradoxically 0 001 \ 00702006 a 0101 | "Paradoxically, ice ages seem to occur when the sun gets hotter" 00008102 02 r 02 conventionally 0 in_a_conventional_manner 0 002 ! 00008342 r 0101 \ 00449592 a 0101 | "He usually behaves rather conventionally" 00008250 02 r 01 pictorially 0 001 \ 02077161 a 0101 | "Depth is established pictorially" 00008342 02 r 02 unconventionally 0 in_an_inconventional_manner 0 002 ! 00008102 r 0101 \ 00450430 a 0101 | "She always behaves rather unconventionally" 00008497 02 r 01 not_quite 0 000 | "He did not quite make it" 00008561 02 r 03 quite 1 really 0 exactly 3 000 | "Quite so!" "Quite the contrary!" 00008647 02 r 02 not 0 n't 0 000 | negation; "he does not speak French" 00008721 02 r 02 neither 0 not_either 0 000 | "Neither should he complain" 00008798 02 r 01 not_only 0 000 | "Not only was he poor,..." 00008861 02 r 05 nowhere 0 not_anywhere 0 in_no_place 0 at_no_place 0 to_no_place 0 000 | "I am going nowhere" 00008974 02 r 05 anywhere 0 in_any_place 0 anyplace 0 at_any_place 0 to_any_place 0 000 | "You can find this food anywhere" 00009100 02 r 02 bloody 0 damn 0 000 | intensifier: "You are bloody right" 00009177 02 r 05 somewhere 0 someplace 0 in_some_place 0 at_some_place 0 to_some_place 0 000 | "She must be somewhere" 00009298 02 r 05 everywhere 0 everyplace 0 in_every_place 0 all_over 0 far_and_wide 1 000 | "You find fast food stores everywhere" 00009431 02 r 04 somehow 0 in_some_way 0 in_some_manner 0 in_some_unspecified_way 0 000 | They managed somehow" 00009545 02 r 02 somehow 1 for_some_reason 0 000 | "Somehow, they didn't seem to match" 00009635 02 r 05 anyhow 0 in_any_case 0 as_it_is 0 at_any_rate 0 in_any_event 0 000 | "Anyhow, he is dead now" 00009748 02 r 02 anyhow 1 in_any_way_whatsoever 0 000 00009805 02 r 08 however 0 nevertheless 0 withal 1 still 4 all_the_same 0 even_so 0 nonetheless 0 notwithstanding 0 000 | "Nevertheless we agreed" 00009954 02 r 02 yet 0 still 2 000 | "Yet the murderer was a gifted painter" 00010033 02 r 02 yet 2 still 3 000 | "I have yet to see the results"; "Zimbabwe is yet a new country" 00010137 02 r 02 but 0 yet 1 000 | "He complained but they didn't serve him" 00010216 02 r 0b so_far 0 thus_far 0 up_to_now 0 hitherto 0 heretofore 0 as_yet 0 yet 4 til_now 0 until_now 0 up_to_this_point 0 up_to_the_present_time 0 000 | "So far he hasn't called" 00010404 02 r 02 farther 0 further 3 000 | temporal, spatial, or extended sense; "He went farther down the road" 00010520 02 r 01 still 1 001 ! 00010597 r 0101 | "It's still warm outside" 00010597 02 r 05 no_longer 0 no_more 1 any_more 0 any_longer 0 anymore 0 001 ! 00010520 r 0101 | "Alice doesn't live here anymore"; "She is no more" 00010748 02 r 01 already 0 001 ! 00010829 r 0101 | "She has already graduated" 00010829 02 r 01 not_yet 0 001 ! 00010748 r 0101 | "He hasn't arrived yet" 00010906 02 r 03 very 0 right 6 mighty 0 000 | intensifier, as in "She was very gifted"; "He played very well" 00011019 02 r 01 fucking 0 000 | intensifier, very colloquial; "What took you so fucking long?" 00011117 02 r 02 much 3 very 1 000 | "He was much annoyed" 00011178 02 r 04 henceforth 0 from_now_on 0 from_this_point_on 0 hereafter 2 000 | "Henceforth, she will be known as Mrs. Smith" 00011309 02 r 04 just 1 just_now 0 this_very_moment 0 this_instant 0 000 00011385 02 r 04 instantaneously 0 outright 2 instantly 2 in_a_flash 0 001 \ 00729856 a 0101 | "He was killed outright" 00011507 02 r 05 a_lot 0 a_great_deal 0 much 4 very_much 1 mightily 0 000 | "We enjoyed ourselves very much"; "This would help a great deal" 00011650 02 r 01 very_much 2 000 | "She was very much interested" 00011718 02 r 02 mildly 0 slightly 0 001 \ 01147333 a 0101 | "He was mildly interested" 00011808 02 r 06 a_little 0 a_trifle 0 a_bit 0 a_piece 0 to_a_small_degree 0 a_little_ways 0 000 | "It's a trifle smaller"; "It was just a piece up the road now"; "His mouth was a little ways open" 00012008 02 r 05 instantly 0 right_away 4 presto 0 immediately 2 forthwith 0 000 | "He'll be here instantly" 00012119 02 r 09 presently 1 momentarily 0 in_a_moment 0 anon 0 soon 0 shortly 0 before_long 0 in_a_while 0 in_a_short_while 0 000 | "She should arrive presently"; "See you anon!" 00012301 02 r 02 soonest 0 earliest 0 000 | "The soonest I can arrive is 3 P.M." 00012384 02 r 01 sportively 0 001 \ 02047867 a 0101 00012439 02 r 03 stormily 0 turbulently 1 passionately 1 001 \ 01334283 a 0101 00012521 02 r 07 frequently 0 often 0 oftentimes 0 oft 0 oft-times 0 many_times 0 a_thousand_times 1 003 ! 00012858 r 0201 ! 00265216 r 0101 \ 00802379 a 0101 | "We often met over a cup of coffee" 00012720 02 r 03 oftener 0 more_often 0 more_frequently 0 000 00012785 02 r 03 anon 1 then 3 at_another_time 0 000 | "ever and anon" 00012858 02 r 02 rarely 0 seldom 0 002 ! 00012521 r 0102 \ 00802980 a 0101 | "We rarely met" 00012953 02 r 01 significantly 1 001 \ 01657856 a 0101 | "He nodded significantly" 00013038 02 r 07 curiously 1 funnily 0 oddly 0 peculiarly 0 interestingly 0 oddly_enough 0 strangely_enough 0 004 \ 00724754 a 0403 \ 00360748 a 0301 \ 00724754 a 0202 \ 00724754 a 0101 | "Curiously, he didn't recognize his old friend" 00013276 02 r 02 strangely 0 in_a_strange_way 0 000 | "He was strangely silent" 00013358 02 r 08 reasonably 0 moderately 0 meaningly 0 within_reason 0 somewhat 0 fairly 2 middling 0 passably 0 004 \ 01164038 a 0201 ! 00013628 r 0202 \ 01164730 a 0103 ! 00013628 r 0101 | "He is fairly clever with computers"; "They lived comfortably within reason" 00013628 02 r 02 unreasonably 0 immoderately 2 004 ! 00013358 r 0202 \ 01165248 a 0201 ! 00013358 r 0101 \ 01165860 a 0105 | "His prices are unreasonably high" 00013790 02 r 06 somewhat 1 slightly 1 in_a_measure 0 to_some_extent 0 in_some_respects 0 to_some_degree 0 000 | "His arguments were somewhat self-contradictory" 00013954 02 r 01 movingly 0 001 \ 01191101 a 0101 | "She sang movingly" 00014028 02 r 03 extensively 1 to_a_great_extent 2 well 6 001 \ 00388910 a 0102 | "He is well known"; "The problem is well understood" 00014165 02 r 01 extensively 0 001 \ 00014288 a 0102 | "Oxidation ponds are extensively used for sewage treatment in the Midwest" 00014297 02 r 04 intrinsically 0 per_se 0 as_such 0 in_and_of_itself 0 001 \ 01025337 a 0101 | "This statement is interesting per se" 00014433 02 r 04 decidedly 0 unquestionably 1 emphatically 0 definitely 0 002 \ 01468444 a 0201 \ 00515157 a 0102 | "It was decidedly too expensive" 00014584 02 r 06 truly 0 really 3 real 0 indeed 0 in_truth 0 forsooth 0 001 \ 01862598 a 0101 | "She is truly gifted" 00014704 02 r 04 naturally 0 of_course 0 course 0 as_might_be_expected 0 001 ! 00014847 r 0101 | "Naturally, the lawyer sent us a huge bill" 00014847 02 r 01 unnaturally 3 001 ! 00014704 r 0101 | "The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people's own blindness" 00015064 02 r 03 clearly 0 plainly 0 plain 0 002 \ 01239287 a 0206 \ 01239287 a 0102 | "They were clearly lost"; "You are plain wrong" 00015201 02 r 04 obviously 0 evidently 0 manifestly 0 patently 0 004 \ 01239287 a 0405 \ 01239287 a 0304 \ 01239287 a 0203 \ 01239059 a 0101 | "It's obviously wrong" 00015369 02 r 05 apparently 0 seemingly 0 ostensibly 0 on_the_face_of_it 0 to_the_eye 0 003 \ 00848260 a 0301 \ 01432254 a 0203 \ 01432254 a 0101 00015518 02 r 05 again 0 once_again 0 once_more 0 over_again 0 another_time 0 000 | "She tried again" 00015622 02 r 04 besides 0 again 1 anyway 4 withal 0 000 | together with this; "Besides, there is another factor to consider" 00015750 02 r 04 by_chance 0 accidentally 0 circumstantially 1 unexpectedly 0 003 \ 00693427 a 0401 \ 01371153 a 0201 ! 00023300 r 0202 | "They met accidentally" 00015914 02 r 02 unexpectedly 1 out_of_the_blue 0 001 \ 00693427 a 0101 | "Her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue" 00016045 02 r 01 specifically 0 002 ! 00016171 r 0101 \ 00835218 a 0101 | "Specifically, he is interested in garter snakes" 00016171 02 r 02 generally 1 in_general 0 002 ! 00016045 r 0101 \ 00832793 a 0101 | "He is interested in snakes in general" 00016297 02 r 04 fortunately 0 fortuitously 0 luckily 0 as_luck_would_have_it 0 005 ! 00016744 r 0302 \ 01934019 a 0303 \ 00790252 a 0201 ! 00016744 r 0101 \ 00789683 a 0101 | "Fortunately the weather was good" 00016510 02 r 01 happily 0 002 ! 00016611 r 0101 \ 00790112 a 0102 | "Happily, he was not injured" 00016611 02 r 02 sadly 0 unhappily 1 002 ! 00016510 r 0101 \ 01037576 a 0101 | "Sadly, he died before he could see his grandchild" 00016744 02 r 03 unfortunately 0 unluckily 0 regrettably 0 004 ! 00016297 r 0203 \ 00792832 a 0204 ! 00016297 r 0101 \ 00791075 a 0101 | "Unfortunately it rained all day" 00016917 02 r 04 therefore 0 hence 0 thence 0 thus 0 000 | introduces as logical conclusion, as in "therefore we X must be true" 00017048 02 r 07 honestly 0 sincerely 4 truthfully 0 candidly 0 frankly 0 in_truth 1 to_be_honest 0 004 \ 00932137 a 0501 \ 00994752 a 0401 \ 01671165 a 0201 \ 01672111 a 0101 | "Honestly, I don't like broccoli" 00017262 02 r 03 directly 2 man-to-man 0 face-to-face 1 001 \ 00571177 a 0101 | "we must talk man-to-man" 00017370 02 r 03 else 0 otherwise 0 if_not 0 000 | "Buy this else you'll regret it" 00017456 02 r 02 otherwise 1 in_other_respects 0 000 | "He is otherwise normal" 00017538 02 r 02 otherwise 2 in_other_ways 0 000 | "The funds are not otherwise available" 00017631 02 r 02 else 1 different 1 000 | in a different manner or place or at a different time; "How else could I solve the problem?" 00017768 02 r 05 else 2 further 0 other 1 more 3 in_addition 1 000 | in an additional manner or place or at an additional time; "There's nothing more we can do" 00017931 02 r 03 additionally 0 in_addition 0 to_boot 0 001 \ 00039513 a 0101 | "He serves additionally as the CEO" 00018049 02 r 03 lest 0 so_that_not 0 for_fear_that 0 000 | "Don't do this lest you will be accused of negligence" 00018166 02 r 09 extremely 0 rattling 0 full 0 madly 0 insanely 2 deadly 0 deucedly 0 devilishly 2 deuced 0 001 \ 01149202 a 0101 | "She was madly in love"; "deadly dull"; "deadly earnest"; "deucedly clever"; "full well"; "a rattling good story" 00018415 02 r 02 inordinately 0 extraordinarily 0 002 \ 01165860 a 0202 \ 01165860 a 0103 | "She was inordinately smart"; "It will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate" 00018597 02 r 04 by_far 0 far_and_away 0 by_a_considerable_margin 0 head_and_shoulders 0 000 | "She was by far the smartest student" 00018732 02 r 04 excessively 3 overly 0 too 0 to_an_excessive_degree 0 001 \ 01165860 a 0101 | "too big" 00018839 02 r 05 too 1 also 0 likewise 1 so 4 as_well 1 000 | "He has a Mercedes, too" 00018928 02 r 05 ultimately 0 eventually 0 sooner_or_later 0 in_time 0 one_of_these_days 0 002 \ 01210109 a 0201 \ 00758457 a 0101 | "Eventually he will understand" 00019095 02 r 05 ultimately 1 finally 0 in_the_end 0 at_last 0 at_long_last 0 002 \ 01209948 a 0202 \ 00758457 a 0101 | "Ultimately he had to give in" 00019248 02 r 03 finally 2 eventually 3 at_length 1 000 | "At length they arrived" 00019333 02 r 06 presently 0 now 0 nowadays 0 at_present 0 today 1 at_the_present_time 0 001 \ 01323630 a 0101 | "They now live in Oregon" 00019474 02 r 04 terribly 0 awfully 0 awful 0 frightfully 0 000 | intensifier, as in "terribly interesting"; "I'm awful sorry" (informal) 00019615 02 r 06 terribly 1 atrociously 0 awfully 2 abominably 0 abysmally 0 rottenly 0 004 \ 00857956 a 0604 \ 00856651 a 0302 \ 00856651 a 0201 \ 00856651 a 0105 | "She sings terribly" 00019804 02 r 03 acceptably 0 tolerably 1 so-so 0 004 ! 00019963 r 0202 \ 01843197 a 0201 ! 00019963 r 0101 \ 00016685 a 0101 | "She plays tennis tolerably" 00019963 02 r 02 unacceptably 0 intolerably 0 004 ! 00019804 r 0202 \ 01843197 a 0201 ! 00019804 r 0101 \ 00016685 a 0101 | "The percentage of lead in our drinking water is unacceptably high" 00020157 02 r 01 abusively 0 001 \ 00885140 a 0101 | "He behaved abusively towards his children" 00020256 02 r 02 admiringly 0 with_admiration 0 000 | "He looked at his wife admiringly" 00020347 02 r 02 adoringly 0 with_adoration 0 001 \ 01110806 a 0101 | "He looked at his wife adoringly" 00020453 02 r 02 adroitly 0 with_adroitness 0 002 ! 00020579 r 0101 \ 00051445 a 0101 | "He handled the situation adroitly" 00020579 02 r 01 maladroitly 0 002 ! 00020453 r 0101 \ 00052426 a 0101 | "He dealt with the situation maladroitly" 00020696 02 r 03 dreadfully 0 awfully 1 horribly 0 003 \ 00155472 a 0304 \ 00155773 a 0201 \ 01375261 a 0101 | "There was a dreadfully bloody accident on the road this morning" 00020875 02 r 04 greatly 0 drastically 0 extremely 1 highly 0 002 \ 01764826 a 0201 \ 00922231 a 0101 | "greatly reduced" 00020999 02 r 05 at_all 0 in_the_least 0 the_least_bit 0 in_any_way 0 in_any_respect 0 000 | "Are you at all interested? No, not at all." 00021139 02 r 02 by_all_means 0 definitely 2 001 ! 00021234 r 0101 | "Visit us by all means" 00021234 02 r 04 by_no_means 0 on_no_account 0 in_no_way 0 not_by_any_means 0 001 ! 00021139 r 0101 | "By no means come!" 00021358 02 r 03 thoroughly 0 exhaustively 0 up_and_down 2 001 \ 00388910 a 0104 | "We searched the files thoroughly" 00021478 02 r 06 thoroughly 1 through 5 clean 2 sound 0 soundly 0 good 1 002 \ 01725748 a 0501 \ 00385759 a 0102 | "He was soundly defeated"; "We beat him good"; "She is sound asleep"; "I'm soaked through" 00021686 02 r 05 directly 1 flat 0 straight 4 right 9 flop 1 002 ! 00021860 r 0101 \ 00571177 a 0101 | "He didn't answer directly to the point"; "he fell flop on his face" 00021860 02 r 02 indirectly 0 obliquely 1 002 ! 00021686 r 0101 \ 00572355 a 0101 | "He answered indirectly" 00021971 02 r 01 much 0 000 | intensifier, as is "much better" 00022037 02 r 02 better 0 in_a_better_way 0 001 \ 00854032 a 0101 | "She had never sung better" 00022135 02 r 03 increasingly 0 progressively 1 more_and_more 0 002 \ 01433908 a 0201 \ 01434307 a 0102 | "She became increasingly depressed" 00022279 02 r 04 effectively 0 in_effect 0 for_all_intents_and_purposes 0 de_facto 0 001 \ 00520787 a 0102 | "She is effectively his wife" 00022420 02 r 05 previously 0 earlier 0 ere 0 before 3 prior 0 001 \ 00102861 a 0101 | "She had called previously" 00022537 02 r 01 reproducibly 0 001 \ 01428444 a 0101 00022594 02 r 02 close_to 0 almost 1 000 | "He's about 30 years old" 00022665 02 r 05 about 1 near 0 around 1 in_the_vicinity 0 nearby 0 000 | "She is always about" 00022763 02 r 03 about 2 in_the_opposite_direction 0 to_the_opposite_direction 0 000 | "about face" 00022865 02 r 06 later 1 latterly 0 afterwards 0 afterward 0 later_on 0 anon 2 001 \ 00099691 a 0101 | "The spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also" 00023035 02 r 04 abruptly 0 suddenly 0 short 4 dead 1 002 \ 00869288 a 0201 \ 00869429 a 0101 | "He stopped suddenly" 00023155 02 r 03 suddenly 2 all_of_a_sudden 1 of_a_sudden 0 000 | very quickly and unexpectedly; "suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her side" 00023300 02 r 07 intentionally 0 deliberately 0 designedly 0 on_purpose 0 purposely 0 advisedly 0 by_design 0 005 ! 00015750 r 0202 \ 01016975 a 0201 ! 00023542 r 0101 \ 01016975 a 0102 ! 00023542 r 0202 | "He used that word intentionally" 00023542 02 r 02 unintentionally 0 accidentally 2 004 ! 00023300 r 0202 \ 01017835 a 0201 ! 00023300 r 0101 \ 01018239 a 0102 | "She hit him unintentionally" 00023702 02 r 04 consequently 0 accordingly 0 so 1 ergo 0 001 \ 00099349 a 0101 | "Consequently, he didn't do it" 00023818 02 r 02 accordingly 1 in_accordance_with 0 000 | "She acted accordingly" 00023902 02 r 05 alternatively 0 as_an_alternative 0 instead 0 rather 3 or_else 1 001 \ 00417874 a 0101 | in place of, or as an alternative to; "Felix became a herpetologist instead"; "Alternatively, we could buy a used car" 00024129 02 r 05 let_alone 0 even_less 0 not_to_mention 0 not_to_speak_of 0 to_say_nothing_of 0 000 | "She can't boil potatoes, let aloneg cook a meal" 00024283 02 r 03 a_fortiori 0 with_greater_reason 0 with_more_reason 0 000 00024361 02 r 05 altogether 0 everything_included 0 all_told 0 including_everything 0 in_all 0 000 | "Altogether he earns close to a million dollars" 00024513 02 r 01 anatomically 0 001 \ 02096230 a 0102 | "anatomically correct" 00024594 02 r 01 blindly 1 001 \ 01655899 a 0101 | "They bought the car blindly" 00024677 02 r 01 chronologically 0 001 \ 02129865 a 0101 | "He is chronologically older" 00024768 02 r 01 clinically 0 001 \ 02089559 a 0101 | "She is clinically depressed" 00024854 02 r 03 punctually 0 duly 0 at_the_proper_time 0 002 \ 00692997 a 0201 \ 01454044 a 0101 | "She was duly apprised of the raise" 00024993 02 r 01 mathematically 0 001 \ 02119472 a 0101 | "mathematically impossible" 00025081 02 r 04 meanwhile 0 in_the_meantime 0 meantime 0 during_the_intervening_time 0 000 | "Meanwhile I will not think about the problem" 00025224 02 r 02 meanwhile 1 at_the_same_time 0 000 | at the same time but in another place: "meanwhile, back at the ranch..." 00025353 02 r 02 twice 0 two_times 0 000 | "I called her twice" 00025419 02 r 03 loudly 0 loud 0 with_high_volume 0 002 \ 01104336 a 0101 ! 00025534 r 0101 | "She spoke loudly" 00025534 02 r 03 softly 0 quietly 0 with_low_volume 0 002 \ 01105828 a 0101 ! 00025419 r 0101 | "He spoke softly" 00025650 02 r 03 lengthily 0 at_great_length 0 at_length 0 001 \ 01094615 a 0102 | "She talked to me lengthily about the problem" 00025782 02 r 03 last 0 most_recently 0 most_lately 0 000 | "I saw him last in London" 00025871 02 r 04 last 1 lastly 0 in_conclusion 0 finally 3 001 \ 00756901 a 0101 | "Last, I'll discuss family values" 00025991 02 r 02 last_but_not_least 0 last_not_least 0 000 | "Last not least he plays the saxophone" 00026094 02 r 04 absently 0 abstractedly 0 inattentively 0 absentmindedly 0 004 \ 00134976 a 0402 \ 00134740 a 0301 \ 00134976 a 0203 \ 00134976 a 0101 | "he read the letter absently" 00026280 02 r 01 accusingly 0 001 \ 00688647 a 0103 | "He looked at her accusingly" 00026366 02 r 03 affectingly 0 poignantly 0 touchingly 0 003 \ 01191391 a 0303 \ 01191391 a 0202 \ 01191391 a 0101 | "She spoke poignantly" 00026508 02 r 05 ahead 0 along 3 in_front 0 at_the_front 0 in_a_forward_direction 0 000 | "He is way ahead" 00026618 02 r 03 ahead 3 in_front 1 in_the_lead 0 000 | ahead of the other participants or players, in a competition 00026737 02 r 03 down 1 along 4 right_along 1 000 | in the direction of: "He hit the ball down the line" 00026844 02 r 02 down 2 towards_the_South 0 000 | away from a more northerly place: "They came down for the wedding" 00026963 02 r 04 ahead 1 in_advance 0 before 0 afore 0 000 | "We like to plan ahead" 00027050 02 r 08 ahead 2 onwards 0 forwards 0 forrader 0 further_ahead 0 on 0 along 1 further 1 001 ! 00029998 r 0301 | "Go ahead" 00027183 02 r 02 alike 1 in_a_like_manner 0 000 | "They walk alike" 00027253 02 r 02 alike 0 likewise 8 000 | "Parents and teachers alike demanded reforms" 00027343 02 r 04 aloud 0 in_a_normal_voice 0 with_the_speaking_voice 0 not_whispering 0 000 | "He read the letter out loud" 00027469 02 r 04 loudly 1 aloud 1 out_loud 0 in_a_loud_voice 0 001 \ 01104336 a 0101 | as opposed to quietly or to oneself; "He laughed aloud" 00027614 02 r 01 analogously 0 001 \ 01588625 a 0101 | "Analogously, we have a variable" 00027705 02 r 0a randomly 0 indiscriminately 0 haphazardly 0 willy-nilly 0 arbitrarily 0 at_random 0 every_which_way 1 any_which_way 1 here-and_there 0 in_any_way_whatsoever 1 003 \ 01474565 a 0302 \ 00578534 a 0201 \ 00578845 a 0101 | "The houses were randomly scattered" 00027980 02 r 02 around 0 in_circumference 0 000 | "the trunk is ten feet around" 00028064 02 r 03 around 5 all_the_way_around 0 all_around 0 000 | from an unspecified place all the way to a destination: "He came all the way around the base" 00028226 02 r 03 round 0 around 2 throughout 1 000 | "It rains all year round on Skye" 00028315 02 r 04 around 4 from_place_to_place 0 here_and_there 0 in_several_places 0 000 | "He traveled around in Asia" 00028437 02 r 03 aside 0 to_the_side 0 toward_the_side 0 000 | "Step aside" 00028515 02 r 04 aside 1 out_of_the_way 0 away 3 out_of_mind 0 000 | "Brush the objections aside" 00028615 02 r 05 aside 2 apart 0 by 3 on_one_side 0 set_to_one_side 0 000 | "She put her sewing by when he entered" 00028733 02 r 04 aside 3 by 1 in_reserve 0 away 2 000 | "Put aside some money" 00028814 02 r 01 asymptotically 0 001 \ 02113478 a 0101 | "It grew asymptotically" 00028899 02 r 03 urgently 0 badly 1 desperately 0 001 \ 00534870 a 0108 | "I want it badly" 00028993 02 r 02 scantily 0 barely 1 001 \ 00086317 a 0102 | "barely decorated" 00029075 02 r 03 just 2 barely 2 immediately 1 000 | "The cookie jar was just out of reach of the baby" 00029181 02 r 05 chiefly 0 principally 0 primarily 1 mainly 0 in_the_main 1 003 \ 01416604 a 0301 \ 00970737 a 0204 \ 00970737 a 0101 | "He is mainly interested in butterflies" 00029360 02 r 05 back 0 to_the_rear 0 towards_the_rear 0 towards_the_back 0 away_from_the_front 0 000 | "He moved back" 00029482 02 r 04 back 1 ago 0 in_the_past 0 into_the_past 0 000 | "Sixty years ago my grandfather came to the U.S." 00029600 02 r 03 backward 2 toward_the_past 0 back 7 002 ! 00029884 r 0301 ! 00029884 r 0102 | "Don't think back" 00029716 02 r 07 rearward 0 rearwards 0 toward_the_rear 0 backward 3 at_the_rear 0 near_the_rear 0 rearwardly 0 000 | "She looked rearward out the window of the car" 00029884 02 r 03 ahead 6 forward 2 toward_the_future 0 002 ! 00029600 r 0201 ! 00029600 r 0103 | "Think ahead!" 00029998 02 r 05 backwards 0 backward 0 back 2 aback 0 in_a_reclining_position 0 002 ! 00030531 r 0201 ! 00027050 r 0103 | "Lean back" 00030135 02 r 01 aback 1 001 ! 00030227 r 0101 | having the wind against the forward side 00030227 02 r 01 abaft 0 001 ! 00030135 r 0101 | with the wind abaft 00030298 02 r 01 abeam 0 000 | at right angles to the length and opposite the center of a ship or airplane 00030407 02 r 05 backward 1 back 8 fro 0 in_the_reverse_direction 0 in_the_opposite_direction 1 000 | "He faced backward" 00030531 02 r 05 forward 0 forrad 0 forrard 0 toward_the_front 0 fore 0 001 ! 00029998 r 0102 | "He faced forward" 00030648 02 r 05 back_and_forth 0 backward_and_forward 0 up_and_down 0 to_and_fro 0 from_one_place_to_another 0 000 | "He traveled back and forth between Los Angeles and New York" 00030830 02 r 01 up_and_down 1 000 | "He walked up and down the locker room" 00030909 02 r 02 back 4 to_the_place_of_origin 0 000 | "She went back to her parents' house" 00031004 02 r 02 back 5 to_the_original_state 0 000 | "He went back to sleep" 00031084 02 r 03 back 6 in_return 0 in_reply 0 000 | "He wrote back three days later" 00031172 02 r 01 araully 0 001 \ 01989917 a 0101 | "The performance was aurally spell-binding" 00031269 02 r 01 axially 0 001 \ 01993111 a 0101 | "The jet was directed axially towards the cathode" 00031373 02 r 01 brazenly 0 001 \ 00126303 a 0106 | "He spoke brazenly" 00031447 02 r 01 brilliantly 0 001 \ 01014574 a 0102 | "He solved the problem brilliantly" 00031540 02 r 02 brilliantly 1 brightly 0 002 \ 00219316 a 0201 \ 00221034 a 0101 | "The stars shone brilliantly" 00031656 02 r 03 centrally 0 in_the_center 0 near_the_center 0 000 | "The theater is centrally located" 00031762 02 r 01 commercially 0 001 \ 00355608 a 0101 | "The product is commercially available" 00031860 02 r 04 dearly 0 dear 0 highly 4 at_great_cost 0 001 \ 00697147 a 0103 | "He paid dearly for the food"; "This cost him dear" 00031996 02 r 03 dearly 1 affectionately 0 dear 1 002 \ 01110948 a 0201 \ 01109046 a 0103 | "He treats her affectionately" 00032121 02 r 02 dearly 2 in_a_heartfelt_way 0 001 \ 01671627 a 0101 | "I would dearly love to know" 00032224 02 r 01 conversely 0 000 | "conversely, not all women are mothers" 00032302 02 r 01 covertly 0 002 ! 00032395 r 0101 \ 01303487 a 0101 | "He did it covertly" 00032395 02 r 01 overtly 0 002 ! 00032302 r 0101 \ 01302950 a 0101 | "He did it overtly" 00032486 02 r 01 microscopically 0 001 \ 01114790 a 0101 00032546 02 r 04 partly 0 partially 0 part 0 in_part 0 002 \ 00386964 a 0201 ! 00032671 r 0101 | "He was partly paralyzed" 00032671 02 r 04 wholly 0 completely 0 all 0 altogether 4 003 \ 01339424 a 0201 \ 00379233 a 0101 ! 00032546 r 0101 | "He was wholly convinced" 00032817 02 r 01 half 0 000 | "He was half hidden by the bushes" 00032884 02 r 05 undoubtedly 0 doubtless 0 beyond_question 0 without_doubt 0 beyond_any_doubt 0 001 \ 01469216 a 0103 | "It's undoubtedly very beautiful" 00033040 02 r 01 potentially 0 001 \ 00036893 a 0101 | "He is potentially dangerous" 00033127 02 r 01 statistically 0 001 \ 02104025 a 0101 | "This is statistically impossible" 00033221 02 r 01 thermodynamically 0 001 \ 02101737 a 0101 | "This phenomenon is thermodynamically impossible" 00033334 02 r 03 tonight 0 this_evening 0 this_night 0 000 | "Drop by tonight" 00033415 02 r 02 actively 0 in_an_active_manner 0 002 ! 00033547 r 0101 \ 00033728 a 0101 | "He participated actively in the war" 00033547 02 r 02 passively 0 in_a_passive_manner 0 002 ! 00033415 r 0101 \ 00033225 a 0101 | "He listened passively" 00033666 02 r 02 below 0 at_a_later_place 0 001 ! 00033748 r 0101 | "see below" 00033748 02 r 03 above 0 supra 0 at_an_earlier_place 0 001 ! 00033666 r 0101 | "see above" 00033841 02 r 04 below 1 at_a_lower_place 0 to_a_lower_place 1 beneath 0 001 ! 00033939 r 0101 00033939 02 r 04 above 1 higher_up 0 in_a_higher_place 0 to_a_higher_place 0 001 ! 00033841 r 0101 00034041 02 r 04 besides 1 moreover 0 what_is_more 0 furthermore 0 000 | "Besides, we can't afford it" 00034146 02 r 04 besides 2 in_the_bargain 0 into_the_bargain 0 in_excess 0 000 | "He lost his wife in the bargain" 00034263 02 r 05 contemptuously 0 disdainfully 0 scornfully 0 contumeliously 0 showing_contempt 0 004 \ 01530774 a 0401 \ 01530681 a 0304 \ 01530681 a 0202 \ 01530681 a 0101 | "She spoke of him contemptuously" 00034475 02 r 04 crazily 0 dementedly 0 madly 1 insanely 1 004 \ 01590229 a 0401 \ 01591084 a 0306 \ 01591084 a 0203 \ 01591084 a 0102 | "He acts crazily when he is off the drugs" 00034657 02 r 02 comically 0 funny 0 001 \ 00962086 a 0102 | "She acted comically" 00034742 02 r 03 daily 0 every_day 0 each_day 0 000 | "He stops by daily" 00034818 02 r 04 hebdomadally 0 weekly 0 every_week 0 each_week 0 001 \ 02031059 a 0101 | "She visited her aunt weekly" 00034940 02 r 03 monthly 0 every_month 0 each_month 0 000 | "We get paid monthly" 00035024 02 r 04 annually 0 yearly 0 every_year 0 each_year 0 001 \ 01978160 a 0101 | "They travel to China annually" 00035144 02 r 03 curiously 0 inquisitively 0 interrogatively 0 002 \ 00494731 a 0201 \ 00494483 a 0101 | "The baby looked around curiously" 00035286 02 r 03 deceptively 0 deceivingly 0 misleadingly 0 002 \ 00933133 a 0304 \ 01483326 a 0101 | "The exam looked deceptively easy" 00035425 02 r 04 beyond 0 yonder 1 on_the_far_side 0 farther 1 000 | "Look beyond" 00035510 02 r 03 dizzily 0 giddily 0 light-headedly 0 002 \ 01932340 a 0202 \ 01932340 a 0101 | "He walked around dizzily" 00035635 02 r 06 doubly 0 double 0 twice 1 twice_as 0 to_a_double_degree 0 to_twice_the_degree 0 001 \ 01685551 a 0102 | "She was doubly rewarded"; "His eyes were double bright" 00035815 02 r 01 singly 0 002 \ 01683174 a 0101 ! 00035913 r 0101 | "They were arranged singly" 00035913 02 r 01 multiply 0 002 ! 00035815 r 0101 \ 01684491 a 0101 | "They were multiply checked for errors" 00036025 02 r 03 doubly 1 in_two_ways 0 in_a_twofold_manner 0 000 | "He was doubly wrong" 00036117 02 r 03 empirically 0 through_empirical_observation 0 by_trial_and_error 0 002 \ 00642028 a 0101 ! 00100702 r 0101 | "This can be empirically tested" 00036278 02 r 04 tolerably 0 enough 1 to_a_tolerable_degree 0 to_an_adequate_degree 0 001 \ 01843197 a 0101 | "She did it well enough" 00036415 02 r 05 particularly 0 especially 0 specially 0 extra 0 in_particular 0 001 \ 00359117 a 0201 | "He was particularly fussy about spelling" 00036565 02 r 03 elaborately 0 intricately 0 in_an_elaborate_way 0 002 \ 01669441 a 0203 \ 01369357 a 0101 | "It was elaborately spelled out" 00036709 02 r 02 or_else 0 if_not_then 0 000 | "Leave or else I get angry" 00036786 02 r 03 elsewhere 0 in_another_place 0 to_another_place 0 000 | "He moved elsewhere" 00036882 02 r 03 experimentally 0 by_experimentation 0 through_an_experiment 0 001 \ 00642749 a 0101 | "This can be experimentally determined" 00037027 02 r 03 expressly 0 for_the_express_purpose 0 with_specific_intentions 0 000 | "She needs the money expressly for her patients" 00037166 02 r 02 expressly 1 explicitly 1 002 \ 00702436 a 0201 \ 00702961 a 0101 | "He stated expressly that the needed the money by tomorrow" 00037312 02 r 04 facetiously 0 jokingly 1 tongue-in-cheek 0 not_seriously 0 002 \ 00963220 a 0205 \ 00961786 a 0102 | "I meant it facetiously" 00037457 02 r 06 quickly 0 rapidly 0 speedily 0 fast 0 chop-chop 0 apace 0 003 \ 00730240 a 0303 \ 00730240 a 0202 \ 00730240 a 0101 | "He works quickly" 00037613 02 r 03 quicker 0 more_quickly 0 faster 1 000 00037671 02 r 02 slower 0 more_slowly 0 000 00037718 02 r 03 quickest 0 most_quickly 0 fastest 0 000 00037778 02 r 02 slowest 0 most_slowly 0 000 00037826 02 r 02 permissibly 0 allowably 0 003 \ 01346910 a 0201 ! 00037930 r 0101 \ 01346712 a 0101 00037930 02 r 01 impermissibly 0 002 ! 00037826 r 0101 \ 01347117 a 0101 | "The radon level in the basement was impermissibly high" 00038064 02 r 03 flatly 0 categorically 0 unconditionally 0 003 \ 00410917 a 0301 \ 01465263 a 0202 \ 01465263 a 0103 | "He flatly denied the charges" 00038217 02 r 08 everlastingly 0 eternally 0 forever 0 evermore 0 without_end 0 ad_infinitum 0 forever_and_ever 0 for_a_limitless_time 0 002 \ 01342768 a 0201 \ 01342768 a 0102 | "I will forever love you" 00038424 02 r 04 permanently 0 forever 1 for_good 0 in_perpetuity 0 002 \ 01342309 a 0101 ! 00038565 r 0101 | "He is permanently disabled" 00038565 02 r 04 temporarily 0 transitorily 0 ad_interim 0 for_a_brief_duration 0 003 \ 01343446 a 0205 \ 01343101 a 0102 ! 00038424 r 0101 | "He will work here temporarily" 00038741 02 r 04 ad_lib 0 ad_libitum 0 spontaneously 1 impromptu 0 000 | "He spoke ad lib" 00038834 02 r 03 provisionally 0 for_the_time_being 0 for_now 0 001 \ 00410620 a 0102 | "We'll have to live here provisionally" 00038964 02 r 03 continually 0 forever 3 at_all_times 2 001 \ 00439813 a 0101 | "He is forever cracking sick jokes" 00039082 02 r 03 forever 2 a_very_long_time 0 long 0 000 | "She took forever to write the paper" 00039181 02 r 02 highly 1 with_much_respect 0 000 | "He spoke highly of her" 00039260 02 r 02 highly 3 in_a_high_position 0 001 \ 00915675 a 0101 | "She was placed highly in her class" 00039370 02 r 01 magnetically 0 001 \ 00136956 a 0102 | "He was magnetically attracted to her" 00039467 02 r 01 marginally 0 001 \ 01137254 a 0102 | "marginally interesting" 00039548 02 r 01 linearly 1 002 \ 01080199 a 0101 ! 00039639 r 0101 | "It grew linearly" 00039639 02 r 01 geometrically 0 003 ! 00067112 r 0101 \ 02029939 a 0101 ! 00039548 r 0101 | "It grew geometrically" 00039758 02 r 03 perilously 0 hazardously 0 dangerously 0 003 \ 01577687 a 0301 \ 01578107 a 0205 \ 01579106 a 0102 | "He came dangerously close to falling off the ledge" 00039931 02 r 02 tiredly 0 wearily 0 002 \ 01841535 a 0202 \ 01841132 a 0101 | "He walked around tiredly" 00040039 02 r 01 vitally 0 001 \ 00671767 a 0101 | "This is vitally important 00040119 02 r 04 energetically 0 strenuously 0 hard 0 with_great_force 0 002 \ 00652487 a 0201 \ 00651412 a 0101 | "The team played hard" 00040259 02 r 05 sharp 0 all_the_way 1 clean 3 hard 1 to_the_full_extent_possible 0 000 | "hard left" 00040363 02 r 05 intently 0 hard 2 dingdong 0 earnestly 0 mightily 1 001 \ 00133879 a 0103 | "He thought hard about it"; "They fell to work dingdong"; "He strove mightily to achieve a better position in life" 00040574 02 r 04 slowly 0 reluctantly 0 with_difficulty 0 hard 3 002 \ 01946705 a 0203 \ 00730408 a 0101 | "Prejudices die hard" 00040705 02 r 05 severely 0 hard 4 causing_pain 0 causing_difficulty 0 causing_suffering 0 001 \ 00857461 a 0102 | "He took the rejection very hard"; "She was severely affected" 00040885 02 r 05 tightly 0 tight 0 firmly 1 hard 5 in_a_firm_manner 0 001 \ 01100281 a 0101 | "She pressed his hand hard"; "hold tight" 00041023 02 r 01 tightly 1 001 \ 01064069 a 0101 | "The window was tightly sealed" 00041108 02 r 03 briefly 0 momentarily 2 for_a_short_time 0 001 \ 01097831 a 0101 | "She visited him briefly"; "we paused momentarily before proceeding" 00041263 02 r 02 briefly 1 in_a_brief_way 0 001 \ 00402984 a 0101 | "She replied briefly" 00041355 02 r 04 briefly 2 in_brief 0 in_a_nutshell 0 in_short 0 000 | "Briefly, we have a problem" 00041457 02 r 02 conclusively 0 once_and_for_all 0 002 ! 00041590 r 0101 \ 00405343 a 0101 | "we settled the problem conclusively" 00041590 02 r 01 inconclusively 0 002 ! 00041457 r 0101 \ 00405758 a 0101 | "The meeting ended inconclusively" 00041703 02 r 03 deplorably 0 lamentably 0 woefully 0 003 \ 01041157 a 0303 \ 01040845 a 0201 \ 00857193 a 0101 | "It was woefully inadequate" 00041848 02 r 01 denominationally 0 001 \ 02021214 a 0101 | "denominationally diverse audiences" 00041947 02 r 01 cortically 0 001 \ 02139338 a 0101 | "cortically induced arousal" 00042032 02 r 01 focally 0 001 \ 00257385 a 0101 | "The submucosa was focally infiltrated" 00042125 02 r 01 hypothalamically 0 001 \ 02143819 a 0101 | "Hypothalamically controlled secretions" 00042228 02 r 01 intramuscularly 0 001 \ 02088469 a 0101 | "Administer the drug intramuscularly" 00042327 02 r 02 amusingly 0 divertingly 0 002 \ 01380059 a 0203 \ 01380059 a 0101 | "Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days" 00042507 02 r 05 downstairs 0 down_the_stairs 0 on_a_lower_floor 0 below 6 on_a_floor_below 0 001 ! 00042657 r 0101 | "The tenants live downstairs" 00042657 02 r 03 upstairs 0 up_the_stairs 0 on_a_higher_floor 0 001 ! 00042507 r 0101 | "They lived upstairs" 00042769 02 r 03 upstairs 1 in_the_head 0 in_the_mind 0 000 | "She's a bit weak upstairs" 00042861 02 r 02 upstream 0 at_the_higher_part_of_a_stream 0 001 ! 00042981 r 0101 | "The town lies further upstream" 00042981 02 r 02 downstream 0 at_a_lower_part_of_a_stream 0 001 ! 00042861 r 0101 | "The town lies further downstream" 00043102 02 r 03 upstream 1 against_the_current 0 opposite_to_the_flow_of_a_stream 0 000 | "He swam upstream" 00043214 02 r 02 currently 0 at_the_present_time 3 001 \ 00495671 a 0101 | "Currently they live in Connecticut" 00043328 02 r 02 downwind 0 with_the_wind 0 001 ! 00043419 r 0101 | "They flew downwind" 00043419 02 r 03 upwind 0 against_the_wind 0 into_the_wind 0 001 ! 00043328 r 0101 | "They flew upwind" 00043525 02 r 03 windward 0 downwind 1 away_from_the_wind 0 002 ! 00043658 r 0202 ! 00043658 r 0101 | "They were sailing windward" 00043658 02 r 03 leeward 0 upwind 1 towards_the_wind 0 002 ! 00043525 r 0202 ! 00043525 r 0101 | "The were sailing leeward" 00043784 02 r 06 down 0 downwards 0 downward 0 to_a_lower_level 0 lower 0 to_a_lower_position 0 002 ! 00043942 r 0202 ! 00043942 r 0101 | "Don't fall down" 00043942 02 r 03 up 0 upwards 0 upward 0 002 ! 00043784 r 0202 ! 00043784 r 0101 | spatially, temporally, or metaphorically up :"Look up!" "Let's move the date up"; "The music surged up" 00044131 02 r 01 downright 0 000 | intensifier, as in "He was outright dishonest" 00044215 02 r 03 outright 0 straightforwardly 0 without_reservations 1 000 | "She asked him outright for a divorce" 00044333 02 r 04 outright 1 right_on 0 without_limitations 0 without_encumbrance 0 000 | "buy outright" 00044439 02 r 02 home 0 from_one's_home 0 000 | "leave home" 00044502 02 r 02 home 1 at_home 0 000 | "He stays home on weekends" 00044572 02 r 01 at_home 1 000 | in sports: on the home team's field 00044643 02 r 02 rather 2 instead 1 000 | as a replacement or substitute; "He didn't call; rather, he wrote her a letter" 00044767 02 r 04 Insofar 0 in_so_far 0 to_that_extent 0 to_that_degree 0 000 | "Insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man" 00044928 02 r 02 more 0 to_a_greater_extent 1 001 ! 00045052 r 0101 | used to form comparatives, as in "more interesting" 00045052 02 r 02 less 0 to_a_lesser_extent 0 001 ! 00044928 r 0101 | "less interesting" 00045142 02 r 01 more 1 001 ! 00045236 r 0101 | comparative of much, as in "He worked more" 00045236 02 r 01 less 1 001 ! 00045142 r 0101 | comparative of little, as in "He works less" 00045331 02 r 04 early 0 ahead_of_time 0 sooner_than_expected 0 before_the_ususal_time 0 001 ! 00045543 r 0101 | "She graduated early" 00045468 02 r 02 early 2 betimes 0 000 | "He awoke betimes that morning" 00045543 02 r 05 late 0 belatedly 0 tardily 1 later_than_expected 0 later_than_usual 0 003 \ 01454539 a 0303 \ 01454539 a 0201 ! 00045331 r 0101 | "He graduated late" 00045712 02 r 03 early_on 0 early 1 during_an_early_stage 0 000 | "early on in her career" 00045805 02 r 02 either 0 likewise 2 000 | sentence modifier, as in "He isn't stupid, but he isn't exactly a genius either" 00045931 02 r 02 either 1 also_not 0 000 | "I don't know either" 00045998 02 r 02 for_that_matter 0 as_regards_that 0 000 | "For that matter I don't care either" 00046097 02 r 03 far 0 afar 1 a_great_distance 0 000 | "He traveled far" 00046172 02 r 02 far 1 remote_in_time 0 000 | "Far into the future" 00046242 02 r 02 far_and_wide 0 over_great_distances 0 000 | "He traveled far and wide" 00046332 02 r 01 widely 0 000 | "Her work is widely known" 00046393 02 r 02 further 2 to_a_greater_extent 0 000 | "He was further annoyed by a second disruption" 00046498 02 r 04 finely 0 fine 2 delicately 0 exquisitely 0 002 \ 00530189 a 0402 \ 00529806 a 0301 | "Finely shaped features"; "her fine drawn body" 00046650 02 r 01 finely 1 001 \ 00635993 a 0101 | "finely costumed actors" 00046727 02 r 06 first 0 firstly 0 foremost 1 first_of_all 0 first_off 0 before_anything_else 0 000 | "First we must consider the garter snake" 00046873 02 r 02 second 0 secondly 0 000 | "Second, we must consider the economy" 00046957 02 r 02 third 0 thirdly 0 000 | "Third we must consider unemployment" 00047038 02 r 02 from_first_to_the_last 0 throughout 0 000 00047100 02 r 04 initially 0 ab_initio 0 at_first 0 at_the_start 0 000 | "At first he didn't notice anything strange" 00047220 02 r 02 at_first_sight 0 at_first_glance 0 000 | "It was love at first sight" 00047309 02 r 03 at_first_blush 0 when_first_seen 0 as_a_first_impression 0 000 | "At first blush the offer seemed attractive" 00047438 02 r 02 first 2 for_the_first_time 0 000 | "When Felix first saw a garter snake" 00047530 02 r 05 and_so_forth 0 and_so_on 0 etcetera 0 etc. 0 continuing_in_the_same_way 0 000 00047628 02 r 02 forth 0 away 0 000 | away from a place, as in "go forth" 00047704 02 r 04 forth 1 forward 3 onward 0 thenceforth 0 000 | "from that time forth" 00047793 02 r 03 abroad 0 to_a_foreign_country 0 in_a_foreign_country 0 000 | "They had never travelled abroad" 00047907 02 r 05 at_heart 0 at_bottom 0 deep_down 0 inside 2 in_spite_of_appearance 0 000 | "She is very kind at heart" 00048029 02 r 02 at_large 0 in_a_broad_way 0 000 | "He talked at large about his plans" 00048119 02 r 04 at_least 0 at_the_least 0 no_less_than 0 no_fewer_than 0 003 ! 00048522 r 0303 ! 00048522 r 0202 ! 00048522 r 0101 | "Spend at least two hours studying the manual" 00048302 02 r 02 at_least 2 no_less 0 000 | no less, and possibly more so; "The tumor is at least as big as an orange" 00048423 02 r 02 no_more 0 not_any_more 0 000 | referring to a quantity; "I have no more money!" 00048522 02 r 03 at_most 0 at_the_most 0 no_more_than 0 003 ! 00048119 r 0303 ! 00048119 r 0202 ! 00048119 r 0101 | "Spend at most $20 on the lunch" 00048673 02 r 08 anyhow 2 anyway 3 whatever_else_one_may_say 0 at_least 1 leastways 0 leastwise 0 at_any_rate 1 in_any_case 1 000 | "At least he survived" 00048830 02 r 04 at_leisure 0 in_an_unhurried_way 0 at_one's_convenience 0 leisurely 0 001 \ 00966006 a 0403 | "Read the manual at your leisure" 00048977 02 r 0a immediately 0 straightaway 0 straight_away 0 directly 7 right_away 0 right 8 at_once 0 right_then 0 right_now 0 now 1 001 \ 00575930 a 0101 | "Come here right away!"; "Directly, they were attacked" 00049194 02 r 04 promptly 0 pronto 0 pat 0 without_delay 0 001 \ 01454223 a 0102 | "He did his homework promptly" 00049310 02 r 02 promptly 1 right_away 3 000 | "He promptly forgot the address"; usually modifies an undesirable action or event 00049441 02 r 03 promptly 2 quickly 2 quick 0 002 \ 01480198 a 0202 \ 01480198 a 0101 | "The rescue squad arrived promptly"; "Come here, quick!" 00049588 02 r 03 at_best 0 under_the_best_of_conditions 0 at_the_best 0 001 ! 00049722 r 0101 | "At best we'll lose only the money" 00049722 02 r 03 at_worst 0 under_the_worst_of_conditions 0 at_the_worst 0 001 ! 00049588 r 0101 | "At worst we'll go to jail" 00049851 02 r 04 frantically 0 demoniacally 0 frenetically 0 in_an_uncontrolled_manner 1 003 \ 00071868 a 0302 \ 00071226 a 0202 \ 00071868 a 0101 | "They searched frantically for their child" 00050046 02 r 01 furtively 0 001 \ 01602958 a 0101 | "The soldiers were furtively crawling through the night" 00050158 02 r 03 temporarily 1 not_permanently 0 for_a_limited_time_only 0 001 \ 01343101 a 0102 | "He was brought out of retirement temporarily" 00050306 02 r 07 unanimously 0 without_dissent 0 in_unison 1 in_complete_agreement 0 nem_con 0 nemine_contradicente 0 with_unanimity 0 001 \ 00407056 a 0104 | of one mind; "The Senate unanimously approved the bill"; "We voted unanimusly" 00050546 02 r 02 equally 0 in_a_balanced_way 0 001 \ 00662793 a 0101 | "deal equally with rich and poor" 00050653 02 r 02 responsibly 0 in_a_responsible_manner 0 002 \ 01531347 a 0101 ! 00050780 r 0101 | "We must act responsibly" 00050780 02 r 03 irresponsibly 0 in_an_irresponsible_manner 0 without_showing_responsibility 0 002 \ 01532519 a 0101 ! 00050653 r 0101 | "He acted irresponsibly" 00050944 02 r 04 fairly 0 fair 0 without_favoring_one_party 0 evenhandedly 0 001 \ 00716617 a 0101 | "Deal fairly with one another" 00051078 02 r 05 normally 0 usually 0 unremarkably 0 commonly 0 ordinarily 0 005 \ 01279373 a 0501 \ 00358291 a 0401 ! 00051357 r 0302 \ 01280315 a 0306 \ 00359612 a 0201 | "Usually she was late" 00051276 02 r 02 as_usual 0 as_was_common 0 000 | "As usual, she arrived late" 00051357 02 r 04 unusually 0 remarkably 0 oustandingly 0 unco 0 003 ! 00051078 r 0203 \ 01282531 a 0201 \ 01794493 a 0101 | "She was unusually tall" 00051508 02 r 06 recently 0 latterly 1 lately 0 of_late 0 in_the_recent_past 0 in_recent_times 0 001 \ 00610062 a 0101 | "Lately the rules have been enforced" 00051669 02 r 02 erratically 0 unpredictably 0 002 \ 01406885 a 0201 \ 00268089 a 0101 | "economic changes are proceeding erratically" 00051806 02 r 01 dominantly 0 001 \ 00590221 a 0101 | "Religion functions dominantly in many societies" 00051912 02 r 01 girlishly 0 001 \ 01263058 a 0101 | like a girl; "She was girlishly shy" 00052004 02 r 04 gradually 0 progressively 0 bit_by_bit 0 step_by_step 0 002 \ 00869128 a 0202 \ 00868785 a 0101 | "The snake moved gradually towards its victim" 00052168 02 r 01 grimly 0 001 \ 01363239 a 0101 | "He was grimly satisfied" 00052246 02 r 04 here 0 hereabouts 0 in_this_place 0 at_this_place 0 001 ! 00052593 r 0101 | where the speaker is; "I work here" 00052377 02 r 04 here 1 hither 0 to_this_place 0 towards_this_place 0 001 ! 00052713 r 0101 | towards the speaker; "Come here!" 00052507 02 r 03 here 2 in_this_context 0 before_us 0 000 | "What do we have here?" 00052593 02 r 03 there 0 at_that_place 0 in_that_location 0 001 ! 00052246 r 0101 | "They have lived there for years" 00052713 02 r 04 there 1 thither 0 to_that_place 0 towards_that_place 0 001 ! 00052377 r 0101 | away from the speaker; "Go there around noon!" 00052858 02 r 03 there 2 in_that_respect 0 on_that_point 0 000 | "I agree with you there" 00052950 02 r 01 historically 0 001 \ 02126243 a 0101 | "This is historically interesting" 00053043 02 r 02 historically 1 throughout_history 0 001 \ 02126243 a 0102 | "Historically, they have never co-existed peacefully" 00053176 02 r 01 peacefully 0 000 | "The hen settled herself on the nest most peacefully" 00053268 02 r 01 scientifically 0 001 \ 02045235 a 0101 | "This is scientifically interesting" 00053365 02 r 01 unscientifically 0 001 \ 01598760 a 0101 | in un unscientific way; not according to the principles of science; "They proceeded unscientifically when they dissected the mummy" 00053559 02 r 03 how 0 to_what_extent 0 to_what_degree 0 000 | used with adjectives, as in "How tall is she?" 00053671 02 r 04 how 1 in_what_way 0 in_what_manner 0 by_what_means 0 000 | question word, as in "How did you catch the snake?" or relative pronoun, as in "He told us how he did it" 00053855 02 r 03 how_come 0 why 0 what_is_the_reason 0 000 | question word, as in "how come you are here already?" 00053972 02 r 02 humbly 0 meekly 0 002 \ 01448303 a 0201 \ 01447853 a 0101 | "He humbly lowered his head" 00054080 02 r 03 inside 0 indoors 0 within_a_building 0 002 ! 00054207 r 0202 ! 00054207 r 0101 | "in winter we play inside" 00054207 02 r 05 outside 0 outdoors 0 out_of_doors 0 alfresco 0 outside_a_building 0 002 ! 00054080 r 0202 ! 00054080 r 0101 | "in summer we play outside" 00054364 02 r 02 inside 1 within 0 001 ! 00054453 r 0101 | "Inside, the car is a mess" 00054453 02 r 02 outside 1 on_the_outside 0 001 ! 00054364 r 0101 | "Outside, the box is black" 00054551 02 r 02 militarily 0 with_respect_to_the_military 0 001 \ 02037844 a 0101 | "on a militarily significant scale" 00054674 02 r 01 macroscopically 0 001 \ 01114584 a 0101 | "The tubes were examined macroscopically" 00054777 02 r 02 literally 1 virtually 0 000 | intensifier, as in "our eyes were literally pinned to TV during the Gulf war" 00054904 02 r 01 virtually 1 001 \ 00329032 a 0101 | "in essence or effect but not in fact 00054997 02 r 02 most 0 to_the_highest_degree 0 001 ! 00055152 r 0101 | used to form the superlative, as in "The king cobra is the most dangerous snake" 00055152 02 r 02 least 0 to_the_lowest_degree 0 001 ! 00054997 r 0101 | used to form the superlative, as in "The garter snake is the least dangerous snake" 00055310 02 r 02 least_of_all 0 especially_not 0 000 | "Nobody, least of all Joe, agreed with me" 00055410 02 r 01 most 1 000 | intensifier, as in "A most welcome relief" 00055485 02 r 04 mutely 0 wordlessly 0 silently 0 taciturnly 0 004 \ 01811834 a 0401 \ 00368988 a 0302 \ 00123702 a 0204 \ 00123702 a 0101 | "He sat mutely next to her" 00055656 02 r 02 internationally 0 throughout_the_world 0 001 \ 01200663 a 0101 | "She is internationally known" 00055771 02 r 04 inevitably 0 necessarily 3 as_a_natural_consequence 0 of_necessity 0 001 \ 00266650 a 0101 | "It is necessarily so" 00055906 02 r 05 recently 1 newly 0 freshly 0 fresh 0 new 0 000 | "They are newly married"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes"; "Grass new washed by the rain" 00056063 02 r 04 again 3 afresh 0 anew 0 newly 1 000 | "Newly raised objections" 00056146 02 r 03 differently 0 newly 2 in_a_different_manner 0 001 \ 01257168 a 0101 | "Newly arranged hairdo" 00056259 02 r 01 organically 0 002 ! 00056361 r 0101 \ 01283088 a 0101 | "organically bound iodone" 00056361 02 r 01 inorganically 2 002 ! 00056259 r 0101 \ 01283265 a 0101 | "inorganically bound molecules" 00056470 02 r 01 organically 1 001 \ 01283468 a 0101 | "The drapery served organically to cover the Madonna" 00056581 02 r 01 organically 2 001 \ 01283468 a 0101 | "This food is grown organically" 00056671 02 r 03 invariably 0 unfailingly 0 without_fail 0 002 \ 01899064 a 0201 \ 01898307 a 0101 | "Invariably1, he would forget his keys" 00056814 02 r 01 mechanically 0 001 \ 01141136 a 0101 | "He smiled mechanically" 00056897 02 r 02 mechanically 1 by_a_mechanism 0 001 \ 02092032 a 0101 | "This door opens mechanically" 00057003 02 r 01 officially 0 002 \ 01504871 a 0101 ! 00057107 r 0101 | "Officially, he is in charge" 00057107 02 r 01 unofficially 0 002 \ 01250638 a 0101 ! 00057003 r 0101 | "Unofficially, he serves as the treasurer" 00057226 02 r 02 painfully 0 distressingly 0 002 \ 00904689 a 0201 \ 01375577 a 0101 | "His ignorance was painfully obvious" 00057353 02 r 02 peripherally 0 on_the_periphery 0 002 \ 00257909 a 0101 ! 00057495 r 0101 | "The relationship was maintained peripherally" 00057495 02 r 01 centrally 1 002 \ 00256431 a 0101 ! 00057353 r 0101 | "The relationship is not maintained centrally" 00057615 02 r 02 impossibly 0 absurdly 0 001 \ 01393725 a 0101 | "She was impossibly thin" 00057708 02 r 01 physically 0 001 \ 00465506 a 0101 | "This is physically impossible" 00057796 02 r 03 preferably 0 by_preference 0 rather 1 000 | "Let's meet soon, preferably tomorrow" 00057898 02 r 01 politically 1 001 \ 02074596 a 0101 | "politically organized units" 00057985 02 r 01 politically 0 001 \ 02074596 a 0101 | "politically correct clothing" 00058073 02 r 02 self-consciously 2 in_a_self-conscious_manner 0 001 \ 00422489 a 0101 | "He lived self-consciously" 00058192 02 r 02 symbolically 0 in_a_symbolic_way 0 000 | "Symbolically accepted goals" 00058282 02 r 02 together 0 at_the_same_time 1 000 | "We graduated together" 00058361 02 r 03 together 1 in_collaboration 1 unitedly 0 001 \ 01622123 a 0307 | "We worked together on the project" 00058481 02 r 03 in_concert 0 in_agreement 0 together 5 000 | with a common plan; "act in concert" 00058582 02 r 02 together 2 in_contact_with_each_other 0 000 | "The leaves stuck together" 00058675 02 r 03 in_one_place 0 together 3 assembled 0 000 | "We were gathered together" 00058766 02 r 04 jointly 0 collectively 0 conjointly 0 together 4 003 \ 01622570 a 0302 \ 00346074 a 0201 \ 01621769 a 0101 | "Our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage" 00058950 02 r 02 outrageously 0 atrociously 1 001 \ 01166152 a 0103 | "atrociously expensive" 00059047 02 r 06 subsequently 0 then 0 thereupon 0 therewithal 1 and_then 0 after_that 0 001 \ 00099199 a 0101 | "And then he left" 00059181 02 r 04 then 1 at_that_time 0 at_that_point_in_time 0 at_the_time 0 000 | "Then I was young" 00059285 02 r 03 then 2 in_that_case 0 that_being_so 0 000 | "Then you'll be rich" 00059370 02 r 01 volumetrically 0 001 \ 02144853 a 0101 | "The serum was measured volumetrically" 00059470 02 r 03 so_as 0 for_the_purpose_of 0 in_order 0 000 | "He observed the snakes so as to describe their behavior" 00059593 02 r 02 so_that 0 so 6 000 | "He stooped down so that he could pick up his hat" 00059684 02 r 06 regardless 0 irrespective 0 disregardless 0 irregardless 0 no_matter 0 disregarding 0 000 | "He carried on regardless of the difficulties" 00059842 02 r 04 once 0 one_time 0 in_one_case 0 on_one_occasion 0 000 | "Once I ran into her" 00059939 02 r 02 once 1 formerly 0 000 | "Once he loved her" 00060002 02 r 05 although 0 though 0 tho' 0 even_though 0 despite_the_fact_that 0 000 | "Even though she knew the answer, she did not respond" 00060147 02 r 05 despite 0 in_spite_of 0 irrespective_of 0 regardless_of 0 in_the_face_of 0 000 | "despite the difficulties she made it"; "they will strike regardless of what the law says" 00060338 02 r 02 as_far_as_possible 1 as_much_as_possible 0 000 | " She helped him as much as possible" 00060444 02 r 04 therefrom 0 from_that 0 thereof 1 from_it 0 000 | "Typhus fever results therefrom" 00060546 02 r 03 on_the_other_hand 0 then_again 0 but_then 0 001 ! 00060725 r 0101 | "One the other hand, she is too ambitious for her own good"; "Then again, she might not go" 00060725 02 r 02 on_the_one_hand 0 on_one_hand 0 001 ! 00060546 r 0101 | "On the one hand, she is a gifted chemist" 00060843 02 r 02 successfully 0 with_success 0 002 \ 01771397 a 0101 ! 00099126 r 0101 | "She performed the surgery successfully" 00060976 02 r 02 simultaneously 0 at_the_same_time 3 001 \ 01808527 a 0105 | "They spoke simultaneously" 00061083 02 r 04 systematically 0 consistently 0 in_a_systematic_way 0 in_a_consistent_manner 0 004 \ 00426633 a 0201 ! 00061296 r 0101 \ 01810931 a 0101 ! 00061460 r 0201 | "They systematically excluded women" 00061296 02 r 02 unsystematically 0 in_an_unsystematic_manner 0 002 ! 00061083 r 0101 \ 01811563 a 0101 | "His books were unsystematically arranged on the shelf" 00061460 02 r 02 inconsistently 0 without_showing_consistency 0 002 ! 00061083 r 0102 \ 00427738 a 0101 | "He acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks" 00061622 02 r 06 thereby 0 with_that 2 in_that_way 0 thus 1 in_such_a_way 0 in_this_way 0 000 | "He knocked over the red wine, thereby ruining the table cloth" 00061784 02 r 02 academically 0 in_academic_matters 0 001 \ 01966432 a 0101 | "Academically, this is a good school" 00061902 02 r 02 appositively 0 in_apposition 0 001 \ 01982811 a 0102 | "This adjective is used appositively" 00062014 02 r 01 astronomically 0 001 \ 01054165 a 0101 | "The bill was astronomically high" 00062109 02 r 01 axiomatically 0 001 \ 01992299 a 0101 | "This is axiomatically given" 00062198 02 r 01 photographically 0 001 \ 02065212 a 0101 | "Photographically stunning scenes" 00062295 02 r 01 communally 0 001 \ 02017819 a 0101 | "It was decided communally" 00062379 02 r 02 constitutionally 0 according_to_the_constitution 0 002 ! 00062529 r 0101 \ 00146703 a 0101 | "This was constitutionally ruled out" 00062529 02 r 01 unconstitutionally 0 002 ! 00062379 r 0101 \ 00146931 a 0101 | "The president acted unconstitutionally" 00062652 02 r 03 democratically 0 in_a_democratic_manner 0 along_democratic_principles 0 002 ! 00062817 r 0101 \ 02020846 a 0101 | "It was democratically decided" 00062817 02 r 01 undemocratically 0 002 ! 00062652 r 0101 \ 00538498 a 0101 | "Undemocratically, he made all the important decisions without his colleagues" 00062976 02 r 01 aloof 0 001 \ 01524978 a 0101 | "The local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough" 00063140 02 r 01 digitally 0 001 \ 02021780 a 0101 | "The time was digitally displayed" 00063230 02 r 01 digitally 1 001 \ 02021705 a 0101 | "The exam was carried out digitally" 00063322 02 r 01 economically 0 001 \ 02022747 a 0101 | "Economically this proposal makes no sense" 00063424 02 r 01 economially 1 001 \ 02022819 a 0101 | "Economically the country is worse off" 00063521 02 r 01 electronically 0 001 \ 02023167 a 0101 | "The door opens electronically" 00063613 02 r 01 ethnically 0 001 \ 02024922 a 0101 | "The neighborhood is ethnically diverse" 00063710 02 r 01 federally 0 001 \ 02026322 a 0101 | "It's federally regulated" 00063792 02 r 01 genetically 0 001 \ 02029541 a 0101 | "Genetically passed down talents" 00063883 02 r 02 graphically 0 in_a_graphic_way 0 001 \ 02030188 a 0101 | "He described the event graphically" 00063996 02 r 01 ideographically 0 001 \ 02033346 a 0101 | "It's written ideographically" 00064088 02 r 01 industrially 0 001 \ 02034197 a 0101 | "industrially produced" 00064170 02 r 01 legally 3 001 \ 01066161 a 0101 | "He acted legally" 00064242 02 r 02 manually 0 by_hand 0 001 \ 02037195 a 0101 | "This car shifts manually" 00064333 02 r 01 medically 0 001 \ 02037379 a 0101 | "medically correct treatment" 00064418 02 r 02 nominally 0 in_name_only 0 001 \ 02039224 a 0101 | "Nominally he is the boss" 00064515 02 r 01 predicatively 0 001 \ 00141186 a 0101 | "predicatively used adjectives" 00064606 02 r 02 professorially 0 in_a_professorial_manner 0 001 \ 02042957 a 0101 | "She behaved very professorially" 00064727 02 r 03 provincially 0 by_the_province 0 through_the_province 0 001 \ 02043097 a 0101 | "provincially controlled" 00064852 02 r 02 realistically 0 in_a_realistic_manner 0 001 \ 02043357 a 0101 | "The figure was realistically painted" 00064974 02 r 03 royally 0 like_kings 0 like_royalty 0 001 \ 02043949 a 0101 | "They were royally treated" 00065083 02 r 01 scenically 0 001 \ 02044965 a 0101 | "Scenically stunning" 00065161 02 r 01 scholastically 0 001 \ 02045080 a 0101 | "scholastically apt" 00065242 02 r 01 serially 0 001 \ 02046482 a 0101 | "serially composed music" 00065322 02 r 01 socially 0 001 \ 02047116 a 0101 | "socially accepted norms" 00065402 02 r 01 symbolically 1 001 \ 02049546 a 0101 | "symbolically expressed" 00065485 02 r 01 technically 0 001 \ 02050673 a 0101 | "a technically brilliant solution" 00065577 02 r 01 technically 1 001 \ 02050557 a 0101 | "technically lagging behind the Japanese" 00065676 02 r 01 temporally 0 001 \ 02051467 a 0101 | "temporally processed" 00065755 02 r 01 terminally 0 001 \ 02051893 a 0101 | "terminally ill" 00065828 02 r 01 territorially 0 001 \ 02052165 a 0101 | "territorially important" 00065913 02 r 01 thematically 0 001 \ 02052481 a 0101 | "thematically related" 00065994 02 r 01 thermally 0 001 \ 02052708 a 0101 00066048 02 r 01 typically 0 002 ! 00066149 r 0101 \ 01869173 a 0101 | "Tom was typically hostile" 00066149 02 r 02 atypically 0 untypically 0 003 \ 01870408 a 0202 ! 00066048 r 0101 \ 01870408 a 0101 | "She was atypically quiet" 00066282 02 r 01 verbally 0 001 \ 02056715 a 0101 | "verbally expressive" 00066358 02 r 01 vocally 0 001 \ 00367533 a 0102 | "She defended herself vocally" 00066442 02 r 02 nonverbally 0 without_words 0 001 \ 00366622 a 0102 | "They communicated nonverbally" 00066547 02 r 02 globally 0 throughout_the_world 2 001 \ 01200936 a 0101 | "This is globally significant" 00066655 02 r 02 electrically 0 by_electricity 0 001 \ 02058842 a 0102 | "Electrically controlled" 00066756 02 r 01 chemically 0 001 \ 02013975 a 0102 | "chemically different substances" 00066846 02 r 02 chemically 1 with_chemicals 0 001 \ 02014154 a 0101 | "chemically fertilized" 00066943 02 r 01 legislatively 0 001 \ 02060042 a 0101 | "legislatively determined" 00067029 02 r 01 bilingually 0 001 \ 01175954 a 0101 | "She grew up bilingually" 00067112 02 r 01 linearly 0 002 \ 01080199 a 0101 ! 00039639 r 0101 | "linearly polarized radiation" 00067215 02 r 01 longitudinally 0 001 \ 02060443 a 0101 | "longitudinally measured" 00067301 02 r 02 magically 0 as_if_by_magic 0 001 \ 01207828 a 0102 | "It disappeared magically" 00067400 02 r 01 bacterially 0 001 \ 02062105 a 0101 | "spreads bacterially" 00067479 02 r 02 relativistically 0 by_the_theory_of_relativity 0 001 \ 02063368 a 0101 | "This is relativistically impossible" 00067609 02 r 01 racially 0 001 \ 02235864 a 0101 | "racially integrated" 00067685 02 r 01 municipally 0 001 \ 02016760 a 0101 | "municipally funded" 00067763 02 r 01 governmentally 0 001 \ 02065588 a 0101 | "governmentally determined policy" 00067858 02 r 01 professionally 0 001 \ 02065801 a 0101 | "Professionally trained staff" 00067949 02 r 01 spatially 0 001 \ 02066582 a 0102 | "spatially limited" 00068024 02 r 01 semantically 0 001 \ 02067169 a 0101 | "Semantically empty messages" 00068112 02 r 01 linguistically 0 001 \ 02067372 a 0101 | "linguistically impaired children" 00068207 02 r 01 sociolinguistically 0 001 \ 02067510 a 0101 | "sociolinguistically fascinating" 00068306 02 r 01 linguistically 1 001 \ 02067660 a 0101 | "linguistically interesting data" 00068400 02 r 01 cross-linguistically 0 001 \ 02067570 a 0101 | "She studied the phenomenon cross-linguistically" 00068516 02 r 02 fiscally 0 in_fiscal_matters 0 001 \ 02069641 a 0101 | "fiscally irresponsible" 00068615 02 r 01 algebraically 0 001 \ 02072775 a 0101 | "algebraically determined" 00068701 02 r 01 polyphonically 0 001 \ 02073689 a 0101 | "polyphonically composed" 00068787 02 r 01 poetically 0 001 \ 02074411 a 0101 | "poetically expressed" 00068866 02 r 01 phonetically 0 001 \ 02074746 a 0101 | "phonetically realized" 00068948 02 r 01 phonemic 0 001 \ 02074899 a 0101 | "phonemically transcribed" 00069029 02 r 02 personally 0 as_a_person 0 001 \ 02075390 a 0101 | "personally repulsive" 00069122 02 r 02 personally 4 in_person 1 001 \ 01352163 a 0101 | "I went there personally" 00069216 02 r 02 personally 2 concering_the_speaker 0 000 | "Personally, I find him stupid" 00069310 02 r 01 philosophically 0 001 \ 00641411 a 0101 | "She took it philosophically" 00069401 02 r 02 infernally 0 hellishly 0 001 \ 02139110 a 0101 | "hellishly dangerous" 00069491 02 r 01 pathologically 0 001 \ 02076921 a 0101 | "pathologically interesting results" 00069588 02 r 01 graphically 2 001 \ 02077089 a 0101 | "graphically interesting designs" 00069679 02 r 01 catastrophically 0 001 \ 00885863 a 0103 | "catastrophically complex" 00069768 02 r 01 optically 0 001 \ 02077331 a 0101 | "optically distorted" 00069845 02 r 01 visually 0 000 | "visually distorted" 00069902 02 r 01 viscerally 0 001 \ 02077869 a 0101 | He is bleeding viscerally" 00069985 02 r 02 cerebrally 0 in_the_brain 0 001 \ 02011730 a 0101 | "bleeding cerebrally" 00070078 02 r 01 cerebrally 1 001 \ 02011730 a 0101 | "cerebrally active" 00070154 02 r 01 mystically 0 001 \ 02078070 a 0102 | "chant mystically" 00070229 02 r 01 biologically 0 001 \ 01998055 a 0101 | "biologically related" 00070310 02 r 01 sociobiologically 0 001 \ 01998247 a 0102 | "explain the behavior sociobiologically" 00070414 02 r 01 neurobiological 0 001 \ 01998341 a 0101 | "explain the phenomenon neurobiologically" 00070518 02 r 01 biochemically 0 001 \ 01997691 a 0101 | "biochemically interesting phenomenon" 00070616 02 r 01 musicallly 0 001 \ 02078509 a 0101 | "musically gifted" 00070691 02 r 01 morally 1 001 \ 02078648 a 0101 | "morally unjustified" 00070766 02 r 01 meteorologically 0 001 \ 02079780 a 0102 | "meterorologically bad conditions" 00070863 02 r 01 metaphysically 0 001 \ 02079949 a 0101 | "He thinks metaphysically" 00070950 02 r 01 melodically 0 001 \ 02078438 a 0101 | "melodically interesting themes" 00071040 02 r 01 harmonically 0 001 \ 02030635 a 0101 | "harmonically interesting piece" 00071131 02 r 01 acoustically 0 001 \ 02080987 a 0101 | "acoustically ill-equipped studios" 00071225 02 r 01 adulterously 0 001 \ 00719663 a 0101 | "He behaved adulterously" 00071309 02 r 01 metaphorically 0 001 \ 01082558 a 0101 | "She expressed herself metaphorically" 00071408 02 r 01 allegorically 0 001 \ 02082991 a 0102 | "The play ended allegorically" 00071498 02 r 01 locally 0 001 \ 00837755 a 0101 | "It was locally decided" 00071576 02 r 02 locally 1 topically 0 002 \ 01087132 a 0201 \ 01086794 a 0101 | "Apply this medicine topically" 00071691 02 r 01 regionally 0 001 \ 02083337 a 0101 | "regionally governed" 00071769 02 r 01 nationally 2 001 \ 02146396 a 0101 | "nationally known" 00071844 02 r 01 culturally 0 001 \ 02083774 a 0101 | "culturally integrated" 00071924 02 r 01 interracially 0 001 \ 01477363 a 0101 | "interracially restrictive" 00072011 02 r 01 chorally 0 001 \ 02084680 a 0101 | "chorally accompanied" 00072088 02 r 02 subcutaneously 0 below_the_skin 0 001 \ 02085639 a 0101 | "inject subcutaneously" 00072189 02 r 01 facially 0 001 \ 02086619 a 0101 00072242 02 r 01 syntactically 0 001 \ 02087685 a 0101 | "syntactiaclly ill-formed" 00072328 02 r 01 spinally 0 001 \ 02089113 a 0101 | "spinally administered" 00072406 02 r 01 sexually 0 001 \ 02236002 a 0101 | "reproduce sexually" 00072481 02 r 01 sexually 1 001 \ 02090676 a 0101 | "sexually ambiguous" 00072556 02 r 01 lexically 0 001 \ 02090567 a 0101 | "lexically represented" 00072635 02 r 01 nonlexically 0 001 \ 02090488 a 0101 | "expressed nonlexically" 00072718 02 r 01 materially 0 001 \ 01359245 a 0101 | "suffer materially" 00072794 02 r 01 surgically 0 001 \ 02090996 a 0101 | "surgically removed" 00072871 02 r 01 operatively 0 001 \ 02091074 a 0101 00072927 02 r 01 postoperatively 0 001 \ 00891511 a 0101 | "remove postoperatively" 00073013 02 r 01 chromatographically 0 001 \ 02146298 a 0101 00073077 02 r 03 alternately 0 in_an_alternating_sequence 0 in_an_alternating_position 0 001 \ 00503594 a 0101 | "They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing" 00073258 02 r 01 transversely 0 001 \ 01099141 a 0101 | "They were cut transversely" 00073345 02 r 03 respectively 0 severally 3 in_the_order_given 0 001 \ 00364361 a 0101 | "The brothers were called Felix and Max, respectively" 00073491 02 r 02 similarly 0 likewise 0 001 \ 01588069 a 0101 | "He was similarly affected" 00073585 02 r 01 secondarily 0 002 ! 00073683 r 0101 \ 01417374 a 0101 | "secondarily affected" 00073683 02 r 02 primarily 0 in_the_first_place 0 002 ! 00073585 r 0101 \ 01416604 a 0101 | "This is primarily a question of economics" 00073821 02 r 05 probably 0 likely 0 in_all_likelihood 0 in_all_probability 0 belike 0 001 \ 01076698 a 0101 | "He is probably out of the country" 00073970 02 r 01 bannerlike 0 000 | like a banner; "She waved her scarf at him bannerlike" 00074063 02 r 01 dramatically 0 002 ! 00074167 r 0101 \ 00593807 a 0101 | "He confessed dramatically" 00074167 02 r 01 undramatically 0 002 ! 00074063 r 0101 \ 00594369 a 0101 | in an undramatic manner 00074269 02 r 01 sadly 1 001 \ 01037576 a 0101 | "He was sadly neglected" 00074345 02 r 04 ashore 0 on_land 0 towards_land 0 onto_land 0 000 | "We invited them ashore" 00074441 02 r 02 as_expected 0 as_was_to_be_expected 0 000 | "She won as expected" 00074526 02 r 01 notably 0 001 \ 01962687 a 0102 | "Notably in the social sciences, the professors teach too much" 00074643 02 r 01 intensively 0 001 \ 01147883 a 0101 | "He studied the snake intensively" 00074735 02 r 06 appropriately 0 suitably 0 fittingly 0 befittingly 0 fitly 0 well 4 006 \ 00763700 a 0501 \ 00109483 a 0401 ! 00074967 r 0202 \ 00763983 a 0202 ! 00074967 r 0101 \ 00109092 a 0101 | "He was appropriately dressed" 00074967 02 r 03 inappropriately 0 unsuitably 0 not_suitably 0 004 \ 00110688 a 0201 ! 00074735 r 0101 \ 00110177 a 0101 ! 00074735 r 0202 | "He was inappropriately dressed" 00075143 02 r 04 offshore 0 off-shore 0 away_from_the_shore 0 away_from_the_land 0 001 ! 00075284 r 0101 | "crusing three miles off-shore" 00075284 02 r 03 onshore 0 towards_the_land 0 on_land 1 001 ! 00075143 r 0101 | "They were living onshore" 00075393 02 r 02 thousand-fold 0 thousand_times 0 000 | "This poison is a thousand-fold more toxic" 00075495 02 r 03 naturally 1 in_a_natural_way 0 by_natural_means 0 002 ! 00075632 r 0101 \ 01203891 a 0101 | "naturally grown flowers" 00075632 02 r 03 artificially 0 unnaturally 0 by_artificial_means 0 002 ! 00075495 r 0101 \ 01204418 a 0101 | "Artificially induced conditions" 00075778 02 r 01 acutely 0 002 ! 00075881 r 0101 \ 00037203 a 0101 | "an acutely debilitating virus" 00075881 02 r 01 chronically 0 002 ! 00075778 r 0101 \ 00037585 a 0101 | "chronically ill persons" 00075982 02 r 02 contradictorily 0 in_a_contradictory_manner 0 001 \ 01792729 a 0102 | "He argued contradictarily" 00076099 02 r 01 electrostativally 0 001 \ 02023395 a 0101 | "The dust adhered electrostatically to the surface" 00076214 02 r 01 episodically 0 001 \ 01407267 a 0101 00076271 02 r 02 fabulously 0 fantastically 0 000 | "She was a fabulously gifted player" 00076362 02 r 01 feverishly 0 001 \ 02026830 a 0102 | "She worked feverishly" 00076442 02 r 01 feudally 0 001 \ 02026747 a 0101 | "a feudally organized society" 00076527 02 r 01 frontally 0 001 \ 00160212 a 0101 | in, at, or towards the front 00076611 02 r 01 geometrically 3 001 \ 02029939 a 0101 | "this shape is geometrically interesting" 00076712 02 r 01 glacially 0 001 \ 02030078 a 0101 | "glacially deposited material" 00076798 02 r 01 gravitationally 0 001 \ 02030345 a 0101 | "gravitationally strong forces" 00076891 02 r 01 gutturally 0 001 \ 02030459 a 0101 | "gutturally articulated" 00076972 02 r 01 hieroglyphically 0 001 \ 02031968 a 0101 | "hieroglyphically written" 00077061 02 r 01 horticulturally 0 001 \ 02112121 a 0101 00077121 02 r 01 humanly 0 001 \ 02032672 a 0101 | "humanly possible" 00077193 02 r 01 imperially 0 001 \ 02033474 a 0101 | "imperially decreed" 00077270 02 r 01 incestuous 0 001 \ 02033873 a 0101 | "incestuously conceived" 00077351 02 r 01 institutionally 0 001 \ 02034732 a 0101 | "institutionally controlled" 00077441 02 r 01 judially 0 001 \ 02035141 a 0101 | "judically controlled process" 00077526 02 r 01 nasally 0 001 \ 02141326 a 0102 | "inhaled nasally" 00077597 02 r 01 nocturnally 0 001 \ 02115947 a 0101 | "nocturnally active bird" 00077680 02 r 01 rurally 0 001 \ 02044782 a 0101 00077732 02 r 01 spherically 0 001 \ 02047791 a 0101 | "spherically shaped" 00077810 02 r 01 superficially 0 001 \ 01431826 a 0101 | "He was supercifically interested" 00077904 02 r 01 syllabically 0 001 \ 02049425 a 0101 | "syllabically pronounced" 00077988 02 r 01 monosyllabically 0 001 \ 01738462 a 0101 00078049 02 r 01 polysyllabically 0 001 \ 01738813 a 0101 00078110 02 r 01 symptomatically 0 001 \ 02049834 a 0101 00078170 02 r 01 tangentially 0 001 \ 02050413 a 0101 | "touched on it tangentially" 00078257 02 r 01 volcanically 0 001 \ 02058404 a 0101 | "volcanically created landscape" 00078348 02 r 03 for_some_time 0 for_a_while 1 awhile 0 000 | "He was quiet for a while"; It might be best to say nothing yet awhile" 00078484 02 r 02 wickedly 0 evilly 0 002 \ 00860096 a 0201 \ 01905847 a 0101 | "act wickedly"; "grin evilly" 00078595 02 r 05 surely 0 certainly 0 sure 0 for_sure 0 for_certain 0 002 \ 00264827 a 0201 \ 00261969 a 0102 | "Sure, he'll do it" 00078729 02 r 01 surprisingly 0 001 \ 01794146 a 0101 | "He was surprisingly friendly" 00078818 02 r 01 technologically 0 001 \ 02050826 a 0102 | "technologically impossible" 00078908 02 r 02 temperamentally 0 by_temperament 0 001 \ 02051228 a 0101 | "temperamentally suited to each other" 00079025 02 r 07 sufficiently 0 to_a_sufficient_degree 0 adequately 0 plenty 0 enough 0 so_as_to_be_adequate 0 as_much_as_necessary 0 003 \ 00043012 a 0301 ! 00079287 r 0101 \ 01774870 a 0101 | "Have I eaten enough?"; "She was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin" 00079287 02 r 02 insufficiently 0 to_an_insufficient_degree 0 002 ! 00079025 r 0101 \ 01775704 a 0101 | "He was insufficiently prepared" 00079426 02 r 01 supposedly 0 001 \ 01077574 a 0102 | "He is supposedly a genius" 00079510 02 r 02 unhesitatingly 0 without_hesitation 0 002 ! 00079639 r 0101 \ 00515744 a 0102 | "She said yes unhesitatingly" 00079639 02 r 04 hesitantly 0 hesitatingly 0 with_hesitation 0 showing_hesitation 0 002 ! 00079510 r 0101 \ 01528528 a 0101 | "He finally accepted hesitantly" 00079800 02 r 04 thereafter 0 thenceforth 1 from_that_time_on 0 after_that_time 0 000 | "Thereafter he never called again" 00079925 02 r 02 ever 4 at_any_time 0 000 | "Did you ever smoke?" 00079993 02 r 03 sic 0 so 3 thus 4 000 | intentionally so written, used after a printed word or phrase 00080098 02 r 03 so 2 so_very 0 to_such_a_degree 1 000 | intensifier, as in "He was so tired" 00080194 02 r 02 such 0 to_so_extreme_a_degree 0 000 | intensifier, as in "He is such a baby!" "Such rich people!" 00080311 02 r 01 so 7 000 | to a certain unspecified extent or degree; "I can only go so far with this student" 00080425 02 r 01 far 4 000 | at or to a certain distance, point, or degree; "I can only go so far before I have to give up" 00080551 02 r 01 now 2 000 | used to preface a command, as in "come on now!" 00080630 02 r 01 now_now 0 000 | interjection of rebuke 00080688 02 r 02 aggressively 0 sharply 0 001 \ 00068733 a 0101 | "She was being sharply questioned" 00080791 02 r 03 shrilly 0 piercingly 1 in_a_shrill_voice 0 002 \ 00235350 a 0201 \ 00235350 a 0102 | "She sang rather shrilly" 00080921 02 r 03 steadily 1 at_a_steady_rate 0 at_a_steady_pace 0 001 \ 01749556 a 0101 | "his interest eroded steadily" 00081044 02 r 06 happily 1 merrily 0 mirthfully 0 blithely 0 jubilantly 0 with_happiness 0 006 \ 01041650 a 0504 \ 00279919 a 0401 \ 00279733 a 0303 \ 01041864 a 0203 ! 00081274 r 0101 \ 00873218 a 0101 | "They shouted happily" 00081274 02 r 01 unhappily 0 002 ! 00081044 r 0101 \ 01375850 a 0101 | "They were unhappily married" 00081377 02 r 02 no 2 no_more 5 000 | referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present; "He was no heavier than a child" 00081513 02 r 02 not_nearly 0 not_by_a_long_shot 0 000 | "He is not nearly as bright as his sister" 00081615 02 r 04 firm 0 firmly 2 steadfastly 0 unwaveringly 0 003 \ 01527356 a 0406 \ 01527356 a 0302 \ 01527356 a 0201 | "we firmly believed it"; "You must stand firm" 00081786 02 r 05 squarely 0 foursquare 0 straightforwardly 1 above_board 0 in_a_straightforward_manner 0 000 | "We must face the problem squarely" 00081935 02 r 01 squarely 1 000 | "hit the ball squarely" 00081995 02 r 01 squarely 2 001 \ 01565558 a 0101 | "a squarely cut piece of paper" 00082081 02 r 02 unequivocally 0 squarely 3 001 \ 00702827 a 0102 | "the responsibility lies squarely with them" 00082196 02 r 03 variously 0 diversely 0 multifariously 0 003 \ 01899494 a 0303 \ 01584347 a 0201 \ 01584347 a 0102 | "The alternatives that are variously represented by the participants"; "The speakers treated the subject most diversely" 00082437 02 r 03 indefatigably 0 tirelessly 0 inexhaustibly 0 003 \ 00652268 a 0302 \ 00652268 a 0203 \ 00652268 a 0101 | "She watched the show indefatigably" 00082598 02 r 02 bitterly 0 with_bitterness 0 001 \ 00093650 a 0102 | "she complained bitterly" 00082696 02 r 01 bitterly 1 001 \ 00093650 a 0102 | "He was bitterly disappointed" 00082781 02 r 05 very_well 1 fine 0 alright 0 all_right 0 OK 0 000 | sentence-initial expression of agreement 00082893 02 r 03 all_right 1 alright 1 without_doubt 1 000 | reinforces an assertion, as in "It's expensive, all right" 00083015 02 r 02 swiftly 0 fleetly 0 002 \ 00729542 a 0201 \ 00729542 a 0102 | "She moved swiftly" 00083116 02 r 02 openly 0 in_an_open_way 0 001 \ 01266750 a 0101 | "He openly flaunted his affection for his sister" 00083235 02 r 01 practically 0 000 | "He was practically the only guest at the party" 00083323 02 r 02 presumably 0 presumptively 0 002 \ 01077100 a 0201 \ 01833350 a 0101 | "Presumably, he missed the train" 00083447 02 r 02 next 0 now 3 000 | at the time or occasion immediately following, as in "Next the doctor examined his back" 00083575 02 r 03 for_the_moment 0 for_now 1 for_the_time_being 2 000 | "For now, we'll stop" 00083670 02 r 01 now_then 0 000 | "Now then, consider the following argument.." 00083752 02 r 01 well 3 000 | indicating high probability, as in "I might well do it" 00083840 02 r 01 by_hand 1 001 ! 00083922 r 0101 | "This dress is sewn by hand" 00083922 02 r 01 by_machine 0 001 ! 00083840 r 0101 | "The shirt is sewn by machine" 00084009 02 r 02 from_hand_to_mouth 0 in_poverty 0 000 | "They lived form hand to mouth" 00084100 02 r 02 hand_and_foot 0 in_all_ways_possible 0 000 | "They served him hand and foot" 00084196 02 r 03 hand_in_hand 1 holding_hands 0 clasping_each_other's_hands 0 000 | "They walked hand in hand" 00084309 02 r 05 hand_over_fist 0 easily 0 easy 0 handily 0 hands_down 0 000 | "She beat him hand over fist" 00084420 02 r 03 easily 1 without_difficulty 0 easy 1 000 | "She was easily excited" 00084507 02 r 02 in_hand 0 under_control 0 001 ! 00084601 r 0101 | "The riots were in hand" 00084601 02 r 03 out_of_hand 0 out_of_control 1 beyond_control 0 001 ! 00084507 r 0101 | "The riots were out of hand" 00084721 02 r 02 on_all_sides 0 all_around 1 000 | "There were trees growing on all sides" 00084814 02 r 02 in_a_way 0 in_some_respects 1 000 | "She was right in a way" 00084894 02 r 02 sincerely 1 in_good_faith 0 001 \ 01671165 a 0101 | "We acted in good faith" 00084990 02 r 04 in_fact 0 in_point_of_fact 0 actually 0 as_a_matter_of_fact 0 000 | "In fact, he is my uncle" 00085103 02 r 03 to_be_sure 0 without_doubt 2 no_doubt 0 000 | "To be sure, he is no Einstein" 00085200 02 r 02 sure_enough 0 as_expected 1 000 | "Sure enough, he asked her for money again" 00085297 02 r 02 right 0 right_on 1 000 | an interjection expressing agreement 00085378 02 r 03 in_toto 0 as_a_whole 0 in_its_entirety 0 000 | "They bought the business in toto" 00085479 02 r 02 in_the_least 1 even_a_little 0 000 | "Are you in the least interested?" 00085570 02 r 03 above_all 0 most_importantly 1 most_especially 0 000 | "Above all, you must be independent" 00085681 02 r 01 in_absentia 0 000 | "He was sentenced in absentia" 00085751 02 r 03 across_the_board 0 including_all 0 covering_all 0 000 | "We got a pay raise across the board" 00085864 02 r 02 after_a_fashion 0 not_very_well 0 000 | "He speaks French after a fashion" 00085958 02 r 02 after_all 0 for_a_good_reason 0 000 | "After all, she is your boss, so invite her" 00086060 02 r 02 after_all 1 in_the_end 1 000 | "He came to the party after all" 00086143 02 r 02 after_hours 0 not_during_regular_hours 0 000 | "He oftern worked after hours" 00086240 02 r 03 against_the_clock 0 against_time 0 as_fast_as_possible 0 000 | "It was a race against the clock" 00086356 02 r 03 ahead_of_the_game 0 too_soon 0 beforehand 0 000 | "She's ahead of the game" 00086451 02 r 04 all_along 0 right_along 0 all_the_time 0 all_the_while 0 000 | "She had known all along" 00086559 02 r 02 all_but 0 very_nearly 0 000 | "He all but ran her over" 00086634 02 r 06 all_in_all 0 in_summary 0 on_the_whole 0 in_the_main 0 in_all 1 altogether 3 000 | "All in all, it's not so bad" 00086766 02 r 02 all_of_a_sudden 0 all_at_once 0 000 | "All at once, he started shouting" 00086858 02 r 03 all_the_way 9 the_whole_way 0 from_start_to_finish 0 000 | "She climbed the mountain all the way" 00086975 02 r 03 and_how 0 you_bet 0 you_said_it 0 000 | expression of emphatic agreement 00087067 02 r 02 and_then_some 0 and_a_lot_more 0 000 | "It cost me a week's salary and then some" 00087168 02 r 03 around_the_clock 0 for_24_hours 0 round_the_clock 0 000 | "She worked around the clock" 00087275 02 r 02 as_follows 0 what_is_listed_next 0 000 | "her complaints went as follows" 00087368 02 r 02 as_it_were 0 so_to_speak 0 000 | "She lives here, as it were" 00087449 02 r 02 as_we_say 0 so_to_speak 1 000 | "The feeling is, as we say, quite dead" 00087540 02 r 02 as_the_crow_flies 0 by_the_most_direct_route 0 000 | "It's 10 miles as the crow flies" 00087646 02 r 02 at_all_costs 0 at_any_expense 0 000 | "He wanted to save her life at all cost" 00087744 02 r 03 at_a_time 0 at_once 3 at_one_time 0 000 | "He took three cookies at a time" 00087839 02 r 03 at_will 0 as_one_chooses 0 as_one_pleases 0 000 | "He can roam the neighborhood at will" 00087947 02 r 01 loosely 1 001 \ 01693677 a 0101 | "loosely knit" 00088015 02 r 01 carefully 0 001 \ 00242498 a 0101 | taking care or paying attention; "They watched carefully" 00088128 02 r 03 mindfully 0 heedfully 0 advertently 0 005 ! 00154660 r 0302 \ 00134247 a 0301 \ 01517361 a 0202 ! 00088280 r 0101 \ 01517255 a 0101 00088280 02 r 01 unmindfully 0 002 ! 00088128 r 0101 \ 01517747 a 0101 00088354 02 r 02 excitedly 0 with_excitement 0 001 \ 00684497 a 0101 | "She shook his hand excitedly" 00088458 02 r 01 vociferously 0 001 \ 01471236 a 0105 | "He blew his nose vociferously" 00088548 02 r 01 safely 0 000 | "We are safely out of here" 00088610 02 r 03 allegedly 0 pretendedly 0 purportedly 0 003 \ 01077405 a 0301 \ 00847634 a 0204 \ 01467332 a 0101 | "He was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife" 00088780 02 r 04 directly 0 square 0 straight 5 direct 0 001 \ 00571177 a 0101 | "We ran straight into them" 00088891 02 r 02 directly 4 due 0 000 | "due North" 00088945 02 r 02 illegally 0 illicitly 1 002 \ 01068778 a 0202 \ 01067141 a 0101 | "They dumped the waste illegally" 00089064 02 r 01 originally 0 001 \ 00756551 a 0101 | "Originally, he was a painter" 00089151 02 r 01 comfortably 0 002 \ 00352500 a 0101 ! 00357020 r 0101 | "He deals comfortably on three continents" 00089269 02 r 01 by_all_odds 0 000 | "by all odds, we should win" 00089337 02 r 02 by_a_long_shot 0 by_far 1 000 | "he is the best by a long shot" 00089420 02 r 03 by_and_by 0 later 2 at_some_time_in_the_future 0 000 | "By and by he'll understand" 00089523 02 r 04 by_and_large 0 generally 2 more_often_than_not 0 mostly 3 000 | "By and large it doesn't rain much here" 00089647 02 r 01 by_choice 0 000 | "I did this by choice" 00089707 02 r 03 by_hook_or_by_crook 0 by_any_means 0 in_any_way_necessary 0 000 | "I'll pass this course by hook or by crook" 00089836 02 r 02 by_heart 0 by_memory 0 000 | "She knew the poem by heart" 00089913 02 r 03 by_inches 0 little_by_little 1 by_small_degrees 0 000 | "The moved it by inches" 00090013 02 r 02 by_fits_and_starts 0 with_many_interruptions 0 000 | "He worked on his book by fits and starts" 00090128 02 r 03 by_the_way 0 by_the_bye 0 incidentally 0 000 | "By the way, I won't go to the party" 00090232 02 r 03 by_the_piece 0 one_by_one 0 one_piece_at_a_time 0 000 | "She sold the plates by the piece" 00090342 02 r 02 orally 1 by_mouth 0 001 \ 02040166 a 0101 | "He was daministered the drug orally" 00090443 02 r 03 come_hell_or_high_water 0 no_matter_what_happens 0 whatever_may_come 0 000 | "We'll go to Tibet come hell or high water" 00090583 02 r 02 day_in_and_day_out 0 all_the_time 1 000 | "He plays chess day in and day out" 00090680 02 r 03 dead_ahead 0 exactly_ahead 0 exactly_in_front 0 000 | "The laboratory is dead ahead" 00090784 02 r 02 deadpan 0 without_betraying_any_emotion 0 000 | "She told the joke deadpan" 00090879 02 r 03 en_masse 0 en_bloc 0 as_a_group 0 000 | "The students turned out en masse" 00090973 02 r 02 every_so_often 0 every_now_and_then 0 000 | "Every so often, she visits her father" 00091076 02 r 03 every_inch 0 in_every_way 0 completely 2 000 | "He was every inch a statesman" 00091174 02 r 01 completely 3 002 ! 00091288 r 0101 \ 00383433 a 0101 | "He had filled out the form completely" 00091288 02 r 01 incompletely 0 002 ! 00091174 r 0101 \ 00386566 a 0101 | "The form was incompletely filled out" 00091403 02 r 03 every_which_way 0 any_which_way 0 in_all_directions 0 000 | "There were bombed-out buildings every which way" 00091532 02 r 03 alone 1 unaccompanied 0 without_anybody_else 0 000 | "The child stayed home alone" 00091634 02 r 01 face-to-face 0 000 | "She found herself face-to-face with a policeman" 00091724 02 r 03 face-to_face 1 in_person 0 in_the_flesh 0 000 | "She met the president face-to-face" 00091828 02 r 02 first_and_foremost 0 most_importantly 0 000 | "First and foremost, we must feed the refugees" 00091941 02 r 02 first_and_last 0 above_all 1 000 | "She was first and last a scientist" 00092032 02 r 02 openly 1 flat_out 0 001 \ 01603964 a 0102 | "He stated his opinion flat-out" 00092128 02 r 01 constantly 0 001 \ 01898584 a 0102 | "These symbols are constantly interpreted in mythological terms" 00092249 02 r 03 precisely 0 exactly 1 just 5 002 \ 00680691 a 0201 \ 01404218 a 0101 | "He was doing precisely what she had told him to do" 00092392 02 r 03 for_a_song 0 for_a_bargain_price 0 at_a_low_price 0 000 | "We bought the house for a song" 00092502 02 r 01 for_dear_life 0 000 | as though one's life were at stake: "He was running for dear life" 00092610 02 r 02 forever_and_a_day 0 for_a_seemingly_endless_time 0 000 | "We had to wait forever and a day" 00092721 02 r 03 for_example 0 for_instance 0 e.g. 0 000 | "Take ribbon snakes, for example" 00092816 02 r 01 for_good_measure 0 000 | "The car salesman threw in the radio, for good measure" 00092916 02 r 02 for_keeps 0 for_the_winner_to_keep 0 000 | "They played for keeps" 00093002 02 r 04 for_love_or_money 0 for_anything 0 for_any_price 0 for_all_the_world 0 000 | "She wouldn't give up her pets for love or money" 00093148 02 r 01 for_one_thing 0 000 | "For one thing, you must work harder" 00093227 02 r 02 for_short 0 as_an_abbreviation 0 000 | "Call me Bob for short" 00093309 02 r 02 for_the_asking 0 on_request 0 000 | "Advice was free for the asking" 00093397 02 r 02 from_scratch 0 from_the_beginning 0 000 | "He baked the torte from scratch" 00093492 02 r 02 sincerely 2 from_the_heart 0 001 \ 01671165 a 0101 | "He spoke from the heart" 00093590 02 r 02 sincerely 3 sincerely_yours 0 000 | Formula for ending a letter 00093673 02 r 02 from_way_back 0 since_a_long_time_ago 0 000 | "She knows him from way back" 00093768 02 r 01 closely 0 001 \ 00333759 a 0101 | "The onsets were closely timed" 00093853 02 r 02 closely 1 intimately 0 000 | "The two phenomena are intimately connected" 00093946 02 r 02 relatively 0 comparatively 0 002 \ 00007027 a 0201 \ 00006871 a 0101 | "The situation is relatively calm now" 00094075 02 r 02 predominantly 0 preponderantly 0 002 \ 00590891 a 0205 \ 00590891 a 0103 | "The patients are predominantly indigenous" 00094213 02 r 02 readily 0 without_much_difficulty 0 000 | "These snakes can be identified readily" 00094315 02 r 01 markedly 0 001 \ 00527006 a 0103 | "Sales of luxury cars dropped markedly" 00094409 02 r 03 the_most 0 most 6 most_of_all 0 001 ! 00094523 r 0101 | "She hates her Latin teacher the most" 00094523 02 r 03 the_least 0 least 6 least_of_all 2 001 ! 00094409 r 0101 | "She likes biology the least" 00094631 02 r 01 palpably 0 001 \ 01312272 a 0101 | "She was palpably nervous" 00094712 02 r 01 crudely 0 001 \ 01495871 a 0103 | "He was crudely bold" 00094787 02 r 04 slowly 2 tardily 0 slow 0 easy 2 001 \ 00732251 a 0101 | "He spoke slowly"; "Go easy here--the road is slippery"; "Glaciers move tardily" 00094944 02 r 02 unhurriedly 0 without_haste 0 002 ! 00131351 r 0101 \ 00965785 a 0101 | "She proceeded unhurriedly" 00095063 02 r 03 publicly 0 publically 0 in_public 0 002 ! 00095206 r 0101 \ 01423584 a 0101 | "She admittegd publicly to being a Communist" 00095206 02 r 02 privately 0 in_private 0 002 ! 00095063 r 0101 \ 01421619 a 0101 | "Privately, she thought differently" 00095329 02 r 02 reprovingly 0 reproachfully 0 002 \ 00482024 a 0203 \ 00482024 a 0104 | "She spoke to him reprovingly" 00095451 02 r 01 gaily 0 001 \ 01041864 a 0102 | "The scandals were gaily diverting" 00095538 02 r 04 hand_in_glove 0 hand_and_glove 0 in_close_cooperation 0 cooperatively 0 000 | "They work hand in glove" 00095661 02 r 02 cheek_by_jowl 0 in_close_proximity 0 000 | "The houses were jumbled together cheek by jowl" 00095772 02 r 02 helter-skelter 0 every_wich_way 0 000 | "The books are piled up helter-skelter" 00095871 02 r 04 head_over_heels 0 heels_over_head 0 topsy_turvy 0 in_great_confusion 0 000 | "We ran towards the shelter head_over_heels" 00096012 02 r 05 fecklessly 1 harum-scarum 0 carelessly 0 disorderly 0 pell-mell 0 002 \ 01532781 a 0102 ! 00191044 r 0302 | "John does his work harum-scarum" 00096173 02 r 02 heart_and_soul 0 body_and_soul 0 000 | "She was with him heart and soul" 00096265 02 r 02 hook_line_and_sinker 0 without_questioning 0 000 | "He believed her story hook, line, and sinker" 00096382 02 r 03 in_a_big_way 0 with_much_ceremony 0 with_much_to-do 0 000 | "They celebrated her birthday in a big way" 00096505 02 r 03 in_circles 0 in_a_circle 0 without_making_progress 0 000 | "The candidates talked in circles" 00096618 02 r 02 in_a_pig's_eye 0 not_very_likely 0 000 00096677 02 r 03 in_a_sense 0 in_a_way 2 in_some_ways_but_not_all 0 000 | "In a sense, language is like math" 00096789 02 r 03 in_case 0 just_in_case 0 if_there_is_need 0 000 | "I have money, just in case" 00096887 02 r 03 coldly 0 in_cold_blood 1 without_emotion 0 001 \ 00956152 a 0101 | "He killed her incold blood" 00097002 02 r 03 seriously 0 earnestly 2 in_earnest 0 002 \ 01627881 a 0201 \ 01627538 a 0101 | "She started studying snakes in earnest" 00097141 02 r 05 in_due_course 0 in_due_season 0 in_good_time 0 in_due_time 0 when_the_time_comes 0 000 | "We'll get to this question in due course" 00097292 02 r 02 in_full_swing 0 in_full_action 0 000 | "The party was in full swing" 00097380 02 r 02 in_kind 0 in_a_similar_way 2 000 | "She pays him back in kind" 00097462 02 r 02 in_line 0 in_a_queue 0 000 | "They waited in line for the tickets" 00097548 02 r 01 in_name 0 000 | "He's a doctor in name only" 00097612 02 r 02 in_no_time 0 very_fast 0 000 | "She finished the assignment in no time" 00097703 02 r 02 long_since 0 long 1 000 | "This name has long since been forgotten" 00097790 02 r 02 in_passing 0 en_passant 0 000 | "He made this remark in passing" 00097874 02 r 01 in_practice 0 000 | "Will this work in practice?" 00097943 02 r 04 secretly 0 in_secret 0 on_the_sly 0 on_the_Q.T. 0 000 | "The children secretly went to the movies" 00098061 02 r 02 in_short_order 0 without_delay 1 000 | "John got ready in short order" 00098151 02 r 01 inside_out 0 000 | "She turned the shirt inside out" 00098223 02 r 02 inside_out 1 thoroughly 2 000 | "She knows this town inside out" 00098307 02 r 03 in_the_air 0 in_everyone's_thoughts 0 on_everybody's_mind 0 000 | " Christmas was in the air" 00098420 02 r 03 in_the_first_place 1 earlier 4 in_the_beginning 1 000 | "Why didn't you tell me in the first place?" 00098540 02 r 03 in_the_long_run 0 in_the_end 2 in_the_final_result 0 000 | "She will succeed in the long run" 00098653 02 r 03 in_the_nick_of_time 0 almost_too_late 0 just_in_time 0 000 | "She was saved in the nick of time" 00098769 02 r 02 in_the_same_breath 0 at_the_same_time 2 000 | "She parised and criticized him in the same breath" 00098886 02 r 02 in_time 1 soon_enough 0 000 | "We made it to the party in time" 00098969 02 r 03 vainly 0 in_vain 0 to_no_avail 0 001 \ 01427382 a 0105 | "He looked for her in vain"; "The city fathers tried vainly to find a solution" 00099126 02 r 02 unsuccessfully 0 without_success 0 002 ! 00060843 r 0101 \ 01773019 a 0101 | "She tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to buy a new car" 00099282 02 r 02 just_so 0 with_great_care 0 000 | "You must treat this plant just so" 00099371 02 r 04 lickety_split 0 lickety_cut 0 at_full_speed 0 with_a_rush 0 000 | "She tackled the job lickety-split" 00099492 02 r 04 like_hell 0 like_mad 0 like_crazy 0 with_great_intensity 0 000 | "She worked like hell to get the job done" 00099619 02 r 01 like_hell 1 000 | expression indicating disbelief, as in "Like hell he will helped me!" 00099726 02 r 02 no_end 0 without_stopping 0 000 | "The child cried no end" 00099804 02 r 03 off_and_on 0 on_and_off 0 not_regularly 0 000 | "They phone each other off and on" 00099906 02 r 02 off_the_cuff 0 without_preparation 0 000 | "The presidential candidate made a remark off the cuff" 00100024 02 r 02 confidentially 0 off_the_record 0 001 \ 01422288 a 0102 | "He spoke to the reporter off the record" 00100143 02 r 02 on_all_fours 0 on_hands_and_knees 0 000 | "He got down on all fours to play with his grandson" 00100257 02 r 02 in_hand 1 present 0 000 | "What kind of man did he have in hand?" 00100342 02 r 02 on_the_average 0 on_average 0 000 | "On average he watches three movies a week" 00100441 02 r 01 on_approval 0 000 | "They bought the VCR on approval" 00100514 02 r 02 on_faith 0 without_checking 0 000 | "We accepted him on faith" 00100596 02 r 03 theoretically 0 on_paper 0 in_theory 0 000 | "On paper, the candidate seems promising" 00100702 02 r 01 theoretically 1 002 \ 00643498 a 0101 ! 00036117 r 0101 | "He worked the problem out theoretically" 00100821 02 r 05 oppositely 0 to_the_contrary 0 contrariwise 0 contrarily 0 on_the_contrary 2 002 \ 01583523 a 0401 \ 01583020 a 0103 | "He didn't stay home; on the contrary, he went out with his friends" 00101028 02 r 03 on_the_fly 0 while_busy 0 between_other_activities 0 000 | "She wrote those letters on the fly" 00101143 02 r 01 on_the_hour 0 000 | "We have a tour every hour on the hour" 00101222 02 r 03 on_the_spot 0 right_there 0 right_then 1 000 | "We hired her on the spot" 00101315 02 r 02 on_the_spur_of_the_moment 0 suddenly 4 000 | "He decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment" 00101435 02 r 03 on_the_way 0 coming 0 en_route 0 000 | "Help is on the way" 00101514 02 r 03 on_time 0 not_late 0 not_delayed 0 000 | "She always arrives on time" 00101603 02 r 03 out_of_thin_air 0 out_of_nothing 0 from_nowhere 0 000 | "Your cousin arrived out of thin air" 00101716 02 r 02 out_of_wedlock 1 outside_marriage 0 000 | "He was born out of wedlock" 00101806 02 r 02 to_advantage 0 in_a_flattering_way 0 000 | "The dress brought out her figure to advantage" 00101916 02 r 03 excessively 0 to_a_fault 0 too_much 1 001 \ 01165860 a 0101 | "John is neat to a fault" 00102023 02 r 02 to_a_man 0 without_exception 0 000 | "We voted for unionization to a man" 00102116 02 r 04 to_a_T 0 to_the_letter 0 just_right 0 to_perfection 0 000 | "The new house suited them to a T" 00102230 02 r 02 up_to_now 1 to_date 0 000 | "No suspect has been found to date" 00102313 02 r 01 to_order 0 000 | "He had the shoes made to order" 00102382 02 r 01 tooth_and_nail 0 000 | "She fought tooth and nail" 00102452 02 r 02 to_that_effect 0 with_that_meaning 0 000 | "She said something to that effect" 00102550 02 r 02 to_the_bitter_end 0 all_the_way 2 000 | "We stayed to the bitter end" 00102639 02 r 03 fully 2 to_the_full 0 as_far_as_possible 0 000 | "We enjoyed our vacation to the full" 00102745 02 r 03 to_the_hilt 0 to_the_full 2 to_the_limit 0 000 | "You are in this to the hilt" 00102843 02 r 04 under_the_circumstances 0 in_the_circumstances 0 as_things_are 0 in_the_present_condition 0 000 | "Under the circumstances, I cannot buy the house" 00103010 02 r 01 orad 0 002 ! 00103111 r 0101 \ 01275360 a 0101 | towards the mouth or oral region 00103111 02 r 01 aborad 0 002 ! 00103010 r 0101 \ 01275840 a 0101 | away from the mouth or oral region 00103216 02 r 02 bravely 0 courageously 0 002 \ 00209856 a 0202 \ 00209856 a 0101 | "Bravely he went into the burning house" 00103343 02 r 02 overboard 0 over_the_side_of_a_ship 0 000 | "They threw the garabge overboard" 00103441 02 r 01 upstate 0 000 | inn or towards the northern parts of a state, as in "upstate New York" 00103547 02 r 02 profoundly 0 deeply 0 001 \ 01431211 a 0101 | "They felt the loss deeply" 00103640 02 r 02 impatiently 0 with_impatience 0 002 ! 00103763 r 0101 \ 01328875 a 0101 | "He answered her impatiently" 00103763 02 r 02 patiently 0 with_patience 0 002 ! 00103640 r 0101 \ 01327737 a 0101 | "He patiently played with the child" 00103889 02 r 01 tensely 0 001 \ 01824809 a 0101 | "He sat down tensely" 00103964 02 r 01 methodically 0 001 \ 01811094 a 0101 | "She worked methodically" 00104048 02 r 02 blindly 0 without_seeing 0 001 \ 01655899 a 0101 | "He groped blindly" 00104138 02 r 01 apologetically 0 001 \ 01249073 a 0101 | "He spoke apologetically about his past" 00104239 02 r 02 unsteadily 0 falteringly 0 003 \ 01751495 a 0201 ! 00104385 r 0101 \ 01750545 a 0101 | "He walked unsteadily towards the exit" 00104385 02 r 02 steadily 0 steady 0 002 ! 00104239 r 0101 \ 01749556 a 0101 | "He could still walk steadily" 00104497 02 r 01 haughtily 0 001 \ 01446076 a 0102 | "He peered haughtily down his nose" 00104588 02 r 03 wildy 0 violently 1 in_an_uncontrolled_manner 0 002 \ 01320016 a 0201 \ 01320016 a 0102 | "He gesticulated wildly" 00104722 02 r 01 bleakly 0 001 \ 00937576 a 0102 | "He wondered bleakly" 00104797 02 r 03 weakly 0 softly 1 faintly 0 000 | "He wheezed weakly" 00104870 02 r 02 stupidly 0 without_thinking 0 001 \ 00324455 a 0101 | "He had stupidly bought a one way ticket" 00104985 02 r 02 uniquely 0 unambiguously 0 000 | "he could determine uniquely the properties of the ompound" 00105097 02 r 01 symmetrically 0 002 ! 00105209 r 0101 \ 01803686 a 0101 | "They were symmetrically arranged" 00105209 02 r 02 asymmetrically 0 unsymmetrically 0 001 ! 00105097 r 0101 | "They were asymmetrically arranged" 00105323 02 r 02 inversely 0 reciprocally 0 002 \ 01491448 a 0201 \ 01492469 a 0101 | "inversely related" 00105431 02 r 02 creatively 0 in_a_creative_way 0 001 \ 00478469 a 0101 | "She solved the problem creatively" 00105543 02 r 01 distally 0 001 \ 00582057 a 0101 | "The bronchus is situated distally" 00105633 02 r 01 separately 0 001 \ 00363722 a 0102 | "separately derived branches" 00105719 02 r 02 heavily 0 to_a_great_extent 0 001 \ 00905383 a 0101 | "He relied havily on others' data" 00105827 02 r 03 heavily 1 intemperately 0 hard 6 003 \ 01823488 a 0201 \ 01823616 a 0102 ! 00105958 r 0101 | "He drank heavily" 00105958 02 r 01 lightly 1 001 ! 00105827 r 0101 | "We eat lightly in the morning" 00106043 02 r 02 imperfectly 0 amiss 3 001 \ 01341049 a 0101 | "The lobe was imperfectly developed"; "She would not play at all amiss" 00106180 02 r 02 amiss 4 in_an_uncalled-for_way 0 000 | "He spoke amiss" 00106255 02 r 02 repeatedly 0 several_times 0 001 \ 00440776 a 0103 | "It must be washed repeatedly" 00106358 02 r 05 over_and_over 0 again_and_again 0 over_and_over_again 0 time_and_again 0 time_and_time_again 0 000 | "The unknown word turned up over and over again in the text" 00106539 02 r 02 strongly 0 in_a_strong_way 0 002 ! 00106673 r 0101 \ 01763617 a 0101 | "He was strongly opposed to the government" 00106673 02 r 02 weakly 1 in_a_weak_way 0 002 ! 00106539 r 0101 \ 01766528 a 0101 | "He was weakly attracted to her" 00106792 02 r 03 vice_versa 0 the_other_way_around 0 contrariwise 1 000 | "she hates him and vice versa" 00106899 02 r 02 day_by_day 0 daily 1 000 | "His health weakened day by day" 00106978 02 r 02 day_in_day_out 0 day_after_day 0 000 | for an indefinite number of successive days 00107080 02 r 01 week_after_week 0 000 | for an indefinite number of successive weeks 00107168 02 r 01 week_by_week 0 000 | "week by week, the betrayal gnawed at his heart" 00107257 02 r 01 month_by_month 0 000 | "month by month, the betrayal gnawed at his heart" 00107350 02 r 01 radically 0 001 \ 01419521 a 0101 | "She took a radically different approach" 00107447 02 r 02 religiously 0 sacredly 0 002 \ 01573806 a 0201 \ 01574745 a 0101 | "religiously inspired art" 00107560 02 r 03 scrupulously 0 conscientiously 0 religiously 1 002 \ 01599175 a 0201 \ 01598932 a 0101 | "He came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock" 00107717 02 r 01 exceptionally 0 001 \ 01281596 a 0102 | "It worked exceptionally well" 00107807 02 r 01 amply 1 002 \ 00085390 a 0101 ! 00284237 r 0101 | "The evidence amply confirms our suspicions" 00107921 02 r 03 strictly 0 purely 0 restricted_to_something 0 000 | "We talked strictly business" 00108022 02 r 01 tentatively 0 001 \ 00410620 a 0104 | "We agreed tentatively on a dinner date" 00108120 02 r 02 in_other_words 0 put_differently 0 000 | "In other words, we are broke" 00108211 02 r 02 loosely 0 slackly 0 000 | "His hands lay loosely" 00108280 02 r 01 fussily 0 001 \ 00864038 a 0104 | "He spoke to her fussily" 00108359 02 r 02 unnecessarily 1 without_any_necessity 0 001 \ 01211893 a 0101 | "This marathon would exhaust him unnecessarily" 00108491 02 r 01 gracefully 0 002 ! 00108590 r 0101 \ 00865601 a 0101 | "She swooped gracefully" 00108590 02 r 01 gracelessly 0 002 ! 00108491 r 0101 \ 00868665 a 0101 | "She moves rather gracelessly" 00108696 02 r 02 neatly 0 showing_neatness 0 000 | "she put the slippers under the bed neatly" 00108793 02 r 03 lightly 0 softly 2 gently 3 003 \ 00530835 a 0301 \ 00530835 a 0203 \ 00530835 a 0102 | without much force; "She kissed him lightly on the forehead" 00108961 02 r 02 successively 0 in_turn 0 001 \ 01277939 a 0105 00109028 02 r 03 independently 0 on_one's_own 0 without_outside_help 0 001 \ 00546454 a 0101 | "The children worked on the project independently" 00109176 02 r 03 apart 1 not_taken_into_account 0 aside 4 000 | "These problems apart, the country is doing well" 00109292 02 r 02 once 2 when 0 000 | "once we are home, we can rest" 00109363 02 r 03 as_needed 0 as_required 0 according_to_need 0 000 | "Add water as needed" 00109456 02 r 01 gently 0 001 \ 00870016 a 0102 | "A gently sloping terrain" 00109535 02 r 04 overseas 1 beyond_the_sea 0 over_the_sea 0 abroad 1 000 00109611 02 r 02 vigorously 0 with_vigor 0 001 \ 00652620 a 0102 | "He defended his ideas vigorously" 00109715 02 r 03 distinctly 0 clearly 2 clear 2 000 | "It's distinctly possible" 00109798 02 r 03 in_vivo 0 in_the_living_body 0 in_the_living_organism 0 000 00109878 02 r 01 positively 0 001 \ 00262407 a 0102 | "It was positively monumental" 00109965 02 r 02 magnificently 0 splendidly 0 002 \ 00175451 a 0204 \ 00175451 a 0102 | "He did splendidly in the exam" 00110087 02 r 01 excellently 0 001 \ 01781322 a 0101 | "The job had been done excellently" 00110180 02 r 01 healthily 0 001 \ 01490202 a 0101 | "The answers were healthily individual" 00110275 02 r 02 hilariously 0 uproariously 0 002 \ 00962906 a 0202 \ 00962906 a 0101 | "hilariously funny" 00110385 02 r 02 considerately 0 with_consideration 0 002 ! 00110513 r 0101 \ 00475429 a 0101 | "They considerately withdrew" 00110513 02 r 02 inconsiderately 0 without_consideration 0 002 ! 00110385 r 0101 \ 00475767 a 0101 | "Inconsiderately, he asked to be invited for dinner" 00110669 02 r 08 wonderfully 0 wondrous 0 wondrously 0 superbly 0 toppingly 0 marvellously 0 terrifically 0 marvelously 0 006 \ 01281875 a 0706 \ 01281875 a 0603 \ 01782339 a 0503 \ 01782195 a 0401 \ 01281875 a 0309 \ 01281875 a 0108 | "Her voice is superbly disciplined" 00110943 02 r 02 gratifyingly 0 satisfyingly 0 002 \ 01545913 a 0204 \ 01545913 a 0102 | "The performance was at a gratifyingly high level" 00111085 02 r 01 impeccably 0 001 \ 01339884 a 0102 | "The film was impeccably authentic" 00111177 02 r 01 blandly 0 001 \ 01821873 a 0101 | "His blandly boisterous progress" 00111264 02 r 03 gravely 0 soberly 0 staidly 0 003 \ 00517672 a 0303 \ 01628138 a 0203 \ 01628138 a 0101 | "He walked soberly towards the altar" 00111411 02 r 01 helpfully 0 002 ! 00111523 r 0101 \ 00908906 a 0101 | "The subtitles are helpfully conveyed" 00111523 02 r 01 unhelpfully 0 002 ! 00111411 r 0101 \ 00911189 a 0101 | "He stood by unhelpfully while the house burned down" 00111652 02 r 04 true 0 admittedly 0 awovedly 0 confessedly 0 000 | "True, she is the smartest in her class" 00111763 02 r 01 preferentially 0 001 \ 00054388 a 0102 | "He was treated preferentially" 00111855 02 r 02 rationally 0 with_reason 0 002 \ 01475203 a 0101 ! 00111968 r 0101 | "We must act rationally" 00111968 02 r 02 irrationally 0 without_reasoning 0 002 ! 00111855 r 0101 \ 01475774 a 0101 | "They acted irrationally" 00112090 02 r 01 critically 0 002 ! 00112199 r 0101 \ 00483423 a 0101 | "This must be examined critically" 00112199 02 r 01 uncritically 0 002 ! 00112090 r 0101 \ 00482822 a 0101 | "He accepted her decisions uncritically" 00112316 02 r 02 boldly 0 with_boldness 0 001 \ 00199322 a 0101 | "We must tackle these tasks boldly" 00112420 02 r 05 competently 0 aptly 0 ably 0 capably 0 with_competence 0 005 \ 00239795 a 0401 \ 00375419 a 0301 \ 01014461 a 0201 ! 00112618 r 0101 \ 00375139 a 0101 | "They worked competently" 00112618 02 r 02 incompetently 0 displaying_incompetence 0 002 ! 00112420 r 0101 \ 00376005 a 0101 | "He did the job rather incompetently" 00112759 02 r 01 genuinely 0 001 \ 01671789 a 0102 | "A genuinely open society" 00112841 02 r 01 emotionally 0 001 \ 02144139 a 0101 | "emotionally secure" 00112919 02 r 02 emotionally 1 showing_emotion 0 002 ! 00113050 r 0101 \ 00638746 a 0101 | "At the uneral, he spoke emotionally" 00113050 02 r 02 unemotionally 0 without_emotion 1 002 ! 00112919 r 0101 \ 00640683 a 0101 | "The defendant stared unemotionally at the victim's family" 00113205 02 r 04 anxiously 0 uneasily 0 apprehensively 0 with_anxiety 0 003 \ 00066320 a 0301 \ 00613814 a 0201 \ 00614054 a 0101 | "we watched anxiously" 00113362 02 r 02 stiffly 0 stiff 0 001 \ 01160155 a 0101 | "His hands lay stiffly" 00113447 02 r 02 informally 0 without_formality 0 002 ! 00113568 r 0101 \ 00785959 a 0101 | "He visited us informally" 00113568 02 r 03 formally 0 with_formality 0 in_a_formal_manner 0 002 ! 00113447 r 0101 \ 00783961 a 0101 | "He was dressed rather formally" 00113711 02 r 02 formally 1 officially 1 002 \ 01249647 a 0201 \ 01250231 a 0101 | "The club will be formally recognized" 00113835 02 r 01 irritably 0 001 \ 00864164 a 0103 | "She had become irritably exact" 00113923 02 r 02 calmly 0 tranquilly 1 002 \ 01333122 a 0203 \ 00685662 a 0101 | "He spoke calmly"; "tranquilly she went on with her work" 00114064 02 r 02 nicely 0 in_a_nice_way 0 001 \ 01215391 a 0101 | "a nicely painted house" 00114157 02 r 02 cozily 0 cosily 0 001 \ 00352805 a 0101 | "nestled cosily by the fire" 00114247 02 r 01 correspondingly 0 001 \ 00354323 a 0101 | "The temperature decreases correspondingly" 00114352 02 r 01 studiously 0 001 \ 00242876 a 0102 | "She examined the data studiously" 00114443 02 r 01 cleverly 0 001 \ 00324246 a 0104 | "They were cleverly arranged" 00114527 02 r 03 lavishly 1 richly 0 extravagantly 1 002 \ 01550014 a 0201 \ 01552460 a 0101 | "lavishly decorated" 00114645 02 r 04 close_up 0 close 0 at_close_range 0 near 2 000 00114712 02 r 02 nearest 0 closest 0 000 00114756 02 r 01 uptown 0 001 ! 00114845 r 0101 | towards or in the upper part of town 00114845 02 r 01 downtown 0 001 ! 00114756 r 0101 | towards or in the lower or central part of town 00114947 02 r 01 best_of_all 0 000 | "best of all, we don't have any homework!" 00115029 02 r 01 best 0 000 | "You'd best stay at home" 00115087 02 r 02 best 1 most_excellently 0 000 | "He played best after a couple of martinis" 00115182 02 r 01 out 0 001 ! 00115368 r 0101 | outside of an enclosed space: "She is out" 00115274 02 r 02 out 1 away 1 000 | away from the reference point: "He kicked his legs out" 00115368 02 r 02 in 0 inside_an_enclosed_space 0 001 ! 00115182 r 0101 00115442 02 r 01 theatrically 1 001 \ 00594850 a 0101 | "theatrically dressed" 00115523 02 r 01 dramatically 1 001 \ 02022559 a 0101 | "The play was dramatically interesting, but the direction was bad" 00115648 02 r 04 namely 0 viz. 0 that_is_to_say 0 videlicet 0 000 00115717 02 r 02 much_as 0 very_much_like 0 000 00115768 02 r 02 popularly 0 among_the_people 0 001 \ 02139261 a 0101 | "This topic was popularly discussed" 00115879 02 r 02 enthusiastically 0 with_enthusiasm 0 002 ! 00116024 r 0101 \ 00659995 a 0101 | "They discussed the question enthusiastically" 00116024 02 r 03 unenthusiastically 0 without_enthusiasm 0 showing_no_enthusiasm 0 002 ! 00115879 r 0101 \ 00660647 a 0101 | "The children opened the presents unenthusiastically" 00116205 02 r 01 intellectually 0 001 \ 02096809 a 0101 | "intellectually influenced" 00116293 02 r 01 professedly 0 001 \ 00516779 a 0102 | "He professedly had to write his Apologia" 00116393 02 r 03 someday 0 some_day 0 some_time_in_the_future 0 000 | "Someday you will understand my actions" 00116506 02 r 02 hyperbolically 0 exaggeratedly 0 000 00116563 02 r 01 agilely 0 001 \ 00028051 a 0101 00116615 02 r 02 westerly 0 toward_the_west 0 001 \ 00615909 a 0101 | "They journeyed westerly" 00116713 02 r 02 proudly 0 with_pride 0 001 \ 01444866 a 0101 | "He walked proudly into town" 00116809 02 r 01 solemnly 0 001 \ 00784386 a 0102 | "He sat there solemnly" 00116887 02 r 01 divinely 0 001 \ 02022073 a 0101 | "The divinely appointed means of rescue from temporal existence" 00117006 02 r 01 God_knows_how 0 000 | by some means not inderstood by the speaker: "God knows how he did it, but he did climbed that steep wall" 00117154 02 r 01 clumsily 0 001 \ 00867051 a 0102 | "He snatched the bills clumsily" 00117241 02 r 01 diffusely 0 001 \ 00397847 a 0101 | "The arteries were diffusely narrowed" 00117335 02 r 01 irregularly 2 001 \ 01505518 a 0101 | "The stomach mucosa was irregularly blackened" 00117439 02 r 01 coarsely 0 002 ! 00117549 r 0101 \ 01693060 a 0101 | "The surfaces were coarsely granular" 00117549 02 r 01 finely 2 002 ! 00117439 r 0101 \ 01693782 a 0101 | "The surfaces were finely granular" 00117655 02 r 02 intensely 0 in_an_intense_manner 0 001 \ 01147883 a 0101 | "He worked intensely" 00117755 02 r 02 nonspecifically 0 unspecifically 0 002 \ 00833739 a 0203 \ 00833739 a 0102 | "nonspecifically staining fractions" 00117888 02 r 03 et_al. 0 et_alii 0 and_others 0 000 | used as an abbreviation when referring to a number of people 00118006 02 r 05 cf. 0 confer 0 see 0 see_also 0 compare 0 000 | used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text 00118139 02 r 03 i.e. 0 id_est 0 that_is 0 000 00118189 02 r 01 continuously 0 001 \ 00441975 a 0101 | "The function is continuously differentiable" 00118293 02 r 01 reflexly 0 001 \ 01912869 a 0102 | "Such effects can be induced reflexly" 00118386 02 r 01 spontaneously 0 001 \ 01732266 a 0101 | "This shift occurs spontaneously" 00118479 02 r 01 sympathetically 0 001 \ 02157567 a 0101 | "The stimulus acted sympathetically" 00118577 02 r 04 sympathetically 1 empathetically 0 with_sympathy 0 with_empathy 0 003 \ 01806639 a 0202 ! 00118760 r 0101 \ 01806138 a 0101 | "She listened to him sympathetically" 00118760 02 r 02 unsympathetically 0 without_sympathy 0 002 ! 00118577 r 0101 \ 01806748 a 0101 | "The judge listened to the accused unsympathetically" 00118914 02 r 01 convincingly 0 002 ! 00119015 r 0101 \ 00456809 a 0101 | "He argued convincingly" 00119015 02 r 01 unconvincingly 0 002 ! 00118914 r 0101 \ 00457371 a 0101 | "He argued unconvincingly" 00119120 02 r 03 weirdly 0 in_a_weird_way 0 in_a_weird_manner 0 001 \ 00452198 a 0106 | "She was dressed weirdly" 00119236 02 r 01 mercifully 0 000 | "We more mercifully had the bouncing betties go off at the head" 00119339 02 r 03 mercifully 1 with_mercy 0 showing_mercy 0 001 \ 01146009 a 0101 | "He dealt with the thief mercifully" 00119461 02 r 03 stealthily 0 thievishly 0 in_a_stealthy_manner 0 001 \ 01470040 a 0102 | "Stealthily they advanced upstream" 00119589 02 r 02 off 0 at_a_distance 0 000 | "The boat was 5 miles off" 00119663 02 r 02 off 1 in_the_future 0 000 | "The party is still 2 weeks off" 00119743 02 r 01 snugly 0 001 \ 01064727 a 0101 | "The vest fit snugly" 00119817 02 r 01 visibly 1 001 \ 01906906 a 0101 | "The sign was visibly displayed" 00119903 02 r 01 conceivably 0 001 \ 01393063 a 0101 | "The weather may coinceivably change" 00119998 02 r 01 strikingly 0 001 \ 00974791 a 0103 | "This was strikingly demonstrated"; "The evidence was strikingly absent" 00120127 02 r 01 aurally 0 001 \ 02058762 a 0101 | "It was aurally spellbinding" 00120210 02 r 02 wildly 0 wild 0 000 | "The storyline is wildly unrealistic"; "She is wild shy" 00120308 02 r 01 meticulously 0 001 \ 01404907 a 0101 | "The set was meticulously authentic" 00120403 02 r 02 graciously 0 gracefully 1 004 ! 00120575 r 0202 \ 00868038 a 0202 ! 00120575 r 0101 \ 00867600 a 0101 | "He did not have a chance to grow up graciously" 00120575 02 r 04 ungraciously 0 ungracefully 1 gracelessly 1 without_graciousness 0 004 \ 00636958 a 0302 ! 00120403 r 0202 \ 00867466 a 0201 ! 00120403 r 0101 00120738 02 r 02 rigidly 0 stiffly 1 002 \ 00766124 a 0202 \ 00766124 a 0101 | "The body was rigidly erect" 00120848 02 r 02 awkwardly 0 in_an_awkward_manner 0 001 \ 00866804 a 0101 | "He bent awkwardly" 00120946 02 r 01 bewilderedly 0 001 \ 01351387 a 0104 | "He spoke in a bewildered manner" 00121038 02 r 02 triumphantly 0 in_a_triumphant_manner 0 000 | "She shouted triumphantly" 00121130 02 r 02 regularly 0 on_a_regular_basis 0 002 ! 00121270 r 0101 \ 01503843 a 0101 | "Letters arrived regularly from his children" 00121270 02 r 02 irregularly 0 on_an_irregular_basis 0 002 ! 00121130 r 0101 \ 01505518 a 0101 | "Her letters arrived irregularly" 00121403 02 r 01 universally 0 000 | "People universally agree on this" 00121477 02 r 01 ideally 0 001 \ 01340169 a 0101 | "Ideally, this will remove all problems" 00121571 02 r 02 mistakenly 0 erroneously 0 002 \ 00470026 a 0201 \ 00470185 a 0102 | "He mistakenly believed it" 00121687 02 r 02 childishly 0 in_a_child-like_manner 0 001 \ 01133833 a 0101 | "He acted very childishly" 00121795 02 r 02 needlessly 0 without_a_need 0 001 \ 01212771 a 0102 | "It would needlessly bring badness into the world" 00121919 02 r 03 tantalizingly 0 invitingly 0 in_a_tantalizing_manner 0 002 \ 01034952 a 0201 \ 01035361 a 0101 | "She smiled at him tantalizingly" 00122069 02 r 03 however 1 in_whatever_way 0 in_whatever_manner 0 000 | "Victory, however it was brought about, was sweet" 00122194 02 r 01 improperly 0 002 \ 01437271 a 0101 ! 00122321 r 0101 | "He checked whether the wound had healed improperly" 00122321 02 r 05 properly 0 in_good_order 0 right 1 the_right_way 0 in_the_right_manner 0 002 ! 00122194 r 0101 \ 01435824 a 0101 | "Please do your job properly!" 00122486 02 r 03 attentively 0 with_attention 0 paying_attention 0 001 \ 00133699 a 0101 | "He listened attentively" 00122605 02 r 05 immensely 0 enormously 0 tremendously 0 hugely 0 staggeringly 0 003 \ 01281875 a 0307 \ 01054998 a 0202 \ 01054998 a 0105 | "He was enormously popular" 00122776 02 r 03 liberally 0 munificently 0 generously 0 003 \ 00842397 a 0301 \ 00843147 a 0202 \ 00842726 a 0108 | "He embellished his stories liberally" 00122935 02 r 03 effortlessly 0 easily 2 without_effort 0 002 \ 00564208 a 0201 \ 00626765 a 0101 | "She did it effortlessly" 00123063 02 r 02 o'clock 0 according_to_the_clock 0 000 | "It's three o'clock in Tokyo now" 00123157 02 r 01 in_detail 0 000 | "He studied the snake in detail" 00123227 02 r 02 handily 1 conveniently 0 003 ! 00123369 r 0201 \ 00448786 a 0201 \ 00449086 a 0102 | "The switch was conveniently located" 00123369 02 r 01 inconveniently 0 002 ! 00123227 r 0102 \ 00449277 a 0101 | "He arrived at an inconveniently late hour" 00123491 02 r 04 jointly 2 hand_in_hand 0 in_collaboration 0 in_cooperation 0 000 | "This paper was written jointly" 00123610 02 r 04 really 4 actually 1 in_reality 0 in_fact 1 000 | contradicting previous beliefs or assumptions; "He never actually saw the unicorn" 00123761 02 r 04 exceedingly 0 passing 0 extemely 2 amain 2 002 \ 01149202 a 0301 \ 01281596 a 0101 | "His eyesight was exceedingly defective" 00123906 02 r 01 concretely 0 001 \ 00012797 a 0101 | "Concretely, this meant that he was broke" 00124005 02 r 02 easily 3 quickly 1 000 | "He was easily confused"; "This kind of china breaks easily" 00124110 02 r 02 all_over 1 to_the_whole_extent 0 000 | "The room was covered with books all over" 00124211 02 r 02 kinesthetically 0 kinaesthetically 0 001 \ 02082395 a 0101 | "He can perceive shapes kinesthetically" 00124332 02 r 03 tactually 0 haptically 0 by_touch 0 002 \ 02081372 a 0201 \ 02081372 a 0103 | "He perceives shapes tactually" 00124461 02 r 02 convulsively 0 with_convulsions 0 001 \ 01751145 a 0101 | "Her leg twitched convulsively" 00124570 02 r 03 rebelliously 0 contumaciously 0 defiantly 0 003 \ 00522665 a 0301 \ 01770968 a 0201 \ 01770968 a 0102 | "He rejected her words rebelliously" 00124730 02 r 06 stubbornly 0 pig-headedly 0 obdurately 0 mulishly 0 obstinately 0 cussedly 0 006 \ 01501503 a 0601 \ 01768881 a 0502 \ 01769992 a 0402 \ 01501503 a 0302 \ 01769636 a 0203 \ 01768881 a 0101 | "She remained stubbornly in the same position" 00124987 02 r 01 wrong-headedly 0 001 \ 00470797 a 0102 00125046 02 r 01 drunkenly 0 001 \ 00596406 a 0105 | "He sang drunkenly" 00125121 02 r 01 raucously 0 001 \ 00235412 a 0101 | "His voice rang raucously" 00125203 02 r 01 victoriously 0 001 \ 00522451 a 0102 | "Virginia had defended her land victoriously" 00125307 02 r 02 fearfully 0 in_fear 0 003 ! 00125307 r 0101 \ 00066735 a 0101 ! 00125448 r 0101 | "She hurried down the stairs fearfully" 00125448 02 r 04 fearlessly 0 dauntlessly 0 intrepidly 0 without_fear 0 004 \ 00199626 a 0305 \ 00199626 a 0203 ! 00125307 r 0101 \ 00068303 a 0102 | "Fearlessly, he led the troops into combat" 00125644 02 r 01 thankfully 0 000 | "Thankfully he didn't come to the party" 00125723 02 r 02 hopefully 1 it_is_hoped 0 000 | "Hopefully the weather will be fine on Sunday" 00125821 02 r 02 hopefully 0 with_hope 0 002 ! 00125950 r 0101 \ 00936738 a 0101 | "We searched hopefully for a good position" 00125950 02 r 02 hopelessly 0 without_hope 0 002 ! 00125821 r 0101 \ 00937170 a 0101 | "I must die," he said hopelessly 00126072 02 r 03 eagerly 0 thirstily 1 with_eagerness 0 001 \ 00661722 a 0103 | "The news were eagerly awaited" 00126186 02 r 02 reportedly 0 according_to_reports 0 000 | "She was reportedly his mistress for many years" 00126296 02 r 02 maliciously 0 with_maliciousness 0 001 \ 00181643 a 0101 | "She answered maliciously" 00126401 02 r 03 viciously 0 brutally 0 savagely 0 003 \ 00960410 a 0306 \ 00960999 a 0201 \ 00960410 a 0107 | "He was viciously attacked" 00126542 02 r 02 spitefully 0 with_spite 0 001 \ 00181829 a 0103 | "He answered his accusers spitefully" 00126649 02 r 04 wisely 0 sagely 0 with_wisdom 0 showing_wisdom 0 003 \ 01949797 a 0201 ! 00126825 r 0101 \ 01949005 a 0101 | "She acted wisely when she invited her parents" 00126825 02 r 04 foolishly 0 fatuously 0 inanely 0 unwisely 0 004 \ 01950924 a 0303 \ 01950924 a 0202 ! 00126649 r 0101 \ 01015763 a 0102 | "He acted foolishly when he agreed to come" 00127011 02 r 02 intelligently 0 showing_intelligence 0 002 ! 00127165 r 0101 \ 01013838 a 0101 | "She acted intelligently in this difficult situation" 00127165 02 r 02 unintelligently 0 showing_lack_of_intelligence 0 002 ! 00127011 r 0101 \ 01015559 a 0101 | "He acted rather unintelligently in this crisis" 00127324 02 r 04 intelligibly 0 clearly 1 understandably 0 in_an_intelligible_manner 0 004 \ 00392275 a 0301 \ 00316387 a 0201 ! 00127538 r 0101 \ 01016171 a 0101 | "The foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly" 00127538 02 r 02 unintelligibly 0 ununderstandably 0 002 ! 00127324 r 0101 \ 01016387 a 0101 | "The foreigners spoke unintelligibly" 00127673 02 r 02 aerially 0 via_aircraft 0 001 \ 01969133 a 0101 | "The survey was carried out aerially" 00127780 02 r 02 alphabetically 0 in_alphabetical_order 0 001 \ 01972728 a 0102 | "The index was arranged alphabetically" 00127904 02 r 02 aristocratically 0 in_an_aristocratic_manner 0 001 \ 01985847 a 0101 | "They behaved very aristocratically" 00128031 02 r 02 autocratically 0 in_an_autocratic_manner 0 001 \ 01991263 a 0101 | "The Czars ruled Russia autocratically" 00128157 02 r 02 diplomatically 0 with_diplomacy 0 002 ! 00128286 r 0101 \ 00570060 a 0101 | "He answered very diplomatically" 00128286 02 r 02 undiplomatically 0 without_diplomacy 0 002 ! 00128157 r 0101 \ 00570060 a 0101 | "She declined the invitation undiplomatically" 00128433 02 r 01 socioeconomically 0 001 \ 02022891 a 0101 | "They are far apart socioeconomically" 00128535 02 r 02 sometime 0 at_some_time 0 000 | "It was to be printed sometime later" 00128624 02 r 01 stoutly 0 001 \ 01564014 a 0103 | "He was stoutly replying to his critics" 00128718 02 r 04 indefinitely 0 to_an_indefinitie_extent 0 forever 4 for_an_indefinite_time 0 000 | "This can go on indefinitely" 00128850 02 r 04 severely 1 gravely 1 seriously 1 badly 2 003 \ 00484416 a 0304 \ 00484416 a 0202 \ 01149202 a 0105 | "He was hurt badly" 00128990 02 r 04 accurately 0 correctly 1 right 2 aright 0 005 ! 00129397 r 0301 \ 00468794 a 0302 ! 00129397 r 0202 \ 00468794 a 0201 \ 00020444 a 0101 | "He guessed right" 00129166 02 r 01 accurately 1 002 ! 00129267 r 0101 \ 00681003 a 0101 | "He works very accurately" 00129267 02 r 01 inaccurately 0 002 ! 00129166 r 0101 \ 00470026 a 0102 | "This student works rather inaccurately and sloppily" 00129397 02 r 03 wrongly 0 incorrectly 1 wrong 0 004 \ 00469587 a 0201 ! 00128990 r 0202 ! 00128990 r 0103 \ 00469587 a 0102 | "She guessed wrong" 00129546 02 r 02 wrongly 3 amiss 1 001 \ 01560771 a 0101 | "you judge him amiss" 00129629 02 r 01 right 4 000 | "Stand right here!" 00129682 02 r 03 fully 1 right 7 all_the_way 0 001 \ 00385200 a 0101 | "She felt right at home"; "He fell right into the trap" 00129811 02 r 02 justly 0 right 5 001 \ 01043082 a 0101 | in accordance with moral or social standards: "That serves him right"; "Do right by him" 00129960 02 r 03 rightly 0 justly 1 justifiedly 0 003 ! 00130132 r 0201 \ 01043082 a 0201 \ 01560279 a 0101 | "He was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time" 00130132 02 r 01 unjustly 0 002 ! 00129960 r 0102 \ 01043816 a 0101 | "He was unjustly singled out for punishment" 00130249 02 r 03 along 0 with 0 in_accompaniment 0 000 | together with somebody, as a companion or in association with: "His little sister came along to the movies" 00130416 02 r 02 not_much 0 little 0 000 | "He talked little about his family" 00130497 02 r 02 along 2 in_addition 2 000 | "Along with the package came a bill" 00130581 02 r 01 charitably 0 001 \ 00277046 a 0101 | "She treated him charitably" 00130666 02 r 02 aimlessly 0 without_aim 0 001 \ 01462301 a 0103 | "He wandered around aimlessly" 00130766 02 r 01 sluggishly 0 001 \ 00653325 a 0102 | "The smoke rose sluggishly" 00130850 02 r 02 trustfully 2 showing_trust 0 001 \ 01864729 a 0101 | "His mouth grinned trustfully" 00130953 02 r 02 darkly 0 in_darkness 0 001 \ 00216996 a 0101 | "The river was sliding darkly under the mist" 00131065 02 r 03 astray 0 away_from_the_right_path 0 out_of_the_right_direction 0 000 | "He was led astray" 00131175 02 r 03 apart 2 asunder 0 into_pieces 0 000 | "torn asunder" 00131247 02 r 03 away_from_one_another 0 apart 3 separated 0 000 | "These towns are many miles apart" 00131351 02 r 02 hurriedly 0 hastily 0 003 \ 00965335 a 0201 ! 00094944 r 0101 \ 00965042 a 0101 | "Hastily, he scanned the headlines" 00131488 02 r 05 hurriedly 1 hastily 1 in_haste 0 hotfoot 0 without_delay 2 000 | "He sent his ambassadors hotfoot" 00131606 02 r 01 restlessly 0 001 \ 01329120 a 0103 | "He cracked his knuckles restlessly" 00131699 02 r 02 financially 0 from_a_financial_point_of_view 0 001 \ 02069641 a 0102 | "This was financially unattractive" 00131825 02 r 02 today 0 on_this_day 0 000 | "I can't meet with you today" 00131902 02 r 01 ornately 0 001 \ 00048614 a 0103 | "The cradle was ornately carved" 00131989 02 r 06 individually 0 separately 2 singly 1 severally 0 one_by_one 1 on_an_individual_basis 0 003 \ 01683174 a 0301 \ 01620306 a 0201 \ 00363459 a 0101 | "Taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "The fine points are treated singly" 00132247 02 r 03 binaurally 0 to_both_ears 0 in_both_ears 0 002 ! 00132391 r 0101 \ 00192708 a 0101 | "The stimulus was presented binaurally" 00132391 02 r 03 monaurally 0 to_one_ear 0 in_one_ear 0 002 ! 00132247 r 0101 \ 00193093 a 0101 | "The stimuli were presented monaurally" 00132531 02 r 01 busily 0 001 \ 00229543 a 0101 | "They were busily engaged in buying souvenirs" 00132630 02 r 02 prominently 0 conspicuously 1 002 \ 00428666 a 0201 \ 00430177 a 0102 | "The new car was prominently displayed in the driveway" 00132777 02 r 04 inescapably 0 ineluctably 0 inevitably 2 unavoidably 0 004 \ 00266807 a 0404 \ 00266650 a 0301 \ 00266807 a 0202 \ 00266807 a 0103 | "The new council was inescapably of political meaning" 00132984 02 r 03 helplessly 0 impotently 0 unable_to_help 0 002 \ 01394840 a 0201 \ 01397840 a 0101 | "The crowd watched him helplessly" 00133123 02 r 02 hopelessly 1 helplessly 1 002 \ 00938214 a 0201 \ 00937170 a 0101 | "He is hopelessly confused" 00133238 02 r 02 imaginatively 0 with_imagination 0 002 ! 00133378 r 0101 \ 00478845 a 0101 | "The room was decorated very imaginatively" 00133378 02 r 02 unimaginatively 0 without_imagination 0 002 ! 00133238 r 0101 \ 00479353 a 0102 | "The stage sets were designed rather unimaginatively" 00133533 02 r 02 bewilderingly 0 confusingly 0 002 \ 00318437 a 0203 \ 00318437 a 0101 | "Her situation was bewilderingly unclear" 00133666 02 r 01 heartily 0 001 \ 01920277 a 0102 | "`Congratulations,' he shouted heartily" 00133761 02 r 04 unashamedly 0 shamelessly 0 barefacedly 0 without_shame 0 004 \ 00126303 a 0302 \ 00126789 a 0201 ! 00177494 r 0101 \ 00126124 a 0101 | "He unshamedly abandoned the project when he realized he would not gain from it" 00133997 02 r 01 monolingually 0 001 \ 01175604 a 0101 | "She had been reared monolingually" 00134092 02 r 02 passionately 0 with_passion 0 001 \ 01318679 a 0101 | "She kissed him passionately" 00134195 02 r 02 spectacularly 0 stunningly 0 002 \ 00974314 a 0203 \ 00974791 a 0102 | "The area was spectacularly scenic" 00134321 02 r 02 understandingly 0 with_understanding 0 001 \ 01335825 a 0103 | "She nodded understandingly" 00134432 02 r 01 soulfully 0 001 \ 00640492 a 0101 | "He looked at her soulfully" 00134516 02 r 01 satirically 0 001 \ 01594818 a 0101 | "She spoke satirically" 00134597 02 r 02 smoothly 0 painlessly 0 002 \ 00564889 a 0201 \ 00564889 a 0102 | "How can we orchestrate it smoothly?" 00134720 02 r 02 freely 0 in_a_free_manner 0 001 \ 00797606 a 0101 | "The painting featured freely brushed strokes" 00134838 02 r 03 routinely 0 habitually 0 customarily 0 003 \ 00360053 a 0301 \ 01504451 a 0201 \ 01504451 a 0102 | "He routinely parked in a no-parking zone" 00134999 02 r 02 shortly 1 not_long 0 000 | "Shortly before she arrived, he went to the airport" 00135098 02 r 02 humiliatingly 0 demeaningly 0 002 \ 00566161 a 0201 \ 00566161 a 0103 | "The painting was reproduced humiliatingly small" 00135239 02 r 03 protectively 0 giving_protection 0 offering_protection 0 001 \ 01248920 a 0101 | "He bent protectively over the woman" 00135377 02 r 01 spiritually 0 001 \ 00468658 a 0102 | "The ninth century was the spiritually freest period" 00135488 02 r 02 sharply 1 crisply 0 002 \ 00582924 a 0201 \ 00582924 a 0102 | "The new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined" 00135623 02 r 02 dimly 0 indistinctly 0 002 \ 00583242 a 0201 \ 00583692 a 0101 | "We perceived the change only dimly" 00135744 02 r 02 however 2 no_matter_how 0 000 | "The results, however general, are important" 00135841 02 r 02 however 3 though 1 000 | postpositive: "It might be unpleasant, though" 00135932 02 r 02 unmistakably 0 decidedly 2 002 \ 00515157 a 0202 \ 00515157 a 0103 | "This watercolor is unmistakably a synthesis of nature" 00136076 02 r 04 determinedly 0 unfalteringly 0 unshakably 0 with_determination 0 003 \ 01527356 a 0305 \ 01527356 a 0204 \ 01527231 a 0101 | "He clung to the past determinedly" 00136256 02 r 03 incidentally 1 accidentally 3 by_chance 1 001 \ 01419645 a 0101 | "These magnificent achievements were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models" 00136427 02 r 02 ever 5 ever_so 0 000 | intensifier for adjectives: "She was ever so friendly" 00136524 02 r 02 confidently 0 with_confidence 0 001 \ 00263356 a 0101 | "We have to do what is right confidently" 00136641 02 r 01 retroactively 0 001 \ 01440604 a 0102 | "He will get paid retroactively" 00136733 02 r 02 granted 0 given 0 000 | "The development--granted occasional interruptions--was consistent" 00136844 02 r 02 sporadically 0 periodically 0 002 \ 01510783 a 0202 \ 00441049 a 0101 | "He only works sporadically" 00136964 02 r 02 haltingly 0 not_fluently 0 000 | "He spoke haltingly" 00137037 02 r 04 amazingly 0 surprisingly 1 astonishingly 0 to_one's_surprise 0 003 \ 01794309 a 0302 \ 01794146 a 0201 \ 01794309 a 0101 | "Amazingly, he finished medical school in three years" 00137234 02 r 02 impressively 0 imposingly 0 003 \ 00974548 a 0202 ! 00137385 r 0101 \ 00973705 a 0101 | "The students progressed impressively fast" 00137385 02 r 01 unimpressively 0 002 ! 00137234 r 0101 \ 00976221 a 0101 | "She scored unimpressively low in the first round of the competition" 00137533 02 r 04 productively 0 fruitfully 0 profitably 0 in_a_productive_way 0 006 ! 00137779 r 0303 \ 01426826 a 0302 ! 00137779 r 0202 \ 01426826 a 0201 ! 00137779 r 0101 \ 01425821 a 0101 | "They worked together productively for two years" 00137779 02 r 04 unproductively 0 fruitlessly 0 unprofitably 0 in_an_unproductive_manner 0 006 ! 00137533 r 0303 \ 01430807 a 0301 ! 00137533 r 0202 \ 01427382 a 0202 ! 00137533 r 0101 \ 01427123 a 0101 00137985 02 r 03 expertly 0 like_an_expert 0 with_expertise 0 002 \ 01689818 a 0104 ! 00138125 r 0101 | "He repaired the TV set expertly" 00138125 02 r 03 amateurishly 0 in_an_amateurish_way 0 like_an_amateur 0 001 ! 00137985 r 0101 | "He performed the piece amateurishly" 00138262 02 r 03 abundantly 0 copiously 0 profusely 0 002 \ 00014288 a 0201 \ 00013625 a 0101 | "He thanked her profusely" 00138387 02 r 01 interestingly 1 002 ! 00138504 r 0101 \ 01021426 a 0101 | "The stage was interestingly decorated" 00138504 02 r 01 uninterestingly 0 002 ! 00138387 r 0101 \ 01022520 a 0101 00138582 02 r 03 boringly 0 tediously 0 tiresomely 0 003 \ 01022765 a 0307 \ 01022765 a 0206 \ 01022765 a 0101 | "A tediously slow work" 00138721 02 r 02 moderately 1 with_moderation 0 002 ! 00138836 r 0101 \ 01164038 a 0101 | "He drinks moderately" 00138836 02 r 02 immoderately 0 without_moderation 0 002 ! 00138721 r 0101 \ 01165248 a 0101 | "He eats immoderately" 00138956 02 r 01 realistically 1 002 ! 00139077 r 0101 \ 01486416 a 0101 | "Let's look at the situation realistically" 00139077 02 r 01 unrealistically 0 002 ! 00138956 r 0101 \ 01488130 a 0101 | "His expectaions were unrealistically high" 00139200 02 r 03 reasonably 1 sensibly 0 with_reason 1 003 \ 01489572 a 0202 ! 00139339 r 0101 \ 01489572 a 0101 | "He acted reasonably" 00139339 02 r 02 unreasonably 1 without_reason 0 002 ! 00139200 r 0101 \ 01490724 a 0101 | "She acted unreasonably" 00139457 02 r 03 stepwise 0 step_by_step 1 proceeding_in_steps 0 000 | "The voltage was increased stepwise" 00139567 02 r 01 stolidly 0 001 \ 00641644 a 0103 | "He said `no' stolidly" 00139645 02 r 01 supremely 0 001 \ 01210664 a 0101 | "He cut a supremely ridiculous figure" 00139739 02 r 04 testily 0 irritably 1 petulantly 0 pettishly 0 004 \ 00864164 a 0406 \ 00864164 a 0307 \ 00864164 a 0203 \ 00864164 a 0108 | "He said testily: `Go away!'" 00139913 02 r 02 thoughtfully 0 showing_thoughtfulness 0 002 ! 00140063 r 0101 \ 00475660 a 0102 | "He had thoughtfully brought with him some food" 00140063 02 r 02 thoughtlessly 0 showing_thoughtlessness 0 002 ! 00139913 r 0101 \ 00475987 a 0102 | "He treated his parents thoughtlessly" 00140205 02 r 01 thoughtfully 1 002 ! 00140321 r 0101 \ 01833732 a 0101 | "He stared thoughtfully out the window" 00140321 02 r 03 thoughtlessly 1 unthinkingly 0 unthinking 0 003 \ 01835169 a 0202 ! 00140205 r 0101 \ 01834732 a 0101 | "He stared thoughtlessly at the picture" 00140485 02 r 02 auspiciously 0 propitiously 0 004 ! 00140666 r 0202 \ 00144193 a 0201 ! 00140666 r 0101 \ 00143567 a 0101 | "He started his new job auspiciously on his birthday" 00140666 02 r 02 inauspiciously 0 unpropitiously 0 004 ! 00140485 r 0202 \ 00144780 a 0201 ! 00140485 r 0101 \ 00144076 a 0101 | "He started his new job inauspiciously on Friday the 13th" 00140856 02 r 02 relentlessly 0 unrelentingly 0 002 \ 00440931 a 0203 \ 00440931 a 0102 | "He worked relentlessly" 00140973 02 r 03 ruefully 0 contritely 0 remorsefully 0 003 \ 01334678 a 0302 \ 01334678 a 0201 \ 01334678 a 0103 | "`I made a big mistake,' he said ruefully" 00141134 02 r 03 head-on 0 with_the_front_foremost 0 with_the_head_foremost 0 000 | "The cars collided head-on" 00141248 02 r 03 head-on 1 directly 3 in_direct_confrontation 0 000 | "He dealt with the problem head-on" 00141356 02 r 01 inexorably 0 001 \ 01363239 a 0102 | "Time marches on inexorably" 00141441 02 r 05 politely 0 courteously 0 with_courtesy 0 in_a_well_mannered_way 0 with_politeness 0 004 \ 00477289 a 0201 ! 00141682 r 0202 ! 00141682 r 0101 \ 00477023 a 0101 | "The policeman answered politely: `Now look here, lady...'" 00141682 02 r 05 impolitely 0 discourteously 0 rudely 0 showing_bad_manners 0 in_an_impolite_way 0 005 \ 00477608 a 0302 ! 00141441 r 0202 \ 00477783 a 0201 ! 00141441 r 0101 \ 00477354 a 0101 | "He treated her impolitely" 00141907 02 r 04 admirably 0 laudably 0 praiseworthily 0 commendable 0 004 \ 01961422 a 0402 \ 01961422 a 0304 \ 01961422 a 0203 \ 00673127 a 0101 | "The children's responses were admirably normal" 00142107 02 r 03 pleasantly 0 agreeably 0 enjoyably 0 006 \ 01373380 a 0301 ! 00142316 r 0201 \ 01373014 a 0201 ! 00142546 r 0101 \ 01372634 a 0101 ! 00213670 r 0201 | "We spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon" 00142316 02 r 01 disagreeably 1 002 ! 00142107 r 0102 \ 01311982 a 0101 00142391 02 r 03 pleasantly 1 cheerily 0 sunnily 0 003 \ 00280208 a 0303 \ 00280208 a 0201 \ 00280208 a 0102 | "I'll do the dishes," he said pleasantly" 00142546 02 r 01 unpleasantly 0 002 ! 00142107 r 0101 \ 01373840 a 0101 | "He had been unpleasantly surprised" 00142659 02 r 02 upside_down 0 in_an_inverted_manner 0 000 | "The box was lying on the floor upside down" 00142767 02 r 02 breathlessly 0 gaspingly 0 001 \ 00213703 a 0101 | "She spoke gaspingly" 00142859 02 r 03 heartily 1 cordially 0 warmly 0 003 \ 01920120 a 0301 \ 01920277 a 0201 \ 01920277 a 0102 | "`Yes,' the children chorused heartily"; "We welcomed er warmly" 00143035 02 r 03 affably 0 amiably 0 genially 0 003 \ 00809066 a 0304 \ 00809066 a 0202 \ 00809066 a 0101 | "Come and visit me," he said amiably" 00143183 02 r 03 laughingly 0 while_laughing 0 with_laughter 0 001 \ 00279733 a 0102 | "He told the story laughingly" 00143303 02 r 02 ambiguously 0 equivocally 0 003 \ 00667148 a 0201 ! 00143446 r 0101 \ 00082789 a 0101 | "This letter is worded ambiguously" 00143446 02 r 03 unambiguously 1 unequivocally 1 without_ambiguity 0 003 \ 00668017 a 0201 ! 00143303 r 0101 \ 00083952 a 0101 | "She stated her intentions unequivocally," 00143620 02 r 02 ceremonially 0 ritually 0 002 \ 00784386 a 0201 \ 00784386 a 0101 | "He was ceremonially sworn in as President" 00143751 02 r 02 unceremoniously 0 in_an_unceremonious_way 0 002 ! 00143891 r 0101 \ 00476588 a 0102 | "He was dismissed unceremoniously" 00143891 02 r 03 ceremoniously 0 in_a_ceremonious_way 0 ceremonially 1 002 ! 00143751 r 0101 \ 00784539 a 0101 | "My mother advised her children ceremonially" 00144052 02 r 04 rakishly 0 raffishly 0 carelessly 1 in_a_rakish_manner 0 002 \ 00725877 a 0205 \ 00725877 a 0106 | "She wore her hat rakishly at an angle" 00144210 02 r 03 rollickingly 0 boisterously 0 in_a_carefree_manner 0 001 \ 01629878 a 0103 | "She was rollickingly happy" 00144335 02 r 02 narrowly 0 in_a_narrow_way 0 002 ! 00144454 r 0101 \ 01078965 a 0101 | "Interpret the law narrowly" 00144454 02 r 03 broadly 0 loosely 2 generally 0 003 \ 00832793 a 0301 ! 00144335 r 0101 \ 00833739 a 0101 | "Interpret the law broadly" 00144593 02 r 02 twirlingly 0 doing_twirls 0 000 | "They had a most twirlingly magnificent time" 00144692 02 r 05 behind 0 to_the_back 0 in_the_back 0 further_back 0 aft 1 000 | "He followed behind" 00144796 02 r 02 behind 1 remaining 0 000 | "He left her behind" 00144863 02 r 02 in_arrears 0 in_debt 0 000 | "He fell behind with his mortgage payments" 00144955 02 r 02 rightfully 0 truly 1 002 \ 01071592 a 0201 \ 01071592 a 0103 | "Baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime" 00145083 02 r 03 faithfully 0 dependably 0 reliably 0 006 ! 00145302 r 0303 \ 00543757 a 0301 ! 00145302 r 0202 \ 00543757 a 0202 ! 00145302 r 0101 \ 00718498 a 0101 | "It always cam e on, faithfully, like the radio" 00145302 02 r 03 unfaithfully 0 undependably 0 unreliably 0 006 ! 00145083 r 0303 \ 00544630 a 0301 ! 00145083 r 0202 \ 00544630 a 0202 ! 00145083 r 0101 \ 00719300 a 0101 00145477 02 r 01 violently 0 002 ! 00145576 r 0101 \ 01904065 a 0101 | "They resisted violently" 00145576 02 r 02 nonviolently 0 without_violence 0 002 ! 00145477 r 0101 \ 01905238 a 0101 | "The government was overthrown nonviolently, but the dictator was killed" 00145745 02 r 01 furiously 0 001 \ 00238831 a 0102 | "The snow was tumbling down furiously" 00145839 02 r 01 up_and_down 3 000 | alternately upwards and downwards; "He eyed him up and down" 00145939 02 r 02 securely 0 firmly 3 001 \ 01608889 a 0101 | "She held the child securely" 00146032 02 r 01 wryly 0 001 \ 00962329 a 0105 | " `I see,' he commented wryly" 00146114 02 r 02 infinitely 0 endlessly 0 003 \ 00752617 a 0202 ! 00146260 r 0101 \ 00752036 a 0101 | "There are infinitely many possibilities" 00146260 02 r 01 finitely 0 002 ! 00146114 r 0101 \ 00751450 a 0101 | "There are finitely many solutions to this problem" 00146384 02 r 03 boundlessly 0 immeasurably 1 infinitely 1 002 \ 00752902 a 0201 \ 00752430 a 0101 | "He is infinitely wealthy" 00146514 02 r 02 rigorously 0 strictly 1 002 \ 00681717 a 0202 \ 00681717 a 0101 | "He had been trained rigorously by the monks" 00146645 02 r 01 plastically 0 001 \ 00631180 a 0103 | "He used the clay plastically" 00146733 02 r 04 boastfully 0 vauntingly 0 big 0 large 2 001 \ 01445788 a 0101 | "He talked big all evening" 00146844 02 r 02 big 1 in_a_major_way 1 000 | "The play failed big at the box office" 00146932 02 r 02 big 2 on_a_grand_scale 0 001 ! 00147012 r 0101 | "Think big" 00147012 02 r 02 small 0 on_a_small_scale 0 001 ! 00146932 r 0101 | "Think small" 00147096 02 r 02 big 3 extremely_well 0 000 | "His performance went over big" 00147176 02 r 01 warily 0 002 \ 00132910 a 0101 ! 00147282 r 0101 | "The sailor watched the sky warily" 00147282 02 r 01 unwarily 0 002 ! 00147176 r 0101 \ 00133347 a 0101 | without heed or caution 00147378 02 r 02 bodily 0 in_bodily_form 0 001 \ 01998984 a 0101 | "He was translated bodily to heaven" 00147484 02 r 03 over 0 o'er 0 throughout_a_period_of_time 0 000 | "Stay over the weekend" 00147577 02 r 01 over 1 000 | at or to a point across intervening space etc.: "Come over and see us some time"; "over there" 00147704 02 r 02 over 2 throughout_an_area 0 000 | "He is known the world over" 00147786 02 r 03 editorially 0 with_an_editorial 0 in_an_editorial 0 001 \ 02023019 a 0101 | "The paper commented editorially on the scandal" 00147930 02 r 02 now 5 at_the_time_of_speaking 0 000 | in the historical present; at the present time, in a given context: "Washington now decided to cross the Delaware"; "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard" 00148155 02 r 03 properly_speaking 0 strictly_speaking 0 to_be_precise 0 000 | "Properly speaking, they are not husband and wife" 00148287 02 r 01 abnormally 0 001 \ 01222448 a 0101 | "His blood pressure was abnormally low" 00148383 02 r 02 angrily 0 with_anger 0 001 \ 00093328 a 0101 | "He replied angrily" 00148470 02 r 02 exultantly 0 exultingly 0 002 \ 00529353 a 0202 \ 00529353 a 0101 | "It was exultingly easy" 00148582 02 r 01 sedulously 0 001 \ 00567424 a 0104 | "This illusion has been sedulously fostered" 00148683 02 r 01 tenuously 0 000 | "His works tenuously survive in the minds of a few scholars" 00148781 02 r 02 perennially 0 perpetually 0 002 \ 00440349 a 0202 \ 00508119 a 0101 | "We want to know what is perennually new about the world" 00148928 02 r 02 anachronistically 0 in_an_anachronistic_manner 0 001 \ 01809495 a 0103 | "Let's look at this phenomenon anachronistically" 00149070 02 r 03 ineptly 0 fecklessly 0 with_ineptitude 0 002 \ 00376223 a 0202 \ 00376223 a 0105 | "He performed his functions ineptly" 00149209 02 r 01 ineptly 1 001 \ 00747305 a 0104 | "This function is ineptly left to a small voice" 00149311 02 r 02 deliciously 0 pleasurably 0 002 \ 01373380 a 0203 \ 01378511 a 0102 | "They were walking along the beach slowly, deliciously" 00149456 02 r 02 mentally 0 in_one's_mind 0 001 \ 01359792 a 0101 | "He suffered mentally" 00149549 02 r 01 roundly 0 001 \ 01564576 a 0101 | "She was roundly slim" 00149625 02 r 03 shyly 0 timidly 0 bashfully 0 003 \ 00201159 a 0301 \ 00200856 a 0201 \ 00201860 a 0101 | "He smiled shyly" 00149752 02 r 04 fondly 0 lovingly 0 with_fondness 0 with_love 0 002 \ 01110249 a 0201 \ 01110806 a 0103 | "She spoke to her children fondly" 00149896 02 r 02 abed 0 in_bed 0 000 00149936 02 r 03 noisily 0 in_a_noisy_way 0 producing_noise 0 002 ! 00150069 r 0101 \ 01470737 a 0101 | "He blew his nose noisily" 00150069 02 r 02 quietly 1 in_a_quiet_manner 0 002 ! 00149936 r 0101 \ 01469749 a 0101 | "She was crying quietly" 00150185 02 r 03 aborning 0 at_birth 0 at_the_moment_of_birth 0 000 | "The child died aborning" 00150283 02 r 02 outwardly 0 in_outward_appearance 0 002 ! 00150415 r 0101 \ 00711474 a 0101 | "Outwardly, she appeared composed" 00150415 02 r 02 inwardly 0 inside 3 002 ! 00150283 r 0101 \ 00711955 a 0101 | "Inwardly, she was raging" 00150523 02 r 02 outwardly 1 externally 0 000 | "outwardly, the figure is smooth" 00150607 02 r 02 favorably 0 favourably 0 002 ! 00150726 r 0101 \ 00742647 a 0101 | "He reviewed the play favorably" 00150726 02 r 02 unfavorably 0 unfavourably 0 002 ! 00150607 r 0101 \ 00743472 a 0101 | "He reviewed the play unfavorably" 00150851 02 r 01 cheerfully 0 002 ! 00150957 r 0101 \ 01274464 a 0103 | "He cheerfully agreed to do it" 00150957 02 r 01 cheerlessly 0 001 ! 00150851 r 0101 | "He cheerlessly set out to do the task" 00151054 02 r 02 flawlessly 0 cleanly 0 002 \ 00051604 a 0201 \ 01340017 a 0101 | "He bounced cleanly off the wall" 00151172 02 r 01 solidly 0 001 \ 01766052 a 0101 | "A solidly built house" 00151249 02 r 02 foursquare 1 solidly 1 000 | "The building stood foursquare" 00151329 02 r 02 laconically 0 dryly 0 002 \ 00962329 a 0201 \ 00402984 a 0105 | "I know that," he said dryly 00151441 02 r 02 obligingly 0 accommodatingly 0 002 \ 00019647 a 0201 \ 00019877 a 0102 | "Obligingly, he lowered his voice" 00151568 02 r 02 voluntarily 0 out_of_one's_own_free_will 0 002 ! 00151721 r 0101 \ 01910736 a 0101 | "He voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting" 00151721 02 r 02 involuntarily 0 against_one's_will 0 002 ! 00151568 r 0101 \ 01911780 a 0101 | "He was involuntarily held against his will" 00151864 02 r 02 unerringly 0 without_making_errors 0 001 \ 00723324 a 0103 | "He unerringly fixed things for us" 00151980 02 r 01 geographically 0 001 \ 02164449 a 0101 | "They are geographically closer to the center of town" 00152095 02 r 02 gloomily 0 with_gloom 0 001 \ 00938096 a 0101 | "Such a change is gloomily foreseen by many" 00152207 02 r 01 cruelly 0 001 \ 00878813 a 0102 | "They lived in cruelly distant parts of town" 00152306 02 r 03 vaguely 0 mistily 1 in_a_vague_way 0 002 \ 00583604 a 0203 \ 00318713 a 0104 | "He looked vaguely familiar"; "He explained it somewhat mistily" 00152469 02 r 01 pompously 0 001 \ 01413949 a 0103 | "He pompously described his achievements" 00152566 02 r 02 out 2 away_from_home 0 000 | "They went out last night" 00152641 02 r 02 away 5 forth 2 000 | indicating continuing action, as in "He worked away" 00152734 02 r 03 seriatim 0 in_a_series 0 one_after_another 0 000 00152803 02 r 02 doggedly 0 tenaciously 0 002 \ 01769741 a 0205 \ 01769741 a 0102 | "He pursued her doggedly" 00152915 02 r 04 quietly 2 discreetly 1 quiet 0 without_anybody_noticing 0 002 \ 00577642 a 0201 \ 01473345 a 0101 | "The rock star was quietly led out the back door"; "Please sit here as quiet as you can" 00153123 02 r 03 efficiently 0 expeditiously 0 with_efficiency 0 003 \ 00628093 a 0201 ! 00153277 r 0101 \ 00375635 a 0102 | "He functions efficiently" 00153277 02 r 01 inefficiently 0 002 ! 00153123 r 0101 \ 00376607 a 0101 | "He dealt inefficiently with the crisis" 00153395 02 r 02 discordantly 0 unharmoniously 0 001 \ 00234865 a 0101 | "The piece ended discordantly" 00153501 02 r 01 dully 0 001 \ 00601987 a 0101 | "She nodded her head dully" 00153580 02 r 03 in_stride 0 without_becoming_upset 0 in_good_spirits 0 000 | without losing equilibrium; "She took all his criticism in stride" 00153727 02 r 02 atonally 0 without_tonality 0 001 \ 01845686 a 0101 | "He composes atonally" 00153823 02 r 03 charmingly 0 winsomely 0 engagingly 0 003 \ 00137097 a 0302 \ 00138429 a 0201 \ 00137097 a 0101 | "She played the role engagingly" 00153973 02 r 01 tragically 0 001 \ 01038658 a 0101 | "Tragically, she contracted AIDS" 00154063 02 r 02 fascinatingly 0 in_a_fascinating_way 0 001 \ 01021661 a 0103 | "Her face became fascinatingly distorted" 00154187 02 r 02 curvaceously 0 buxomly 0 002 \ 01644139 a 0202 \ 01644139 a 0103 | "His date was curvaceously beguiling" 00154311 02 r 02 ominously 0 in_an_ominous_way 0 001 \ 00156243 a 0108 | "The sun darkened ominously" 00154415 02 r 01 restively 0 001 \ 01825340 a 010a | "He sat down again, restively" 00154501 02 r 02 wittingly 0 knowingly 0 004 ! 00154660 r 0203 \ 01016975 a 0203 ! 00154660 r 0101 \ 01016821 a 0102 | "He wittingly deleted the references" 00154660 02 r 03 unwittingly 0 inadvertently 0 unknowingly 0 006 \ 00154867 a 0302 ! 00088128 r 0203 \ 01017835 a 0202 ! 00154501 r 0101 \ 01018239 a 0104 ! 00154501 r 0302 | "He unwittingly deleted the references" 00154877 02 r 02 contentedly 0 with_equanimity 0 001 \ 00437028 a 0101 | "`I bought it,' she said contentedly" 00154990 02 r 04 pityingly 0 compassionately 0 with_compassion 0 with_pity 0 002 \ 00372181 a 0201 \ 00372535 a 0102 | "The nurse looked at him pityingly" 00155147 02 r 01 glibly 0 001 \ 01372244 a 0101 | "He talked glibly" 00155218 02 r 03 callously 0 unfeelingly 1 in_a_callous_way 0 002 \ 01618339 a 0204 \ 01618339 a 0101 | "He callously exploited their feelings" 00155364 02 r 01 justifiably 0 002 ! 00155466 r 0101 \ 01316285 a 0101 | "He is justifiably bitter" 00155466 02 r 03 unjustifiably 0 inexcusably 1 without_excuses 0 003 \ 01316184 a 0201 ! 00155364 r 0101 \ 01316476 a 0103 | "He is unjustifiably harsh on her" 00155628 02 r 03 afoot 0 underway 0 astir 0 000 | "We found an entire political movement afoot" 00155726 02 r 04 afoot 1 on_foot 0 by_foot 0 by_walking 0 000 | "They went to the village afoot" 00155825 02 r 02 modestly 0 with_modesty 0 002 \ 01170829 a 0101 ! 00155993 r 0101 | "The dissertation was entitled, modestly, `Remarks about a play by Shakespeare'" 00155993 02 r 03 immodestly 0 in_an_immodest_way 0 without_modesty 0 001 ! 00155825 r 0101 | "The book was entitled, immodestly, `All about Wisdom'" 00156144 02 r 03 frowningly 0 with_a_frown 0 while_frowning 0 000 | "He looked at her frowningly" 00156244 02 r 02 overwhelmingly 0 overpoweringly 0 002 \ 01526457 a 0201 \ 01526457 a 0102 | "The candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man" 00156402 02 r 05 each 0 to_each_one 0 for_each_one 0 from_each_one 0 apiece 0 000 | "The received $10 each" 00156512 02 r 03 next_door 0 in_the_adjacent_house 0 in_the_adjacent_apartment 0 000 | "The criminal had been living next door all this time" 00156656 02 r 01 in_unison 0 000 | at the same pitch: "They sang in unison" 00156734 02 r 03 in_unison 2 at_the_same_time 4 simultaneously 2 000 | "They shouted `Yes!' in unison" 00156839 02 r 03 in_the_last_analysis 0 in_the_final_analysis 0 ultimately 2 000 | "In the final analysis, we are quite well off" 00156971 02 r 01 analytically 0 001 \ 00090532 a 0101 | "Assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior?" 00157122 02 r 03 therein 0 in_this 0 in_that 0 000 | "They can read therein what our plans are" 00157220 02 r 01 anarchically 0 001 \ 00446435 a 0101 00157277 02 r 02 lopsidedly 0 crookedly 0 002 \ 01755942 a 0201 \ 01756784 a 0104 | "He smiled at them lopsidedly" 00157394 02 r 02 sternly 0 severely 2 002 \ 00322804 a 0201 \ 00534076 a 0101 | "`No,' she said sternly" 00157501 02 r 02 suspiciously 0 with_suspicions 0 001 \ 01865698 a 0103 | "She looked at the food suspiciously" 00157615 02 r 03 authoritatively 0 with_authority 0 magisterially 0 001 \ 00565733 a 0303 | "She spoke authoritatively" 00157737 02 r 02 resolutely 0 showing_determination 0 001 ! 00157853 r 0101 | "He entered the bulding resolutely" 00157853 02 r 02 irresolutely 0 lacking_resolution 0 001 ! 00157737 r 0101 00157931 02 r 02 speculatively 0 with_speculation 0 001 \ 00494731 a 0102 | "He looked at her speculatively" 00158042 02 r 02 beautifully 0 attractively 0 003 ! 00158185 r 0201 \ 00174967 a 0201 \ 00174354 a 0101 | "Her face was beautifully made up" 00158185 02 r 01 unattractively 0 002 ! 00158042 r 0102 \ 00138519 a 0101 | "She was unattractively dressed last night" 00158307 02 r 03 dourly 0 sullenly 0 glumly 0 003 \ 00864437 a 0303 \ 00864437 a 0208 \ 00864437 a 0101 | "He sat in his chair dourly" 00158444 02 r 03 belligerently 0 hostilely 0 with_hostility 0 002 \ 00947016 a 0201 \ 00947379 a 0102 | "He pushed her against the wall belligerently" 00158597 02 r 02 consciously 0 with_awareness 0 002 ! 00158740 r 0101 \ 00422222 a 0101 | "She consciously played the idea of inviting them" 00158740 02 r 02 unconsciously 0 without_awareness 0 002 ! 00158597 r 0101 \ 00422751 a 0101 | "She jumped up unconsciously when he entered the room" 00158892 02 r 01 greenly 0 001 \ 00291871 a 0101 | "The countryside rolled greenly down towards the valley" 00159002 02 r 02 casually 0 nonchalantly 0 002 \ 00401985 a 0203 \ 00401985 a 0101 | "They accepted the news casually" 00159123 02 r 01 competitively 0 002 ! 00159241 r 0101 \ 00377003 a 0101 | "The companies should bid competitively" 00159241 02 r 02 noncompetitively 0 in_a_noncompetitive_way 0 002 ! 00159123 r 0101 \ 00377647 a 0101 | "The scholarships will be awarded noncompetitively" 00159399 02 r 03 compulsively 0 obsessively 0 obsessionally 0 003 \ 01214033 a 0302 \ 01214033 a 0203 \ 01214033 a 0101 | "He cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk" 00159576 02 r 01 structurally 0 001 \ 02096049 a 0101 | "Structurally, the organization is healthy" 00159678 02 r 03 herein 0 in_this_place 1 here 3 000 | "I shall discuss the question herein" 00159773 02 r 02 in_the_first_place 2 to_begin_with 0 000 | "Why is he here in the first place?" 00159872 02 r 04 south 0 South 0 to_the_south 0 in_the_north 1 000 | "We moved south" 00159960 02 r 07 north 0 North 0 to_the_north 0 in_the_north 0 northerly 0 northwards 0 northward 0 000 | "They earn more up North"; "Let's go north!" 00160113 02 r 02 one_day 0 some_day 1 000 | at some unspecified time 00160184 02 r 02 unofficially 1 on_the_side 0 001 \ 01250638 a 0101 | "He had made some money on the side" 00160293 02 r 02 overnight 0 suddenly 1 000 | "These solutions cannot be found overnight!" 00160386 02 r 02 willy-nilly 1 without_having_a_choice 0 000 00160450 02 r 01 believably 0 003 ! 00160572 r 0101 \ 00479544 a 0102 ! 00201145 r 0104 | "He acted believably sincere" 00160572 02 r 01 unbelievably 0 002 ! 00160450 r 0101 \ 00480070 a 0102 | "He was unbelievably adngry" 00160677 02 r 03 underfoot 0 on_the_ground 0 under_the_feet 0 000 | "We felt a movement underfoot" 00160778 02 r 01 after_all 2 000 | emphasizes something to be considered: "He is, after all, our president" 00160888 02 r 02 ferociously 0 fiercely 0 002 \ 01904519 a 0202 \ 01904519 a 0101 | "She was fiercly proud of her children" 00161014 02 r 01 subconsciously 0 001 \ 00423738 a 0101 | "The image came to him subsconsciously" 00161114 02 r 01 vividly 0 001 \ 01487230 a 0104 | "He described his adventures vividly" 00161205 02 r 02 artfully 0 in_an_artful_manner 0 001 \ 00119563 a 0101 | "Her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes" 00161330 02 r 01 expectantly 0 001 \ 00936880 a 0103 | "She looked at him expectantly" 00161419 02 r 01 lustily 0 001 \ 00893233 a 0103 | "The young plants grew lustily" 00161504 02 r 02 just 3 simply 3 000 | "I just can't take it anymore" 00161576 02 r 02 tenfold 0 by_ten_times_as_much 0 000 | "The population increased tenfold" 00161669 02 r 01 quantitatively 0 001 \ 02140611 a 0101 | "This can be expressed quantitatively" 00161768 02 r 02 on_paper 2 in_theory 2 000 | "On paper, this looks like a good idea" 00161856 02 r 02 on_paper 1 in_writing 0 000 | "This is exactly what the composer had set down on paper" 00161963 02 r 02 dramatically 2 spectactularly 0 002 \ 00974791 a 0202 \ 00974791 a 0101 | "Your performance will improve dramatically" 00162101 02 r 01 classically 0 001 \ 00306289 a 0101 | "This exercise develops a classically shaped body" 00162209 02 r 01 obscurely 0 001 \ 00741181 a 0102 | "This work is obscurely significant for the writer" 00162316 02 r 01 decently 0 002 ! 00162428 r 0101 \ 01529229 a 0101 | "They don't know how to dress decently" 00162428 02 r 01 indecently 0 002 ! 00162316 r 0101 \ 00514250 a 0101 | "She was rather indecently dressed" 00162538 02 r 01 horrifyingly 0 001 \ 00155472 a 0103 | "He laughed horrifyingly" 00162622 02 r 01 characteristically 0 002 ! 00162741 r 0101 \ 00275098 a 0101 | "He arrived characteristically late" 00162741 02 r 01 uncharacteristically 0 002 ! 00162622 r 0101 \ 00276233 a 0101 | "He was uncharacteristically cool" 00162860 02 r 02 perversely 0 contrariwise 2 001 \ 01222847 a 0103 | "His perversely erotic notions" 00162963 02 r 01 dialectically 0 001 \ 02165521 a 0101 | "His religiousness is dialectically connected withhis sinfulness" 00163088 02 r 01 prophetically 0 001 \ 01438417 a 0101 | "He prophetically predicted the disaster" 00163189 02 r 01 artistically 0 001 \ 00057895 a 0101 | "It was artistically decorated" 00163279 02 r 02 peculiarly 1 particularly 1 002 \ 00836079 a 0201 \ 00836079 a 0103 | "These peculiarly cinematic elements" 00163406 02 r 01 instinctively 0 001 \ 01732505 a 0101 | "He instinctively grabbed the knife" 00163502 02 r 03 internally 0 on_the_inside 0 from_the_outside 0 002 ! 00163650 r 0101 \ 00709494 a 0101 | "an internally controlled environment" 00163650 02 r 03 externally 1 on_the_outside 1 form_the_outside 0 002 ! 00163502 r 0101 \ 00708938 a 0101 | "The candidate needs to be externally evaluated" 00163809 02 r 03 overhead 0 above_the_head 0 over_the_head 0 000 | "Bring the legs together overhead" 00163913 02 r 02 at_arm's_length 0 at_some_distance 0 000 | "keep someone at arm's length" 00164006 02 r 04 overhead 1 above_head_height 0 above_one's_head 0 in_the_sky 0 000 | "Planes were flying overhead" 00164124 02 r 02 aboard 0 on_base 0 000 | in baseball: "Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard" 00164226 02 r 02 aboard 1 on_board 0 000 | on a ship, train, or plane 00164298 02 r 01 aboard 2 000 | part of a group: "Bill's been aboard for three years now" 00164390 02 r 02 aboard 4 alongside 0 000 | "aboard another ship" 00164458 02 r 02 vis-a-vis 0 face_to_face 0 000 | "He sat there vis-a-vis his enemies" 00164547 02 r 01 uniformly 0 001 \ 00913098 a 0103 | "a uniformly bright surface" 00164631 02 r 02 all_too 0 only_too 0 000 | indicates a high degree, as in "She is all too ready to accept the job" 00164749 02 r 01 enduringly 0 001 \ 01342634 a 0102 | "Roman culture was enduringly fertilized" 00164847 02 r 01 abreast 0 000 | alongside each other, facing on the same direction 00164933 02 r 05 per_annum 0 p.a. 0 per_year 0 each_year 1 annually 1 000 | "We issue six volumes per annum" 00165044 02 r 02 per_diem 0 by_the_day 0 000 | "We'll save 100 man-hours per diem" 00165129 02 r 03 between 0 'tween 0 in_between 0 000 | "Two houses with a tree between" 00165219 02 r 01 ad_hoc 0 000 | for one specific case: "They were appointed ad hoc" 00165305 02 r 02 ad_nauseam 0 to_a_sickening_extent 0 000 | "He played the song ad nauseam" 00165399 02 r 02 ad_val 0 ad_valorem 0 000 | in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed: "The goods were taxed at valorem" 00165537 02 r 02 ante_meridiem 0 A.M. 0 000 | before noon; "Let's meet at 11 A.M." 00165623 02 r 02 post_meridiem 0 P.M. 0 000 | between noon and midnight; "Let's meet at 8 P.M." 00165721 02 r 01 a_posteriori 0 001 ! 00165807 r 0101 | derived form observed facts 00165807 02 r 01 a_priori 0 001 ! 00165721 r 0101 | derived by logic, without observed facts 00165902 02 r 02 cap-a-pie 0 from_head_to_toe 0 000 | "He was armed cap-a-pie" 00165983 02 r 05 legally 1 lawfully 0 wrongfully 0 de_jure 0 by_law 0 004 \ 01072583 a 0302 ! 00166162 r 0201 \ 01066547 a 0201 \ 02035667 a 0101 | "We are lawfully wedded now" 00166162 02 r 01 unlawfully 0 002 ! 00165983 r 0102 \ 01068778 a 0105 | not conforming to the law: "They were unlawfully married" 00166294 02 r 03 doggo 0 out_of_sight 0 in_hiding 0 000 | "He lay doggo" 00166369 02 r 02 en_clair 0 in_ordinary_language 0 000 00166427 02 r 02 en_famille 0 informally 1 000 | "We'll have dinner en famille" 00166509 02 r 02 ex_officio 0 by_right_of_office 0 000 | "He sat on the committee ex officio" 00166605 02 r 01 full-time 0 001 ! 00166682 r 0101 | "She works full-time" 00166682 02 r 02 half-time 0 part-time 0 001 ! 00166605 r 0101 | "He works part-time" 00166770 02 r 01 bilaterally 0 002 ! 00166889 r 0101 \ 00190924 a 0101 | "They worked out an agreement unilaterally" 00166889 02 r 01 unilaterally 0 002 ! 00166770 r 0101 \ 00191164 a 0101 | "Theey worked out an agreement bilaterally" 00167009 02 r 01 blatantly 0 001 \ 01604184 a 0101 | "They blatantly violated the laws" 00167099 02 r 02 chock-a-block 0 cram-full 0 000 | "It was chock-a-block full" 00167180 02 r 01 collect 0 000 | make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays: "call collect"; "send a package collect" 00167324 02 r 03 C.O.D. 0 COD 0 cash_on_delivery 0 000 | collecting the charges upon delivery: "mail a package C.O.D." 00167445 02 r 02 counterclockwise 0 anticlockwise 0 002 ! 00167585 r 0101 \ 00325946 a 0101 | "Please move counterclockwise in a circle!" 00167585 02 r 01 clockwise 0 002 ! 00167445 r 0101 \ 00325688 a 0101 | "Please move clockwise in a circle" 00167694 02 r 01 deathly 0 000 | "He was deathly pale" 00167751 02 r 02 foremost 0 first 1 000 | "He put his best foot foremost" 00167827 02 r 03 fortnightly 0 biweekly 0 every_two_weeks 0 000 | "He visited his cousins fortnightly" 00167932 02 r 02 halfway 0 midway 0 000 | "He met me halfway" 00167996 02 r 03 henceforth 1 hereafter 1 from_now_on 2 000 | "Henceforth you shall no longer receive your allowance" 00168116 02 r 02 ceteris_paribus 0 all_other_things_being_equal 0 000 00168189 02 r 02 hereby 0 herewith 0 000 | "I hereby declare you man and wife" 00168270 02 r 02 higgledy-piggledy 0 topsy-turvy 0 000 | "They were piled up higgledy-piggledy" 00168368 02 r 04 homeward 0 homewards 0 home 2 to_one's_home 0 000 | "Come home!" 00168452 02 r 04 ibid. 0 ib. 0 ibidem 0 in_the_same_place 0 000 | used when citing a reference 00168549 02 r 02 in_loco_parentis 0 in_place_of_the_parents 0 000 | "We had to punish this child in loco parentis" 00168666 02 r 02 in_situ 0 in_place 0 000 | "The archeologists left the pottery in situ" 00168757 02 r 02 inter_alia 0 among_other_things 0 000 | "The committee recommended, inter alia, that he be promoted" 00168877 02 r 01 ipso_facto 0 000 | by the fact itself: "Ipso facto, her innocence was established" 00168979 02 r 05 item 0 in_addition 3 moreover 1 also 1 plus 0 000 | used when listing items 00169074 02 r 01 mutatis_mutandis 0 000 | with the necessary changes having been carried out 00169169 02 r 01 par_excellence 0 000 | to a degree of excellence: "He is the honest politician par excellence" 00169283 02 r 02 pari_passu 0 at_an_equal_rate 0 000 | used in legal language 00169363 02 r 02 passim 0 throughout 2 000 | used to refer to cited works 00169439 02 r 04 pro_tem 0 pro_tempore 0 for_the_time_being 1 for_now 2 000 00169518 02 r 01 sine_die 0 000 | without a date fixed, as of an adjournment 00169597 02 r 03 sotto_voce 0 in_a_low_voice 0 in-an_undertone 0 000 | "He uttered a curse sotto voce" 00169702 02 r 02 sub_rosa 0 in_secret 1 000 00169749 02 r 02 tandem 0 one_behind_the_other 0 000 | "ride tandem" 00169820 02 r 03 thence 1 therefrom 1 from_that_place 0 000 00169883 02 r 02 thrice 0 three_times 0 000 | "I called you thrice last night" 00169964 02 r 02 verbatim 0 word_for_word 0 000 | "He repeated her remarks verbatim" 00170051 02 r 03 whence 0 wherefrom 0 from_where 0 000 | "Whence did he come?" 00170132 02 r 01 a_la_carte 0 000 | "We ate a la carte": items individually listed in the menu 00170229 02 r 02 by_word_of_mouth 1 viva_voce 0 000 | "I heard this viva voce" 00170310 02 r 03 gratis 0 for_free 0 free_of_charge 0 000 | "I'll give you this gratis" 00170400 02 r 02 below 2 infra 0 000 | in writing: "see infra" 00170465 02 r 03 inland 0 toward_the_interior 0 into_the_interior 0 000 | "The town is five miles inland" 00170573 02 r 02 inshore 0 toward_the_shore 0 000 | "We swam two miles inshore" 00170655 02 r 04 inward 0 inwards 0 towards_the_interior 1 towards_the_center 0 001 ! 00170796 r 0101 | "Move the needle further inwards!" 00170796 02 r 03 outward 0 outwards 0 towards_the_outside 0 001 ! 00170655 r 0101 | "Move the needle further outward!" 00170917 02 r 03 knee-deep 0 knee-high 0 up_to_the_knees 0 000 | "We were standing knee-deep in the water" 00171026 02 r 03 breast-deep 0 breast-high 0 up_the_the_breast 0 000 | "We were standing breast-high in the water" 00171143 02 r 01 live 0 000 | not recorded: "The opera was broadcast live" 00171220 02 r 02 sooner 0 earlier 2 000 | "Come a little sooner, if you can" 00171299 02 r 02 in_extremis 0 at_the_point_of_death 0 000 00171361 02 r 02 midway 1 half_way 0 000 | "He was midway to the airport when he realized that he had forgotten his ticket" 00171487 02 r 03 midmost 0 in_the_midst 0 in_the_middle 0 000 00171552 02 r 02 off-hand 0 ex_tempore 0 000 | "I don't know the figures off-hand" 00171637 02 r 03 offstage 1 behind_the_scenes 0 not_in_public 0 000 | "The deal was done offstage" 00171738 02 r 02 offstage 0 off_the_stage 0 001 ! 00171843 r 0101 | "The actors were waiting offstage" 00171843 02 r 02 onstage 0 on_the_stage 0 001 ! 00171738 r 0101 | "It was time for her to go onstage" 00171947 02 r 01 overtime 0 000 | beyond the regular time: "She often has to work overtime" 00172041 02 r 03 perforce 0 by_necessity 0 by_force_of_circumstance 0 000 00172118 02 r 03 post-haste 0 as_fast_as_possible 1 with_all_possible_haste 0 000 | "Send it to me post-haste" 00172231 02 r 02 prima_facie 0 at_first_sight 1 000 00172286 02 r 03 perfunctorily 0 as_a_formality 0 pro_forma 0 001 \ 00244519 a 0103 | "They answered my letter pro forma"; "He kissed her cheek perfunctorily" 00172447 02 r 02 proportionately 3 pro_rata 0 001 \ 00354323 a 0103 00172518 02 r 02 rent-free 0 without_paying_rent 0 000 | "I can live here rent-free" 00172605 02 r 02 wholesale 1 in_large_quantities 0 000 | "I buy food wholesale" 00172687 02 r 01 scot_free 0 000 | free from harm or penalty: "He went scot-free" 00172771 02 r 03 skyward 0 skywards 0 towards_the_sky 0 000 | "Look skywards!" 00172852 02 r 02 up_here 0 over_here 0 000 | "You shouldn't be up here" 00172926 02 r 01 adversely 0 001 \ 00743705 a 0101 | "She was adversely affected by the new regulations" 00173033 02 r 01 aesthetically 0 001 \ 01817909 a 0101 | "This building is aesthetically very pleasing" 00173139 02 r 03 agonizingly 0 excruciatingly 0 torturously 0 003 \ 01308175 a 0305 \ 01308175 a 0202 \ 01308175 a 0101 | "The progress was agonizingly slow" 00173299 02 r 01 appallingly 0 001 \ 00155359 a 0101 | "The prisoners were appallingly thin" 00173394 02 r 01 appealingly 0 002 ! 00173501 r 0101 \ 00136201 a 0101 | "The table was set appealingly" 00173501 02 r 01 unappealingly 0 002 ! 00173394 r 0101 \ 00139107 a 0102 | "The kitchen was unappealingly dirty" 00173616 02 r 02 approvingly 0 with_approval 0 002 ! 00173732 r 0101 \ 00742984 a 0101 | "She nodded approvingly" 00173732 02 r 03 disapprovingly 0 askance 1 showing_disapproval 0 001 ! 00173616 r 0101 | "He shook his head disapprovingly" 00173859 02 r 03 ambitiously 0 determinedly 1 with_ambition 0 003 \ 00084891 a 0202 ! 00174019 r 0101 \ 00084271 a 0101 | "She pursued her goals ambitiously" 00174019 02 r 01 unambitiously 0 002 ! 00173859 r 0101 \ 00085176 a 0101 | "He does his job, but he works unambitiously" 00174142 02 r 01 amicably 0 001 \ 00948469 a 0101 | "They separated amicably" 00174222 02 r 01 anonymously 0 001 \ 00190573 a 0101 | "She wrote these letters anonymously" 00174317 02 r 02 more_than 0 to_a_higher_degree 0 001 ! 00174469 r 0101 | comparing quantity or quality: "She was more than half her father's height" 00174469 02 r 02 less_than 0 to_a_lesser_degree 0 001 ! 00174317 r 0101 | comparing quantity or quality: "She was less than half her weight after the crash diet" 00174633 02 r 03 afield 0 astray 1 off_the_subject 0 000 | beyond the point of issue; "This digression will lead us afield" 00174759 02 r 01 afield 1 000 | on a field of battle: "The armies were afield" 00174840 02 r 01 afield 2 000 | in or into the field: "They took their bows and arrows afield to hunt deer" 00174950 02 r 02 afield 3 abroad 2 000 | far away from home or one's usual surroundings: "He was forced to work far afield" 00175076 02 r 02 afar 0 a_great_distance 1 000 | "We could see the ship from afar" 00175161 02 r 01 animatedly 0 001 \ 00600880 a 0000 | "They talked animatedly" 00175242 02 r 04 offhandedly 0 offhanded 0 in_an_offhanded_manner 0 casually 1 002 \ 01371534 a 0401 \ 01371534 a 0103 | "He dealt with his course work offhandedly" 00175409 02 r 02 offhandedly 1 extemporaneously 1 001 \ 01409629 a 0202 | "She had made these remarks offhandedly" 00175526 02 r 01 upstage 0 001 ! 00175623 r 0101 | "The dancers were directed to move upstage" 00175623 02 r 01 downstage 0 001 ! 00175526 r 0101 | "The actors moved further and further downstage" 00175727 02 r 03 abjectly 0 in_an_abject_manner 0 resignedly 1 001 \ 00937439 a 0302 | "She shrugged her shoulders abjectly" 00175854 02 r 01 abortively 0 001 \ 00815187 a 0101 00175909 02 r 02 abstemiously 0 temperately 2 002 \ 00010232 a 0201 \ 00009521 a 0101 | "He lived abstemiously" 00176023 02 r 01 abstrusely 0 001 \ 00741181 a 0101 | "The professor's abstrusely reasoned theories were not understood by his peers" 00176159 02 r 01 accelerando 0 001 \ 01926387 a 0101 | "Here you must play accelerando" 00176249 02 r 01 adagio 0 001 \ 00732469 a 0101 | "Here you must play adagio" 00176329 02 r 01 administratively 0 001 \ 02099625 a 0101 | "This decision was made administratively" 00176433 02 r 02 adorably 0 endearingly 0 002 \ 01107526 a 0202 \ 01107526 a 0101 | "The toddler behaved adorably" 00176550 02 r 01 advantageously 0 002 ! 00178453 r 0101 \ 00053788 a 0101 | "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle" 00176682 02 r 01 antagonistically 0 001 \ 00947563 a 0101 | "He behaves antagonistically towards his colleagues" 00176797 02 r 01 apathetically 0 001 \ 01020640 a 0101 | "She acts apathetically these days" 00176892 02 r 01 ardently 0 001 \ 01319187 a 0101 | "The spirit of God knew very well that there was a deeper question to be settled before there could be the intervention in power that was so ardently desired" 00177105 02 r 02 well 7 much 5 000 | "I like her well" 00177162 02 r 01 arrogantly 0 001 \ 01445204 a 0101 | "In the old days she had been harsh and stiff ; afraid of her husband and yet arrogantly proud that she had a husband strong and fierce enough to make her afraid" 00177381 02 r 01 ascetically 0 001 \ 00009926 a 0101 | "She lived ascetically in a small house all by herself" 00177494 02 r 01 ashamedly 0 002 ! 00133761 r 0101 \ 00125050 a 0101 | "He enriched the expedition with ample supplies, but he unashamedly abandoned it the moment he realized how dearly the savages of Florida would sell their freedom" 00177731 02 r 01 assertively 0 002 ! 00177862 r 0101 \ 00127117 a 0101 | "I will take care of my own life," she said assertively 00177862 02 r 01 unassertively 0 002 ! 00177731 r 0101 \ 00127736 a 0101 | "Unassertively, she always follows her husband's suggestions" 00178001 02 r 01 assuredly 0 001 \ 00263664 a 0101 | "The grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone" 00178127 02 r 01 audaciously 0 001 \ 00055099 a 0101 | "An idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him" 00178285 02 r 01 avidly 0 001 \ 00661722 a 0101 | "Whatever the flavour or colour of your local paper , do remember that these are read avidly for local information" 00178453 02 r 01 disadvantageously 0 002 ! 00176550 r 0101 \ 00054656 a 0101 | in a disadvantageous way 00178559 02 r 01 adverbially 0 001 \ 02118567 a 0101 | "The prepositional phrase here is used adverbially" 00178668 02 r 01 adrift 0 000 | "There was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift" 00178763 02 r 01 andante 0 001 \ 00732541 a 0101 | "This passage must be played andante" 00178854 02 r 02 amorously 0 with_love 1 001 \ 01111224 a 0102 | "He looked at her amorously" 00178950 02 r 01 angelically 0 001 \ 00859364 a 0101 | "The child was sleeping angelically" 00179044 02 r 01 architecturally 0 001 \ 02096337 a 0102 | "This bulding is ugly, but architecturally interesting" 00179161 02 r 02 articulately 0 eloquently 1 002 ! 00179288 r 0101 \ 00121581 a 0101 | "He argued articulately for his plan" 00179288 02 r 01 inarticulately 0 002 ! 00179161 r 0101 \ 00122600 a 0101 | "He talked inarticulately about the accident that had just taken his wife's life" 00179448 02 r 01 attributively 0 001 \ 00140843 a 0101 | "The genitive noun is used attributively" 00179549 02 r 01 audibly 0 002 ! 00179639 r 0101 \ 00141876 a 0101 | "He spoke audibly" 00179639 02 r 01 inaudibly 0 002 ! 00179549 r 0101 \ 00142230 a 0101 | "She spoke inaudibly low" 00179738 02 r 01 beastly 0 001 \ 00960734 a 0101 | "She behaved beastly towards her mother-in-law" 00179839 02 r 02 authentically 0 genuinely 1 002 \ 00846180 a 0201 \ 00846459 a 0101 | "It is authentically British" 00179958 02 r 02 bloodlessly 0 without_bloodshed 0 002 ! 00180101 r 0101 \ 00199063 a 0101 | "The coup disposed of the dictator bloodlessly" 00180101 02 r 01 bloodily 0 002 ! 00179958 r 0101 \ 00197991 a 0101 | involving a great bloodshed 00180201 02 r 01 blushingly 0 000 | "She stated her name blushingly" 00180272 02 r 02 bombastically 0 grandiosely 0 001 \ 00975358 a 0201 | "The building was bombastically spacious" 00180387 02 r 02 turgidly 0 bombastically 1 002 \ 01547236 a 0201 \ 01547236 a 0105 | "He lectured bombastically about his theories" 00180522 02 r 02 boyishly 0 boylike 0 002 \ 01262577 a 0202 \ 01262577 a 0101 | like a boy; "He smiled boyishly at his fiancee" 00180652 02 r 01 aground 0 000 | with the bottom lodged on the ground: "He ran the ship aground" 00180751 02 r 01 akimbo 0 000 | "She stood there akimbo" 00180810 02 r 01 alee 0 000 | on or toward the lee: "put the helm alee" 00180884 02 r 01 alertly 0 001 \ 00075012 a 0101 | "She got through the day alertly, despite being on drugs" 00180995 02 r 03 alias 0 a.k.a. 0 also_known_as 0 000 | "Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette" 00181086 02 r 01 allegretto 0 001 \ 00731852 a 0101 | "Play this more allegretto" 00181170 02 r 01 allegro 0 001 \ 00731784 a 0101 | "Play this section allegro" 00181251 02 r 01 alliteratively 0 001 \ 01509741 a 0101 | "The early Norse poets wrotealliteratively" 00181355 02 r 02 altruistically 0 selflessly 0 002 \ 00082323 a 0202 \ 00082323 a 0101 | "He acted selflessly when he helped the old lady in distress" 00181508 02 r 02 anomalously 0 in_an_anomalous_manner 0 001 \ 01222983 a 0101 | "This man behaves anomalously" 00181621 02 r 02 appreciatively 0 gratefully 0 004 ! 00181786 r 0201 \ 00872254 a 0201 ! 00181786 r 0102 \ 00872325 a 0101 | "He accepted my offer appreciatively" 00181786 02 r 02 ungratefully 0 unappreciatively 0 004 \ 00872514 a 0202 ! 00181621 r 0102 \ 00872441 a 0101 ! 00181621 r 0201 00181916 02 r 01 arithmetically 0 001 \ 02175899 a 0102 | "This problem is arithmetically easy" 00182014 02 r 01 askance 0 000 | with a side glance: "He looked at the student askance" 00182104 02 r 06 askew 0 awry 0 astray 3 athwart 2 amiss 0 crisscross 1 000 | "Something has gone askew with the preparations" 00182233 02 r 02 askew 1 awry 1 000 | turned or twisted to one side" 00182304 02 r 03 assiduously 0 perseveringly 0 persistently 0 003 \ 00567424 a 0303 \ 00567424 a 0202 \ 00567424 a 0101 | "She worked assiduously on the senior thesis" 00182474 02 r 04 astutely 0 shrewdly 0 sagaciously 0 sapiently 0 004 \ 01949285 a 0403 \ 01949285 a 0302 \ 00323957 a 0203 \ 00323957 a 0101 | "He invested his fortune astutely" 00182654 02 r 02 across 0 crosswise 0 000 | "The marble slabs were cut across" 00182735 02 r 02 across 1 to_the_opposite_side 0 000 | "The football field was 300 feet across" 00182833 02 r 02 across 2 over 3 000 | "She cannot get her ideas across" 00182908 02 r 02 aft 0 abaft 1 000 | near or otwards the stern of a ship or the tail of an airplane; "The captain called the crew abaft" 00183047 02 r 02 aloft 5 high_up 1 000 | as in the air: "Eagles were soaring aloft" 00183133 02 r 02 aloft 6 up_into_the_air 0 000 | "The news sent her spirits aloft" 00183218 02 r 01 aloft 2 000 | at, on, or to the masthead ot upper rigging of a ship: "He climbed aloft to unfurl the sail" 00183344 02 r 02 amain 0 with_full_force 0 000 | "He pulled the ropes amain" 00183423 02 r 03 amain 1 with_full_speed 0 with_great_haste 0 000 | "The children ran down the hill amain" 00183532 02 r 01 amidship 1 000 | at, near, or toward the middle 00183599 02 r 05 frenziedly 0 amok 0 demoniacally 1 murderously 0 amuck 0 004 \ 00198619 a 0405 \ 01590694 a 0305 \ 01590694 a 0202 \ 00071868 a 0104 | "He ran amok" 00183767 02 r 02 amok 1 amuck 1 000 | "He ran amok with his love for butterflies" 00183851 02 r 03 antithetically 0 with_antithesis 0 in_an_antithetical_manner 0 001 \ 01583020 a 0101 00183956 02 r 05 seasonably 0 timely 0 well-timed 0 apropos 0 at_an_opportune_time 0 001 \ 01272497 a 0103 | "Your letter arrived apropos" 00184097 02 r 01 seasonably 1 001 ! 00184209 r 0101 | in accordance with the season: "It was seasonably cold" 00184209 02 r 01 unseasonably 0 001 ! 00184097 r 0101 | not in accordance with the season; "It was unseasonably cold" 00184329 02 r 02 apropos 1 incidentally 2 000 | "Apropos, can you lend me some money for the weekend?" 00184434 02 r 02 archly 0 in_an_arch_manner 0 000 | with playful slyness or roguishness 00184524 02 r 02 arduously 0 in_an_arduous_manner 0 001 \ 00625847 a 0101 | "They worked arduously" 00184626 02 r 02 artlessly 0 ingenuously 0 002 \ 00994518 a 0201 \ 00994518 a 0102 | "She answered the judge's questions artlessly" 00184760 02 r 03 artlessly 1 crudely 1 inexpertly 0 003 \ 01691591 a 0303 \ 01691591 a 0202 \ 01691591 a 0101 | "An inexpertly constructed lean-to" 00184910 02 r 03 obliquely 0 aslant 0 athwart 0 001 \ 00941831 a 0101 | "The sun shone aslant into his face" 00185021 02 r 01 blissfully 0 001 \ 00873689 a 0101 | "He was blissfully unaware of the danger" 00185119 02 r 01 aslant 1 000 | over or across in a slanting direction 00185192 02 r 01 asleep 0 001 \ 00152124 a 0101 | into a sleeping state: "He fell asleep" 00185284 02 r 01 asleep 1 001 \ 00078114 a 0101 | into the sleep of death" 00185361 02 r 01 astern 0 000 | behind, of a ship or an airplane; "We dropped her astern , on the end of a seven-inch manilla , for comfort , and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide" 00185547 02 r 01 astern 1 000 | at or towards the stern of a ship or an airplane; "He glanced astern" 00185651 02 r 02 astern 2 stern_foremost 0 000 | "The engine ground the boat astern" 00185738 02 r 01 astride 0 000 | with one leg on each side: "She sat astride the chair" 00185828 02 r 01 astride 1 000 | with the legs stretched far apart 00185897 02 r 01 athwart 1 000 | at right angles to the center line of a ship 00185977 02 r 01 atop 0 000 | on, to, or at the top 00186031 02 r 01 austerely 0 001 \ 01367083 a 0101 | "The church was austerely simple" 00186120 02 r 03 avariciously 0 covetously 0 greedily 0 003 \ 00025966 a 0305 \ 00025966 a 0202 \ 00025966 a 0101 | in a greedy manner 00186257 02 r 01 avidly 1 001 \ 00661722 a 0101 | "The local news are read avidly" 00186342 02 r 02 avowedly 0 professedly 1 002 \ 00516779 a 0202 \ 00516779 a 0101 | "Their policy has been avowedly Marxist" 00186469 02 r 01 backstage 0 000 | in or to a backstage area; "Costumes were changed backstage" 00186567 02 r 04 privately 3 secretly 1 privily 0 backstage 1 000 | behing other people's back; "Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal" 00186728 02 r 01 baldly 0 001 \ 01303147 a 0101 | "This book is, baldly, an uneven work." 00186820 02 r 01 balefully 0 001 \ 00156243 a 0101 | "She looked at him balefully" 00186905 02 r 02 banefully 0 perniciously 0 002 \ 01233149 a 0203 \ 01233149 a 0101 | "This banefully poisoned climate" 00187027 02 r 03 bang 0 smack 0 bolt 0 000 | directly: "He ran bang into the pole" 00187112 02 r 02 banteringly 0 tongue-in-cheek 2 001 \ 00961786 a 0101 | "He spoke to her banteringly" 00187217 02 r 02 barbarously 0 in_a_barbaric_manner 0 001 \ 00960410 a 0101 | "They were barbarously murdered" 00187330 02 r 03 bareback 0 barebacked 0 without_a_saddle 0 000 | "She prefers to ride her horse barback" 00187438 02 r 02 barefooted 0 barefoot 0 000 | "He chased her barefoot across the meadow" 00187530 02 r 01 bawdily 0 001 \ 00314093 a 0101 00187582 02 r 02 becomingly 0 in_a_becoming_way 0 001 \ 00675900 a 0101 | "She was becomingly dressed" 00187687 02 r 01 beneficially 0 001 \ 00888961 a 0101 | "This medecine will act beneficially on you" 00187790 02 r 03 benignly 0 benignantly 0 in_a_benign_way 0 002 \ 00182151 a 0202 \ 00182151 a 0101 | "This drug is benignly soporific" 00187928 02 r 05 beseechingly 0 importunately 0 imploringly 0 pleadingly 0 entreatingly 0 004 \ 00535771 a 0404 \ 00535771 a 0302 \ 00535771 a 0203 \ 00535487 a 0101 | "You must help me," she said imploringly 00188139 02 r 04 bewitchingly 0 captivatingly 0 enchantingly 0 enthrallingly 0 004 \ 00136632 a 0404 \ 00136632 a 0303 \ 00136632 a 0202 \ 00136632 a 0101 | "She was bewitchingly beautiful" 00188331 02 r 02 biennially 0 every_two_years 0 001 \ 00504233 a 0101 | "This festical takes places biennially" 00188445 02 r 02 biannually 0 twice_a_year 0 000 | "We hold our big sale biannually" 00188532 02 r 02 blankly 0 without_expression 0 001 \ 00368323 a 0101 | "She stared at him blankly" 00188634 02 r 01 blasphemously 0 001 \ 01575320 a 0101 | "The sailors were cursing blasphemously" 00188734 02 r 03 bluffly 0 bluntly 0 brusquely 0 003 \ 00476719 a 0302 \ 00573525 a 0202 \ 00573525 a 0101 | "He spoke bluntly" 00188864 02 r 02 boorish 0 like_a_boor 0 001 \ 01495741 a 0101 | "He behaved boorishly at the party" 00188967 02 r 04 bountifully 0 bounteously 0 plentifully 0 plenteously 0 004 \ 00013952 a 0403 \ 00814134 a 0302 \ 00842726 a 0203 \ 00814134 a 0101 00189119 02 r 04 breadthwise 0 breadthways 0 broadwise 0 broadways 0 000 | in the direction of the breadth; "Cut the cloth breadthwise" 00189257 02 r 01 breezily 0 001 \ 00601264 a 0101 | "He swings beezily into the title song" 00189351 02 r 01 briskly 0 001 \ 00651881 a 0101 | "She walked briskly in the cold air"; "After lunch," she said briskly" 00189475 02 r 01 broadcast 0 000 | so as to scatter or be distributed widely or in all directions" 00189576 02 r 03 bestially 0 brutishly 0 in_a_beastly_manner 0 002 \ 00960734 a 0204 \ 00960734 a 0102 | "She treated her husband bestially" 00189719 02 r 02 bumptiously 0 in_a_bumptions_manner 0 001 \ 00165696 a 0101 | "He behaved rather bumptiously" 00189832 02 r 02 buoyantly 0 chirpily 0 002 \ 00280024 a 0201 \ 00280024 a 0101 | "We stepped out into the clear air buoyantly" 00189962 02 r 01 bureaucratically 0 001 \ 02180588 a 0101 | "It's bureaucratically complicated" 00190060 02 r 02 bureaucratically 1 in_a_bureaucratic_manner 0 001 \ 02180479 a 0101 | "His bureaucratically petty behavior annoyed her" 00190199 02 r 03 cagily 0 cageyly 0 circumspectly 0 002 \ 01451901 a 0301 \ 00253395 a 0102 | "I don't know yet," he answered cagily" 00190335 02 r 01 cantankerously 0 001 \ 00863725 a 0101 | in a bad mood; "He answered her cantankerously" 00190443 02 r 01 capriciously 0 001 \ 00540018 a 0101 | "there were Turk's head lilies and patches of iris , islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea" 00190615 02 r 02 capriciously 1 freakishly 0 002 \ 01407139 a 0202 \ 01407139 a 0101 | "The weather has been freakishly varible" 00190746 02 r 01 captiously 0 001 \ 00482165 a 0101 | "He was captiously pedantic" 00190831 02 r 01 caressingly 0 001 \ 01111479 a 0101 | "His voice was caressingly sweet" 00190922 02 r 02 caustically 0 vitriolically 0 002 \ 01374201 a 020a \ 01374201 a 0106 | "He addressed her caustically" 00191044 02 r 04 cautiously 0 carefully 2 charily 0 with_caution 0 006 \ 00253395 a 0303 ! 00096012 r 0203 \ 00253177 a 0202 ! 00191264 r 0101 \ 00253177 a 0101 ! 00191264 r 0202 | "She ventured cautiously downstairs" 00191264 02 r 02 incautiously 0 carelessely 0 004 ! 00191044 r 0202 \ 00254211 a 0202 ! 00191044 r 0101 \ 00254211 a 0101 | "One unfortunately sees historic features carelessly lost when estates fall into unsympathetic hands" 00191492 02 r 02 disdainfully 2 cavalierly 0 002 \ 00588189 a 0201 \ 01446076 a 0101 | "He treated his staff cavalierly" 00191615 02 r 06 endlessly 1 ceaselessly 0 incessantly 0 unceasingly 0 unendingly 0 continuously 1 006 \ 00441975 a 0601 \ 01342768 a 0504 \ 00442623 a 0404 \ 00442623 a 0302 \ 00442623 a 0201 \ 00752617 a 0102 | "Dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher towards the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste" 00191968 02 r 01 centennially 0 001 \ 02152505 a 0101 | every hundred years, once in a century; "The birthday of this city is being celebrated centennially" 00192127 02 r 01 chaotically 0 001 \ 01278690 a 0101 | "The room was chaotically disorganized" 00192224 02 r 01 chaotically 1 001 \ 01816070 a 0101 | "The drugged man was talking chaotically" 00192323 02 r 02 chastely 0 virtuously 0 002 \ 00278790 a 0206 \ 00278512 a 0101 | "She lived chastely" 00192429 02 r 02 chattily 0 volubly 0 002 \ 01812139 a 0201 \ 01812531 a 0101 | "When I was a girl," she said chattily, "I used to ride a bicycle." 00192579 02 r 02 cheaply 0 inexpensively 0 001 \ 00697432 a 0101 | "I bought this car very cheaply" 00192681 02 r 03 cheekily 0 nervily 0 brashly 0 003 \ 00165495 a 0301 \ 00165495 a 0203 \ 00165495 a 0102 | "Brashly, she asked for a rebate" 00192825 02 r 02 gallantly 0 chivalrously 0 003 ! 00356684 r 0201 \ 00476300 a 0201 \ 00476300 a 0102 | "He gallantly offered to take her home" 00192971 02 r 02 churlishly 0 surlily 0 002 \ 00868604 a 0202 \ 00868604 a 0101 | "The store owner treated his customers churlishly" 00193106 02 r 02 clannishly 0 cliquishly 0 002 \ 01422009 a 0202 \ 01422009 a 0101 | "These four friends always act clannishly, and don't let us participate in their activities" 00193286 02 r 03 fairly 3 fair 1 clean 0 002 ! 00193392 r 0101 \ 00716617 a 0101 | "They played fairly" 00193392 02 r 01 unfairly 0 002 ! 00193286 r 0101 \ 00717498 a 0101 | "They dealt with him unfairly" 00193495 02 r 02 clean 1 without_distortion 0 000 | "She played the piano accompaniment very clean" 00193597 02 r 02 clearly 3 clear 1 001 \ 01459724 a 0101 | "She cried loud and clear" 00193685 02 r 02 clear 3 all_the_way 3 000 | "There were open fields clear to the horizon" 00193778 02 r 01 climatically 0 001 \ 02182999 a 0101 | "They were used to a climatically different environment" 00193893 02 r 02 coastwise 0 coastways 0 000 | by way of, or along the coast; "We were travelling coastwise" 00194004 02 r 02 coaxingly 0 cajolingly 0 000 | "Come here," she said coaxingly" 00194087 02 r 01 coherently 0 002 ! 00194212 r 0101 \ 01475364 a 0101 | "She could not talk coherently after the accident" 00194212 02 r 01 incoherently 0 002 ! 00194087 r 0101 \ 00344631 a 0101 | "He talked incoherently when he drank too much" 00194336 02 r 03 colloquially 0 conversationally 0 informally 2 003 \ 00787258 a 0301 \ 00787734 a 0202 \ 00787734 a 0101 | "This building is colloquially referred to as The Barn" 00194518 02 r 02 collectedly 0 composed.y 0 002 \ 00390098 a 0201 \ 00390628 a 0101 | in a self-collected or self-possessed manner; "He announced the death of his father collectedly" 00194703 02 r 02 combatively 0 scrappily 0 002 \ 00069433 a 0204 \ 00069433 a 0102 | "Don't trespass onto my property," the neighbor shouted combatively" 00194859 02 r 02 comfortingly 0 consolingly 0 002 \ 00158623 a 0203 \ 00158623 a 0101 | "One part of a strange word should be given a comfortingly familiar form" 00195023 02 r 02 compactly 0 closely_packed 0 001 \ 00369242 a 0101 | "The children were packed compactly into the car" 00195145 02 r 01 compatibly 0 002 ! 00195218 r 0101 \ 00373131 a 0101 00195218 02 r 01 incompatibly 0 002 ! 00195145 r 0101 \ 00373648 a 0101 | without compatibility 00195316 02 r 01 complacently 0 001 \ 00437256 a 0101 | in a self-satisfied manner: "He complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher" 00195467 02 r 02 uncomplainingly 0 without_complaining 0 002 ! 00195684 r 0101 \ 00378571 a 0101 | "An equally gallant little wife and mother uncomplainingly keeping up the production of tasty and nourishing meals" 00195684 02 r 01 complainingly 0 002 ! 00195467 r 0101 \ 00378164 a 0101 | "She did her work, but she did so complainingly" 00195810 02 r 01 comprehensively 0 002 ! 00195916 r 0101 \ 00387348 a 0101 | in an all-inclusive manner 00195916 02 r 01 noncomprehensively 0 002 ! 00195810 r 0101 \ 00389949 a 0101 | in a limited way 00196015 02 r 03 compulsorily 0 obligatorily 0 mandatorily 0 003 \ 00634609 a 0302 \ 00634337 a 0201 \ 00634609 a 0101 | "The ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied." 00196280 02 r 01 computationally 0 001 \ 02101387 a 0101 | "Computationally, this is a tricky problem" 00196385 02 r 02 comradely 0 brotherly 0 001 \ 00228606 a 0201 | "He behaved brotherly towards the children that were entrusted to him" 00196523 02 r 01 pro 0 001 ! 00196596 r 0101 | on the affirmative side 00196596 02 r 03 con 0 on_the_negative_side 0 in_opposition 0 001 ! 00196523 r 0101 | "Much was written pro and con" 00196715 02 r 03 conceitedly 0 self-conceitedly 0 with_conceit 0 002 \ 01446636 a 0204 \ 01446636 a 0101 | "He always acts so conceitedly!" 00196857 02 r 01 conceptually 0 001 \ 00012381 a 0101 | "Conceptually, the idea is quite simple" 00196956 02 r 03 concernedly 0 showing_concern 0 with_concern 0 001 \ 01806549 a 0102 | "Are you all right," he asked concernedly" 00197089 02 r 04 concisely 0 succinctly 0 synoptically 0 compactly 1 004 \ 00403210 a 0402 \ 02050263 a 0301 \ 00403210 a 0203 \ 00402600 a 0101 | "The history is summed up concisely in this book" 00197288 02 r 02 concurrently 0 at_the_same_time 5 001 \ 01808527 a 0104 | "Concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held" 00197460 02 r 02 cynically 0 with_cynicism 0 001 \ 01865165 a 0101 | "Larsen's frost-blackened lips curved cynically" 00197580 02 r 02 cursorily 0 quickly 3 002 \ 00965202 a 0202 \ 00965202 a 0101 | "He looked cursorily through the magazine" 00197706 02 r 01 cumulatively 0 001 \ 00041886 a 0102 | "Mind has become self-reproducing through man's capacity to transmit experience and its products cumulatively" 00197875 02 r 01 criminally 0 001 \ 01004060 a 0101 | "She was criminally negligent" 00197962 02 r 01 coyly 0 001 \ 01169952 a 0101 | "She pouted and looked at him coyly" 00198050 02 r 01 cross-legged 0 000 | with the legs crossed; "He sat on the floor cross-legged and meditated" 00198162 02 r 03 condescendingly 0 patronizingly 0 with_condescension 0 002 \ 01777602 a 0203 \ 01777602 a 0102 | "He treats his secretary very condescendingly" 00198325 02 r 02 consecutive 0 sequentially 0 002 \ 01277939 a 0203 \ 01277939 a 0101 | "We numbered the papers consecutively" 00198454 02 r 03 conservatively 0 cautiously 2 guardedly 0 001 \ 00253985 a 0301 | "We estimated the number of demonstrators conservatively at 200,000." 00198609 02 r 02 conditionally 0 not_absolutely 0 001 ! 00198747 r 0101 | subject to a condition: "He accepted the offer conditionally" 00198747 02 r 01 unconditionally 2 001 ! 00198609 r 0101 | "He accepted the offer unconditionally" 00198848 02 r 01 crucially 0 001 \ 00488715 a 0101 | "Crucially, he must meet us at the airport" 00198947 02 r 01 crosswise 1 000 | not in the intended manner: "Things are going crosswise" 00199041 02 r 02 crisscross 0 in_opposite_directions 0 000 | crossing one another 00199125 02 r 01 counter 0 000 | in the opposite direction: "run counter" 00199201 02 r 02 crosscountry 0 cross-country 0 000 | across the countryside: "The river runs crosscountry" 00199311 02 r 03 crossly 0 grouchily 0 grumpily 0 003 \ 00864038 a 0306 \ 00864038 a 0205 \ 00864038 a 0103 | "She looked at ther husband crossly" 00199460 02 r 07 craftily 0 cunningly 0 foxily 0 knavishly 0 slyly 0 trickily 0 artfully 2 007 \ 00119563 a 0701 \ 00120192 a 060a \ 00120192 a 0508 \ 00120192 a 0406 \ 00120192 a 0304 \ 00120192 a 0202 \ 00120192 a 0101 | "He craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced"; "Had ever circumstances conspired so cunningly?" 00199802 02 r 01 confusedly 0 001 \ 00344818 a 0101 | "Queen Augusta wrote him an hysterical letter, in which she confusedly sympathised with him" 00199951 02 r 01 consequently 1 001 \ 00099349 a 0101 | "He had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which consequently led to the good position he now held" 00200164 02 r 01 consequentially 0 001 ! 00200224 r 0101 00200224 02 r 02 inconsequentially 0 inconsequently 0 002 \ 00972694 a 0201 ! 00200164 r 0101 | "You 're so beautifully dressed," she said and added quite inconsequentially, "can't you stay the night?" 00200428 02 r 01 constructively 0 001 \ 00433013 a 0101 | "It is my task to look critically and constructively at the flaws and the failures" 00200572 02 r 02 contemporaneously 0 at_the_same_time 6 001 \ 01808330 a 0103 | "Contemporaneously, or possibly a little later, there developed a great Sumerian civilisation" 00200749 02 r 01 contrastingly 0 001 \ 01583743 a 0101 | "Contrastingly, both the rooms leading off it gave an immediate impression of being disgraced" 00200903 02 r 03 coolly 0 nervelessly 0 nonchalantly 1 003 \ 00685775 a 0302 \ 00390897 a 0202 \ 00685775 a 0101 | "Without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher" 00201145 02 r 04 incredibly 0 improbably 0 implausabily 0 unbelievably 3 006 ! 00160450 r 0401 \ 00480070 a 0402 \ 01372362 a 0301 \ 00480549 a 0201 ! 00201435 r 0101 \ 00480070 a 0101 | "Behind you , the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea , backed by the Turkish mountains" 00201435 02 r 04 credibly 0 believably 3 plausibly 0 probably 1 005 \ 01076698 a 0401 \ 01372010 a 0301 \ 00479544 a 0202 ! 00201145 r 0101 \ 00479544 a 0101 | "He talked plausibly before the committee" 00201640 02 r 03 incredulously 0 unbelievingly 0 disbelievingly 0 005 \ 00481481 a 0301 ! 00201847 r 0202 \ 00481481 a 0204 ! 00201847 r 0101 \ 00481353 a 0101 | "The woman looked up at her incredulously" 00201847 02 r 02 credulously 0 believingly 0 002 ! 00201640 r 0202 ! 00201640 r 0101 | "The children followed the teacher credulously" 00201984 02 r 03 cryptically 0 enigmatically 0 mysteriously 1 003 \ 00701615 a 0304 \ 00393307 a 0202 \ 00701615 a 0101 | "We will meet again," he said cryptically 00202150 02 r 02 cunningly 1 cutely 0 002 \ 00137303 a 0202 \ 00137303 a 0101 | "How cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure" 00202332 02 r 03 curtly 0 short 0 shortly 2 002 \ 00476719 a 0305 \ 00476719 a 0104 | "Do, please," Mark said curtly. 00202452 02 r 03 damned 0 damnably 0 cursedly 0 002 \ 00498266 a 0301 \ 00498912 a 0201 | "Kindly Arthur--so damnably , politely , endlessly persistent!" 00202608 02 r 02 damply 0 moistly 0 002 \ 01935444 a 0203 \ 01935444 a 0101 | "A scarf was tied round her head but the rebellious curl had escaped and hung damply over her left eye" 00202792 02 r 03 dazedly 0 torpidly 0 in_a_daze 0 002 \ 00029155 a 0204 \ 00652964 a 0101 | "He wondered dazedly whether the term after next at his new school would n't matter so much" 00202979 02 r 01 decisively 0 001 \ 00405470 a 0101 | "The Fisher act of 1918 decisively raised their status and pay" 00203099 02 r 01 deftly 0 001 \ 00052000 a 0101 | "Lois deftly removed her scarf" 00203183 02 r 02 dejectedly 0 in_low_spirits 0 001 \ 00528410 a 0101 | "When she came back Sophie and Esther were sitting dejectedly in the kitchen" 00203334 02 r 02 delightedly 0 with_delighted 0 001 \ 01376405 a 0101 | "Delightedly, she accepted the invitation" 00203451 02 r 01 delightfully 0 001 \ 01378511 a 0101 | "The farm house, though in itself a small one, is delightfully situated" 00203582 02 r 01 demurely 0 001 \ 01169952 a 0102 | "The army girl, tall and demurely pretty, threw a quick side-glance at her" 00203712 02 r 02 densely 0 tightly 2 002 \ 00369556 a 0203 \ 00369556 a 0102 | "Old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built" 00203907 02 r 05 possibly 0 perchance 1 perhaps 0 maybe 0 peradventure 0 001 \ 01392040 a 0101 | "Perhaps she will call tomorrow"; "It may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time" 00204106 02 r 04 derisively 0 scoffingly 0 derisorily 0 mockingly 0 003 \ 01530852 a 0404 \ 01530852 a 0302 \ 01530852 a 0101 | "Sorry, she repeated, derisively" 00204270 02 r 01 descriptively 0 000 | by giving a description; "These topics need to be treated not just descriptively" 00204393 02 r 01 deservedly 0 002 ! 00204557 r 0101 \ 01044516 a 0101 | "He chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season" 00204557 02 r 01 undeservedly 0 002 ! 00204393 r 0101 \ 01044803 a 0101 | "The team chalked up another victory, the last one quite undeservedly, in my opinion" 00204719 02 r 03 despairingly 0 despondently 0 with_desperation 0 002 \ 00937823 a 0203 \ 00937823 a 0102 | "Why can't you understand?, she said despairingly" 00204881 02 r 02 devilishly 0 devilish 0 000 | "The socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever" 00205051 02 r 01 congenially 0 001 \ 00414613 a 0101 | "Let's all have a drink together," he said congenially 00205163 02 r 02 contagiously 0 infectiously 0 002 \ 00988199 a 0201 \ 00988510 a 0101 | "She was contagiously bubbly" 00205284 02 r 02 controversially 0 polemically 0 003 \ 00448119 a 0201 ! 00205453 r 0101 \ 00447761 a 0101 | involving controversy; "criticism too polemically stated" 00205453 02 r 01 uncontroversially 0 002 ! 00205284 r 0101 \ 00448223 a 0101 | not involving any controversy 00205564 02 r 01 convivially 0 001 \ 01713501 a 0101 | in a convivial manner; "Let's go and have a drink," she said convivially 00205694 02 r 02 coquettishly 0 flirtatiously 0 002 \ 01639029 a 0202 \ 01639029 a 0101 | "She smiled coquettishly" 00205812 02 r 03 enviously 0 covetously 1 jealously 1 003 \ 00662062 a 0303 \ 00662062 a 0201 \ 00662062 a 0102 | "He looked at his friend's new car jealously" 00205974 02 r 03 creakily 0 creakingly 0 screakily 0 003 \ 01472027 a 0303 \ 01472027 a 0201 \ 01472027 a 0102 | "The old boat was moving along creakily" 00206130 02 r 01 crushingly 0 001 \ 00435203 a 0101 | "The team was crushingly defeated" 00206221 02 r 02 reprehensibly 0 culpably 0 002 \ 01003351 a 0206 \ 01561145 a 0103 | in a manner or to a degree deserving blame or censure 00206363 02 r 03 currishly 0 ignobly 0 like_a_cur 0 003 ! 00294656 r 0201 \ 01217731 a 0201 \ 01217891 a 0103 | "He behaved ignobly" 00206498 02 r 05 daftly 0 dottily 0 balmily 0 nuttily 0 wackily 0 005 \ 01590850 a 0514 \ 01590850 a 0413 \ 01590850 a 0301 \ 01590850 a 020a \ 01590850 a 0109 | "The old lady is beginning to behave quite dottily" 00206714 02 r 01 daintily 0 001 \ 01494389 a 0101 | "She nibbled daintily at her cake" 00206803 02 r 01 daintily 1 001 \ 00530189 a 0101 | "The invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold" 00206923 02 r 01 daringly 0 001 \ 00055099 a 0102 | "Daringly, he set out for a camping trip in East Africa" 00207034 02 r 01 daringly 1 001 \ 00055099 a 0102 | "Daringly he took the first step" 00207122 02 r 01 dashingly 0 001 \ 00725877 a 0102 | "He was so dshingly handsome" 00207207 02 r 03 daylong 0 all_day_long 0 during_the_entire_day 0 000 | "Light pours daylong into the parlor" 00207319 02 r 01 deadly 1 000 | as if produced by death: "deadly pale"; "a deadly paralyitc stroke" 00207421 02 r 02 deadly 2 lifelessly 0 002 \ 00078918 a 0201 \ 00081292 a 0101 | as if dead 00207515 02 r 01 decorously 0 002 ! 00207643 r 0101 \ 01436174 a 0105 | "He pretended to be pleased and applauded decorously" 00207643 02 r 02 indecorously 0 unbecomingly 0 003 \ 01438060 a 0203 ! 00207515 r 0101 \ 00517739 a 0101 | without decorousness 00207773 02 r 03 willingly 0 volitionally 0 fain 0 003 \ 01946217 a 0201 ! 00207907 r 0101 \ 01945708 a 0101 | "I willingly accept" 00207907 02 r 01 unwillingly 0 002 ! 00207773 r 0101 \ 01946376 a 0101 | "He had sinned against her unwillingly" 00208022 02 r 04 deeply 3 deep 0 to_a_great_depth 0 far_down 0 001 \ 00520308 a 0101 | "cut deep" 00208122 02 r 02 deep 1 late 1 000 | far on in time: "deep into the night" 00208199 02 r 02 defenseless 0 defencelessly 0 001 \ 01913752 a 0101 | "The child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly" 00208344 02 r 01 defensively 0 002 ! 00208699 r 0101 \ 01248194 a 0101 | "The general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis" 00208573 02 r 01 defensively 1 001 \ 01249274 a 0101 | "I felt it better you should n't know," said Sir Cedric defensively. 00208699 02 r 01 offensively 0 002 ! 00208344 r 0101 \ 01247063 a 0101 | "In this crisis, we must act offensively, the President said. 00208836 02 r 03 offensively 1 objectionably 0 obnoxiously 0 003 \ 01245592 a 0302 \ 01245592 a 0201 \ 01246507 a 0101 | "He said so in one of his more offensively intellectually arrogant sentences" 00209037 02 r 01 inoffensively 0 002 ! 00209197 r 0101 \ 01245932 a 0101 | "That wretched beast, the elephant , breathing inoffensively not a pace behind me" 00209197 02 r 01 offensively 2 002 ! 00209037 r 0101 \ 01243426 a 0101 | "He smelled offensively unwashed" 00209306 02 r 01 distinctly 3 001 \ 00582781 a 0101 | "Urbanization in Spain generally is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate" 00209454 02 r 01 distinctly 1 001 \ 00527006 a 0102 | "The subtleties of this distinctly British occasion" 00209563 02 r 01 distractedly 0 001 \ 00135182 a 0101 | "Come in," he said distractedly 00209653 02 r 01 deferentially 0 001 \ 01529907 a 0102 | "He listened deferentially" 00209740 02 r 02 deferentially 1 submissively 0 002 \ 01448214 a 0202 \ 01448214 a 0101 | "He always acts so deferntially around his superviser!" 00209888 02 r 01 deliriously 0 001 \ 01816156 a 0101 | "He was talking deliriously" 00209974 02 r 01 deliriously 1 001 \ 01932192 a 0101 | "The drug left him deliriously happy" 00210069 02 r 02 delusively 0 deceptively 1 002 \ 01483326 a 0201 \ 01488787 a 0101 | "The village looked deceptively near" 00210195 02 r 03 demonstrably 0 provably 0 incontrovertibly 0 003 \ 00438897 a 0302 \ 01239841 a 0202 \ 01239841 a 0101 | "His documentary sources are demonstrably wrong" 00210368 02 r 02 desolately 0 disconsolately 0 002 \ 00939482 a 0202 \ 00789282 a 0101 | in grief-stricken loneliness; without comforting circumstances or prospects 00210535 02 r 03 diabolically 0 devilishly 3 fiendishly 0 003 \ 00861030 a 0304 \ 00861461 a 0201 \ 00861030 a 0102 | "His writing could be diabolically satiric" 00210699 02 r 01 diffidently 0 001 \ 00264367 a 0101 | "Oh, well," he shrugged diffidently, "I like the work." 00210812 02 r 01 despicably 0 001 \ 00673492 a 0103 | in a despicable manner; "He acted despicably" 00210914 02 r 02 despitefully 0 spitefully 2 002 \ 00181829 a 0203 \ 00181829 a 0101 | "Pray for them that despitefully use us" 00211044 02 r 01 destructively 0 001 \ 00434278 a 0101 | "He is destructively aggressive" 00211136 02 r 04 detestably 0 repulsively 0 abominably 1 odiously 1 004 \ 01108359 a 0404 \ 01108359 a 0301 \ 01243831 a 0205 \ 01243831 a 0102 | "I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably" 00211343 02 r 03 detrimentally 0 harmfully 0 noxiously 0 004 \ 01232979 a 0301 ! 00211504 r 0201 \ 00884728 a 0201 \ 00886197 a 0102 | in a detrimental manner 00211504 02 r 01 harmlessly 0 002 ! 00211343 r 0102 \ 00884337 a 0101 | "This is a harmlessly childish game" 00211616 02 r 01 deviously 0 001 \ 00995163 a 0102 | "He got the promotion by behaving deviously" 00211716 02 r 02 devotedly 0 with_devotion 0 001 \ 00720695 a 0102 | "He served his master devotedly" 00211820 02 r 02 devoutly 0 piously 1 002 \ 01360677 a 0201 \ 01361926 a 0101 | "She was devoutly Catholic" 00211930 02 r 03 dexterously 0 dextrously 0 deftly 1 002 \ 00052000 a 0301 \ 00052000 a 0102 | "Dextrously he untied the knots" 00212060 02 r 01 diagonally 0 001 \ 01314136 a 0108 | "She lives diagonally across the street from us" 00212165 02 r 02 diagrammatically 0 graphically 3 001 \ 01310481 a 0101 | "The landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin" 00212349 02 r 01 diametrically 0 001 \ 01584747 a 0102 | "When two honest witnesses give diametrically opposite accounts of the same event, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?" ; "Three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three" 00212683 02 r 03 dictatorially 0 autocratically 2 magisterially 1 002 \ 00587808 a 0201 \ 00587552 a 0102 | "This manager acts very dictatorially towards his colleagues" 00212855 02 r 02 didactically 0 pedagogically 0 002 \ 02123596 a 0202 \ 01005485 a 0101 | "This is a didactically sound method" 00212985 02 r 01 differentially 0 001 \ 02021622 a 0101 | "Hubel and Wiesel have found cells which respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina" 00213184 02 r 02 diligently 0 with_diligence 0 001 \ 00567281 a 0101 | "We may diligently observe the Lord's supper on the first day of the week, diligently preach the gospel, or minister to the saint" 00213388 02 r 01 direfully 0 001 \ 00155773 a 0103 | "Seeing himself trapped, he cried out direfully" 00213492 02 r 02 dirtily 0 filthily 0 002 \ 00312289 a 0201 \ 00310126 a 0101 | "A dirtily dressed camel driver" 00213607 02 r 01 dirtily 1 000 | "As dirtily drunk as usual" 00213670 02 r 01 disagreeably 0 002 ! 00142107 r 0102 \ 01216431 a 0101 | "I took no harm from the journey, thank you," she said disagreeably. 00213815 02 r 01 disappointedly 0 001 \ 01773460 a 0102 | "She left the gambling table disappointedly" 00213920 02 r 01 disappointingly 0 001 \ 01596887 a 0101 | "The discoverer of argon, Sir William Ramsay, looked disappointingly ordinary" 00214060 02 r 01 disastrously 0 001 \ 00791793 a 0102 | "The real value of the trust capital may be disastrously less than when the trust began" 00214207 02 r 01 disconcertingly 0 001 \ 00562319 a 0102 | "He drank some sherry , his eyes disconcertingly keen as he watched her" 00214341 02 r 02 discontentedly 0 with_discontent 0 001 \ 00437734 a 0101 | "He was still rumbling discontentedly when Pike returned bearing a folder of foolscap sheets" 00214513 02 r 07 disgracefully 0 ingloriously 0 ignominiously 0 discreditably 0 shamefully 0 dishonorably 0 dishonourably 0 008 \ 00935790 a 0701 \ 00935790 a 0601 \ 00936285 a 0505 \ 01963465 a 0401 \ 00936285 a 0302 \ 00936285 a 0203 \ 00936285 a 0101 ! 00215638 r 0601 | "His grades were disgracefully low" 00214825 02 r 02 disgustedly 0 with_disgust 0 000 | "Disgustedly, she averted her eyes when they brought in the mutilated body of the horse" 00214968 02 r 01 disgustedly 1 001 \ 01377310 a 0101 | "Get out of my office," the professor said disgustedly to the lazy student 00215100 02 r 04 disgustingly 0 distastefully 0 revoltingly 0 sickeningly 0 004 \ 01245122 a 0405 \ 01244811 a 0308 \ 01244811 a 0203 \ 01244811 a 0101 | "The beggar was disgustingly filthy" 00215293 02 r 04 dishonestly 0 venally 0 deceitfully 0 hypocritically 0 004 \ 01673054 a 0404 \ 01673054 a 0301 \ 00460657 a 0204 \ 00932323 a 0101 | "He acted dishonestly when he got the contract for his best friend" 00215513 02 r 02 dishonorably 1 without_honor 0 002 \ 00935790 a 0101 ! 00215638 r 0101 | "He was dishonorably discharged" 00215638 02 r 03 honorably 0 honourably 0 with_honors 0 002 ! 00214513 r 0106 ! 00215513 r 0101 | "He was honorably discharged after many years fo service" 00215796 02 r 02 disingenuously 0 artfully 1 002 \ 00995012 a 0202 \ 00995012 a 0101 | "Disingenuously, he asked leading questions abut his opponent's work" 00215955 02 r 02 disinterestedly 0 without_bias 0 001 \ 01317503 a 0101 | without selfish motives; "He decided the case disinterestedly 00216093 02 r 01 disjointedly 0 001 \ 00344818 a 0103 | "We're not married, not really married," she said, and slowly, reluctantly, disjointedly it came out. 00216253 02 r 01 loyally 0 002 ! 00216435 r 0101 \ 00720290 a 0101 | "Government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically" 00216435 02 r 01 disloyally 0 002 ! 00216253 r 0101 \ 00721287 a 0101 | "His men acted disloyally and betrayed him in the end" 00216564 02 r 02 dismally 0 dreadfully 1 001 \ 00856651 a 0203 | "As he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed" 00216790 02 r 02 dismally 1 drearily 0 002 \ 00280868 a 0203 \ 00281024 a 0101 | "In August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner, when the French, German, Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future" 00217053 02 r 02 obediently 0 yieldingly 0 003 \ 01770518 a 0202 ! 00217215 r 0101 \ 01233942 a 0101 | "Obediently she slipped off her right shoe and stocking" 00217215 02 r 01 disobediently 0 002 ! 00217053 r 0101 \ 01235042 a 0101 | "He went ahead and, disobediently, did what his superviser had warned him not to do" 00217377 02 r 01 dispassionately 0 001 \ 01317561 a 0101 | "Although he was looking at the other girl, he did so quite dispassionately" 00217515 02 r 02 disparagingly 0 slightingly 0 002 \ 00674841 a 0208 \ 00674841 a 0107 | These mythological figures are described desparagingly as belonging "only to a story." 00217693 02 r 02 dispiritedly 0 hopelessly 3 002 \ 00937170 a 0201 \ 00528845 a 0102 | "The first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances" 00217891 02 r 01 displeasingly 0 001 \ 01379438 a 0101 | "He made displeasingly cutting remarks about his friends" 00218008 02 r 01 disproportionately 0 002 ! 00218138 r 0101 \ 00354724 a 0101 | "His benefits were disproportionately generous" 00218138 02 r 02 proportionately 0 proportionally 0 003 \ 00355268 a 0201 ! 00218008 r 0101 \ 00354323 a 0103 | "Your salary will rise proportionately to your workload" 00218309 02 r 01 disproportionately 1 002 ! 00218430 r 0101 \ 00355510 a 0101 | "This wall is disproportionately long" 00218430 02 r 01 proportionately 1 002 ! 00218309 r 0101 \ 00666121 a 0102 | "The height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions" 00218604 02 r 02 disputatiously 0 argumentatively 0 002 \ 00863014 a 0201 \ 00863014 a 0103 00218699 02 r 01 disquietingly 0 001 \ 00353505 a 0101 | "The disquietingly close sounds of gunfire" 00218802 02 r 01 disreputably 0 002 ! 00218903 r 0101 \ 01521856 a 0101 | in a disreputable manner 00218903 02 r 01 reputably 0 002 ! 00218802 r 0101 \ 01521360 a 0101 | in a reputable manner 00218998 02 r 02 respectfully 0 with_all_respect 0 002 ! 00219200 r 0101 \ 01529762 a 0101 | "Might I respectfully suggest to the Town Council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?" 00219200 02 r 01 disrespectfully 0 002 ! 00218998 r 0101 \ 01530166 a 0101 | "He treats his parents rather disrespectfully" 00219326 02 r 01 distantly 0 001 \ 00329299 a 0101 | from or at a distance; "Dimly, distantly, voices sounded in the stillness" 00219456 02 r 01 distastefully 2 001 \ 01929257 a 0101 | "a distastefully explicit report on the Royal couple's marital life" 00219584 02 r 02 distressfully 0 with_distress 0 000 | "Doctor Rother says it's his only chance," she added distressfully. 00219709 02 r 02 distributively 0 in_a_distributive_manner 0 000 | "Marine vertebrates have their weight supperted distributively by the water" 00219855 02 r 01 distributively 1 000 | as individuals, or as separate units: "Taken distributively, their rights are imperceptible" 00219990 02 r 02 distrustfully 0 mistrustfully 0 003 \ 01865698 a 0202 ! 00220149 r 0101 \ 01864983 a 0101 | with distrust: She looked at him distrustfully" 00220149 02 r 03 trustfully 0 trustingly 0 confidingly 0 004 \ 01864836 a 0301 \ 01864836 a 0203 ! 00219990 r 0101 \ 01864729 a 0101 | "She looked at her father trustingly" 00220324 02 r 01 disturbingly 0 001 \ 00857608 a 0101 | "The details of the kidnaper's letter had sounded disturbingly convincing" 00220457 02 r 01 dogmatically 0 001 \ 00224328 a 0101 | "He was a dogmatically narrow critic of Modern Art" 00220567 02 r 02 dolefully 0 sorrowfully 0 002 \ 01039671 a 0201 \ 01040402 a 0101 | "His mother looked at him dolefully when he told her he had joined the Army" 00220731 02 r 01 domestically 0 001 \ 00781346 a 0101 | "She bored us with her domestically petty problems" 00220841 02 r 01 domestically 1 001 \ 00780730 a 0101 | "Domestically, he proposed a more moderate economic policy" 00220959 02 r 01 domineeringly 0 001 \ 00587352 a 0101 | "His wife acts very domineeringly" 00221053 02 r 02 double 1 two_together 0 000 | "Some people sleep better double" 00221136 02 r 01 double 2 000 | downward and forward: "He was bent double with pain" 00221223 02 r 03 double_time 0 double_quick 0 faster 0 000 | Let's play the piece again double-quick" 00221327 02 r 02 doubtfully 0 dubiously 0 002 \ 00262825 a 0202 \ 00262825 a 0101 | "Gerald shook his head doubtfully" 00221448 02 r 03 dowdily 0 frumpily 0 frumpishly 0 003 \ 00727227 a 0303 \ 00727227 a 0202 \ 00727227 a 0101 | "She dresses rather dowdily" 00221590 02 r 01 downhill 0 000 | towards the bottom of a hill: "running downhill, he gained a lot of speed" 00221701 02 r 01 downhill 1 000 | towards a lower or inferior state: "Your performance has been going downhill for a long time now" 00221835 02 r 01 drably 0 001 \ 00138810 a 0101 | "She dresses rather drably" 00221915 02 r 02 dreamily 0 moonily 0 002 \ 00135302 a 0202 \ 00135302 a 0101 | "She would look beautiful in the new dress," Tommy said dreamily. 00222063 02 r 01 drily 0 001 \ 00962329 a 0101 | "Never mind the hole in the ceiling," he saiid drily 00222167 02 r 01 droopingly 0 001 \ 01824201 a 0101 | "A branch hung low, droopingly" 00222255 02 r 02 drowsily 0 somnolently 0 002 \ 00152749 a 0204 \ 00135429 a 0101 | "Time to get up," she said drowsily 00222377 02 r 01 dumbly 0 001 \ 00123997 a 0102 | "I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope" 00222472 02 r 03 dumbly 1 densely 1 obtusely 0 003 \ 00325224 a 0305 \ 00325224 a 0201 \ 00325224 a 0104 | "He had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone" 00222656 02 r 01 dutifully 0 001 \ 01234820 a 0101 | "He dutifully visited his mother every Sunday" 00222758 02 r 01 dynamically 0 001 \ 00602614 a 0101 | "This pianist really plays dynamically" 00222855 02 r 01 east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the east: "We travelled east for several miles" 00222953 02 r 01 west 0 000 | to, toward, or in the west: "We travelled west for two hours" 00223047 02 r 04 westward 0 westwards 0 westerly 1 toward_the_west 1 000 | "They moved west to Arizona" 00223153 02 r 04 eastward 0 eastwards 0 easterly 1 toward_the_east 0 000 | "They migrated easterly towards Sweden" 00223270 02 r 03 ebulliently 0 exuberantly 1 expansively 0 003 \ 00677214 a 0301 \ 01730532 a 0202 \ 01730532 a 0101 | "Khrushchev ebulliently promised to supply rockets for the protection of Cuba against American aggression" 00223498 02 r 01 ecclesiastically 0 001 \ 02097394 a 0102 | "The candidate was ecclesiastically endorsed" 00223606 02 r 01 ecological 0 001 \ 02101050 a 0101 | "Ecologically speaking, this idea is brilliant; economically, it is a disaster" 00223742 02 r 03 ecstatically 0 rapturously 0 rhapsodically 0 003 \ 01041560 a 0304 \ 01041560 a 0203 \ 01041560 a 0101 | "He reacted ecstatically to my plan to travel to Africa" 00223923 02 r 02 edgeways 0 edgewise 0 000 | on, by, or with the edge: "He sawed the board edgeways" 00224026 02 r 02 edgewise 1 edgeways 1 000 | "I could not get a word in edgewise" 00224110 02 r 01 educationally 0 001 \ 02123710 a 0101 | "The assistant masters formed a committee of their own to consider what could be done educationally for the town" 00224283 02 r 02 eerily 0 spookily 0 002 \ 01203513 a 0203 \ 01203513 a 0102 | "It was eerily quiet in the chapel" 00224400 02 r 02 effectually 0 in_an_effectual_manner 0 001 ! 00224635 r 0101 | "Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press" 00224635 02 r 01 ineffectually 0 002 ! 00224400 r 0101 \ 01892236 a 0102 | "She tried ineffectually to light the primus, and Thomas came to help her" 00224787 02 r 02 efficaciously 0 effectively 1 004 ! 00225008 r 0202 \ 00624469 a 0201 ! 00225008 r 0101 \ 00627097 a 0101 | "These are real problems, and they can be dealt with most effectively by rational discussion" 00225008 02 r 02 inefficaciously 0 ineffectively 0 004 ! 00224787 r 0202 \ 00625169 a 0201 ! 00224787 r 0101 \ 00627390 a 0101 | "he dealt with the problem rather ineffectively" 00225188 02 r 01 elementarily 0 001 \ 01420510 a 0101 | in an elementary manner 00225270 02 r 01 effusively 0 001 \ 00540930 a 0101 | "The critics praised her effusively" 00225363 02 r 01 demonstratively 0 001 \ 00540738 a 0101 | "He greeted her demonstratively" 00225457 02 r 02 egotistically 0 selfishly 0 003 ! 00225596 r 0201 \ 01611022 a 0201 \ 01611276 a 0101 | "He acted rather egotistically" 00225596 02 r 01 unselfishly 0 002 ! 00225457 r 0102 \ 01611509 a 0101 | "He acted unselfishly when he helped her get the promotion" 00225731 02 r 01 elegantly 1 001 \ 00865952 a 0101 | "The members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do" 00225892 02 r 02 elegantly 0 with_elegance 0 002 ! 00226031 r 0101 \ 00635232 a 0101 | "The room was tastefully and elegantly decorated" 00226031 02 r 02 inelegantly 0 without_elegance 0 002 ! 00225892 r 0101 \ 00636768 a 0101 00226124 02 r 03 eloquently 0 articulately 3 with_eloquence 0 004 ! 00226309 r 0202 \ 00121581 a 0201 ! 00226309 r 0101 \ 00122026 a 0101 | "He expressed his ideas rather eloquently" 00226309 02 r 02 ineloquently 0 inarticulately 3 003 ! 00226124 r 0202 \ 00122600 a 0201 ! 00226124 r 0101 | "The freshman expresses his thoughts rather unarticulately" 00226480 02 r 01 embarrassingly 0 001 \ 01375358 a 0101 | causing embarrassment: "The great man was embarrassingly humble and self-effacing" 00226623 02 r 01 eminently 0 001 \ 01777866 a 0101 | "Two subjects on which he was eminently qualified to make an original contribution" 00226762 02 r 01 emulously 0 001 \ 00377583 a 0101 | "She emulously tried to outdo her older sister" 00226865 02 r 01 encouragingly 0 002 ! 00226996 r 0101 \ 00646610 a 0101 | "Go on," he said to the encouragingly to his student. 00226996 02 r 01 discouragingly 0 002 ! 00226865 r 0101 \ 00647164 a 0101 | "The failure rate on the bar exam is discouragingly high" 00227132 02 r 02 endways 1 endwise 1 000 | in or toward the direction of the ends: "endways pressureeee" 00227239 02 r 02 endways 2 endwise 2 000 | at or on the end: "sticks leaning against the wall endways" 00227344 02 r 01 enquiringly 0 000 | "Maureen looked at him enquiringly" 00227419 02 r 01 enterprisingly 0 001 \ 00659023 a 0101 | "Let's go up that mountain," shesaid enterprisingly 00227531 02 r 01 entertainingly 0 001 \ 01379966 a 0101 | "Byron's consumed memoirs possessed the merit of being well and entertainingly written" 00227679 02 r 01 environmentally 0 001 \ 02122592 a 0101 | "This new recycling policy is environmentally safe" 00227792 02 r 01 equably 0 001 \ 00862395 a 0101 | "He was an equably cheerful fellow" 00227881 02 r 01 equitably 0 002 ! 00228012 r 0101 \ 00718053 a 0101 | "The inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters" 00228012 02 r 01 inequitably 0 002 ! 00227881 r 0101 \ 00718358 a 0101 | "Their father's possessions were inequitably divided among the sons" 00228156 02 r 02 erectly 0 straight-backed 0 001 \ 00941988 a 0101 | "This old man still walks erectly" 00228262 02 r 03 eruditely 0 learnedly 0 with_erudition 0 002 \ 01598063 a 0202 \ 01598063 a 0101 | "He talked eruditely about Indian mythology" 00228409 02 r 01 ethically 0 002 ! 00228515 r 0101 \ 00673865 a 0101 | "This is ethically unacceptable" 00228515 02 r 01 unethically 0 002 ! 00228409 r 0101 \ 00674149 a 0101 | "He behaved unethically" 00228615 02 r 01 euphemistically 0 001 \ 00676600 a 0101 | "His violent death was euphemistically referred to as a passing away" 00228746 02 r 01 evasively 0 001 \ 00667578 a 0101 | "Her husband seemed to know many of the people that were named, but replied evasively when asked who they were" 00228913 02 r 02 evenly 0 regularly 1 004 ! 00229055 r 0202 \ 00678408 a 0201 ! 00229055 r 0101 \ 00677458 a 0101 | "Try to breathe evenly" 00229055 02 r 02 unevenly 0 irregularly 1 003 ! 00228913 r 0202 ! 00228913 r 0101 \ 00678786 a 0101 | "The patient is breathing unevenly" 00229195 02 r 02 evenly 1 equally 2 003 ! 00229324 r 0202 \ 00662793 a 0201 ! 00229324 r 0101 | "They divided the cake evenly" 00229324 02 r 02 unevenly 1 unequally 2 002 ! 00229195 r 0202 ! 00229195 r 0101 | "They distributed the cake unevenly" 00229445 02 r 04 evermore 1 at_any_future_time 0 in_the_future 2 ever_again 0 000 | "lead a blameless life evermore" 00229564 02 r 01 excitingly 0 002 ! 00229733 r 0101 \ 00685917 a 0101 | "At the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary" 00229733 02 r 01 unexcitingly 0 002 ! 00229564 r 0101 \ 00687629 a 0101 | "This painting was nothing more but an unexcitingly grey canvas with a few red speckles" 00229898 02 r 03 excusably 0 forgivably 0 pardonably 0 006 ! 00230111 r 0302 \ 01315298 a 0301 ! 00230111 r 0203 \ 01315407 a 0202 ! 00230111 r 0101 \ 01315407 a 0101 | "He committed an excusably minor fauxpas" 00230111 02 r 03 inexcusably 0 unpardonably 0 unforgivably 0 006 ! 00229898 r 0302 \ 01316027 a 0302 ! 00229898 r 0203 \ 01315730 a 0201 ! 00229898 r 0101 \ 01316369 a 0101 | "He was inexcusably cruel to his wife when he made her wait for hours in the airport" 00230374 02 r 03 exorbitantly 0 extortionately 0 usuriously 0 003 \ 01166152 a 0306 \ 01166152 a 0202 \ 01166152 a 0101 | "Prices are exorbitantly high in the capital" 00230544 02 r 02 expediently 0 inadvisably 0 003 \ 00056328 a 0201 ! 00230674 r 0101 \ 00694779 a 0101 | in an expedient manner 00230674 02 r 01 inexpediently 0 002 ! 00230544 r 0101 \ 00695351 a 0101 | in an inexpedient manner 00230776 02 r 01 expensively 0 002 ! 00230922 r 0101 \ 00697021 a 0101 | "An expensively dressed little man turned a corner and approached her" 00230922 02 r 03 cheaply 1 tattily 0 inexpensively 1 003 \ 01783287 a 0208 ! 00230776 r 0101 \ 00697432 a 0101 | "A cheaply dressed woman approached him in the bar" 00231089 02 r 01 explosively 0 001 \ 00869551 a 0101 | "The population in Central America is growing explosively" 00231205 02 r 01 explosively 1 001 \ 01910395 a 0101 | "The political situation in Kashmir and Jammu is explosively unstable" 00231333 02 r 01 exponentially 0 001 \ 02134734 a 0101 | "Inflation is growing exponentially" 00231429 02 r 02 express 0 by_express 0 000 | "Please send the letter express!" 00231511 02 r 02 expressively 0 with_expression 0 001 ! 00231657 r 0101 | "She gave the order to the waiter, using her hands very expressively" 00231657 02 r 02 inexpressively 0 without_expression 2 001 ! 00231511 r 0101 | "She looked at him inexpressively" 00231773 02 r 03 extemporaneously 0 extemporarily 0 extempore 0 002 \ 01409629 a 0203 \ 01409629 a 0102 | "He spoke extemporaneously" 00231909 02 r 02 extravagantly 0 lavishly 0 002 \ 01836305 a 0202 \ 01836305 a 0101 | "The United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap" 00232086 02 r 02 exuberantly 0 riotously 0 002 \ 00014574 a 0205 \ 00014574 a 0101 | "The exuberantly baroque decoration of the church" 00232224 02 r 01 factually 0 001 \ 02097033 a 0101 | "They learn much, factually, about the problems of retirement and provision for old age, and, psychologically, in the sharing of their thoughts on retirement" 00232438 02 r 02 faddishly 0 faddily 0 002 \ 00726034 a 0202 \ 00726034 a 0101 00232520 02 r 05 faithlessly 0 traitorously 0 treacherously 0 treasonably 0 false 0 004 \ 00722362 a 0402 \ 00719924 a 0302 \ 00722119 a 0203 \ 00719300 a 0102 | "His wife played him false" 00232712 02 r 02 falsely 0 incorrectly 2 002 \ 00469587 a 0201 \ 00470185 a 0101 | "T to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely" 00232918 02 r 01 falsely 1 001 \ 01673378 a 0101 | "A seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened" 00233160 02 r 01 familiarly 0 001 \ 00335115 a 0101 | "Sid, as he was familiarly known by his colleagues, was one of the most respected and devoted members of the socialist minority group" 00233351 02 r 01 famously 0 000 | "We got on famously" 00233408 02 r 01 fanatically 0 001 \ 01319740 a 0101 | "He followed the teachings of his guru fanatically" 00233517 02 r 02 fancifully 0 whimsically 0 001 \ 00478683 a 0101 | "The Christmas tree was fancifully decorated" 00233633 02 r 01 farcically 0 001 \ 00962516 a 0101 | "A farcically inept bungler" 00233718 02 r 02 farthest 0 furthest 0 000 | to the most advanced point: "She goes farthest in helping us" 00233827 02 r 01 farthest 1 000 | to the greatest degree or extent: "farthest removed from reality" 00233929 02 r 01 fashionably 0 002 ! 00234107 r 0101 \ 00725443 a 0101 | "His voice had no trace of the drawl that you would expect to find in a fashionably-dressed young man" 00234107 02 r 01 unfashionably 0 002 ! 00233929 r 0101 \ 00726737 a 0101 | "She seemed to make a point of being unfashionably dressed" 00234244 02 r 01 fastidiously 0 001 \ 00733165 a 0101 | "He writes extremely musical music, of which the sound is fastidiously calculated and yet agreeably spontaneous and imaginative" 00234431 02 r 01 civilly 0 002 ! 00234545 r 0101 \ 00477992 a 0101 | "He treats his former wife rather civilly" 00234545 02 r 01 uncivilly 0 002 ! 00234431 r 0101 \ 00478278 a 0101 | "He treats his former wife rather uncivilly" 00234663 02 r 01 fatefully 0 001 \ 01439416 a 0101 | "The nurse whispered fatefully to call the priest" 00234769 02 r 01 faultily 0 001 \ 00021786 a 0101 | "These statements were faultily attributed to me" 00234873 02 r 01 faultlessly 0 001 \ 01339884 a 0101 | "He solved all the problems faultlessly" 00234971 02 r 01 fearsomely 0 001 \ 00155773 a 0108 | "A sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions" 00235094 02 r 01 feebly 0 001 \ 01767547 a 0101 | "Reform, in fact, is, rather feebly, on the win" 00235195 02 r 01 feebly 1 001 \ 01767383 a 0102 | "The lighthouse, flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred, rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway" 00235357 02 r 01 feelingly 0 001 ! 00235477 r 0101 | with great feeling; "She spoke feelingly of her early childhood" 00235477 02 r 02 unfeelingly 0 without_feeling 0 002 \ 00373048 a 0103 ! 00235357 r 0101 | "Unfeelingly, she required her maid to work on Christmas Day" 00235632 02 r 01 felicitously 0 002 ! 00235748 r 0101 \ 00746268 a 0101 | "A not verrry felicitously chosen word" 00235748 02 r 01 infelicitously 0 002 ! 00235632 r 0101 \ 00747176 a 0101 | "He chose his words rather infelicitously" 00235869 02 r 03 fierily 0 fervently 0 fervidly 0 003 \ 01319187 a 0303 \ 01319187 a 0202 \ 01319187 a 0104 | "Both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people"; "a fierily opinionated book" 00236112 02 r 01 fifthly 0 001 \ 01679814 a 0101 | "Fifthly, we must adhere to the rules set by the local government" 00236232 02 r 01 figuratively 0 002 ! 00236336 r 0101 \ 01081979 a 0101 | "Figuratively speaking,..." 00236336 02 r 01 literally 0 002 ! 00236232 r 0101 \ 01081673 a 0101 | "He said so literally" 00236432 02 r 02 first-class 0 first_class 0 000 | by first-class conveyance; with first-class accomodations; "We always travel first class" 00236575 02 r 02 first-hand 0 first_hand 0 000 | "I heard this story first hand" 00236658 02 r 02 first-rate 0 very_well 0 000 | "She doesn't feel first-rate today" 00236744 02 r 01 fitfully 0 001 \ 00441339 a 0101 | "He slept fitfully" 00236818 02 r 01 fixedly 0 001 \ 01159958 a 0101 | "He stared at me fixedly" 00236897 02 r 01 flabbily 0 001 \ 00880756 a 0101 | "The old man's muscles were sagging flabbily" 00236997 02 r 01 flagrantly 0 001 \ 01244558 a 0103 | "He is flagrantly disregarding the law" 00237093 02 r 03 flamboyantly 0 showily 1 flashily 0 003 \ 00301521 a 0301 \ 01368384 a 0204 \ 00301437 a 0101 | "He dresses rather flamboyantly" 00237241 02 r 01 flat 1 000 | at full length: "He fell flat on his face" 00237316 02 r 01 flat 2 000 | against a flat surface: "He lay flat on his back" 00237398 02 r 01 flat 3 000 | below the proper pitch: "She sang flat last night" 00237481 02 r 01 flat 5 000 | with flat sails: "sail flat against the wind" 00237559 02 r 02 flexibly 0 with_flexibility 0 002 ! 00237698 r 0101 \ 00766819 a 0101 | "Come whenever you are free," he said flexibly. 00237698 02 r 01 inflexibly 0 002 ! 00237559 r 0101 \ 00767361 a 0101 | "You will--because you must!," Madam told her inflexibly. 00237830 02 r 01 flimsily 0 001 \ 01767767 a 0102 | "This car is so flimsily constructed!" 00237923 02 r 02 flippantly 0 airily 0 001 \ 01629419 a 0101 | "He answered the reporters' questions flippantly"; "This cannot be airily explained to your children" 00238090 02 r 01 flop 0 000 | with a flopping sound: "He tumbled flop into the mud" 00238176 02 r 01 fluently 0 001 \ 00122026 a 0103 | "She speaks French fluently" 00238259 02 r 01 forbiddingly 0 001 \ 00986648 a 0102 | "It was forbiddingly dark in the corridor" 00238360 02 r 01 forcefully 0 001 \ 00628745 a 0101 | "We are seeing this film too late to feel its original impact very forcefully" 00238495 02 r 02 cold-bloodedly 0 in_cold_blood 0 000 | "He cold-bloodedly planned the murder of his boss" 00238604 02 r 01 forcibly 0 001 \ 00629528 a 0101 | "Keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly" 00238740 02 r 01 forgetfully 0 001 \ 01517747 a 0102 | "She is getting old and acts forgetfully" 00238839 02 r 01 forgivingly 0 002 ! 00238950 r 0101 \ 00783456 a 0101 | "Never mind," she said forgivingly" 00238950 02 r 01 unforgivingly 0 002 ! 00238839 r 0101 \ 00783808 a 0101 | "Unforgivingly, he insisted that she pay her debt to the last penny" 00239096 02 r 01 forlornly 0 001 \ 00789282 a 0102 | "A single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard" 00239207 02 r 01 formidably 0 001 \ 00157157 a 0101 | "The constant risk that attends the exchanges of human beings formidably armed" 00239343 02 r 01 formlessly 0 001 \ 01649553 a 0102 | "The dress hung formlessly on her body" 00239439 02 r 03 piano 0 softly 3 quietly 3 004 \ 01106423 a 0302 \ 01105828 a 0201 ! 00239601 r 0101 \ 01107015 a 0101 | "She played this movement very piano" 00239601 02 r 02 forte 0 loudly 2 003 \ 01104336 a 0201 ! 00239439 r 0101 \ 01107232 a 0101 | "You should play these bars piano" 00239732 02 r 02 pianissimo 0 very_softly 0 002 ! 00239848 r 0101 \ 01107065 a 0101 | "Play this part pianissimo" 00239848 02 r 02 fortissimo 0 very_loudly 0 002 ! 00239732 r 0101 \ 01107282 a 0101 | "Play the introduction fortissiomo" 00239972 02 r 01 foully 0 000 | "Two policemen were foully murdered" 00240043 02 r 02 foully 1 insultingly 0 001 \ 00936507 a 0101 | "This internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists" 00240196 02 r 02 fourfold 0 four_times 0 001 \ 01686484 a 0103 | "The price of gasoline increased fourfold over the past two years" 00240330 02 r 02 millionfold 0 a_million_times 0 000 | "it increased a millionfold" 00240416 02 r 02 fourthly 0 fourth 0 000 | "Fourthly, you must pay the rent on the first of the month" 00240521 02 r 01 fractiously 0 001 \ 00563429 a 0101 | "A fractiously sensitive device" 00240611 02 r 02 fraternally 0 brotherly 2 001 \ 00228606 a 0103 | "He does not behave very brotherly towards his younger sister" 00240743 02 r 01 fraudulently 0 001 \ 00933133 a 0103 | "This money was fraudulently obtained" 00240840 02 r 02 frenziedly 1 hectically 0 001 \ 00071737 a 0202 | "We rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere" 00240973 02 r 01 frugally 0 001 \ 01835460 a 0102 | "In villages, the new pipeline marks the end of water as a precious liquid, to be dispensed frugally, weighed out drop by drop" 00241155 02 r 01 functionally 0 001 \ 02140081 a 0101 | "The two units are functionally interdependent" 00241261 02 r 02 frighteningly 0 scarily 0 002 \ 00156834 a 0203 \ 00155773 a 0109 | "The disturbing thing about the Minister's behavior is that far from being artificial, it too often rings frighteningly true" 00241474 02 r 02 frostily 0 fridigly 0 002 \ 00956531 a 0201 \ 00956531 a 0102 | "Come in if you have to," he said frostily" 00241601 02 r 01 fretfully 0 001 \ 00378364 a 0101 | "Fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib" 00241697 02 r 01 friskily 0 000 | "He moves about friskily despite is age" 00241774 02 r 01 frivolously 0 001 \ 01628918 a 0101 | "She leads the frivolously easy life of a rich and spoiled girl" 00241896 02 r 01 frothily 0 001 \ 01717344 a 0102 | "The champagne poured frothily into the glasses" 00241999 02 r 01 gainfully 0 001 \ 01430575 a 0101 | "Are you gainfully employed now?" 00242088 02 r 01 gamely 0 001 \ 00210401 a 0101 | "He was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso" 00242255 02 r 03 garishly 0 tawdrily 0 gaudily 0 003 \ 01818583 a 0306 \ 01818583 a 020b \ 01818583 a 0105 | "The temple was garishly decorated with bright plastic flowers" 00242430 02 r 01 genealogically 0 001 \ 02190789 a 0102 | "He charted his family tree genealogically" 00242534 02 r 01 generically 0 001 \ 02029462 a 0101 | "Generically, these animals are not related" 00242636 02 r 01 generically 1 001 \ 00842055 a 0101 | "We market these drugs generically" 00242729 02 r 01 genteelly 0 001 \ 01494163 a 0104 | "The English lived genteelly in India" 00242823 02 r 01 geologically 0 001 \ 02100639 a 0101 | "Geologically speaking, this area is extremely interesting" 00242941 02 r 03 jeeringly 0 mockingly 1 gibingly 0 002 \ 01530852 a 0204 \ 01530852 a 0103 00243036 02 r 01 gingerly 0 001 \ 00253778 a 0101 | "Gingerly I raised the edge of the blanket" 00243134 02 r 02 gladly 0 lief 0 001 \ 01376476 a 0101 | "This was gladly agreed to" 00243221 02 r 03 gleefully 0 joyously 0 joyfully 0 004 ! 00243392 r 0301 \ 01041650 a 0303 \ 01041307 a 0201 \ 01041650 a 0102 | "The old man had greeted her gleefully" 00243392 02 r 01 joylessly 0 002 ! 00243221 r 0103 \ 01042028 a 0101 | "She greeted her guests joylessly" 00243500 02 r 01 glissando 0 000 | "Play this glissando, please" 00243567 02 r 01 gloatingly 0 000 | "He told gloatingly about the people he had cheated out of their money" 00243677 02 r 01 gloriously 0 001 \ 00499572 a 0101 | "How gloriously happy she had been during those few fleeting moments of time" 00243811 02 r 01 glossily 0 001 \ 00851703 a 0101 | "The magazine was glossily illustrated" 00243905 02 r 03 piggyback 0 pickaback 0 pig-a-back 0 000 | on the back or shoulder or astraddle on the hip: "She carried her child piggyback" 00244050 02 r 03 piggyback 1 pickaback 1 pig-a-back 1 000 | on a railroad flatcar: "The trailer rode piggyback across the country" 00244183 02 r 01 gloweringly 0 001 \ 00864437 a 0102 | "He stared gloweringly at this morning's headlines" 00244292 02 r 01 glowingly 0 001 \ 01920430 a 0101 | "In her letter she praised him glowingly" 00244389 02 r 01 gluttonously 0 001 \ 00010336 a 0101 | "This man eats gluttonously!" 00244477 02 r 03 goddam 0 goddamn 0 goddamned 0 000 | "You are goddamn right!" 00244558 02 r 04 gorgeously 0 splendidly 1 resplendently 0 magnificently 1 004 \ 00175451 a 0402 \ 00175451 a 0303 \ 00175451 a 0204 \ 00176421 a 0101 | "The Princess was gorgeously dressed" 00244751 02 r 01 grandly 0 001 \ 00975027 a 0102 | in a grand manner: "This mansion seems grandly large by today's standards" 00244879 02 r 03 gratingly 0 raspingly 0 harshly 0 003 \ 00234930 a 0303 \ 00234930 a 0204 \ 00234930 a 0101 | "Her voice fell gratingly on our ears" 00245031 02 r 01 gratuitously 0 001 \ 01044725 a 0101 | in an uncalled-for manner: "He insulted us gratuitously" 00245146 02 r 01 greasily 0 001 \ 00738951 a 0101 | "The food was greasily unappetizing" 00245237 02 r 02 gregariously 0 sociably 1 002 \ 01712802 a 0201 \ 01709507 a 0101 | in a gregarious manner 00245347 02 r 01 greyly 0 001 \ 00285283 a 0102 | "Lonely creeks are opal in the dawn, sword-blue in the sun, greyly silver under misty moons" 00245492 02 r 01 grievously 0 001 \ 00484416 a 0103 | "The resolute but unbroken Germany, grievously wounded but far from destruction, was able to lay the firm foundations for military revival" 00245688 02 r 01 gropingly 0 001 \ 00264586 a 0101 00245742 02 r 02 grotesquely 0 monstrously 0 002 \ 00958259 a 0202 \ 00958259 a 0101 | "Behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies" 00245940 02 r 01 grudgingly 0 002 ! 00246073 r 0101 \ 01946556 a 0101 | "He grudgingly agreed to have a drink in a hotel close by" 00246073 02 r 01 ungrudgingly 0 002 ! 00245940 r 0101 \ 00845572 a 0101 | "He ungrudgingly agreed to pay for everybody's dinner when the guests foundthemselves without cash" 00246249 02 r 01 gruesomely 0 001 \ 00157323 a 0103 | "He was gruesomely wounded" 00246333 02 r 01 gruffly 0 001 \ 00864334 a 0103 | "No," he replied gruffly. 00246412 02 r 01 guiltily 0 001 \ 00125832 a 0101 | "She blushed guiltily as she spoke" 00246502 02 r 01 gushingly 0 001 \ 00540930 a 0103 | "a gushingly prolific writer" 00246587 02 r 02 half-heartedly 0 halfheartedly 0 001 \ 00660778 a 0102 | "She tried half-heartedly" 00246690 02 r 01 half-hourly 0 000 | every thirty minutes, every half hour 00246767 02 r 01 half-yearly 0 000 | every half year, every six months 00246840 02 r 01 handsomely 0 001 \ 00842726 a 0106 | "India has responded handsomely by providing 3,000 men" 00246952 02 r 01 handsomely 1 001 \ 00175814 a 0104 | "A handsomely-produced volume" 00247039 02 r 02 haphazard 0 haphazardly 1 000 | "The Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar, but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard" 00247274 02 r 04 haply 0 by_chance 2 by_luck 0 by_accident 0 000 | "The sound of many a word in mocking echoes haply overheard" 00247404 02 r 01 harmoniously 0 001 \ 00373517 a 0101 | "The problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British" 00247586 02 r 01 harshly 2 001 \ 01374578 a 0103 | "That's enough!," he cut in harshly. 00247676 02 r 01 hatefully 0 001 \ 01216565 a 0102 | in a hateful manner 00247751 02 r 01 hazily 0 001 \ 00583604 a 0102 | "He remembered her only hazily" 00247835 02 r 01 hazily 1 001 \ 00341590 a 0103 | "We saw the distant hills hazily" 00247921 02 r 03 headlong 0 headfirst 0 precipitately 0 001 \ 00965408 a 0303 | with the head foremost: "Hanson blundered headlong into the inner room" 00248075 02 r 04 headlong 1 rashly 0 recklessly 0 heedlessly 0 003 \ 00907081 a 0401 \ 00907394 a 0303 \ 00056846 a 0204 | "He fell headlong in love with his cousin" 00248243 02 r 02 heaps 0 very_much 3 000 | informal; "Thanks just heaps" 00248319 02 r 01 heartlessly 0 001 \ 00882961 a 0101 | "She behaves rather heartlessly towards her admirers" 00248430 02 r 01 heatedly 0 001 \ 01319187 a 0105 | "To say I am behind the strike is so much nonsense," declared Mr Harvey heatedly 00248565 02 r 04 heavenward 0 heavenwards 0 towards_heaven 0 heavenwardly 0 000 | "He pointed heavenwards" 00248674 02 r 02 heavy 0 heavily 2 001 \ 00904120 a 0201 | "Time hung heavy on their hands" 00248768 02 r 02 heinously 0 monstrously 2 002 \ 00860480 a 0204 \ 00860480 a 0103 | "The child was heinously murdered" 00248890 02 r 02 hereinafter 0 hereafter 0 000 | "The landlord demises unto the tenant the premises (hereinafter called the demised premises)" 00249035 02 r 02 hereinbefore 0 before_this 0 000 | in the preceding part of the text 00249123 02 r 02 hereof 0 of_this 0 000 | "The twigs hereof are physic" 00249197 02 r 01 hereto 0 000 | to this writing or document: "The charts hereto attached" 00249289 02 r 01 hereupon 0 000 | immediately after this: "Hereupon, the passengers stumbled aboard" 00249392 02 r 02 hermetically 0 airtight 0 001 \ 01064433 a 0101 | "This bag is hermetically sealed" 00249495 02 r 01 heroically 0 001 \ 00200382 a 0101 | "He finally become reconciled to not dying heroically in her arms" 00249618 02 r 03 hideously 0 horridly 0 monstrously 4 003 \ 00177728 a 0302 \ 01245441 a 0202 \ 00177728 a 0101 | "Her face was hideously disfigured after the accident" 00249789 02 r 02 high 0 high_up 0 000 | "He climbed high on the ladder" 00249863 02 r 01 high 1 000 | far up towards the source: "He lives high up the river" 00249951 02 r 01 high 2 000 | in or to a high position, amount, or degree: "Prices have gone up far too high" 00250063 02 r 03 high 3 richly 1 luxuriously 0 002 \ 01552314 a 0303 \ 01550014 a 0201 | "He lives high" 00250170 02 r 01 high-handedly 0 001 \ 00588189 a 0102 | "He behaved rather high-handedly towards his employees" 00250285 02 r 01 high-mindedly 0 001 \ 01217351 a 0103 | "He talks high-mindedly, but we don't know whether he acts according to his principles" 00250432 02 r 01 mysteriously 0 001 \ 00701615 a 0104 | in a mysterious way; "The book had been mysteriously removed from its customary place" 00250577 02 r 02 questioningly 0 wonderingly 0 002 \ 00494731 a 0204 \ 00494731 a 0103 | "They turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions" 00250745 02 r 01 insolently 0 001 \ 00126303 a 0108 | "He had replied rather insolently to his superiors" 00250853 02 r 03 loosely 3 loose 0 free 0 001 \ 00798089 a 0103 | "Cows in India are running loose" 00250955 02 r 01 so 5 000 | in the state or manner expressed or implied: "The must do so" 00251047 02 r 01 about 3 000 | in rotation or succession: "watch and watch about" 00251131 02 r 02 hoarsely 0 huskily 0 002 \ 00235058 a 0203 \ 00235058 a 0102 | in a hoarse or husky voice, "Excuse me," he said hoarsely 00251271 02 r 01 horizontally 0 001 \ 00939655 a 0101 | "A gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally" 00251418 02 r 01 vertically 0 001 \ 00940239 a 0101 | "A gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally" 00251563 02 r 01 hospitably 0 002 ! 00251692 r 0101 \ 00946269 a 0101 | "She was received rather hospitably by her new family" 00251692 02 r 01 inhospitably 0 002 ! 00251563 r 0101 \ 00946459 a 0101 | "She was received rather inhospitably by her new family" 00251825 02 r 01 hotly 0 001 \ 00955374 a 0101 | "The children were arguing hotly" 00251910 02 r 03 hourly 0 by_the_hour 0 every_hour 0 000 | "Daily, hourly, I grew stronger" 00252004 02 r 01 huffily 0 001 \ 00094491 a 0102 | "Don't bother to call me back," he said huffily 00252105 02 r 02 hugger-mugger 0 in_secrecy 0 000 | "They did it all hugger-mugger" 00252191 02 r 01 humanely 0 002 ! 00252307 r 0101 \ 00959256 a 0101 | "Let's treat the prisoners of war humanely" 00252307 02 r 01 inhumanely 0 002 ! 00252191 r 0101 \ 00960008 a 0101 | "The prisoners of war were treated inhumanely" 00252428 02 r 03 humorously 0 humourously 0 with_humor 0 001 ! 00252604 r 0101 | "Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul's Cathedral" 00252604 02 r 03 humorlessly 0 humourlessly 0 without_humor 0 001 ! 00252428 r 0101 | "He reacted rather humourlessly to these rumours" 00252742 02 r 02 hundredfold 0 a_hundred_times 0 000 | "They money increased a hundredfold" 00252836 02 r 02 hungrily 0 ravenously 0 002 \ 00964395 a 0202 \ 00964068 a 0101 | "He pounced on the food hungrily" 00252956 02 r 02 hydraulically 0 hydraulicly 0 001 \ 02194613 a 0101 | "The block is then tested hydraulically to its full design test pressure on each stream separately" 00253129 02 r 01 hygienically 0 002 ! 00253244 r 0101 \ 01623395 a 0101 | "The body must cared for hygienically" 00253244 02 r 01 unhygienically 0 002 ! 00253129 r 0101 \ 01623786 a 0101 | "The meat is unhygienically processed on wooden tables" 00253378 02 r 01 hysterically 0 001 \ 01214388 a 0101 | "She screamed hysterically when she heard the news" 00253488 02 r 01 icily 0 001 \ 00956531 a 0104 | "Mr Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry, Mr Brown commented icily" 00253680 02 r 01 identically 0 001 \ 01581551 a 0101 | "He is fitted with an identically similar one" 00253784 02 r 01 identifiably 0 001 \ 00966182 a 0101 | "They were identifiably different" 00253877 02 r 01 ideologically 0 001 \ 01958646 a 0101 | "Ideologically, we do not see eye to eye" 00253978 02 r 01 idiomatically 0 001 \ 02155809 a 0101 | "He expresses himself idiomatically" 00254074 02 r 01 idiotically 0 001 \ 01591313 a 0102 | "What arouses the indignation of thehonest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically" 00254266 02 r 02 idly 0 lazily 1 002 \ 00230726 a 0206 \ 00230385 a 0101 | "This is what I always imagined myself doing in the south of France, sitting idly, drinking coffee, watching the people" 00254464 02 r 01 idolatrously 0 001 \ 02115285 a 0101 | "The people idolatrously worshipped the Golden Calf" 00254575 02 r 01 ignorantly 0 001 \ 01725228 a 0101 | "They lived ignorantly in their own small world" 00254680 02 r 03 legibly 0 decipherably 0 readably 0 004 \ 01069749 a 0303 \ 01069749 a 0202 ! 00254838 r 0101 \ 01069538 a 0101 | "You must write legibly" 00254838 02 r 03 illegibly 0 undecipherably 0 unreadably 0 004 \ 01070059 a 0304 \ 01070059 a 0203 ! 00254680 r 0101 \ 01069825 a 0101 | "This student writes illegibly" 00255009 02 r 02 illegitimately 0 out_of_wedlock 0 002 ! 00255141 r 0101 \ 01071754 a 0101 | "This child was born illegitimately" 00255141 02 r 01 legitimately 0 002 ! 00255009 r 0101 \ 01070965 a 0101 | "Let's get married so our child can be born legitimately" 00255275 02 r 04 illegitimately 1 illicitly 0 illegally 2 lawlessly 0 005 ! 00255500 r 0402 \ 01061655 a 0401 ! 00255500 r 0304 ! 00255500 r 0203 ! 00255500 r 0101 | "He acted illegally when he increased the rent fourfold" 00255500 02 r 04 legitimately 1 lawfully 1 licitly 0 legally 0 008 ! 00255275 r 0403 \ 01066161 a 0401 ! 00255275 r 0302 \ 01066547 a 0303 ! 00255275 r 0204 \ 01061655 a 0201 ! 00255275 r 0101 \ 01066547 a 0102 | "You cannot do this legitimately!" 00255750 02 r 01 logically 0 002 ! 00255868 r 0101 \ 01090953 a 0101 | "He acted logically under the circumstances" 00255868 02 r 01 illogically 0 002 ! 00255750 r 0101 \ 01091748 a 0101 | "She acted illogically under the pressure" 00255986 02 r 01 logically 1 001 \ 01893716 a 0102 | according to logical reasoning: "Logically, you should now do the same to him" 00256120 02 r 01 illustriously 0 001 \ 00853232 a 0101 | "Einstein, the illustriously famous physicist of the 20th century" 00256246 02 r 01 immaculately 0 001 \ 00309531 a 0101 | "Gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman--this man was immaculately tailored" 00256412 02 r 01 immovably 0 001 \ 01159760 a 0103 | "The hills were brooding immovably over the town" 00256517 02 r 01 impartially 0 001 \ 01317298 a 0101 | "He smiled at them both impartially" 00256611 02 r 02 morally 0 virtuously 1 003 \ 01905484 a 0201 ! 00256756 r 0101 \ 01560519 a 0105 | "He acted morally under the circumstances" 00256756 02 r 02 immorally 0 amorally 0 002 ! 00256611 r 0101 \ 01561430 a 0103 | "He acted immorally when his own interests were at stake" 00256898 02 r 01 impassively 0 001 \ 00641105 a 0102 | "He submitted impassively to his arrest" 00256996 02 r 02 impenitently 0 unrepentantly 0 004 \ 01334992 a 0202 \ 01334992 a 0101 ! 00257165 r 0203 ! 00257165 r 0101 | "He repeated his position unrepentantly" 00257165 02 r 03 penitently 0 penitentially 0 repentantly 0 005 ! 00256996 r 0302 \ 01334497 a 0302 \ 01334820 a 0201 ! 00256996 r 0101 \ 01334497 a 0101 | showing remorse 00257339 02 r 02 imperatively 0 peremptorily 0 002 \ 00534870 a 0206 \ 00534559 a 0101 | in an imperative and commanding manner 00257469 02 r 03 imperceptibly 0 unnoticeably 0 observably 0 004 \ 00977009 a 0302 \ 00977300 a 0201 ! 00257696 r 0101 \ 01338007 a 0101 | "The power of the Secretary of State in London increased gradually but imperceptibly" 00257696 02 r 02 perceptibly 0 noticeably 0 003 \ 00976587 a 0201 ! 00257469 r 0101 \ 01336786 a 0101 | "He changed noticeably over the years" 00257841 02 r 01 imperiously 0 001 \ 00588526 a 0101 | in an imperious manner: "Imperiously he cut her short" 00257953 02 r 01 impersonally 1 001 \ 01236948 a 0101 | "When I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally" 00258083 02 r 01 impersonally 0 002 ! 00258214 r 0101 \ 01353557 a 0101 | without warmth; "He treated his patients impersonally" 00258214 02 r 01 personally 3 002 ! 00258083 r 0101 \ 01352163 a 0101 | "He took her comments personally" 00258322 02 r 01 personally 1 000 | as oneself: "Speaking personally, I would not want to go" 00258418 02 r 05 impertinently 0 saucily 1 pertly 0 freshly 3 impudently 0 005 \ 00165947 a 0503 \ 00165947 a 0401 \ 01730860 a 0303 \ 00165947 a 0206 \ 00165947 a 0102 | "A lean, swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently" 00258668 02 r 02 impetuously 0 impulsively 0 002 \ 00254351 a 0203 \ 00254351 a 0104 | "He often acts impulsively, and later regrets it" 00258807 02 r 01 impiously 0 002 ! 00258934 r 0101 \ 01530936 a 0101 | "The young members challenged their leader impiously" 00258934 02 r 01 piously 0 001 ! 00258807 r 0101 | "This received opinion is piously affirmed" 00259031 02 r 02 impishly 0 puckishly 0 002 \ 01630179 a 0208 \ 01630179 a 0103 | in an appealing but bold manner; "She asked him impishly to come in" 00259184 02 r 01 implicitly 0 002 ! 00259307 r 0101 \ 00703221 a 0101 | "He implicitly assumes that you know the answer" 00259307 02 r 01 explicitly 0 002 \ 00702436 a 0101 ! 00259184 r 0101 | "In his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly" 00259434 02 r 01 implicitly 1 001 \ 00006145 a 0101 | "I implicitly trust him" 00259515 02 r 01 importantly 0 001 \ 00969088 a 0101 | in an imporatnat way: "For centuries jellies have figured importantly among English desserts, particularly upon festive occasion" 00259702 02 r 02 importantly 1 significantly 2 002 \ 01657856 a 0201 \ 00969088 a 0101 | "More importantly, Weber held that the manifold meaning attached to the event by the social scientist could alter his definition of the concrete event itself" 00259952 02 r 01 impracticably 0 001 \ 01394022 a 0101 | "This is still impracticably high" 00260046 02 r 03 precisely 1 incisively 1 exactly 2 004 ! 00260224 r 0302 \ 00469158 a 0302 ! 00260224 r 0101 \ 00469158 a 0102 | "She expressed herself always very precisely" 00260224 02 r 02 imprecisely 0 inexactly 0 004 ! 00260046 r 0203 \ 00681911 a 0201 ! 00260046 r 0101 \ 00318713 a 0102 | "He expressed himself rather imprecisely" 00260389 02 r 05 precisely 2 exactly 4 on_the_nose 0 on_the_dot 0 on_the_button 0 000 | "Precisely, my lord," he said. 00260510 02 r 01 impregnably 0 001 \ 01915311 a 0101 | "For most people the sight of that bland, impregnably righteous face has been enough to make their blood run cold" 00260682 02 r 01 improvidently 0 002 ! 00260801 r 0101 \ 01450055 a 0101 | "He lived, improvidently, for the moment" 00260801 02 r 01 providently 0 001 ! 00260682 r 0101 | Providently, he had saved up some money for emergencies" 00260915 02 r 02 prudently 0 providentially 2 002 ! 00261158 r 0101 \ 01451683 a 0101 | "I had allotted my own bedroom for necking, prudently removing both the bed and the key, and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son's bedroom." 00261158 02 r 01 imprudently 0 002 ! 00260915 r 0101 \ 01452578 a 0101 | "Imprudently, he downed tools and ran home to make his wife happy" 00261300 02 r 01 adequately 1 002 ! 00261403 r 0101 \ 00043012 a 0101 | "He was adequately prepared" 00261403 02 r 01 inadequately 0 002 ! 00261300 r 0101 \ 00043445 a 0101 | "The temporary camps were inadequately equipped" 00261528 02 r 02 incisively 0 cuttingly 0 002 \ 01374578 a 0201 \ 01335394 a 0104 | "He was incisively critical" 00261643 02 r 01 incognito 0 000 | without revealing one's identity: "In Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the east India company" 00261804 02 r 02 incomparably 0 uncomparably 0 002 ! 00261924 r 0101 \ 00370870 a 0101 | "She is incomparably gifted" 00261924 02 r 01 comparably 0 002 ! 00261804 r 0101 \ 00370323 a 0101 | "You will have to work comparably harder" 00262040 02 r 01 incongruously 0 001 \ 00416413 a 0101 | "His shirttails stuck out from his tuxedo pants somewhat incongruously" 00262171 02 r 01 conspicuously 0 002 ! 00262380 r 0101 \ 00428666 a 0101 | "There have been plenty of general declarations about willingness to meet and talk, but conspicuously no mention of time and place" 00262380 02 r 01 inconspicuously 0 002 ! 00262171 r 0101 \ 00430714 a 0101 | "He had entered the room inconspicuously" 00262501 02 r 01 incurably 0 001 \ 00740482 a 0101 | "He is incurably ill" 00262578 02 r 01 incurably 1 001 \ 00271250 a 0101 | "She was incurably optimistic" 00262664 02 r 01 decisively 1 002 ! 00262780 r 0101 \ 00514960 a 0101 | "I will come along," she said decisively" 00262780 02 r 01 indecisively 0 002 ! 00262664 r 0101 \ 00515812 a 0101 | "I don't know," he ssaid indecisively" 00262895 02 r 01 indelibly 0 001 \ 00669202 a 0101 | "This tradition has left its mark indelibly upon the social, political, educational and industrial fabric of this country" 00263073 02 r 04 ineffably 0 indescribably 0 unutterably 0 unspeakably 0 004 \ 00705475 a 0404 \ 00705475 a 0306 \ 00705475 a 0202 \ 00705475 a 0103 | "She was looking very young tonight, and, as usual, indescribably beautiful, in a simple strapless dress of a green and white silky cotton" 00263366 02 r 01 indeterminably 0 001 \ 00556439 a 0101 | "Their relationship was of an indeterminably vague nature" 00263485 02 r 01 indifferently 0 001 \ 01020640 a 0102 | "She shrugged indifferently" 00263573 02 r 01 indignantly 0 001 \ 00094756 a 0101 | "Miss Burney protested indignantly, her long thin nose turning pink with mortification at this irreverent piece of mimicry" 00263754 02 r 01 discreetly 0 002 ! 00263968 r 0101 \ 00577642 a 0101 | with discretion; "I sent for the sergeant of the platoon both men were in and asked him to try to find out discreetly what lay behind this" 00263968 02 r 01 indiscreetly 0 002 ! 00263754 r 0101 \ 00577642 a 0101 | without discretion; "She inquired indiscreetly after his state of health" 00264118 02 r 01 indolently 0 001 \ 00230726 a 0105 | "He lives indolently with his relatives" 00264215 02 r 01 indubitably 0 001 \ 01468750 a 0102 | "It was immediately and indubitably apparent that I had interrupted a scene of lovers" 00264359 02 r 01 indulgently 0 001 \ 01348659 a 0101 | "I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised" 00264527 02 r 01 industriously 0 001 \ 00567581 a 0102 | "They hoed up weeds industriously all morning" 00264633 02 r 01 inextricably 0 001 \ 00706284 a 0101 | "Motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God" 00264796 02 r 01 influentially 0 001 \ 01398866 a 0101 | exerting influence 00264874 02 r 02 informatively 0 instructively 0 004 ! 00265002 r 0202 \ 01005007 a 0201 ! 00265002 r 0101 \ 00989865 a 0101 00265002 02 r 02 uninformatively 0 uninstructively 0 004 ! 00264874 r 0202 \ 01006449 a 0201 ! 00264874 r 0101 \ 00990905 a 0101 | "I can't tell you when the manager will arrive," he said rather uninformatively" 00265216 02 r 01 infrequently 0 002 ! 00012521 r 0101 \ 00802780 a 0101 | "in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room" 00265484 02 r 01 ingeniously 1 001 \ 00119857 a 0103 | "A Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds , including dorkings ; he discriminated ingeniously between the "dark 'uns" and the "white 'uns" 00265688 02 r 01 ingratiatingly 0 001 \ 01379178 a 0101 | "She smiled ingratiatingly" 00265776 02 r 01 ingratiatingly 1 001 \ 00676057 a 0101 | "She behaves rather ingratiatingly towards her boss" 00265889 02 r 01 inherently 0 001 \ 01025607 a 0104 | "The subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind, which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting" 00266059 02 r 02 inimitably 0 unreproducibly 0 002 \ 01428714 a 0201 \ 01428864 a 0101 | "He has an inimitably verbose style" 00266187 02 r 01 iniquitously 0 001 \ 01906397 a 0101 | "They really believed that the treaty of Versailles was iniquitously injust" 00266322 02 r 01 innately 0 001 \ 01202199 a 0102 | "The child is said to be innately disposed to learn language" 00266438 02 r 01 innocently 0 001 \ 01725384 a 0101 | "She smiled at him innocently" 00266525 02 r 01 innocently 1 001 \ 01002068 a 0101 | "He was snet to the gallows innocently" 00266621 02 r 02 inopportunely 0 malapropos 0 002 ! 00266796 r 0101 \ 01272944 a 0101 | "He arrived inopportunely just as we sat down for dinner"; "She answered malapropos" 00266796 02 r 01 opportunely 0 002 ! 00266621 r 0101 \ 01272291 a 0101 | "He arrived rather opportunely just when we needed a new butler" 00266936 02 r 01 inquiringly 0 001 \ 01020166 a 0102 | "I looked at my cabin mates inquiringly" 00267034 02 r 02 insatiably 0 unsatiably 0 001 \ 01593581 a 0102 | "He clawed insatiably at the framework of tradition" 00267156 02 r 02 insatiably 1 unsatiably 1 001 \ 01593581 a 0102 | "She was insatiably hungry" 00267253 02 r 01 securely 1 001 \ 01915311 a 0103 | "The agreed line was to involve at several points the withdrawal of French troops from positions which they had quite securely held" 00267440 02 r 01 securely 2 002 ! 00267646 r 0101 \ 01606922 a 0101 | "The outcome of expansion in the sixties and seventies will be an academic hierarchy more securely supported by scholastic selection" 00267646 02 r 01 insecurely 0 002 ! 00267440 r 0101 \ 01608323 a 0101 | "Our positions here at the university are rather insecurely supported by grant money" 00267806 02 r 01 securely 3 002 ! 00267924 r 0101 \ 01606325 a 0101 | "He acts very securely in fron of the camera" 00267924 02 r 01 insecurely 1 002 ! 00267806 r 0101 \ 01606503 a 0101 | "She always acts very insecurely in the presence of her father" 00268062 02 r 01 sensitively 0 002 ! 00268204 r 0101 \ 01617277 a 0101 | "She questioned the rape victim very sensitively about the attack" 00268204 02 r 01 insensitively 0 002 ! 00268062 r 0101 \ 01618054 a 0101 | "The police officer questioned the woman rather insensitively about the attack" 00268361 02 r 02 insidiously 0 perniciously 1 002 \ 01233149 a 0203 \ 00886453 a 0101 | "These drugs act insidiously" 00268481 02 r 01 significantly 3 002 ! 00268620 r 0101 \ 00464144 a 0101 | "Our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts" 00268620 02 r 01 insignificantly 0 002 ! 00268481 r 0101 \ 00464510 a 0101 | "Our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts" 00268768 02 r 03 sincerely 0 unfeignedly 0 with_sincerity 0 003 \ 01672183 a 0202 ! 00268939 r 0101 \ 01671165 a 0101 | "She congratulated him sincerely on his victory" 00268939 02 r 01 insincerely 0 002 ! 00268768 r 0101 \ 01672345 a 0101 | "She congratulated hims somewhat insincerely" 00269060 02 r 01 insinuatingly 0 000 | "The art-book has art to sell, insinuatingly, and for a purpose, like the American muse, which has in fact a tradition to sell, and one which doesn't exist, in painting" 00269271 02 r 01 insipidly 0 001 \ 01023251 a 0101 | "insipidly expressed thoughts" 00269357 02 r 04 insomuch 0 so_much 0 to_such_a_degree 0 so 0 000 | "They made no mistakes. Insomuch that it is impossible to imagine a more successful outcome." 00269521 02 r 03 inspirationally 0 with_inspiration 0 in_an_inspiring_way 0 001 \ 01574411 a 0101 | "He talked inspirationally" 00269651 02 r 01 substantially 1 002 ! 00269769 r 0101 \ 01766052 a 0103 | "The pictures had changed substantially" 00269769 02 r 01 insubstantially 0 002 ! 00269651 r 0101 \ 01767656 a 0101 | "The finale of the symphony was played just a shade too fast and not quite insubstantially enough to convey the full, hollow horror of its implications" 00270001 02 r 01 insultingly 1 001 \ 01530681 a 0103 | "He behaves quited insultingly towards his parents" 00270110 02 r 01 insuperably 0 001 \ 01793314 a 0101 | "These various courses all seemed insuperably difficult to the student" 00270239 02 r 01 interchangeably 0 001 \ 01518113 a 0102 | "These terms can be used interchangeably" 00270342 02 r 01 interdepartmental 0 001 \ 02186143 a 0101 | "This memo was circulated interdepartmentally" 00270452 02 r 01 intermediately 0 000 | to an intermediate degree: "intermediately hot" 00270542 02 r 02 interminably 0 endlessly 2 002 \ 01095931 a 0201 \ 01095931 a 0102 | "A theological student with whom I argued interminably many a long evening" 00270706 02 r 02 endlessly 4 without_end 1 000 | spatial sense: "The Nubian desert seemed to strech out before them endlessly" 00270835 02 r 01 intermittently 0 001 \ 00441493 a 0101 | "Intermittently we questioned the barometer" 00270940 02 r 01 interrogatively 1 001 \ 00516173 a 0101 | in a questioning format, as of a sentence" 00271044 02 r 02 intolerantly 0 illiberally 0 002 \ 00224468 a 0201 \ 00224468 a 0102 | "His illiberally narrow-minded way of thinking" 00271182 02 r 01 tolerantly 0 002 ! 00271322 r 0101 \ 01843971 a 0101 | "He reacts rather tolerantly towards his son's juvenile behavior" 00271322 02 r 01 intolerantly 1 002 ! 00271182 r 0101 \ 01843971 a 0101 | showing intolerance 00271418 02 r 01 transitively 0 002 ! 00271554 r 0101 \ 01886225 a 0101 | "You can use the verb "eat" transitively or intransitively" 00271554 02 r 01 intransitively 0 002 ! 00271418 r 0101 \ 01886364 a 0101 | "You can use the verb "drink" intransitively, without a direct object" 00271703 02 r 01 intravenously 0 001 \ 02091839 a 0101 | "The patient had to be fed intravenously" 00271804 02 r 01 intuitively 0 001 \ 01202978 a 0101 | "Inventors seem to have chosen intuitively a combination of explosive and aggressive sounds as warning signals to be used on automobiles" 00271999 02 r 01 inventively 0 001 \ 00478845 a 0103 | "Picasso's liberated shapes and excitingly applied and inventively combined colours" 00272141 02 r 02 odiously 0 invidiously 0 002 \ 00744128 a 0202 \ 01108359 a 0104 00272226 02 r 01 invincibly 0 001 \ 00422078 a 0101 | "Invincibly, the troops moved forward" 00272321 02 r 01 invisibly 0 002 ! 00272437 r 0101 \ 01908121 a 0101 | "These organisms enter the body invisibly" 00272437 02 r 01 visibly 0 002 ! 00272321 r 0101 \ 01906906 a 0101 | "He was visibly upset" 00272531 02 r 01 irately 0 001 \ 00095021 a 0101 | "Get out," he shouted irately. 00272615 02 r 02 ironically 0 pawkily 0 002 \ 00962329 a 0204 \ 00962329 a 0103 | "She began to mimic him ironically" 00272735 02 r 01 ironically 1 000 | "Ironically, he ended up losing money under his own plan" 00272831 02 r 01 irrelevantly 0 003 \ 01516528 a 0101 ! 00272831 r 0101 ! 00319591 r 0101 | "Suddenly and irrelevantly, she asked him for money" 00272978 02 r 01 irretrievably 0 001 \ 01500458 a 0101 | "It is irretrievably lost" 00273064 02 r 01 irreverently 2 001 \ 01575320 a 0102 | "In the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war; clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used" 00273293 02 r 01 irreverently 0 002 ! 00321993 r 0102 \ 01543704 a 0101 | "The student irreverently mimicked the teacher in his presence" 00273433 02 r 01 irreversibly 0 001 \ 01345312 a 0101 | "This old tradition is irreversibly disappearing" 00273541 02 r 01 jarringly 0 001 \ 00234865 a 0102 | "The piano was jarringly out of tune" 00273634 02 r 01 jealously 0 001 \ 00662062 a 0103 | "He guarded his privacy jealously" 00273724 02 r 02 immaturely 0 jejunely 0 003 \ 01133485 a 0202 ! 00273875 r 0101 \ 01133301 a 0101 | "His teenage son still behaves very immaturely" 00273875 02 r 01 maturely 0 002 ! 00273724 r 0101 \ 01132698 a 0101 | "She acts very maturely for her age" 00273984 02 r 01 jerkily 0 001 \ 01751145 a 0102 | "She rose stiffly, jerkily from the window seat" 00274086 02 r 02 jokingly 0 jestingly 0 002 \ 00963220 a 0201 \ 00963220 a 0105 | in jest: "I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express" 00274266 02 r 02 jocosely 0 jocular 0 002 \ 00963220 a 0203 \ 00963220 a 0102 | "They tried to deal with this painful subject jocularly" 00274405 02 r 01 journalistically 0 001 \ 02196989 a 0101 | "He is being journalistically crucified in his own country" 00274527 02 r 01 jovially 0 001 \ 01041949 a 0103 | "He greeted his friend jovially" 00274614 02 r 01 judiciously 0 002 ! 00274738 r 0101 \ 01532242 a 0101 | "Let's use these intelligence tests judiciously" 00274738 02 r 01 injudiciously 0 002 ! 00274614 r 0101 \ 01452878 a 0102 | "These intelligence tests were used injudiciously for many years" 00274881 02 r 01 keenly 0 001 \ 01335394 a 0103 | "He was keenly aware of his own shortcomings" 00274979 02 r 02 killingly 0 sidesplittingly 0 002 \ 00963087 a 0202 \ 00963087 a 0101 | in a killing manner 00275090 02 r 01 laboriously 0 001 \ 00625847 a 0108 | "Their lives were spent in committee making decisions for others to execute on the basis of data laboriously gathered for them" 00275275 02 r 01 lackadaisically 0 001 \ 00653050 a 0102 | "He was hanging around the house lackadaisically" 00275386 02 r 01 lamely 0 001 \ 01767547 a 0102 | "I don't kno , Edward," she answered lamely. 00275483 02 r 03 landward 0 landwards 0 toward_the_land 0 000 | "Landward, miles of rough grass marshes melt into low uplands" 00275612 02 r 01 langsyne 0 000 | at a distant time in the past; chiefly Scottish 00275696 02 r 01 languidly 0 001 \ 00731222 a 0101 | "The men languidly put on their jackets" 00275792 02 r 01 languorously 0 001 \ 00653147 a 0102 | "He was sprawling languourously on the sofa" 00275895 02 r 01 large 0 000 | with the wind abaft the beam: "a ship sailing large" 00275981 02 r 01 large 1 000 | at a distance, wide of something as of a mark 00276060 02 r 02 lasciviously 0 salaciously 0 002 \ 01640071 a 0203 \ 01639757 a 0101 | in a lascivious manner 00276173 02 r 01 laterally 0 001 \ 02100057 a 0101 | "The body is spindle-shaped and lightly compressed laterally" 00276290 02 r 01 laterally 1 001 \ 02100057 a 0101 | "Such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin" 00276516 02 r 04 laughably 0 ridiculously 0 ludicrously 0 preposterously 0 003 \ 00962516 a 0302 \ 00962516 a 0203 \ 00962086 a 0104 | "Her income was laughably small, but managed to live well" 00276712 02 r 02 laxly 0 leniently 0 002 \ 01348659 a 0203 \ 01348659 a 0102 | "He felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime" 00276879 02 r 01 under_arms 0 000 | armed and prepared for fighting 00276949 02 r 01 lazily 0 001 \ 00731222 a 0102 | "I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air" 00277063 02 r 03 left 3 on_the_left 0 toward_the_left 0 001 ! 00277172 r 0101 | "The party has moved left" 00277172 02 r 03 right 3 on_the_right 0 toward_the_right 0 001 ! 00277063 r 0101 | "The party has moved right" 00277285 02 r 01 legato 0 001 ! 00277396 r 0101 | connecting the notes; in music: "play this legato, please" 00277396 02 r 01 staccato 0 001 ! 00277285 r 0101 | separating the notes; in music: "Play this staccato, please" 00277511 02 r 01 leisurely 1 001 \ 00966006 a 0103 | "Far more probable that they would travel more leisurely" 00277624 02 r 05 lengthways 0 lengthwise 0 longwise 0 longways 0 longitudinally 1 001 \ 01099055 a 0501 | in the direction of the length: "He cut the paper lengthwise" 00277794 02 r 01 longitudinally 2 000 | across time: "We studied the development of the children longitudinally" 00277909 02 r 02 lento 0 slowly 1 001 \ 00732251 a 0201 | in music: "Play this lento, please" 00278005 02 r 03 lethargically 0 unenergetically 0 without_energy 0 001 \ 00652772 a 0101 | "He hung around the house lethargically" 00278140 02 r 02 lewdly 0 obscenely 0 002 \ 00514806 a 0201 \ 01639757 a 0102 | "He had seen how in their dances the white men and women held one another obscenely" 00278307 02 r 03 licentiously 0 wantonly 0 promiscuously 0 003 \ 00279314 a 0304 \ 00279314 a 0206 \ 00279314 a 0101 | "This young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously" 00278506 02 r 01 lifelessly 2 001 \ 00078918 a 0101 | "The girl lay in her arms liflessly" 00278599 02 r 01 lifelessly 1 001 \ 01732086 a 0101 | "Lifelessly he performed the song" 00278690 02 r 03 longingly 0 with_longing 0 yearningly 0 000 | "He spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word exit" 00278855 02 r 04 lucidly 0 pellucidly 0 limpidly 0 perspicuously 0 004 \ 00317135 a 0405 \ 00317135 a 0301 \ 00317135 a 0204 \ 01475364 a 0102 | "This is a lucidly written book" 00279035 02 r 02 lukewarmly 0 tepidly 0 001 \ 00660778 a 0103 | "He was lukewarmly received by his relatives" 00279147 02 r 01 luxuriantly 0 000 | "This suave, culture-loving and luxuriantly good-looking M.P.represents the car-workers of Coventry" 00279287 02 r 01 manageably 0 002 ! 00279394 r 0101 \ 01119349 a 0101 | "This house is manageably small" 00279394 02 r 01 unmanageably 0 002 ! 00279287 r 0101 \ 01119704 a 0101 | "This house is unmanageably large," she complained" 00279522 02 r 02 manfully 0 manly 0 002 ! 00279703 r 0101 \ 01120228 a 0102 | "Having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home" 00279703 02 r 02 unmanfully 0 unmanly 0 002 ! 00279522 r 0101 \ 01120563 a 0102 | without qualities thought to befit a man 00279828 02 r 02 lightly 2 light 0 001 \ 00902532 a 0101 | "Experienced travellers travel light" 00279927 02 r 01 light-handedly 0 001 \ 00531125 a 0101 | in a light-handed manner 00280012 02 r 02 light-heartedly 0 lightsomely 0 001 \ 00279919 a 0203 | "He light-heartedly overlooks some of the basic facts of life" 00280150 02 r 03 lightsomely 1 nimbly 0 trippingly 0 003 \ 00906285 a 0304 \ 00906285 a 0203 \ 00906285 a 0102 | "She walked lightsomely down the long staircase" 00280314 02 r 01 limply 0 000 | "The body was hanging limply from the tree" 00280392 02 r 01 lineally 0 001 \ 01079670 a 0101 | "She is related lineally to the Royal Family" 00280492 02 r 01 matrilineally 0 001 \ 01079836 a 0101 00280550 02 r 01 patrilineally 0 001 \ 01079933 a 0101 00280608 02 r 02 lingeringly 0 protractedly 0 001 \ 01095485 a 0205 00280679 02 r 02 lispingly 0 with_a_lisp 0 000 | "She spoke lispingly" 00280752 02 r 01 listlessly 0 001 \ 00653147 a 0103 | "They shook hands rather listlessly" 00280845 02 r 01 lividly 0 001 \ 00300549 a 0103 | in a livid manner 00280916 02 r 01 loftily 0 001 \ 00916294 a 0102 | "She bore herself loftily" 00280996 02 r 01 logarithmically 0 001 \ 02150507 a 0101 | "Data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2" 00281130 02 r 01 longer 0 001 \ 01094615 a 0101 | "Can I stay bit longer?" 00281207 02 r 01 longest 0 001 \ 01094615 a 0101 | "She stayed longest" 00281281 02 r 04 loquaciously 0 garrulously 0 talkatively 0 talkily 0 004 \ 01812531 a 0406 \ 01812531 a 0305 \ 01812531 a 0203 \ 01812531 a 0104 | "When I was young," she continued loquaciously, "I used to do all sorts of naughty things" 00281522 02 r 01 low 0 000 | "The branches hung low" 00281577 02 r 01 lowest 0 000 | "The branch with the big peaches on it hung lowest" 00281663 02 r 01 lugubriously 0 001 \ 01040996 a 0101 | "His long face lugubriously reflecting a hidden and unexpressed compassion" 00281797 02 r 01 luridly 0 001 \ 01613787 a 0101 | "It was described in the book somewhat luridly as the place where mystics took refuge" 00281937 02 r 03 lusciously 0 deliciously 1 scrumptiously 0 003 \ 01820430 a 0305 \ 01820430 a 0202 \ 01820430 a 0103 | "I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches" 00282115 02 r 01 lustfully 0 001 \ 01639480 a 0103 | "He looked at the young woman lustfully" 00282211 02 r 01 lyrically 0 001 \ 00639942 a 0102 | "She danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically" 00282321 02 r 01 magnanimously 0 001 \ 01217606 a 0102 | "Magnanimusly, he forgave all those who had harmed him" 00282436 02 r 02 grandiloquently 0 magniloquently 0 002 \ 01547722 a 0202 \ 01547722 a 0101 | "The orator spoke magniloquently" 00282566 02 r 01 majestically 0 001 \ 00975154 a 0103 | "The flamingoes walked majestically through the marshes" 00282681 02 r 01 benevolently 0 002 ! 00282786 r 0101 \ 00180004 a 0101 | "She looked on benevolently" 00282786 02 r 01 malevolently 0 002 ! 00282681 r 0101 \ 00180406 a 0101 | "She gossips malevolently" 00282889 02 r 01 malignantly 0 001 \ 00183318 a 0101 | in a malignant manner, as of a tumor that spreads 00282996 02 r 01 mangily 0 001 \ 01960440 a 0101 | in a mangy manner 00283067 02 r 01 maniacally 0 001 \ 01591955 a 0101 | "He was maniacally obsessed with jealousy" 00283166 02 r 01 masochistically 0 001 \ 01576200 a 0101 | "Masochistically he insisted on an even greater workload" 00283285 02 r 01 massively 0 001 \ 01056826 a 0101 | "Tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms" 00283411 02 r 01 masterfully 0 001 \ 00588526 a 0102 | "His gaze held hers masterfully" 00283501 02 r 01 masterfully 1 001 \ 01690274 a 0102 | "The young boy played the violin sonata masterfully" 00283611 02 r 01 materialistically 0 001 \ 01957365 a 0101 | "One should not approach life too materialistically" 00283727 02 r 02 maternally 0 motherly 0 001 \ 01327014 a 0101 | "She loved her students almost amternally" 00283837 02 r 01 mawkishly 0 001 \ 00639210 a 0103 | "The violinist played that piece almost mawkishly" 00283943 02 r 01 maximally 0 002 ! 00284088 r 0101 \ 01136508 a 0101 | "The cells maximally responsive to lines in this orientation will fire" 00284088 02 r 01 minimally 0 002 ! 00283943 r 0101 \ 01137046 a 0101 | "The cells minimally responsive to lines in this orientation will not fire" 00284237 02 r 04 meagerly 0 sparingly 0 slenderly 1 meagrely 0 005 \ 01060818 a 0301 \ 01835460 a 0204 ! 00107807 r 0101 \ 00086043 a 0101 ! 00284512 r 0101 | "These voices are meagerly represented at the conference"; "The area is slenderly endowed with natural resources" 00284512 02 r 02 amply 0 richly 2 002 ! 00284237 r 0101 \ 00085390 a 0101 | "These voices were amply represented"; "we benefited richly" 00284651 02 r 01 meanderingly 0 001 \ 00573099 a 0101 | "The river ran meanderingly through the valley" 00284757 02 r 02 meaningfully 0 suggestively 0 002 \ 01138834 a 0203 \ 01138471 a 0101 | so as to be meaningful: "He glanced at her meaningfully" 00284905 02 r 02 meanly 0 humbly 1 002 \ 01779113 a 0201 \ 00844018 a 0102 | "They lived meanly and without ostentation" 00285028 02 r 01 meanly 1 001 \ 00844018 a 0102 | badly, poorly, or in an inferior manner: "Troops meanly equipped" 00285146 02 r 03 meanly 2 scurvily 0 basely 0 003 \ 01217891 a 0301 \ 01217891 a 0207 \ 01217891 a 0104 | "This new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society" 00285323 02 r 01 immeasurably 0 002 ! 00285465 r 0101 \ 00752902 a 0101 | "The war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man" 00285465 02 r 01 measurably 0 002 ! 00285323 r 0101 \ 01140238 a 0101 | "The difference is measurably large" 00285576 02 r 01 mechanistically 0 000 | in a mechanistic manner: "Handel achieves a huge breadth of musical thought when composing almost mechanistically in the least weighty of styles" 00285765 02 r 01 medially 0 001 \ 00257511 a 0102 | "This consonant always occurs medially" 00285859 02 r 01 meditatively 0 001 \ 01834109 a 0104 | "Round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him" 00286034 02 r 02 mellowly 0 mellow 0 001 \ 01132984 a 0102 | obsolete: in a mellow manner 00286126 02 r 02 melodiously 0 tunefully 0 003 \ 01143363 a 0201 ! 00286254 r 0101 \ 01142423 a 0101 | "She sang melodiously" 00286254 02 r 01 unmelodiously 0 002 ! 00286126 r 0101 \ 01143109 a 0101 | "She sings rather unmelodiously" 00286364 02 r 01 melodramatically 0 001 \ 00595086 a 0102 | "She acted rather melodramatically when she called for help" 00286487 02 r 01 melodramatically 1 001 \ 00594024 a 0101 | "Here, the hero is melodramatically reunited with the heroine" 00286612 02 r 02 memorably 0 unforgettably 0 003 \ 00782926 a 0201 ! 00286758 r 0101 \ 00783383 a 0101 | "Horowitz could play Chopin memorably" 00286758 02 r 01 unmemorably 0 002 ! 00286612 r 0101 \ 00782870 a 0101 | in an unmemorable way 00286855 02 r 02 menacingly 0 threateningly 0 002 \ 00156243 a 020a \ 00156243 a 0105 | "The voice at the other end of the line dropped menacingly" 00287005 02 r 02 mendaciously 0 untruthfully 0 003 ! 00287184 r 0201 \ 00934299 a 0201 \ 00934463 a 0103 | "I told him, quite untruthfully, that I had just returned from leave" 00287184 02 r 02 truthfully 1 veraciously 0 003 \ 00934182 a 0202 ! 00287005 r 0102 \ 00934021 a 0101 | "I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation" 00287356 02 r 01 menially 0 001 \ 01692033 a 0102 | in a menial manner 00287429 02 r 04 mercilessly 0 pitilessly 0 unmercifully 0 remorselessly 0 004 \ 01146819 a 0402 \ 01146327 a 0302 \ 01146819 a 0201 \ 01146327 a 0101 | "He was mercilessly trounced by his opponent in the House" 00287643 02 r 02 meretriciously 0 flashily 1 002 \ 01818583 a 0204 \ 01818583 a 0109 | "The boat is meretriciously decorated" 00287771 02 r 01 meritoriously 0 001 \ 01962531 a 0101 | "He served his country meritoriously" 00287868 02 r 02 messily 0 untidily 0 003 ! 00288044 r 0201 \ 01277253 a 0205 \ 01277253 a 0103 | "Rossi spat very deliberately, and very messily, upon Durieux's party card" 00288044 02 r 01 tidily 0 002 ! 00287868 r 0102 \ 01836615 a 0101 | "The door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated" 00288206 02 r 01 methodologically 0 001 \ 02122760 a 0101 | "Let us proceed methodologically" 00288302 02 r 01 metrically 0 001 \ 01549298 a 0102 | "Metrically, these poems are matched" 00288396 02 r 02 mindlessly 0 senselessly 0 002 \ 01491035 a 0203 \ 01491035 a 0101 | "These temples were mindlessly destroyed by the Red Guards" 00288544 02 r 01 mindlessly 1 001 \ 01013735 a 0101 | "All day long, he mindlessly filled out forms" 00288647 02 r 03 amidships 0 amidship 0 midships 0 000 | at, near, or toward the center of a ship: "In the late 19th century, engines were placed in front, amidships, and at the rear" 00288833 02 r 01 midweek 0 000 | in the middle of the week 00288894 02 r 01 mincingly 0 001 \ 01494389 a 0102 | "She stepped mincingly over the puddles" 00288990 02 r 01 ministerially 0 001 \ 02038025 a 0101 | "He was called on to visit ministerially on the dying man" 00289108 02 r 02 minutely 0 circumstantially 2 001 \ 01060081 a 0102 | "Our inability to see everything minutely and clearly is due merely to the infirmity of our senses" 00289281 02 r 01 miraculously 0 001 \ 01208173 a 0102 | "My hand grasped the gun that was, miraculously, lying on the ground beside my finger tips" 00289431 02 r 01 mischievously 0 001 \ 00886608 a 0101 | "He mischievously looked for a chance to hit back" 00289541 02 r 01 miserably 0 001 \ 00353785 a 0101 | "I bit my lip miserably and nodded" 00289632 02 r 01 mistily 0 001 \ 00583604 a 0103 | "The summits of the mountains were mistily purple" 00289736 02 r 02 molto 0 much 2 000 | in music: "allegro molto" 00289802 02 r 01 momentously 0 001 \ 01658316 a 0102 | in a momentous way 00289878 02 r 01 monotonously 0 001 \ 00602265 a 0102 | "The history of the play throughout the latter part of the eighteenth century is monotonously uneventful" 00290042 02 r 01 moodily 0 001 \ 00864437 a 0104 | In the bar, a youngish, sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic" 00290176 02 r 01 morbidly 0 001 \ 01941239 a 0101 | "He was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies" 00290274 02 r 01 morosely 0 001 \ 00864437 a 0105 | "He fell morosely on the bed" 00290358 02 r 01 morphologically 0 001 \ 02125561 a 0102 | "These two words are morphologically related" 00290465 02 r 01 mortally 0 000 | "A being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid, with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle" 00290615 02 r 01 motionlessly 0 001 \ 01197051 a 0103 | "He saw the black-haired man waiting motionlessly behind the opposite side of the platform" 00290765 02 r 01 sadly 3 001 \ 01037576 a 0101 | "She died last night," he said sadly 00290853 02 r 01 mournfully 0 001 \ 01041157 a 0101 | "The young man stared into his glass mournfully" 00290958 02 r 01 mundanely 0 001 \ 01280315 a 0102 | "The young man spoke so mundanely of university life" 00291067 02 r 01 murderously 1 001 \ 00198619 a 0105 | "A huge dog was barking murderously" 00291161 02 r 01 murkily 0 001 \ 00218409 a 0101 | "I can see that murkily passionate manner" 00291257 02 r 01 musically 1 002 ! 00291356 r 0101 \ 01144261 a 0101 | "She sang very musically" 00291356 02 r 01 unmusically 0 002 ! 00291257 r 0101 \ 01143309 a 0101 | "She sings rather unmusically" 00291462 02 r 01 musingly 0 001 \ 01834109 a 0105 | "It's funny about that bar," he said musingly. 00291563 02 r 02 mutually 0 reciprocally 1 002 \ 01491448 a 0201 \ 01492567 a 0101 | "This agreement was mutually satisfactory" 00291693 02 r 01 naively 0 001 \ 01724010 a 0101 | "He believed, naively, that she would leave him her money" 00291805 02 r 01 nakedly 0 001 \ 00339051 a 0103 | "Henriette saw the weaving figure of an Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised" 00291969 02 r 03 narrow-mindedly 0 small-mindedly 0 narrowmindedly 0 003 \ 00224654 a 0204 ! 00292193 r 0101 \ 00223992 a 0101 | "Narrow-mindedly, the authorities closed down the cafe where the teenagers used to hang out" 00292193 02 r 02 broad-mindedly 0 broadmindedly 0 002 ! 00291969 r 0101 \ 00223387 a 0101 | "The authorities broad-mindedly permitted the opening of a center for teenagers" 00292368 02 r 02 nastily 0 meanly 4 002 \ 01216565 a 0203 \ 01215979 a 0101 | "Don't expect me to help you," he added nastily 00292496 02 r 04 nationally 0 nationwide 0 across_the_nation 0 across_the_country 0 001 \ 01200186 a 0101 | "nationally advertised"; "Nationwide, the unemployment rate is 6%" 00292673 02 r 01 nattily 0 001 \ 00725877 a 0104 | "Everything was arranged carefully and nattily" 00292774 02 r 01 jauntily 0 001 \ 00725877 a 0103 | "His hat sat jauntily on his full brown hair" 00292874 02 r 02 naughtily 0 mischievously 1 002 \ 00856955 a 0202 \ 00856955 a 0103 | "He behaved naughtily before the guests" 00293004 02 r 01 nay 0 000 | not this merely but also; not only so but; "Each of us is peculiar, nay, in a sense unique" 00293127 02 r 02 nearer 0 closer 0 000 | "Come closer, my dear!" 00293194 02 r 02 necessarily 0 needfully 0 002 ! 00293437 r 0101 \ 01211250 a 0101 | "Such expenses were wholly exclusively and necessarily incurred" 00293346 02 r 01 necessarily 1 000 | "We are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe" 00293437 02 r 01 unnecessarily 0 002 ! 00293194 r 0101 \ 01211893 a 0101 | "Dust kills; if we make dust unnecessarily, we are killers" 00293574 02 r 03 needs 0 of_necessity 1 necessarily 2 000 | "We must needs be objective" 00293665 02 r 01 nefariously 0 001 \ 01906683 a 0101 | "nefariously involved in a consiracy" 00293760 02 r 02 neglectfully 0 negligently 0 002 \ 00567801 a 0201 \ 00135570 a 0104 | "He did his work negligently" 00293880 02 r 01 nervously 0 001 \ 01825340 a 0107 | "We watched the stock market nervously" 00293975 02 r 01 neurotically 0 001 \ 01213581 a 0101 | "They are finely, not to say neurotically adjusted" 00294085 02 r 01 nervously 1 001 \ 00684045 a 0103 | "Our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch" 00294198 02 r 02 nevermore 0 never_again 0 000 | at no time hereafter: "Quoth the raven, nevermore!" 00294301 02 r 02 nigh 0 near 1 000 | near in time, place, or relationship; "The end draws nigh" 00294399 02 r 02 nigher 0 nearer 2 000 00294441 02 r 02 nighest 0 nearest 3 000 00294485 02 r 02 nightly 0 every_night 0 000 | "She checks on her roses nightly" 00294568 02 r 02 ninefold 0 nine_times 0 000 | "My investment has increased ninefold" 00294656 02 r 01 nobly 0 002 ! 00206363 r 0102 \ 01216996 a 0101 | "She has behaved very nobly" 00294754 02 r 03 nohow 0 in_no_way 1 not_at_all 0 000 | "We could nohow make out his handwriting" 00294854 02 r 02 nonstop 0 non-stop 0 000 | "We are flying nonstop form New York to Tokyo" 00294947 02 r 02 nostalgically 0 with_nostalgia 0 000 | "They spent an hour together, talking nostalgically as they wandered slowly down the coast road" 00295102 02 r 01 notoriously 0 000 | "Middle European emigres, who notoriously used to repair to the British Museum to write seditious pamphlets" 00295250 02 r 01 nutritionally 0 001 \ 02154848 a 0101 | "Nutritionally, her new diet is suicide" 00295350 02 r 01 numerically 0 001 \ 01466683 a 0102 | "In ten years' time the Oxbridge mathematicians, scientists, and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now" 00295571 02 r 02 numbly 0 insensibly 0 002 \ 01614540 a 0201 \ 01615138 a 0103 | "His arms hung down numbly" 00295682 02 r 03 nowise 0 in_no_manner 0 to_no_degree 0 000 | "They are nowise different" 00295774 02 r 03 northeast 0 northeastwise 0 nor'-east 0 000 | to, towards, or in the northeast 00295872 02 r 03 northwest 0 northwestwise 0 nor'-west 0 000 | to, towards, or in the northwest 00295970 02 r 02 north-northeast 0 nor'-nor'-east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the north-northeast 00296068 02 r 02 nor'-nor'-west 0 north-northwest 0 000 | to, toward, or in the north-northwest 00296166 02 r 01 objectively 0 002 ! 00296299 r 0101 \ 01236549 a 0101 | with objectivity; "We must look at the facts objectively" 00296299 02 r 01 subjectively 0 002 ! 00296166 r 0101 \ 01237234 a 0101 | in a subjective way: "You cannot look at these facts subjectively" 00296442 02 r 01 obscenely 1 000 | "This man is obscenely rich" 00296508 02 r 03 obsequiously 0 subserviently 0 servilely 0 003 \ 00589436 a 0301 \ 00589749 a 0202 \ 01672764 a 0103 | "She acts obsequiously towards her boss" 00296671 02 r 02 observantly 0 observingly 0 002 \ 01335953 a 0202 \ 01335953 a 0101 00296759 02 r 03 obstreperously 0 loudly 4 clamorously 0 002 \ 01471236 a 0303 \ 00523000 a 0101 | in manner that attracts attention; "Obstreperously, he demanded to get service" 00296940 02 r 01 obtrusively 0 002 ! 00297038 r 0101 \ 01235975 a 0101 | in an abtrusive manner 00297038 02 r 01 unobtrusively 0 002 ! 00296940 r 0101 \ 01236265 a 0101 | "Messengers were moving unobtrusively over the jet-black mountain ranges, bearing confidential tidings from sheikhdom to sheikhdom" 00297247 02 r 01 officiously 0 000 | "nothing so fatal as to strive too officiously for an abstract quality like beauty" 00297370 02 r 02 obstructively 0 hinderingly 0 002 \ 00647607 a 0201 \ 01349923 a 0104 | "He acted very obstructively when we tried to carry out our project" 00297530 02 r 01 offside 0 000 | illegally in advance of the ball or puck 00297606 02 r 01 onerously 0 001 \ 00904370 a 0102 | in an onerous manner 00297682 02 r 01 opaquely 0 001 \ 00394165 a 0101 | "He referred opaquely to her recent past" 00297778 02 r 01 oppressively 0 000 | "It was oppressively hot and humid in the office" 00297868 02 r 01 optimally 0 001 \ 00184810 a 0102 | in an optimal and most desirable way 00297960 02 r 01 optimistically 0 002 ! 00298103 r 0101 \ 01274025 a 0101 | "We have a good chance of winning," he exclaimed optimistically" 00298103 02 r 01 pessimistically 0 002 ! 00297960 r 0101 \ 01274860 a 0101 | "He evaluated his chances for survival rather pessimistically" 00298245 02 r 01 optionally 0 002 ! 00298353 r 0101 \ 00633762 a 0101 | "This rule is applied optionally" 00298353 02 r 01 obligatorily 1 002 ! 00298245 r 0101 \ 00634337 a 0101 | "This rule is applied obligatorily" 00298465 02 r 02 sumptuously 0 opulently 0 002 \ 01552314 a 0204 \ 01552314 a 0106 | "This government building is sumptuously appointed" 00298604 02 r 01 organizationally 0 001 \ 02096571 a 0101 | "Organizationally, the conference was a disaster!" 00298717 02 r 03 ostentatiously 0 showily 0 with_ostentation 0 002 \ 01412403 a 0201 \ 01412106 a 0101 | "Mr Khrushchev ostentatiously wooed and embraced Castro at the U.N. general assembly" 00298910 02 r 01 outlandishly 0 001 \ 00452198 a 0103 | "The Bavarian was outlandishly dressed in lederhosen " 00299023 02 r 01 outspokenly 0 001 \ 00573525 a 0106 | "He was outspokenly critical of the Government's new social policy" 00299148 02 r 01 overbearingly 0 000 | in an overbaring manner 00299213 02 r 01 overleaf 0 000 | on or to the other side of a page; "data tabulated overleaf" 00299310 02 r 02 overmuch 0 too_much 0 000 | "She eats too much"; "Let's not blame them overmuch" 00299410 02 r 02 oversea 0 overseas 0 000 | byond or across the sea; "He lived overseas for many years" 00299516 02 r 01 overside 0 000 | over the side of a boat: "Willie eased himself overside into the sea" 00299622 02 r 01 owlishly 0 001 \ 01949600 a 0101 | "The gentle-looking barrister peered owlishly around him" 00299734 02 r 01 pacifistically 0 001 \ 01333660 a 0102 | "the pacifistically inclined liberals" 00299833 02 r 02 painstakingly 0 fastidiously 1 002 \ 00733165 a 0201 \ 00243472 a 0103 | "It is almost a waste of time painstakingly to learn the routines of selling" 00300004 02 r 01 palatably 0 002 ! 00300096 r 0101 \ 01311386 a 0101 | in a palatable way 00300096 02 r 01 unpalatably 0 002 ! 00300004 r 0101 \ 01311800 a 0101 | "The vegetables looked unpalatably wilted" 00300214 02 r 01 palely 0 001 \ 00195460 a 0101 | "His wife, always palely appealing" 00300302 02 r 03 pallidly 0 palely 1 dimly 1 002 \ 00302517 a 0201 \ 01768283 a 0101 | "A palely entertaining show" 00300420 02 r 02 pantingly 0 gaspingly 1 000 | "He came running after us pantingly" 00300506 02 r 01 parentally 0 001 \ 01316595 a 0101 | in a parental manner" 00300584 02 r 01 parenthetically 0 001 \ 01419790 a 0102 | "He added, parenthetically, that would not attend the wedding ceremony" 00300717 02 r 01 parochially 0 001 \ 00474198 a 0102 | "parochially naroow in his outlook" 00300810 02 r 02 by 0 past 0 000 | "every hour, a train goes past" 00300879 02 r 02 patchily 0 in_spots 0 001 \ 00679871 a 0101 00300943 02 r 01 paternally 0 001 \ 01326666 a 0101 | "He behaves very paternally towards his young bride" 00301052 02 r 01 pathetically 0 001 \ 00792389 a 0104 | "The sick child was crying pathetically" 00301151 02 r 01 pathetically 1 001 \ 00673660 a 0101 | "They had pathetically little money" 00301246 02 r 02 pathetically 2 pitiably 0 002 \ 00792389 a 0206 \ 00792389 a 0104 00301332 02 r 01 patriotically 0 002 ! 00301458 r 0101 \ 01332260 a 0101 | "Patriotically, he buys only U.S.-made products" 00301458 02 r 01 unpatriotically 0 002 ! 00301332 r 0101 \ 01332537 a 0101 | "Unpatriotically he contrived a way of avoiding military service" 00301603 02 r 02 peaceably 0 pacifically 0 002 \ 01333574 a 0201 \ 01333574 a 0102 | "The tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises" 00301853 02 r 01 pedantically 0 001 \ 01597849 a 0103 | These interpretations are called "schemas," or more pedantically, "schemata". 00301989 02 r 03 peevishly 0 querulously 0 fractiously 1 003 \ 00864164 a 0302 \ 00378364 a 0202 \ 00864164 a 0104 | in a peevish manner 00302128 02 r 01 pejoratively 0 001 \ 00675233 a 0103 | "I am not using the word pejoratively" 00302225 02 r 02 penetratingly 0 penetratively 0 002 \ 01335394 a 0206 \ 01335394 a 0105 | "The author treats his subject penetratingly" 00302364 02 r 01 pensively 0 001 \ 01834109 a 0106 | "Pensively he stared at the painting" 00302457 02 r 01 penuriously 0 001 \ 01551345 a 0105 | "They lived penuriously" 00302539 02 r 01 perceptively 0 001 \ 01335158 a 0101 | in a perceptive manner 00302620 02 r 01 perceptually 0 001 \ 02123229 a 0101 | This task is perceptually very difficult" 00302720 02 r 02 perchance 0 by_chance 3 000 | archaic: through chance, "To sleep, perchance to dream.." 00302827 02 r 01 perfidiously 0 001 \ 00719924 a 0101 | "He was playing perfidiously one side against the other" 00302942 02 r 02 perkily 0 saucily 0 000 | "stuck perkily, like a bustle on a woman's skirt" 00303037 02 r 01 perpendicularly 0 001 \ 01315048 a 0102 | "This red line runs perpendicularly to the green line" 00303153 02 r 02 perplexedly 0 confoundedly 0 002 \ 01351387 a 0205 \ 01350904 a 0101 | "He looked at his professor perplexedly" 00303284 02 r 01 persistently 1 001 \ 00440931 a 0101 | "He was asking questions, unavoidable questions, persistently..." 00303408 02 r 01 persuasively 0 001 \ 01353972 a 0101 | "This essay argues so persuasively..." 00303505 02 r 01 pertinaciously 0 001 \ 01769741 a 0104 | "He struggled paertinaciously for the new resolution" 00303619 02 r 01 pertinently 0 001 \ 00112541 a 0104 | "what is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently" 00303825 02 r 01 pervasively 0 001 \ 00835039 a 0102 | in a pervasive manner 00303904 02 r 01 pettily 0 001 \ 00224654 a 0102 | in a petty way 00303972 02 r 01 pharmacologically 0 001 \ 02104655 a 0101 | "Pharmacologically, this plant could have important applications" 00304101 02 r 01 phenomenally 0 001 \ 01281875 a 0104 | "His reaction was phenomenally quick" 00304197 02 r 01 philanthropically 0 001 \ 00277308 a 0104 | in a philanthropic manner 00304286 02 r 01 phlegmatically 0 001 \ 00641644 a 0101 | "He accepted the decision phlegmatically" 00304388 02 r 01 picturesquely 0 001 \ 00176525 a 0101 | "In the building trade such a trader is picturesquely described as a `brass plate' merchant" 00304540 02 r 04 piecemeal 0 little_by_little 0 bit_by_bit 1 in_stages 0 000 | "The research structure has developed piecemeal" 00304670 02 r 03 piercingly 0 bitterly 2 bitingly 0 003 \ 00952510 a 0301 \ 00952510 a 0202 \ 00953255 a 0102 | "It was bitterly cold" 00304807 02 r 01 piggishly 0 001 \ 00011412 a 0102 | "Piggishly, he took two pieces of cake" 00304902 02 r 02 piping 0 steaming 0 000 | "The casserole was piping hot" 00304978 02 r 02 piquantly 0 spicily 0 002 \ 01821061 a 0204 \ 01821061 a 0101 | "The soup was spicily flavored" 00305093 02 r 01 placidly 0 001 \ 00095450 a 0103 | "I put the questions, and she answered them placidly" 00305201 02 r 01 placidly 1 000 | "The sea now shimmered placidly before our eyes" 00305286 02 r 01 pizzicato 0 000 | in music, with a plucking, light, staccato sound 00305372 02 r 01 point-blank 0 000 | "I asked him point-blank whether he wanted the job" 00305463 02 r 01 posthumously 0 001 \ 00609852 a 0101 | "These piano pieces were published posthumously" 00305570 02 r 01 prestissimo 0 000 | in music: extremely fast; as fast as possible; "This passage should be played prestissimo" 00305700 02 r 01 psychologically 0 001 \ 01360128 a 0103 | "Psychologically, this event was very damaging to the child" 00305822 02 r 01 rallentando 0 000 | in music: slowing down; "This passage should be played rallentando" 00305929 02 r 01 recognizably 0 002 ! 00306039 r 0101 \ 01337742 a 0101 | "He was recognizably slimmer now" 00306039 02 r 02 unrecognizably 0 unrecognisable 0 002 ! 00305929 r 0101 \ 00967158 a 0101 | "He had unrecognizably aged" 00306163 02 r 01 regretfully 0 000 | used in polite formulas such as "I must regretfully decline your kind invitation" 00306284 02 r 01 piratically 0 001 \ 02210674 a 0101 | "The piratically published edition of his book" 00306389 02 r 04 pit-a-pat 0 pitty-patty 0 pitty-pat 0 pitter-patter 0 000 | describing a rhythmic beating; "His heart went pit-a-pat" 00306526 02 r 04 pit-a-pat 1 pitty-patty 1 pitty-pat 1 pitter-patter 1 000 | as of footsteps: "He came running pit-a-pat down the hall" 00306664 02 r 01 piteously 0 001 \ 00792389 a 0105 | in a piteous manner 00306739 02 r 02 pithy 0 sententiously 0 002 \ 00403650 a 0202 \ 00403650 a 0101 | "She expressed herself pithily" 00306856 02 r 01 pitifully 0 001 \ 00673660 a 0103 | "Wages were pitifully low, particularly the wages of women" 00306971 02 r 01 placatingly 0 000 | "Jenny smiled placatingly" 00307037 02 r 03 plaguey 0 plaguy 0 plaguily 0 001 \ 00074016 a 0309 | "It's so plaguey cold!" 00307134 02 r 01 plaintively 0 001 \ 01041073 a 0102 | "The last note of the song rang out plaintively" 00307240 02 r 01 playfully 0 001 \ 01629641 a 0101 | in a playful manner; "She loosened the half-hoop of diamonds on her left hand third finger and held it out to him playfully" 00307420 02 r 01 pleasingly 0 001 \ 01377615 a 0101 | "The room was pleasingly large" 00307508 02 r 01 plenarily 0 001 \ 00389318 a 0101 | in a plenary manner: "An empire destined to enter the Commonwealth plenarily" 00307641 02 r 01 pliantly 0 001 \ 00770500 a 0104 00307694 02 r 01 ploddingly 0 001 \ 00626653 a 0102 | "This writer ploddingly accumulates detail after detail" 00307807 02 r 03 plop 0 plunk 0 plump 0 000 | with a plop; "plop came the ball down to the corner of the green" 00307921 02 r 01 pneumatically 0 001 \ 02065346 a 0101 | "At the present time the transmission is very often done hydraulically or pneumatically" 00308069 02 r 01 pointlessly 0 001 \ 01140114 a 0101 | "He spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery" 00308179 02 r 02 poisonously 0 venomously 0 002 \ 00181019 a 0202 \ 00181019 a 0101 00308266 02 r 01 pluckily 0 001 \ 01730637 a 0102 | "He was Brentford's defensive star in pluckily holding out the determined Reading raids for long periods" 00308426 02 r 01 plumb 0 000 | conforming to the direction of a plumb line 00308503 02 r 01 ponderously 0 001 \ 00906560 a 0103 | "He moves ponderously" 00308583 02 r 01 ponderously 1 001 \ 01023681 a 0101 | "The play was staged with ponderously realistic sets" 00308694 02 r 01 pop 0 000 | like a pop or with a pop; "Everything went pop" 00308773 02 r 01 popishly 0 001 \ 02108858 a 0106 00308826 02 r 01 portentously 0 001 \ 01413949 a 0105 | "Portentously, the engines began to roll" 00308926 02 r 01 possessively 0 001 \ 00026397 a 0101 | "He was sleeping, one arm flung possessively across his wife" 00309046 02 r 02 post-free 0 post-paid 0 000 | having the postage paid by the sender; "I will send it post-paid" 00309161 02 r 02 potently 0 powerfully 0 002 \ 01399349 a 0202 \ 01399349 a 0101 | "Clytemnestra's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience's mind" 00309349 02 r 01 poutingly 0 000 | with a pout or in a pouting manner 00309421 02 r 02 powerfully 1 strongly 1 001 \ 01763617 a 0201 | "The federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist" 00309629 02 r 01 powerlessly 0 001 \ 01397363 a 0101 | in a powerless manner" 00309709 02 r 02 practicably 0 feasible 0 002 \ 01393285 a 0201 \ 01393285 a 0102 00309794 02 r 01 pragmatically 0 001 \ 01486868 a 0105 | "We want to build a democratic society, but we must act pragmatically" 00309924 02 r 02 pre-eminfently 0 preeminently 0 001 \ 01778051 a 0203 | "A wide variety of pre-eminently contemporary scenes" 00310053 02 r 01 precariously 0 001 \ 01579106 a 0103 | "The position of being a precariously dominant minority seems to be almost too difficult for human nature to cope with" 00310231 02 r 02 precious 0 preciously 0 000 | intensifier: "There is precious little time left" 00310330 02 r 01 precipitously 0 001 \ 00870283 a 0103 | "The mountains rose precipitously from the shore" 00310439 02 r 01 precipitously 1 000 | suddenly or abruptly: "We must take take not to precipitously increase the birthrate" 00310566 02 r 01 precociously 0 001 \ 01405658 a 0101 | "Her child acts very precociously" 00310659 02 r 01 predictably 0 001 \ 01406494 a 0101 | "Predictably, he did not like the news" 00310756 02 r 02 prematurely 0 untimely 0 002 \ 00608182 a 0202 \ 00608182 a 0101 | "I spoke prematurely" 00310864 02 r 01 prematurely 1 001 \ 01136354 a 0101 | "The child was born prematurely" 00310954 02 r 02 presciently 0 cannily 0 002 \ 00324246 a 0203 \ 00576924 a 0103 | with foresight; "More presciently than they superiors, these workers grasped the economic situation" 00311140 02 r 01 carnally 0 001 \ 01358752 a 0102 | in a carnal manner 00311213 02 r 01 presentably 0 001 \ 01529485 a 0101 | "Years ago in her white-painted infancy it must have hung presentably on the deck of some luxury liner" 00311374 02 r 01 pressingly 0 001 \ 00534870 a 0107 | in a pressing manner 00311451 02 r 01 presumptuously 0 001 \ 00166198 a 0103 | "He presumptuously overstepped the doctor's orders 00311562 02 r 01 pretentiously 0 002 ! 00311674 r 0101 \ 01412787 a 0101 | "This author writes pretentiously" 00311674 02 r 01 unpretentiously 0 002 ! 00311562 r 0101 \ 01414371 a 0101 | "She was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor" 00311826 02 r 02 preternatuarally 0 supernaturally 0 002 \ 01206855 a 0201 \ 01208543 a 0103 00311922 02 r 01 prettily 0 001 \ 00176665 a 0101 | "All this is most prettily done" 00312009 02 r 01 priggishly 0 001 \ 01437054 a 0101 | "This professor acts so priggishly--like a moderator with a gavel!" 00312133 02 r 02 primly 0 prissily 0 002 \ 01437054 a 0203 \ 01437054 a 0102 | "The new teacher behaves very prissily and alienates the children" 00312281 02 r 01 privately 1 000 | "This is a privately rented house" 00312353 02 r 01 primitively 0 001 \ 00306064 a 0104 | "primitively operated foundries" 00312443 02 r 03 primitively 1 originally 1 in_the_beginning 0 000 00312513 02 r 01 probabilistically 0 001 \ 02211982 a 0101 | "We can calculate the position of the particles probabilistically" 00312643 02 r 01 problematically 0 001 \ 00562544 a 0103 | in such a way as to pose a problem 00312739 02 r 02 wastefully 0 prodically 0 002 \ 01836169 a 0202 \ 01836169 a 0101 | "We are still prodigally rich compared to others" 00312876 02 r 01 prodigiously 0 001 \ 01281596 a 0106 | "The prices of farms rose prodigiously" 00312974 02 r 01 profanely 0 001 \ 01575121 a 0101 | in a profane manner; "He kept wondering profanely why everything bad happened to him" 00313115 02 r 01 proficiently 0 001 \ 01689818 a 0107 | "He dealt proficiently with the problem" 00313214 02 r 03 profitlessly 0 unprofitably 1 gainlessly 0 002 \ 01430807 a 0201 \ 01431139 a 0101 | without gain or profit 00313341 02 r 01 prohibitively 0 001 \ 01350834 a 0101 | "It is prohibitively expensive" 00313432 02 r 02 promiscuously 1 indiscriminately 1 001 \ 00578534 a 0201 | "She reads promiscuously" 00313536 02 r 01 promisingly 0 001 \ 00143865 a 0103 | "The afternoon had begun so promisingly" 00313634 02 r 02 prosaically 0 matter-of-factly 0 001 \ 00641263 a 0102 | "I applied my attention prosaically to my routine" 00313761 02 r 01 prosily 0 001 \ 01023545 a 0103 | in a prosy manner; "Somewhat prosily and repetitively expounded" 00313879 02 r 01 protestingly 0 001 \ 00378482 a 0101 | "The bed creaked protestingly when the fat man sat down" 00313994 02 r 01 proverbially 0 001 \ 01048225 a 0101 | "This proverbially bitter plant, wormwood" 00314095 02 r 01 providentially 0 001 \ 02156982 a 0101 | "his providentially destined role" 00314190 02 r 01 providentially 1 001 \ 00790519 a 0102 | "The weather providentially remained good" 00314293 02 r 02 provocatively 0 provokingly 0 002 \ 01450686 a 0203 \ 01450505 a 0101 | in a provocative manner; "Try it," he said provocatively. 00314442 02 r 02 prudishly 0 puritanically 0 002 \ 01437054 a 0205 \ 01437054 a 0104 | in a prudish manner; "She acts very prudishly, but I wonder whether she is really all that chaste" 00314630 02 r 01 pruriently 0 001 \ 01640071 a 0102 | in a prurient manner 00314707 02 r 01 pryingly 0 001 \ 00494954 a 0104 | "Do you have a boyfriend," she asked her prospective tenant pryingly 00314830 02 r 01 psychologically 1 001 \ 01178749 a 0101 | "War that caught them in its toils either psychologically or physically" 00314964 02 r 01 psychologically 2 001 \ 02100806 a 0101 | in terms of psychology: "classify poetry psychologically" 00315083 02 r 01 pugnaciously 0 001 \ 00069433 a 0103 | in a pugnacious manner" 00315165 02 r 01 punctiliously 0 001 \ 01404907 a 0103 | "He launched into a long history of the birth of communism, giving credit punctiliously to the work of Marx and Engels" 00315344 02 r 01 pungently 0 001 \ 01454832 a 0101 | "The soup was pungently flavored" 00315433 02 r 01 pungently 1 001 \ 01594214 a 0105 | "He wrote pungently about his contemporaries" 00315534 02 r 01 punily 0 001 \ 01768419 a 0101 | in a puny manner 00315603 02 r 03 punitively 0 punitorily 0 penally 0 003 \ 01457050 a 0301 \ 01456782 a 0202 \ 01456782 a 0101 | in a punishing manner 00315740 02 r 01 purposefully 0 001 \ 01461453 a 0101 | "He caught the motorcycles in the full glare of his headlights, braked and slipped purposefully out of the car" 00315910 02 r 01 purposelessly 0 001 \ 01462191 a 0101 | "Let's not make purposelessly dispense the aid" 00316017 02 r 01 quaintly 0 001 \ 01169376 a 0102 | "The room was quaintly furnished" 00316105 02 r 01 quaintly 1 001 \ 00725227 a 0101 | "The old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly" 00316210 02 r 01 qualitatively 0 001 \ 02140555 a 0101 | "This discoloration qualitatively suggests that the substance is low in inorganic iron" 00316357 02 r 02 quarterly 0 every_quarter 0 001 \ 02152253 a 0101 | in three month intervals: "Interest is compounded quarterly" 00316489 02 r 01 quarterly 1 000 | in diagonally quarters opposed of an escutcheon: "two coats of arms borne quarterly" 00316611 02 r 01 queasily 0 001 \ 01932993 a 0102 | "Do I have to remove the liver," the medical student asked queasily. 00316734 02 r 02 queerly 0 fishily 0 002 \ 01468064 a 0201 \ 01468064 a 0103 | "This money had been queerly come by" 00316853 02 r 05 queerly 1 strangely 1 oddly 1 funnily 1 funny 1 004 \ 00724754 a 0402 \ 00360748 a 0301 \ 00724168 a 0202 \ 00724754 a 0104 | "A queerly inscribed sheet of paper"; "He acted kind of funny" 00317061 02 r 02 unquestionably 0 unimpeachably 0 002 \ 01469362 a 0201 \ 01468444 a 0101 | "Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow"; "They hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members" 00317263 02 r 02 questionably 0 dubiously 1 002 \ 01467625 a 0202 \ 01467113 a 0101 | "These were estates his father questionably acquired" 00317405 02 r 02 questioningly 1 quizzically 0 002 \ 01351864 a 0202 \ 01351864 a 0101 | "They looked quizzically at the doctor" 00317536 02 r 04 quietly 5 tranquilly 0 restfully 0 quiescently 0 004 \ 01826709 a 0401 \ 01473729 a 0301 \ 01333122 a 0203 \ 01826709 a 0102 | "The streets are restfully sunny and still, for the town is at mass" 00317751 02 r 01 long 2 000 | for a certain time or period; "How long will you be away?" 00317842 02 r 01 quixotically 0 001 \ 01403958 a 0101 | "Sent to jail for two years, he has quixotically refused to clear himself by betraying his colleagues" 00318003 02 r 01 racily 0 001 \ 01639182 a 0106 | "racily vernacular language" 00318084 02 r 01 radially 0 001 \ 01804539 a 0101 | "An imaginative dispersal of the pews radially from the central focus of the pulpit" 00318223 02 r 01 radiantly 0 001 \ 00220558 a 0105 | "The bride smiled radiantly" 00318307 02 r 02 raggedly 0 jaggedly 0 002 \ 00679438 a 0201 \ 00679438 a 0103 | "A long beard, raggedly cut" 00318419 02 r 02 raggedly 1 stragglingly 0 000 | "A stone wall trails raggedly through the woods" 00318519 02 r 02 raggedly 2 unevenly 2 000 | "I took the cigarette he offered, drawing at it raggedly" 00318624 02 r 02 rampantly 0 wild 2 001 \ 00447090 a 0101 | "Weeds grew rampantly around here" 00318721 02 r 01 rapaciously 0 001 \ 00011009 a 0103 | in a rapacious manner 00318800 02 r 02 raving 0 ravingly 0 000 | in a raving manner: "raving mad" 00318878 02 r 01 ravishingly 0 001 \ 00177049 a 0101 | "She was ravishingly beautiful" 00318967 02 r 01 reassuringly 0 001 \ 00158216 a 0101 | "The prime minister pointed reassuringly to the silence of the British press" 00319103 02 r 01 rebukingly 0 000 | in a rebuking manner 00319162 02 r 01 receptively 0 001 \ 01523082 a 0101 | in a receptive manner 00319241 02 r 01 reflectively 0 001 \ 01834109 a 0108 | "He watched her, reflectively" 00319330 02 r 01 refreshingly 0 000 | "She was refreshingly free from shyness" 00319411 02 r 01 refreshingly 1 001 \ 01033033 a 0105 | "The air was refreshingly cool" 00319501 02 r 01 regally 0 001 \ 01219773 a 0104 | "a royally appointed representative" 00319591 02 r 01 relevantly 0 002 ! 00272831 r 0101 \ 01515524 a 0101 | with relevance 00319680 02 r 01 reminiscently 0 001 \ 01517478 a 0105 | "She spoke reminiscently of her days in college" 00319789 02 r 01 remotely 0 001 \ 01076582 a 0102 | "It is remotely possible" 00319869 02 r 01 remotely 1 001 \ 00333153 a 0102 | "When the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy" 00320065 02 r 01 repetitively 0 001 \ 01900509 a 0104 | "This type of border display is repetitively used in advertising" 00320189 02 r 01 reputedly 0 001 \ 01077405 a 0102 | "Fish with reputedly poisonous flesh" 00320282 02 r 01 resentfully 0 001 \ 00093650 a 0104 | "The best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a Minister" 00320455 02 r 01 reservedly 0 001 \ 01524781 a 0101 | with reserve, in a reserved manner 00320546 02 r 01 resignedly 0 001 \ 00937439 a 0102 | "Resignedly, I telegraphed back that it was all right with me if he insisted" 00320680 02 r 01 ripely 0 001 \ 01134124 a 0101 | with mature or developed appearance 00320768 02 r 01 resoundingly 0 001 \ 01105402 a 0102 | "He then so resoundingly denounced his former friend" 00320880 02 r 01 resourcefully 0 001 \ 00240560 a 0101 | in a resourceful manner 00320963 02 r 01 respectably 0 001 \ 01521599 a 0104 | "The film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married" 00321087 02 r 02 respectably 1 creditably 0 002 \ 01961742 a 0201 \ 01529065 a 0101 | "He did respectably well for his age" 00321213 02 r 01 restrictively 0 001 \ 01537229 a 0101 | "This relative clause is used restrictively" 00321317 02 r 01 retail 0 001 ! 00321422 r 0101 | at a retail price: "I'll sell it to you retail only" 00321422 02 r 01 wholesale 0 001 ! 00321317 r 0101 | at a wholesale price: "I can sell it to you wholesale" 00321532 02 r 01 retentively 0 001 \ 01539323 a 0101 | in a retentive manner 00321611 02 r 01 reticently 0 001 \ 00127907 a 0101 | "She answered the questions reticently" 00321707 02 r 01 retrospectively 0 001 \ 01440417 a 0101 | "Retrospectively, he seems like a great artist" 00321816 02 r 03 revengefully 0 vengefully 0 vindictively 0 003 \ 00783882 a 0302 \ 00783882 a 0203 \ 00783882 a 0101 | "He plotted vindictively against his former superiors" 00321993 02 r 02 reverentially 0 reverently 0 003 ! 00273293 r 0201 \ 01543254 a 0201 \ 01543622 a 0102 | "He gazed reverently at the handiwork" 00322140 02 r 01 reversely 0 000 | in an opposite way; so as to be reversed 00322218 02 r 01 rhetorically 0 001 \ 01546657 a 0101 | "What can be done?" he asked rhetorically 00322318 02 r 01 rhythmically 0 001 \ 01548597 a 0101 | "Leisurely, even slow, rhythmically repetitive, the mysteriously simple story takes place on the banks of the river" 00322493 02 r 03 right-down 0 positively 1 very 2 000 | "A regular right-down bad 'un": Charles Dickens" 00322600 02 r 01 righteously 0 002 ! 00322699 r 0101 \ 01561971 a 0101 | "righteously indignant" 00322699 02 r 01 unrighteously 0 002 ! 00322600 r 0101 \ 01562604 a 0101 | in an unrighteous manner; "He acted unrighteously" 00322827 02 r 02 riskily 0 hazardously 1 002 \ 01578107 a 0205 \ 01578107 a 0106 | "He lost the game by playing too riskily" 00322954 02 r 01 roaring 0 000 | extremely: "roaring drunk" 00323016 02 r 01 robustly 0 001 \ 01562959 a 0101 | "He was robustly built" 00323094 02 r 01 roguishly 0 001 \ 01630051 a 0103 | "He winked at her roguishly" 00323178 02 r 01 roguishly 1 001 \ 00933697 a 0103 | "He roguishly intended to keep the money" 00323275 02 r 01 romantically 1 001 \ 01111312 a 0102 | "They were romantically linked" 00323365 02 r 02 roomily 0 spaciously 0 002 \ 00352209 a 0203 \ 00352209 a 0101 | "The furniture was spaciously spread out" 00323491 02 r 01 rotationally 0 001 \ 02216372 a 0101 | "The required influence lines are found by subjecting the model to small displacements horizontally, vertically and rotationally" 00323679 02 r 02 sonorously 0 rotundly 0 002 \ 01105517 a 0201 \ 01105517 a 0102 | "The congregation consisted chiefly of a few young folk, who snored sonorously" 00323844 02 r 02 roughly 2 rough 0 001 \ 01698548 a 0101 | "ride rough" 00323918 02 r 01 round-arm 0 000 | with an outward or horizontal swing of the arm; "He hit the ball round-arm" 00324031 02 r 02 rowdily 0 raucously 1 002 \ 01277093 a 0202 \ 01277093 a 0103 | "The crowd got drunk and started to behave rowdily" 00324166 02 r 01 ruinously 0 001 \ 00886023 a 0102 | "ruinously high wages" 00324244 02 r 01 ruthlessly 0 001 \ 01146819 a 0103 | "The government has been urged to take immediate action to deal ruthlessly with the strikers" 00324394 02 r 02 sarcastically 0 sardonically 0 002 \ 01594565 a 0202 \ 01594020 a 0101 | "Ah, now we're getting at the truth," he interposed sarcastically 00324552 02 r 01 same 0 000 | in the same manner: "You get treated fairly, same as any other student in this course!" 00324672 02 r 02 sanctimoniously 0 self-righteously 0 002 \ 01361134 a 0207 \ 01361134 a 0106 | "She was sanctimoniously criticizing everbody" 00324817 02 r 01 sanely 0 001 \ 01589756 a 0101 | "speak more sanely about these affairs" 00324909 02 r 01 sanely 1 002 ! 00325073 r 0101 \ 01589756 a 0101 | "She behaves rather sanely these days, even though we know that she suffers is schizophrenic" 00325073 02 r 01 insanely 0 002 ! 00324909 r 0101 \ 01590229 a 0101 | in an insane manner; "She behaved insanely" 00325189 02 r 01 scandalously 0 001 \ 01179367 a 0102 | "You behaved scandalously when you walked out of that meeting!" 00325311 02 r 03 scathingly 0 harshly 3 unsparingly 0 003 \ 00322804 a 0303 \ 01374578 a 0203 \ 01374201 a 0107 | "She criticized him harshly" 00325456 02 r 03 sceptically 0 skeptically 0 with_scepticism 0 001 \ 01865358 a 0104 | "He looked at her sceptically" 00325576 02 r 01 schematically 0 001 \ 01520047 a 0103 | "schematically outlined" 00325660 02 r 01 scorching 0 000 | "it was scorching hot" 00325720 02 r 01 screamingly 0 000 | "screamingly funny" 00325779 02 r 01 scurrilously 0 001 \ 01246682 a 0105 | "One paper scurrilously described how Edward was neglecting a bereaved mother to dance attendance on Wally" 00325945 02 r 01 searchingly 0 001 \ 01015056 a 0102 | "Are you really happy with him," asked her mother, gazing at Vera searchingly 00326080 02 r 01 seasonally 0 001 \ 01134882 a 0101 | "Prices are seasonally adjusted" 00326169 02 r 03 seaward 0 seawards 0 toward_the_sea 0 000 | "The sailor looked seawards" 00326261 02 r 01 second-best 0 000 | in second place; "He came off second-best" 00326343 02 r 01 second_class 0 000 | by second class conveyance; "We traveled second class" 00326438 02 r 01 secretively 0 001 \ 00368410 a 0104 | "The teacher raised a hand to him, slightly and secretively, because he was her favourite" 00326586 02 r 02 sedately 0 calmly 1 000 | in a sedate manner 00326650 02 r 02 seductively 0 temptingly 0 002 \ 01610500 a 0203 \ 01610306 a 0101 | "She smiled at him seductively" 00326770 02 r 01 seedily 0 001 \ 01838158 a 0102 | "seedily uncared-for village road" 00326858 02 r 02 selectively 0 by_selection 0 000 | "we choose our students very selectively" 00326954 02 r 01 self-consciously 0 002 ! 00327086 r 0101 \ 00391404 a 0103 | "The little girl self-consciously recited the poem" 00327086 02 r 01 unselfconsciously 0 002 ! 00326954 r 0101 \ 00062666 a 0101 | "They were naked, unshy, and unselfconsciously beautiful" 00327225 02 r 01 sensationally 0 001 \ 00974314 a 0102 | "In the summer of 1958 the pianist had a sensationally triumphant return" 00327358 02 r 01 senselessly 1 001 \ 01491035 a 0103 | "These innocent bystanders were senselessly killed" 00327467 02 r 02 sensuously 0 voluptuously 0 002 \ 00985650 a 0206 \ 00985650 a 0103 | "She loved sensuously the feel of her silk shirt"; "She sniffed voluptuously at the perfume bottle" 00327656 02 r 02 sensually 0 sultrily 0 002 \ 00955987 a 0202 \ 00955987 a 0101 | "The belly dancer mover sensually among the tables" 00327792 02 r 01 sentimentally 0 002 ! 00327921 r 0101 \ 00639210 a 0107 | "I miss the good old days," she added sentimentally 00327921 02 r 01 unsentimentally 0 002 ! 00327792 r 0101 \ 01853987 a 0102 | "Unsentimentally, she threw out her dead son's toys" 00328053 02 r 01 separably 0 002 ! 00328145 r 0101 \ 00585312 a 0102 | in a separable way 00328145 02 r 01 inseparably 0 002 ! 00328053 r 0101 \ 00586318 a 0101 | "These two are inseparably linked" 00328255 02 r 01 serenely 0 001 \ 01333122 a 0102 | "I had the feeling that he was waiting, too--serenely patient" 00328372 02 r 01 sevenfold 0 000 | seven times: "The population of this village increased sevenfold in the past 100 years" 00328497 02 r 01 seventhly 0 000 | in the seventh place; "Seventhly, you have no right to cancel the lease in mid-year" 00328619 02 r 02 independently 1 severally 1 000 | apart from others; "The clothes were hung severally" 00328725 02 r 01 shabbily 0 000 | "The two were haggling so shabbily in the drawing-room" 00328817 02 r 01 shabbily 1 001 \ 01960221 a 0105 | "A shabbily dressed, black-faced man" 00328909 02 r 01 shaggily 0 001 \ 01837679 a 0102 | "shaggily unkempt mane" 00328987 02 r 01 shakily 0 000 | "I--I 'm going to make you a cup of tea ," she explained shakily. 00329088 02 r 01 shakily 1 001 \ 01742198 a 0102 | "This theory is rather shakily supported by some obscure data" 00329204 02 r 01 shamefacedly 0 001 \ 00126032 a 0101 | "Quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies" 00329392 02 r 01 shapelessly 0 001 \ 01649553 a 0103 | "The dress hung shapelessly on her thin body" 00329495 02 r 01 sheepishly 0 001 \ 00126032 a 0102 | "Sheepishly he handed her back the money" 00329593 02 r 01 sheer 0 000 | directly: "He fell sheer into the water" 00329667 02 r 02 sheer 1 perpendicularly 1 000 | straight up or down without a break 00329754 02 r 01 shiftily 0 001 \ 01867175 a 0101 | "He looked at his new customer shiftily" 00329849 02 r 01 shockingly 0 000 | "Teachers were shockingly underpaid" 00329924 02 r 02 short 1 tightly 3 001 \ 01100281 a 0201 | "She caught him up short on his lapel" 00330024 02 r 03 short 2 at_a_disadvantage 0 unawares 2 000 | "I was caught short" 00330109 02 r 01 short 3 000 | so as to interrupt: "She took him up short before he could continue" 00330211 02 r 01 short 5 000 | at some point or distance before a goal is reached: "he fell short of our expectations" 00330332 02 r 02 short 6 clean_across 0 000 | "the car's axle snapped short" 00330411 02 r 01 shudderingly 0 000 | with a shudder; "Shudderingly, she acknowledged to herself that she dared not face what lay before her" 00330555 02 r 02 side-saddle 0 sidesaddle 0 000 | on or as if on a sidesaddle; "She rode sidesaddle" 00330658 02 r 03 sidelong 0 obliquely 2 sideways 0 000 | "She looked at him sidelong" 00330746 02 r 01 sidelong 1 000 | with the side toward someone or something: "seated sidelong" 00330843 02 r 01 sidelong 2 000 | on the side: "the plow lay sidelong on the ground" 00330930 02 r 02 sideward 0 sidewards 0 000 | towards the side, to one side or another: "turn the figure sideward" 00331047 02 r 02 sideway 0 sideways 1 000 | from the side; "Look at it sideways" 00331130 02 r 02 sideways 2 sideway 1 000 | with one side to the front or upward: "lie sideways" 00331229 02 r 02 sideways 3 sideway 2 000 | downward on one side; "lean sideways" 00331313 02 r 03 signally 0 unmistakably 1 remarkably 1 001 \ 00975951 a 0101 | "Signally undiplomatic methods" 00331427 02 r 01 signally 1 000 | by way of a signal; "A term that is used signally rather than symbolically" 00331539 02 r 01 silkily 0 001 \ 01697658 a 0106 | "The young wheat shone silkily"; "Darling," she said silkily. 00331654 02 r 02 pusillanimously 0 simperingly 0 001 \ 01120692 a 0103 | "Simperingly, the accused begged for mercy" 00331773 02 r 02 single-handed 0 single-handedly 0 000 | without assistance; "I built this house single-handedly" 00331889 02 r 01 singularly 0 001 \ 01282531 a 0102 | "Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal; he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his Portuguese embassy alone" 00332118 02 r 02 sixfold 0 six_times 0 000 | "The population of this town increased sixfold when gold was found in the surrounding hills" 00332258 02 r 01 sixthly 0 000 | in the sixth place; "Sixthly, we cannot afford a vacation" 00332352 02 r 01 sketchily 0 001 \ 01433247 a 0101 | "The spoon was only sketchily washed" 00332445 02 r 02 skilfully 0 skillfully 0 001 \ 01689818 a 0109 | with skill: "fragments of a nearly complete jug, skilfully restored at the institute of archaeology" 00332614 02 r 01 skimpily 0 001 \ 01776395 a 0102 | "a skimpily dressed woman" 00332695 02 r 01 skittishly 0 001 \ 00684045 a 0101 | "The horse pranced around skittishly" 00332789 02 r 01 sky-high 0 000 | high into the air; "The men were flung sky-high when the explosion occurred" 00332902 02 r 02 sky-high 1 enthusiastically 1 000 | "He extolled her virtues sky-high" 00332992 02 r 03 sky-high 2 to_pieces 0 apart 5 000 | "The committee blasted the thesis sky-high" 00333092 02 r 01 slangily 0 001 \ 00788063 a 0102 | "He expresses himself slangily" 00333178 02 r 02 slantingly 0 slopingly 0 002 \ 00941361 a 0206 \ 00941361 a 0104 | with a slant 00333277 02 r 01 slantwise 0 000 | at a slant; moving or directed in a slantwise position or direction 00333382 02 r 02 slap 0 slapdash 1 000 | directly; "We ran slap into her" 00333458 02 r 01 slap-bang 0 000 | at excessive speeds; "Yachts ran slap-bang into the convoy at 15 knots an hour" 00333575 02 r 01 slapdash 0 000 | in a slapdash manner: "The shelves were put up slapdash" 00333668 02 r 01 slavishly 0 001 \ 00589749 a 0101 | "His followers slavishly believed in his new diet" 00333774 02 r 01 sleekly 0 001 \ 01697658 a 0104 | "The wet road was shinging sleekly" 00333863 02 r 01 sleepily 0 001 \ 00152635 a 0101 | "The two children who were snuggled sleepily in the back of the car" 00333986 02 r 01 sleeplessly 0 001 \ 00151844 a 0102 | "He was lying in bed sleeplessly" 00334077 02 r 02 slenderly 0 slimly 0 002 \ 00737080 a 0204 \ 00737080 a 0102 | "A slenderly built woman" 00334185 02 r 02 slick 0 smoothly 1 001 \ 00570431 a 0202 | "And now," he said smoothly, "we will continue the conversation" 00334312 02 r 01 sloppily 0 001 \ 01837761 a 0102 | "This work was done rather sloppily" 00334403 02 r 01 slouchingly 0 001 \ 00945399 a 0102 | "Slouchingly he stood at the bar" 00334494 02 r 01 slouchily 0 000 | in a slouchy manner; "slouchily dressed" 00334572 02 r 02 smash 0 smashingly 0 000 | "The brick went smash through the window" 00334660 02 r 01 smilingly 0 001 ! 00334783 r 0101 | "The girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together" 00334783 02 r 01 unsmilingly 0 001 ! 00334660 r 0101 | "Unsmilingly, he greeted his in-laws" 00334878 02 r 01 smugly 0 001 \ 00437576 a 0101 | "Our Ministers have explained smugly that the facts provided by their own experts show no cause for concern" 00335039 02 r 03 smuttily 0 rankly 0 vulgarly 0 003 \ 00314333 a 0305 \ 00314333 a 0203 \ 00314333 a 0104 | in a smutty manner 00335168 02 r 01 snappishly 0 001 \ 00863451 a 0103 | "Don't talk to me now," she said snappishly 00335268 02 r 01 sneakingly 0 001 \ 01603758 a 0101 | "I always felt sneakingly that I wanted to be a concert pianist" 00335389 02 r 03 sneeringly 0 superciliously 0 snidely 0 003 \ 00675366 a 0303 \ 00675366 a 0201 \ 00675366 a 0102 | "I don't believe in these customs," he said sneeringly 00335563 02 r 03 snobbishly 0 snootily 0 uppishly 0 003 \ 01445604 a 0307 \ 01445604 a 0202 \ 01422009 a 0104 | "They snobbishly excluded their less wealthy friends from the party" 00335746 02 r 02 sobbingly 0 with_sobs 0 000 | "Sobbingly, the teenager admitted killing the baby" 00335847 02 r 01 sociably 0 002 ! 00335990 r 0101 \ 01712802 a 0101 | "Sociably, the new neighbors invited everyone on the block for coffee" 00335990 02 r 01 unsociably 0 002 ! 00335847 r 0101 \ 01714079 a 0101 | "The new neighbors behave quite unsociably" 00336108 02 r 01 sociologically 0 001 \ 02100890 a 0101 | "Sociologially speaking, this is an interesting phenomenon" 00336228 02 r 01 solicitously 0 001 \ 00400875 a 0102 | "Don't you feel well?" his mother asked solicitously. 00336340 02 r 02 solitarily 0 in_solitude 0 001 \ 01707832 a 0109 | "She had thrust herself on to Charles when he'd had every intention of staying solitarily true to Peggy" 00336515 02 r 02 sombrely 0 somberly 0 001 \ 00281260 a 0102 | "That's sure bad news," said Dowd, sombrely. 00336625 02 r 03 somehow 2 someway 0 someways 0 000 | in some way or manner; "He tried to make it someway decent" 00336741 02 r 01 soothingly 0 001 \ 00158433 a 0104 | "The mother talked soothingly to her child" 00336841 02 r 01 sopping 0 000 | extremely; "sopping wet" 00336901 02 r 02 sordidly 0 squalidly 0 002 \ 00312484 a 0202 \ 00312484 a 0103 00336984 02 r 01 sorely 0 001 \ 01375577 a 0102 | "I missed him sorely" 00337058 02 r 01 sorrowfully 1 001 \ 01039671 a 0101 | "Sell us that country house that we have sought sorrowfully these last two years" 00337197 02 r 03 tout_ensemble 0 all_together 0 all_at_once 1 000 | "Let's say "Yes!" all at once" 00337298 02 r 02 sottishly 0 doltishly 0 001 \ 00325104 a 0202 | in a sottish manner 00337385 02 r 03 southeast 0 sou'-est 0 south-east 0 000 | to, towards, or in the southeast 00337479 02 r 03 southwest 0 south-west 0 sou'west 0 000 | to, towards, in in the southwest 00337573 02 r 02 south-southeast 0 sou'-sou'-east 0 000 | to, towards, or in the south-south-east 00337673 02 r 02 south-soutwest 0 sou'-sou'-west 0 000 | to, towards, or in the south-southwest 00337771 02 r 01 soullessly 0 001 \ 01618599 a 0101 | "they were soullessly grubbing for profit" 00337870 02 r 02 noiselessly 0 soundlessly 0 002 \ 01470333 a 0202 \ 01470222 a 0101 | "He stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door" 00338051 02 r 01 sourly 0 001 \ 00864437 a 0107 | "He complained sourly that the new rules only benefitted the managers" 00338174 02 r 01 southerly 0 000 | from the south: "A wind blew southerly" 00338251 02 r 01 southerly 1 000 | towards the south: "The ship turned southerly" 00338335 02 r 02 southward 0 southwards 0 000 | towards the south 00338403 02 r 01 sparely 0 001 \ 00086317 a 0104 | "William held me longest with his recent bronzes sparely arranged at Waddington's galleries" 00338549 02 r 01 sparingly 1 001 \ 00010232 a 0102 | infrequently 00338617 02 r 01 sparsely 0 001 \ 00399193 a 0101 | "sparsely inhabited" 00338692 02 r 01 spasmodically 0 000 | in spurts and fits; "I began to write spasmodically" 00338786 02 r 02 spasmodically 1 jerkily 1 002 \ 01505946 a 0203 \ 01751145 a 0103 | "The mouth was slightly open, and jerked spasmodically at one corner" 00338943 02 r 01 speciously 0 001 \ 01864453 a 0101 | in a specious manner 00339020 02 r 01 speechlessly 0 000 | without speaking: "He stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door" 00339170 02 r 01 spiral 0 001 \ 01760177 a 0103 | "spirally fluted handles" 00339248 02 r 01 sportingly 0 002 ! 00339365 r 0101 \ 00717109 a 0102 | so as to be sporting; in a sporting manner 00339365 02 r 01 unsportingly 0 002 ! 00339248 r 0101 \ 00717783 a 0103 | in an unsportsmanlike manner 00339470 02 r 01 unsuspectingly 0 001 \ 00154867 a 0101 | "He was sitting unsuspectingly beyond that wall only a few yards from the burglar" 00339613 02 r 01 spotlessly 0 001 \ 00309531 a 0107 | "spotlessly clean" 00339688 02 r 02 sprucely 0 trimly 0 002 \ 01836952 a 0204 \ 01837209 a 0102 | "He was trimly attired"; "The house was sprucely painted" 00339827 02 r 01 spuriously 0 001 \ 01673456 a 0104 | "Spuriously, the lawyer argued that his client knew nothing of the burglary" 00339960 02 r 01 squeamishly 0 001 \ 00733457 a 0105 | "I'd rather not touch," he said squeamishly" 00340062 02 r 02 stagily 0 theatrically 0 002 \ 00594850 a 0201 \ 00595385 a 0101 | "I cannot show my face at her house," he declared theatrically 00340211 02 r 02 stammeringly 0 stutteringly 0 002 \ 00124128 a 0202 \ 00124128 a 0101 | "Will you marry me?" he asked stammeringly 00340345 02 r 01 standoffishly 0 001 \ 00108967 a 0101 | "Standoffishly, he declined the invitation to the office party" 00340468 02 r 02 staringly 0 staring 0 000 | "quoi?" asked Blanchard, staring 00340548 02 r 01 stark 0 000 | "Stark mad"; "mouth stark open" 00340613 02 r 01 starkly 0 000 | in a blunt manner: "in starkly realistic terms" 00340696 02 r 01 starkly 1 000 | in sharp outline or contrast: "The black walls rose starkly from the snow" 00340806 02 r 01 starkly 2 000 | in a stark manner: "He was starkly unable to achieve coherence" 00340905 02 r 01 statically 0 001 \ 00605032 a 0101 | "a statically determinate connexion" 00340998 02 r 01 startlingly 0 001 \ 01794375 a 0102 | "a startlingly modern voice" 00341084 02 r 01 statutorily 0 001 \ 01066819 a 0101 | "Placed statutorily under the council's supervision" 00341194 02 r 02 staunchly 0 stanchly 0 001 \ 00432232 a 0102 | "He staunchly defended his principles" 00341299 02 r 01 steeply 0 001 \ 00870161 a 0101 | "The street rose steeply up to the castle" 00341395 02 r 01 stertorously 0 001 \ 01472660 a 0101 | "He was breathing stertorously" 00341485 02 r 01 stickily 0 001 \ 01935961 a 0104 | "He felt the blood move stickily from his split scalp and trickle down his forehead" 00341624 02 r 01 stiff 1 000 | extremely: "bored stiff"; "frightened stiff" 00341702 02 r 01 stiltedly 0 001 \ 00061386 a 0103 | "She answered his letter rather stiltedly" 00341800 02 r 03 stingily 0 cheaply 2 chintzily 0 003 \ 00844144 a 0303 \ 00844144 a 0201 \ 00843628 a 0101 | "Their rich uncle treated them rather chintzily" 00341961 02 r 01 stirringly 0 001 \ 01191779 a 0101 | "He talked stirringly about his days during the war" 00342070 02 r 01 stochastically 0 001 \ 01474691 a 0101 | "We calculated this number stochastically" 00342173 02 r 01 stock-still 0 000 | perfectly still: "stand stock-still" 00342249 02 r 02 straightway 0 directly 6 000 | in a direct course; "it fell straightway" 00342341 02 r 01 straightway 1 000 | without delay or hesitation; "straightway the clouds began to scatter" 00342451 02 r 02 thereabout 0 thereabouts 0 000 | near that place; "He stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks" 00342575 02 r 02 thereabout 1 thereabouts 1 000 | near that timne or dat; "Come at noon or thereabouts" 00342681 02 r 01 thereinafter 0 000 | in the following part of a given matter, as in a document or speech 00342789 02 r 03 thereof 0 of_it 0 of_that 0 000 | "a problem and the solution thereof" 00342879 02 r 03 thereon 0 on_it 0 on_that 0 000 | "text and commentary thereon" 00342962 02 r 03 thereto 0 to_it 0 to_that 0 000 | "with all the appurtenances fitting thereto" 00343060 02 r 03 thereunder 0 under_that 0 under_it 0 000 | "the headings and the items listed thereunder" 00343169 02 r 03 therewith 0 with_that 1 with_it 1 000 | "I have learned that whatever state I am, therewith to be content" 00343295 02 r 03 therewith 1 therewithal 0 with_that 0 000 | at the same time; "I therewithal withdraw my complaints" 00343415 02 r 01 stockily 0 001 \ 01814476 a 0108 | "a stockily built man" 00343492 02 r 01 stoically 0 001 \ 00641723 a 0101 | "He stoically accepted all sufferiang" 00343586 02 r 01 stonily 0 001 \ 00882490 a 0103 | "stonily indifferent to time" 00343670 02 r 01 strategically 0 001 \ 02126523 a 0101 | "strategically important decisions" 00343765 02 r 01 stridently 0 001 \ 00235412 a 0102 | "The cheap clock ticked stridently" 00343857 02 r 02 strictly 2 stringently 0 002 \ 00533881 a 0202 \ 00681717 a 0102 | "The laws are stringently enforced"; "stringently controlled" 00344005 02 r 02 stuffily 0 stodgily 0 002 \ 00450269 a 0201 \ 00450269 a 0102 | "Come in please," he said rather stuffily 00344130 02 r 01 stupendously 0 001 \ 01057513 a 0102 | "stupendously ignorant people" 00344219 02 r 01 sturdily 0 001 \ 01766052 a 0102 | "feet sturdily apart" 00344295 02 r 01 stylishly 0 001 \ 00727539 a 0101 | "She was dressed very stylishly" 00344383 02 r 01 stylistically 0 001 \ 01548072 a 0101 | "stylistially complex" 00344465 02 r 02 suavely 0 with_suavity 0 001 \ 01494510 a 0105 | "He is suavely charming and all the ladies love him" 00344586 02 r 02 sublimely 0 utterly 1 000 | "Awaking in me, sublimely unconscious, interest and energy for tackling these tasks" 00344718 02 r 01 subtly 0 001 \ 00530579 a 0102 | "Late nineteenth-century French opera at its most beautiful, subtly romantic with a twilight melancholy" 00344875 02 r 01 romantically 2 002 ! 00345014 r 0101 \ 01403958 a 0102 | "She fantasized romantically about eloping wiht her boyfriend" 00345014 02 r 01 unromantically 0 001 ! 00344875 r 0101 | "we got married, rather unromatically, in a dingy office in the town hall" 00345149 02 r 01 succinctly 1 001 \ 00403210 a 0103 | "Please state your case as succinctly as possible" 00345256 02 r 01 sulkily 0 001 \ 00864945 a 0102 | "What else could I do?" said Graham sulkily 00345353 02 r 01 summarily 0 001 \ 01250864 a 0102 | "The suspected spy was summarily executed" 00345451 02 r 01 superfluously 0 001 \ 01212153 a 0106 | "Rather superfluously, he added his silly comments to the discussion" 00345580 02 r 01 superstitiously 0 001 \ 01476561 a 0101 | "Superstitiously he refused to travel on Friday the 13th" 00345699 02 r 01 supinely 0 001 \ 00033472 a 0103 | "He called the tune to me, who supinely took it up" 00345805 02 r 01 supinely 1 001 \ 00945474 a 0101 | "She was lying supinely on her back" 00345896 02 r 02 surreptitiously 0 sneakily 0 002 \ 01602958 a 0206 \ 01602958 a 0108 | "He was watching her surreptitiously as she waited in the hotel lobby" 00346057 02 r 01 surpassingly 0 001 \ 01281596 a 0107 | "She was a surpassingly beautiful woman" 00346156 02 r 01 surprisedly 0 001 \ 01793464 a 0101 | in a manner of one who is surprised 00346249 02 r 01 sweepingly 0 001 \ 00578958 a 0101 | "He sweepingly condemned the entire population of the country for the war crimes" 00346387 02 r 01 sweetly 0 001 \ 01107642 a 0105 | "Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly" 00346491 02 r 03 swimmingly 0 smoothly 2 easily 4 001 \ 00564208 a 0301 | "In spite of some mishaps, everything went swimmingly" 00346622 02 r 01 synchronously 0 001 \ 01808130 a 0101 | "In four-chambered hearts, the two auricles move synchronously" 00346745 02 r 01 synthetically 0 001 \ 01206253 a 0103 | "Some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically" 00346899 02 r 01 tacitly 0 001 \ 00703882 a 0104 | "They are tactily expected to work 10 hours a day" 00347003 02 r 01 tactfully 0 002 ! 00347150 r 0101 \ 01812730 a 0101 | showing tact or tactfulness; "He stepped tactfully in to prevent trouble" 00347150 02 r 01 tactlessly 0 002 ! 00347003 r 0101 \ 01813096 a 0101 | without tact; "At the moment of the murder, he is standing in front of television cameras and talking tactlessly" 00347338 02 r 01 tactically 0 001 \ 02126740 a 0101 | "The tactically useful province is still firmly in the rebels' hands" 00347464 02 r 01 tamely 0 001 \ 01815675 a 0101 | "The labour movement allowed itself to be run out of power tamely" 00347583 02 r 01 tangibly 0 001 \ 01817042 a 0101 | "Virtue is tangibly rewarded" 00347667 02 r 01 tartly 0 000 | "Never mind your immortal soul," she said tartly 00347750 02 r 02 tastefully 0 tastily 1 002 ! 00347883 r 0101 \ 01817700 a 0101 | with taste; "The house was tastefully decorated" 00347883 02 r 01 tastelessly 0 002 ! 00347750 r 0101 \ 01818210 a 0101 | without taste or in poor taste; "The house was tastelessly decorated" 00348028 02 r 01 tastily 0 001 \ 00108356 a 0104 | "The meal was tastily cooked" 00348111 02 r 02 tauntingly 0 teasingly 0 001 \ 01630446 a 0202 | "You hate things to be out of order, don't you," she said teasingly 00348247 02 r 01 tautly 0 001 \ 01823950 a 0101 | "The rope was tautly stretched" 00348331 02 r 01 tearfully 0 001 \ 01040510 a 0104 | "The man confessed tearfully to having beaten his wife" 00348442 02 r 02 telegraphically 0 tersely 0 002 \ 00402984 a 0207 \ 00403714 a 0101 | "Its voice had ceased to issue from the throat of a particular bird, exactly and tersely described in the book of birds" 00348652 02 r 01 telescopically 0 001 \ 00345386 a 0101 | "Each of the four legs contains a simple screw jack with a thrust bearing which is operated telescopically inside of two tubes" 00348840 02 r 01 tellingly 0 001 \ 00990799 a 0102 | "The plain manner of its style all the more tellingly points up the horror of the case" 00348983 02 r 01 temperately 0 001 \ 01823086 a 0101 | without extravagance, "These preferences are temperately stated" 00349105 02 r 02 temperately 1 with_restraint 0 000 | "He used the privileges of his office temperately" 00349212 02 r 01 tendentiously 0 001 \ 00549509 a 0101 | "The paper reported rather tendentiously on the war atrocities" 00349335 02 r 01 tenderly 0 001 \ 01110948 a 0104 | with tenderness; "Tenderly she placed her arms round him" 00349447 02 r 02 tenthly 0 in_the_tenth_place 0 000 | in enumerating something, such as topics or points of discussion 00349568 02 r 01 tetchily 0 001 \ 00864164 a 0109 | "Are you sure?" he asked her testily 00349659 02 r 01 theologically 0 001 \ 02101156 a 0101 | "He dealt with the problem of evil theologically, not philosophically" 00349789 02 r 01 theologically 1 001 \ 02101156 a 0101 | as regards theology; "The candidate was found theologically sound" 00349915 02 r 01 thermostatically 0 001 \ 02225576 a 0101 | "The temperature is thermostatically controlled" 00350026 02 r 02 threefold 0 three_times 1 000 | "Our rent increased threefold in the past five years" 00350131 02 r 01 traditionally 0 001 \ 00453887 a 0101 | "Traditionally, we eat fried foods on Hanukah" 00350237 02 r 02 thick 0 thickly 0 000 | "misfortunes come fast and think" 00350314 02 r 01 thickly 1 002 ! 00351034 r 0101 \ 00397021 a 0103 | "We were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt" 00350469 02 r 01 thickly 2 001 \ 01016482 a 0103 | "Thanks," I said thickly. 00350548 02 r 01 thickly 3 002 ! 00350705 r 0101 \ 01828389 a 0101 | "Spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface" 00350705 02 r 01 thinly 1 002 ! 00350548 r 0101 \ 01829569 a 0101 | "Spread the margarine thinly over the meat" 00350819 02 r 02 thin 0 thinly 0 002 ! 00350925 r 0201 \ 01832338 a 0201 | "The blood was flowing thin" 00350925 02 r 02 thickly 4 thick 1 002 ! 00350819 r 0102 \ 01831140 a 0101 | "The blood was flowing thick" 00351034 02 r 01 thinly 2 002 ! 00350314 r 0101 \ 00399193 a 0102 | "Thinly overgrown mountainside" 00351136 02 r 01 thirstily 0 001 \ 00964848 a 0101 | "We drank thirstily from the bottle that was passed around" 00351251 02 r 01 thriftily 0 001 \ 01835254 a 0101 | "a used towel that he had used and had left thriftily on the ledge below the mirror rather than consign to the linen basket" 00351431 02 r 01 thriftlessly 0 001 \ 01450365 a 0101 | "He lives thriftlessly from day to day" 00351529 02 r 01 through 0 000 | from one end or side to the other; "jealousy pierced her through" 00351630 02 r 01 through 1 000 | over the whole distance; "This bus goes through to New York" 00351726 02 r 02 through 2 in_diameter 0 000 | "This cylinder measures 15 inches through" 00351818 02 r 01 through 3 000 | from beginning to end; "read this book through" 00351901 02 r 02 through 4 to_completion 0 000 | "Think this through very carefully!" 00351989 02 r 02 timorously 0 trepidly 0 002 \ 00201509 a 0203 \ 00201509 a 0102 | in a trepid manner" 00352094 02 r 01 tip-top 0 000 | to the highest extent; "The shoes fit me tip-top" 00352179 02 r 01 tiptoe 0 000 | on tiptoe or as if on tiptoe; "Standing tiptoe" 00352261 02 r 01 tomorrow 0 000 | the next day, the day after, following the present day 00352352 02 r 01 tonelessely 0 001 \ 01840284 a 0101 | "Come in," she said tonelessly 00352440 02 r 01 topographically 0 001 \ 02163012 a 0101 | "The geological environment is the primary factor in determining the character of a country not only topographically but historically" 00352636 02 r 01 tortuously 0 000 | in a tortuous manner; "tortuously haggling over the price" 00352733 02 r 01 touchily 0 001 \ 01617688 a 0103 | "He touchily refused all offers to help" 00352828 02 r 01 toughly 0 001 \ 00531832 a 0102 | "Toughly vigorous story-telling" 00352914 02 r 01 transcendentally 0 001 \ 01208543 a 0104 | in a transcendental way or to a transcendental extent 00353030 02 r 01 transiently 0 001 \ 01343446 a 0104 | for a short time; "These three pions may actually be joined together transiently as a compound particle during the interchange process" 00353223 02 r 01 transitionally 0 001 \ 02123172 a 0101 | as a transitional step, or in a transitional manner 00353335 02 r 01 transparently 0 001 \ 00319582 a 0105 | The red brilliance of the claret shines transparently in our glasses" 00353464 02 r 01 transparently 1 000 | "His transparently lucid prose" 00353537 02 r 01 tremulously 0 001 \ 01750980 a 0103 | "The leaves rustled tremulously in the wind" 00353639 02 r 01 trenchantly 0 001 \ 00624713 a 0102 | "He defended his client's civil rights trenchantly" 00353748 02 r 01 tritely 0 001 \ 01291355 a 0108 | "tritely expressed emotions" 00353830 02 r 01 trivially 0 001 \ 01629517 a 0101 | "Trivially motivated requests" 00353916 02 r 01 trivially 1 001 \ 00464510 a 0102 | "We can prove trivially that this theorem is false" 00354023 02 r 01 tropically 0 001 \ 00951218 a 0104 | "It was tropically hot in the greenhouse" 00354121 02 r 01 truculently 0 001 \ 00523000 a 0103 | "The boy looked up truculently at his teacher" 00354225 02 r 01 truculently 1 001 \ 00069433 a 0105 | "They strive for security by truculently asserting their own interests" 00354354 02 r 02 tumultuously 0 riotously 1 002 \ 01474001 a 0203 \ 01474001 a 0105 | "The crowd was demonstrating tumultuously" 00354485 02 r 01 turbulently 0 001 \ 00239178 a 0103 | "The river rolls turbulently boiling" 00354580 02 r 01 tutorially 0 001 \ 02226853 a 0101 | "Undergraduates are better taught tutorially" 00354682 02 r 02 twofold 0 two_times 1 000 | by a factor of two: "The prices increased twofold last year" 00354790 02 r 01 typographically 0 001 \ 02103325 a 0101 | in a typographic way 00354872 02 r 02 tete_a_tete 0 face_to_face 2 000 | "We met tete-a-tete" 00354947 02 r 01 ultra_vires 0 000 | beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority 00355044 02 r 01 unaccountably 0 001 \ 00702201 a 0101 | "In the book, a tycoon unaccountably becomes the hero's friend" 00355167 02 r 02 unadvisedly 0 rashly 1 002 \ 00056846 a 0204 \ 00056756 a 0101 | in an undavised and foolhardy manner 00355288 02 r 04 unalterably 0 unchangeably 0 unassailably 0 immutably 0 004 \ 00274772 a 0401 \ 00439245 a 0302 \ 00269387 a 0201 \ 00271068 a 0101 | "His views were unchangeably fixed" 00355477 02 r 02 unarguably 0 undisputedly 0 002 \ 00448356 a 0202 \ 00439138 a 0102 | "You write as if this fact whilst inarguably forever condemning me to the ranks of Bohemianism nevertheless earned for me the right of entry into any company" 00355725 02 r 01 unassumingly 0 001 \ 01171142 a 0102 | "She is unassumingly skeptical of her own work" 00355831 02 r 02 unattainably 0 unachievably 0 002 \ 01394193 a 0201 \ 01394193 a 0102 | "This house is unattainably expensive" 00355961 02 r 01 unawares 0 000 | suddenly and unexpectedly; "I was taken unawares" 00356047 02 r 01 unawares 1 000 | without design, premeditation, or preparation; "It improved unawares" 00356153 02 r 01 unbearably 0 001 \ 01843840 a 0101 | "It was unbearably hot in theroom" 00356244 02 r 02 unbeknown 0 unbeknownst 0 000 | "Unbeknownst to me, she made all the arrangements" 00356346 02 r 01 unblushinghly 0 001 \ 00126789 a 0102 | "His principal opponent unblushingly declared victory before the ballots had been counted" 00356496 02 r 01 uncannily 0 001 \ 01207482 a 0103 | "uncannily human robots" 00356576 02 r 01 uncertainly 0 001 \ 00262564 a 0101 | showing lack of certainty; "He paused uncertainly" 00356684 02 r 01 unchivalrously 0 002 ! 00192825 r 0102 \ 00476944 a 0102 | "Unchivalrously, the husbands who had to provide such innocent indulgences eventually began to count the costs" 00356874 02 r 01 comfortably 2 002 ! 00357020 r 0101 \ 00352500 a 0101 | "She could have been lying comfortably in bed getting the same relief" 00357020 02 r 01 uncomfortably 0 003 ! 00089151 r 0101 \ 00353224 a 0101 ! 00356874 r 0101 | "She lay on the couch, her body uncomfortably twisted" 00357170 02 r 01 uncommonly 0 001 \ 00358911 a 0101 | "A common remedy is uncommonly difficult to find" 00357276 02 r 01 unwontedly 0 001 \ 00359461 a 0102 00357331 02 r 01 unconcernedly 0 001 \ 00401361 a 0101 | "War was breaking out in Europe, but she unconcernedly planned for a holiday" 00357468 02 r 01 uncontrollably 0 001 \ 00446180 a 0101 | "She laughed uncontrollably" 00357557 02 r 01 uncouthly 0 001 \ 01496195 a 0105 | "Uncouthly, he told stories that made everybody at the table wince" 00357680 02 r 03 unctuously 0 smarmily 0 fulsomely 0 003 \ 01672929 a 0302 \ 01672929 a 0203 \ 01672929 a 0104 | in an unctuous manner 00357817 02 r 01 undeniably 0 001 \ 00541639 a 0101 | "She is undeniably the most gifted student in the class" 00357930 02 r 03 under 0 further_down 0 below 3 000 | "See under for further discussion" 00358021 02 r 02 under 1 down_below 0 000 | "Get under quickly!" 00358088 02 r 01 under 2 000 | below the horizon; "The sun went under" 00358161 02 r 01 under 3 000 | below some quanitity or limit: "Fifty dollars or under" 00358250 02 r 01 under 4 000 | in or into a state of subordination or subjugation; "We must keep our disappointment under" 00358375 02 r 01 under 5 000 | down to defeat, death, or ruin; "The competitiors went under" 00358470 02 r 01 under 6 000 | into unconsciousness: "This will put the patient under" 00358559 02 r 01 under 7 000 | through a range downward: "Children six and under will be admitted free" 00358665 02 r 02 underarm 0 underhand 0 000 | "Throwing a ball underarm" 00358740 02 r 01 underground 0 000 | beneath the surface of the earth; "Water flowing underground" 00358841 02 r 01 underground 1 000 | in or into hiding or secret operation; "The organization was driven underground" 00358961 02 r 01 underhand 1 000 | secretly; "This was done underhand" 00359034 02 r 01 underneath 0 000 | under or below an object or a surface; "We could see the original painting underneath" 00359159 02 r 01 underneath 1 000 | beneath by way of support; "A house with a good foundation underneath" 00359268 02 r 01 underneath 2 000 | lower down on the page; "Diagrams with figures underneath" 00359365 02 r 01 underneath 3 000 | on he lower or downward side; "A wardrobe all scratched underneath" 00359471 02 r 01 unduly 0 001 \ 00112295 a 0101 | "She was unduly pessimistic about her future" 00359569 02 r 01 uneventfully 0 001 \ 00600024 a 0101 | "The space shuttle landed uneventfully" 00359667 02 r 01 ungrammatically 0 002 ! 00359782 r 0101 \ 00872108 a 0101 | "This child speaks ungrammatically" 00359782 02 r 01 grammatically 0 002 ! 00359667 r 0101 \ 00871931 a 0101 | "This child already speaks grammatically" 00359901 02 r 02 unimaginably 0 unthinkably 0 002 \ 01833470 a 0201 \ 01833624 a 0104 | to an unimaginable extent 00360017 02 r 02 uninterruptedly 0 without_interruption 0 001 \ 00227955 a 0102 | "This pleasant state of affairs had continued peacefully and uninterruptedly for many years" 00360194 02 r 01 unnaturally 2 002 ! 00360388 r 0101 \ 00061023 a 0102 | in an unnatural way; "His other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose" 00360388 02 r 01 naturally 2 001 ! 00360194 r 0101 | in a natural manner; "speak naturally and easily" 00360493 02 r 01 precedentedly 0 002 ! 00360569 r 0101 \ 00104163 a 0101 00360569 02 r 01 unprecedentedly 0 002 ! 00360493 r 0101 \ 00104268 a 0101 | in an unprecedented manner 00360675 02 r 02 unreservedly 0 without_reservations 0 000 | "I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant!" 00360786 02 r 01 unscrupulously 0 001 \ 01599386 a 0101 | without scruples; "She unscrupulously uses her charm to make men do what she wants" 00360930 02 r 01 unswervingly 0 001 \ 00571999 a 0103 | "The ship travelled unswervingly through the night" 00361040 02 r 01 unswervingly 1 001 \ 00432232 a 0103 | "An unswervingly loyal man" 00361126 02 r 01 untruly 0 001 \ 01864591 a 0101 | "He silenced the whisperings which connected her, so untruly and unfairly, with his separation from his wife" 00361289 02 r 01 unwarrantably 0 001 \ 01316476 a 0105 | "In this painting, the relationship of the upper part of the body to the lower is uneasy and the right thigh seems unwarrantably stressed" 00361487 02 r 01 unworthily 0 001 \ 01963250 a 0101 | in an unworthy manner 00361565 02 r 02 upcountry 0 up-country 0 000 | to or in the interior of a country or region; "They live upcountry" 00361683 02 r 01 uphill 0 000 | upward on a hill or incline; "This street lay uphill" 00361771 02 r 01 uphill 1 000 | against difficulties; "She was talking uphill" 00361852 02 r 01 uppermost 0 000 | in or into the highest position; "The blade turned uppermost" 00361951 02 r 01 uppermost 1 000 | in or into the most prominent position, as in the mind; "Say what comes uppermost" 00362071 02 r 01 uprightly 0 001 \ 00940523 a 0103 | in an upright position 00362149 02 r 02 honorably 2 uprightly 1 003 \ 01562169 a 0203 ! 00362273 r 0101 \ 00934710 a 0101 | "He acted honorably" 00362273 02 r 01 dishonorably 2 002 ! 00362149 r 0101 \ 00935790 a 0101 | "He acted dishonorably" 00362373 02 r 01 urbanely 0 001 \ 00473242 a 0102 | "I had tea occasionally with the Duke," said Mr. Eggers urbanely" 00362493 02 r 01 usefully 0 002 ! 00362619 r 0101 \ 01890840 a 0101 | "Extra money could be usefully spent on this project" 00362619 02 r 01 uselessly 0 002 ! 00362493 r 0101 \ 01891929 a 0101 | "The furniture was sitting around uselessly" 00362737 02 r 01 uxoriously 0 001 \ 01112297 a 0101 | "he kept deferring uxoriously to Mary" 00362832 02 r 01 vacantly 0 001 \ 00821020 a 0101 | "She was staring vacantly into the room" 00362927 02 r 01 vacuously 0 001 \ 01139563 a 0103 | in a vacuous manner 00363002 02 r 02 valiantly 0 valorously 0 002 \ 00210860 a 0202 \ 00210860 a 0101 | "He fought valiantly until the end" 00363124 02 r 02 validly 0 with_validity 0 001 \ 01893172 a 0101 | "This may not validly be done" 00363224 02 r 01 vapidly 0 001 \ 01732171 a 0101 | "A vapidly smiling salesman" 00363306 02 r 01 variably 0 001 \ 00269175 a 0102 | "It will be variably cloudy" 00363389 02 r 01 vehemently 0 001 \ 01149494 a 0102 | "He vehemently denied the accusations against him" 00363496 02 r 04 verbosely 0 windily 0 long-windedly 0 wordily 0 004 \ 00404327 a 0405 \ 00404327 a 0301 \ 00404327 a 0204 \ 00404327 a 0103 | "She explained her ideas verbosely" 00363677 02 r 03 verily 0 in_very_truth 0 in_fact 2 000 | often used in the Bible: "Verily, thou shalt be fed" 00363790 02 r 04 verily 1 truly 2 confidentially 2 really 2 000 | "I verily think so" 00363878 02 r 01 vicariously 0 001 \ 01403659 a 0102 | indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute; "She enjoyed the wedding vicariously" 00364018 02 r 02 vigilantly 0 watchfully 0 002 \ 00075201 a 0207 \ 00075201 a 0105 | in a watchful manner 00364126 02 r 01 vilely 0 001 \ 00673492 a 0108 | "His vilely spelt and illiterate letters" 00364220 02 r 01 virulently 0 001 \ 01374201 a 0109 | "An old woman advanced a few paces to shake her fist virulently in my face" 00364352 02 r 01 vivace 0 000 | lively, in music; "Play this section vivace!" 00364432 02 r 01 vivaciously 0 001 \ 00601428 a 0106 | with vivacity; "He describes his adventures vivaciously" 00364546 02 r 01 voluptuously 1 001 \ 01644139 a 0107 | "a voluptuously curved woman" 00364634 02 r 01 voraciously 0 001 \ 00011009 a 0106 | "She reads voraciously" 00364715 02 r 01 voyeuristically 0 001 \ 02228645 a 0101 | "He sneaks voyeuristically around the swimming pool" 00364829 02 r 01 waggishly 0 001 \ 00962208 a 0102 | in a waggish manner 00364904 02 r 02 waist-deep 0 waist-high 0 000 | up to the waist; "The water rose waist-high" 00365000 02 r 01 wanly 0 001 \ 01768283 a 0102 | "She was smiling wanly" 00365075 02 r 01 wantonly 1 001 \ 01190007 a 0103 | "The animals were killed wantonly for sport" 00365174 02 r 01 wealthily 0 001 \ 01550171 a 0105 | with riches 00365241 02 r 01 weightily 0 001 \ 00901535 a 0102 | "She moved weightily" 00365318 02 r 01 weightily 1 001 \ 00971911 a 0102 | "The speech was weighty and it was weightily delivered" 00365429 02 r 01 whacking 0 000 | extremely: "A whacking good story" 00365500 02 r 02 wheezily 0 wheezingly 0 002 \ 00894677 a 0202 \ 00894677 a 0103 | "He talked wheezily" 00365606 02 r 02 whereabouts 0 about_where 0 000 | "I don't know whereabouts the border will be drawn" 00365711 02 r 01 whereat 0 000 | at or toward which; "We were at a party whereat there was lots of dancing" 00365821 02 r 02 whereat 1 whereupon 0 000 | in consequence of which: "This is a statement whereat the listeners may get angry" 00365951 02 r 01 whereby 0 000 | by or through which; "The means whereby we achieved our goal" 00366048 02 r 01 whereby 1 000 | as a result of which 00366104 02 r 02 wherefore 0 wherefor 0 000 | for which reason; "Wherefore do I receive this honor?" 00366207 02 r 02 wherein 0 in_what 0 000 | "Wherein consists this matter?" 00366284 02 r 03 wherein 1 in_which 0 where 0 000 | "the particular state wherein you reside" 00366380 02 r 01 wherein 2 000 | in the course or during which; "a period wherein he did not work" 00366481 02 r 01 wherein 3 000 | in regard to which; "a case wherein he took an active part" 00366576 02 r 02 whereof 0 of_what 0 000 | "He knows whereof he speaks" 00366650 02 r 02 whereof 1 of_which 0 000 | "punishment for a crime whereof he was convicted" 00366746 02 r 02 whereon 0 on_which 0 000 | "Land whereon to grow corn" 00366820 02 r 01 wheresoever 0 000 | in any place whatever 00366881 02 r 01 whereto 0 000 | to what plcae, purpose, or end 00366947 02 r 02 whereto 1 to_which 0 000 | "The species whereto this name might be better applied" 00367049 02 r 02 whereunto 0 whereto 2 000 | to or unto which 00367113 02 r 02 whereupon 1 upon_which 0 000 | "The rock whereupon she stood" 00367194 02 r 01 whereupon 2 000 | closely following and in consequence of which; "The Japanese refused to import U.S. made cellular phones whereupon the U.S. imposed strict tariffs on Japanese exports" 00367399 02 r 02 wherewith 0 wherewithal 0 000 | out of, or by means of which; "tools wherewith to scrape the windshield of my car" 00367533 02 r 02 witherso 0 withersoever 0 000 | to whatever place; "whithersoever you go..." 00367629 02 r 03 wholeheartedly 0 without_reserve 0 without_reservations 2 001 \ 01671910 a 0102 | "He adopted wholeheartedly some of the policies that he had previously criticized" 00367813 02 r 01 wholesomely 0 001 \ 01939890 a 0101 | "The papers we found shed some valuable light on this question, wholesomely contradicting all lies" 00367970 02 r 01 whopping 0 000 | extremely: "They all were whopping drunk" 00368048 02 r 03 wide 0 widely 1 far 3 000 | to a great extent; "He wandered far and wide into the countryside" 00368162 02 r 01 wide 1 000 | so as to leave much space; "stand with one's legs wide apart" 00368256 02 r 02 wide 2 astray 4 000 | to the side of the intended course; "The arrow went wide off the mark" 00368368 02 r 01 wide 3 000 | to the full extent; "throw the throttle wide open" 00368451 02 r 01 wilfully 0 001 \ 01016975 a 0105 | "She had wilfully deceived me" 00368536 02 r 01 wishfully 0 001 \ 00937013 a 0103 | "He wishfully indulged in dreams of fame" 00368633 02 r 01 wistfully 0 001 \ 01038488 a 0102 | "His sister would have looked beautiful in that dress, he thought wistfully, just like an angel" 00368785 02 r 01 witheringly 0 001 \ 00435203 a 0102 | "Guns fired witheringly at the railroad cars" 00368888 02 r 01 wittily 0 001 \ 00961786 a 0104 | "He would wittily chime into our conversation" 00368988 02 r 02 worryingly 0 with_worry 0 001 \ 01859651 a 0106 | in a worried manner 00369077 02 r 01 worthily 0 001 \ 01961083 a 0101 | in a worthy manner; with worthiness 00369167 02 r 01 worthlessly 0 001 \ 01896352 a 0101 | in a worthless manner 00369246 02 r 01 wrathfully 0 001 \ 00095021 a 0103 | "He looked at her, not wrathfully now, but quizzically" 00369358 02 r 01 wretched 0 001 \ 00792389 a 0109 | "I can't remember who I am," I said, wretchedly. 00369461 02 r 02 yea 0 yeah 0 000 | not only so, but; "I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice" 00369563 02 r 01 youthfully 0 001 \ 01263954 a 0101 | "He is still youthfully enthusiastic" 00369657 02 r 01 zealously 0 001 \ 00660160 a 0104 | "She worked zealously to raise funds for the literacy project" 00369775 02 r 02 zestfully 0 zestily 0 002 \ 01731522 a 0203 \ 01731522 a 0101 | "She scrubbed the floors of the new apartment zestfully" 00369915 02 r 01 zigzag 0 000 | in a zigzag course or on a zigzag path: "Birds flew zigzag across the blue sky" 00370029 02 r 01 a_la_mode 0 000 | with ice cream on top or on the side; "We served the apple pie a la mode" 00370140 02 r 02 yon 0 yonder 0 000 | there; "scattered here and yon" 00370212 02 r 01 worst 0 000 | to the highest degree of inferiority or badness; "She suffered worst of all"; "the worst prepared student" 00370352 02 r 02 between_decks 0 'tween_decks 0 000 | in the space between decks, on a ship 00370446 02 r 02 between 3 betwixt 0 000 | in the interval; "dancing all the dances with little rest between" 00370558 02 r 01 aloft 0 000 | in the higher atmosphere above the earth; "Weather conditions aloft are fine" 00370669 02 r 01 aloft 1 000 | at great height; "Eagles soared aloft" 00370741 02 r 01 aloft 3 000 | high up into the air; "Dust is whirled aloft" 00370820 02 r 02 irrepraochably 0 blamelessly 0 002 \ 01002572 a 0201 \ 01002572 a 0103 | "She had lived blamelessly until she met this man" 00370963 02 r 01 bonnily 0 001 \ 00175138 a 0101 | in a bonny manner 00371034 02 r 01 aloft 7 000 | upward; "The good news sent her spirits aloft" 00371114 02 r 01 aloft 4 000 | at or on the masthead of a ship; "going aloft to unfurl the sail" 00371213 02 r 01 circumstantially 0 000 | so far as the circumstances are concerned; "the account was circumstantially accurate" 00371344 02 r 01 circumstantially 3 000 | according to circumstances; "He was convicted circumstantially" 00371452 02 r 01 clammily 0 001 \ 01935364 a 0101 | in a clammy manner 00371525 02 r 02 conjugally 0 connubial 0 002 \ 02083481 a 0202 \ 02083481 a 0101 00371610 02 r 01 constrainedly 0 001 \ 01238107 a 0103 | in a aconstrained manner 00371694 02 r 01 convexly 0 002 ! 00371806 r 0101 \ 00395510 a 0101 | in a convex way; "bulging out convexly" 00371806 02 r 01 concavely 0 002 ! 00371694 r 0101 \ 00394270 a 0101 | in a concave way; "shaped concavely" 00371916 02 r 01 coordinately 0 001 \ 00663708 a 0101 | in a coordinated manner 00371998 02 r 02 corruptly 0 corruptedly 0 001 \ 00460235 a 0101 | in a corrupt manner 00372087 02 r 01 defectively 0 001 \ 01341496 a 0101 | "This machine functions only defectively" 00372186 02 r 03 dingily 0 grubbily 0 grungily 0 003 \ 00311299 a 0305 \ 00311299 a 0204 \ 00311299 a 0102 00372296 02 r 02 discursively 0 ramblingly 0 001 \ 00575302 a 0102 | in a rambling manner 00372388 02 r 02 profligately 0 dissolutely 0 002 \ 01179110 a 0205 \ 01179110 a 0107 | in a dissolute way 00372497 02 r 01 floridly 0 001 \ 01368384 a 0102 | "floridly figurative prose" 00372579 02 r 01 half-price 0 000 | for half the price; "She bought it half-price during the sale" 00372680 02 r 01 imminently 0 001 \ 01210913 a 0102 00372735 02 r 01 integrally 0 001 \ 01025607 a 0105 | in an integral manner 00372813 02 r 01 martially 0 001 \ 01154330 a 0102 | in a martial manner 00372888 02 r 01 ruggedly 0 001 \ 00531641 a 0101 | in a rugged manner 00372961 02 r 01 shrewishly 0 001 \ 00865293 a 0101 | in a shrewish manner 00373038 02 r 03 in_principle 0 in_theory 1 in_essence 1 000 | "In principle, we agree!" 00373129 02 r 03 per_capita 0 for_each_person 0 of_each_person 0 000 | "We are spending $5,000 per capita annually for education in this district" 00373278 02 r 01 distinctively 0 001 \ 00966420 a 0102 | "The distinctively conservative district of the county" 00373393 02 r 01 philosophically 1 001 \ 02075063 a 0102 | "The movement is philosphically endebted to Rousseau" 00373508 02 r 01 vanishingly 0 000 | "Errors are vanishingly rare" 00373577 02 r 01 inaugurally 0 001 \ 00979242 a 0101 | "The mayor inaugurally drove the spade into the ground" 00373690 02 r 02 off 2 away 4 000 | "clean off the dirt"; "She went off" 00373765 02 r 03 without_fear 1 without_worrying 0 without_concern 0 000 | "She could leave the children alone at home without fear" 00373900 02 r 03 in 1 inwards 1 inward 1 000 | to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door" 00374008 02 r 01 around 6 000 | in rotation; in revolution; "The wheels are spinning around" 00374103 02 r 01 unquestioningly 0 001 \ 00006145 a 0102 | "He followed his leader unquestioningly" 00374205 02 r 03 regarding 0 concerning 0 with_respect_to 0 000 | "Regarding this trip, I don't hink you should undertake it" 00374333 02 r 02 theretofore 0 up_to_that_time 0 000 | "They had not done any work theretofore" 00374431 02 r 01 acutely 1 001 \ 01335394 a 0101 | "acutely aware" 00374500 02 r 01 demandingly 0 001 \ 00533375 a 0101 | "He became demandingly dominant over the years" 00374605 02 r 01 heavily 3 001 \ 00903786 a 0101 | "A heavily constructed car" 00374686 02 r 01 specially 1 001 \ 01282763 a 0101 | "A specially arranged dinner" 00374771 02 r 01 gently 1 001 \ 01106318 a 0101 | "He talked gently to the injured animal" 00374864 02 r 01 haggardly 0 001 \ 01841904 a 0103 | "She looked haggardly out of her tent" 00374958 02 r 01 sharply 2 001 \ 00870283 a 0104 | "The road twists sharply after the light" 00375053 02 r 01 madly 2 001 \ 01816156 a 0104 | "She fought back madly" 00375128 02 r 01 smolderingly 0 000 | "I can't wait," she answered smolderingly" 00375211 02 r 01 dandily 0 001 \ 00854738 a 0106 | "She had shown her talents dandily" 00375300 02 r 02 in_common 0 shared 0 000 | "We have several things in common" 00375381 02 r 01 softly 4 000 | in a manner that is pleasing to the senses; "She smiled softly" 00375479 02 r 01 immediately 3 001 \ 00332339 a 0102 | near or close by; "He passed immediately behing her" 00375589 02 r 02 immediately 5 directly 5 002 \ 00576080 a 0201 \ 00575930 a 0101 | bearing a direct or immediate relation; "This immediately concerns your future""These two factors are directly related" 00375795 02 r 01 second_hand 0 001 \ 01255666 a 0103 | "I prefer to buy second hand" 00375882 02 r 02 in_full 0 fully 3 000 | referring to a quantity; "The amount was paid in full" 00375980 02 r 03 even 1 yet 3 still 0 000 | often used with comparisons: "an even more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved" 00376130 02 r 01 expansively 1 001 \ 00975027 a 0101 | "She managed to live rather expansively on her modest income" 00376249 02 r 01 homogeneously 0 001 \ 00912797 a 0101 | "The students at this college are homogeneously middle-class" 00376370 02 r 02 in_flight 0 on_the_wing 0 000 | "We saw the ducks in flight" 00376450 02 r 03 only 3 only_if 0 only_when 0 000 | "Call me only if your cold gets worse" 00376543 02 r 03 in_check 0 in_restraint 0 under_control 2 000 | "he held the enemy's armies in check" 00376648 02 r 03 close 2 closely 2 tight 2 001 \ 00243385 a 0201 | "He remained close on his guard" 00376750 02 r 02 naturally 3 by_nature 0 000 | "He was naturally lazy" 00376823 02 r 02 by_rights 0 properly 1 000 | with reason or justice 00376894 02 r 01 causally 0 001 \ 00251364 a 0101 | "Causally efficacious powers" 00376978 02 r 01 fearfully 1 001 \ 00155773 a 0101 | "They were fearfully attacked" 00377064 02 r 03 one_by_one 2 one_after_another 1 one_at_a_time 0 000 | "The prisoners came out one by one" 00377174 02 r 01 calculatingly 0 001 \ 00995163 a 0101 | "He looked at her calulatingly" 00377265 02 r 01 quite 3 000 | of an exceptional, considerable, or noticeable kind; "quite a good film"; "quite an interesting thesis" 00377402 02 r 01 magnetically 1 001 \ 02111379 a 0101 | "magnetically contaminated material" 00377497 02 r 01 redly 0 001 \ 00294416 a 0101 | displaying a red color 00377571 02 r 01 prodigally 0 001 \ 01836169 a 0102 | "he spent prodigally" 00377649 02 r 01 widely 2 000 | so as to leave much space or distance between; "widely separated" 00377749 02 r 01 psychically 0 001 \ 01360128 a 0101 | "Psychically blind" 00377826 02 r 01 insignificantly 1 001 \ 00977432 a 0101 | "Some people living insignificantly among us" 00377933 02 r 01 fatally 0 001 \ 00515535 a 0101 | with fatal consequences or implications; "He was fatally ill equipped for the climb" 00378071 02 r 02 super 0 extremely 5 000 | "The house was super clean for Mother's visit" 00378163 02 r 01 overboard 1 000 | to extremes; "He went overboard to please his in-laws" 00378255 02 r 01 desperately 1 001 \ 00937915 a 0101 | "The child clung desperately to her mother" 00378356 02 r 01 first 3 000 | before another in time, space, or importance; "I was here first"; "Let's do this job first" 00378481 02 r 01 outstandingly 0 001 \ 01780549 a 0102 | "She was outstandingly successful in her profession" 00378593 02 r 01 tunelessly 0 001 \ 01143461 a 0101 | "He whistled tunelessly" 00378674 02 r 02 measuredly 0 deliberately 1 002 \ 00965893 a 0202 \ 00965893 a 0103 | "She was working deliberately" 00378794 02 r 01 now 6 000 | sentence connector; "Now, what have you been up to?" 00378878 02 r 01 heavily 4 001 \ 00906560 a 0101 | "He walked heavily up the three flights to his room" 00378984 02 r 01 mellowingly 0 001 \ 02245034 a 0101 | "The rays of the sun struck the earth mellowingly" 00379092 02 r 01 yesterday 0 000 | on the day preceding today; "Yesterday the weather was beautiful" 00379195 02 r 01 yesterday 1 000 | in the recent past; only a short time ago; "I was not born yesterady!" 00379303 02 r 01 together a 000 | in each other's company; "we went to the movies together"; "The family that prays together stays together"